The Best Regulator Set For Recreational Scuba Divers

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I believe this is the best regulator package  for scuba divers old and new. Here's why. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Divers Ready! My  name's James, it is so great as always to see all   of your smiling faces out there in YouTube land.  I hope you're all doing really well. If you're new   to our channel, we make videos on Divers Ready!  with one simple goal in mind and that's to help   make you a better more well-informed scuba diver.  So if you haven't done so already, make your next   dive on our subscribe button down there, hit that  little bell icon and you'll be notified every   time we drop new content, which is pretty much  every Monday yeah! We've been pretty consistent.   Now I know you guys love gear review videos you  guys know that I'm at the mercy of companies that   are willing to send me gear to be reviewed.  I don't have a bottomless money pit that I   can spend on dive gear. So whatever comes  my way, if I think it's worth a review,   I make the videos and I send it to you. Now in  this case, I have a regulator package here from   Dive Rite, yes! Dive Rite are a sponsor on the  channel they've been very loyal supporters of   Divers Read, there's no secret in that! However,  we do not do sponsored reviews. I'll leave it up   to you to determine whether or not my opinions  about this have been biased by my relationship   with Dive Rite. But suffice it to say, I try  and be as objective as possible because at the   end of the day I make videos for you guys, and  that relationship is way more important to me   than anything else. Dive Rite on the other hand  are one of those companies who are very happy   for me to generate review videos. They want the  content out there, they understand that their   potential buyers want to watch reviews  of their products from people like me.   So yes lots more Dive Rite reviews coming  your way. But I figured we kick it off with   this regulator package the XT Advanced Open Water  Regulator set because I truly believe that this   may be one of the best regulator packages out  there on the market today for recreational divers.   Now I got the XT Advanced Open Water Regulator set  from Dive Rite in about the spring of this year.   It came to Bermuda with me, it came to South  Africa with me, it dove the Sardine Run with me.   I've dived it here in Florida extensively all  through the summer. I probably have between   about 50 and 100 dives on this regulator set  right now at the time of recording. So I feel   pretty comfortable about sharing my thoughts with  all of you. As with every Divers Ready! review,   I'm going to tell you the important features and  what I liked about this product. I'm going to tell   you some things I didn't care for or would  hope would be improved in future iterations,   and I'm going to tell you who I think this reg  set is best suited for. So let's dive straight in.   First thing we're gonna tackle are the positives  and some of the features I really care for and the   first thing you absolutely need to know is, you  get it all, everything! You get the whole reg set   in one go. It comes with all these bits and  pieces that you see in front of you here.   It comes with two bolt snaps one for the SPG and  one for your primary regulator. It comes with the   angular ball adjustment for your second stage  for comfort, it even comes with the necklace   and a regulator bag. An actual regulator  bag that's useful for other things,   it's actually a dry bag. Straight out of the  package remove the labels, this is ready to dive,   all you need to do is add the inflator hose which  is obviously sold with whichever BCD you decide   on. Now I don't discuss prices here on the channel  because this show goes out to all around the world   and it's going to vary where you are. But I  will tell you here in the US this regulator   package sells for the same price as my previous  favorite regulator recommendation the Apeks XTX50,   for which you only get one first stage and  one-second stage. So you still need to buy   an octo, you still need to buy clips and an SPG  and necklace, and anything else you want to set   it up with so it makes all the decision-making and  pricing factors very simple. All you need is this   and add your inflator hose to it and this  pains me to say having spent an incredible   amount of money with Apeks, they breathe nearly  identical. Now I don't have one of those fancy   benchtop inspiration machines to scientifically  measure the work of breathing down to a number,   but I can tell you this, at 100 foot down in dark  50-degree waters in South Africa surrounded by   ragged tooth sharks, this regulator set performed  flawlessly. I also feel like this regulator set   is a very easy introduction to primary donate.  If you were taught the old-fashioned way, which   is donating the octo located somewhere in the  triangle of life, whatever the hell that is PADI.   Then this reg set is a very easy way  to modernize your diving into a primary   donate setup. Primary donate, if you're  not familiar, is when the regulator you   would give to an out-of-air buddy is  the one you've been breathing off of   and you switch to a backup which is normally  secured on a necklace around your neck. Now,   in this case, the primary is octo yellow and the  redundant, which is this dark gray color lives on   the necklace around your neck. Why is that an  advantage? Well, I could make a whole separate   video on primary donate. But let's just say in  every out-of-air situation I've ever witnessed,   the person who is out of air is obviously having  a very stressful moment and they never go for the   octo, they have a lizard brain reaction and they  say oh well you've got something to breathe, we'll   take that one and it ends up being the donor going  on to the octo. In addition to the excellent work   of breathing that I found on these regulators,  the other thing that really surprised me is that   you get a lot of features on the second stages in  terms of adjustments that you normally only find   on much more expensive regulators. For example,  the breathing assisted, the venturi lever, adjust   the comfort mouthpiece and that's not just on the  primary second stage. But also, on the redundant,   they're actually identical except for the yellow  ring on the primary that you'd be donating.   So that's a nice thing. They've packed a ton of  features in at this price point. I can't think   of another regulator set that has that work of  breathing and all these features in this price   category. Next thing I would say is that they  are very compact, they're easy to travel with,   like I said I took them to Bermuda, I took them to  South Africa they packed down nice and small and   they come in a nice padded dry bag for protection.  But on top of that, I had a friend and student of   mine reach out to me and say, “hey what reg are  you diving these days”? I told them I've really   been enjoying testing these regulators out. He  bought a set for himself, liked them so much,   went out and bought three more sets for his wife  and two daughters and all four reg sets went to   Hawaii for a diving vacation, and the next thing  you know I'm getting sent an underwater group shot   from Hawaii. Of course, as for any regulator  sets on the common market these days   it is available in DIN or YOKE. Bar or PSI options  for the SPG. The hose routing is absolutely ideal   straight out of the package, you don't have to  move any hoses around, there's no flappy hoses,   it's great streamlining, no drag, effortless. The  first stage has a rotating turret so you get that   nice comfortable feeling when you've got the  second stage in your mouth that you have a full   range of motion without it fish hooking you and  pulling you around. So that's a pretty decent   rundown of the features that I enjoyed with this  regulator set. Let's look at some things I would   hope will be changed in future iterations or just  some considerations if you're thinking to buy.   First off, I have to acknowledge that this is not  a true long hose configuration. But if you really   wanted to make it a long hose configuration you  could swap out the primary hose, which I believe   is four feet, for one that was two or three feet  longer. Remember this is a recreational reg setup,   the only reason you need a six-foot or  seven-foot donate hose is for sharing air   through a restriction which you're not going to  do on a recreational dive, are you? Are you? Good.   I thought not. So it took some getting used to  obviously this hose roots underneath the arm and   comes up into the mouth that way which was just  different, it was just something I had to work on,   not something that would be changed. But just  something that you're going to have to get used   to coming from an over-the-shoulder primary  regulator. The next thing that needs to be   adjusted is the fact that there was quite a bit of  plastic packaging that came with this set. There   were plastic bags over both second stages and  first stage to protect them. Come on Dive Rite,   we can do better than that. A couple of other  changes that I'm going to make to this regulator   set just for my own personal comfort that you guys  might want to consider as well. The bolt snaps   are held in place by these little bungee tabs they  have the habit of sliding up and down in the water   which is less than ideal so, I'm going to  take these bungees off and replace them with   a line with a cavern knot. Now I understand why  Dive Rite does this because to ship them with the   cave knot would be a lot more labor intensive.  But you're going to want to change them out,   and if you don't know how to do that, I have  a video which I will link up above there   on how to attach a bolt snap to pretty much  anything. The other change I'm gonna make is,   I'm gonna get rid of this plastic boot that the  SPG comes in. I am a brass and brass guy myself,   and these plastic or rubber boots tend to hide  all manner of sin. Saltwater gets up in there   and it's really hard to rinse it out properly  after a dive. So I'm just going to cut away the   plastic boot and have the hose come down and just  a plain brass and brass SPG on the end of that.   So that's something else I'm going to change  on it to get this set up to my exact liking.   Right so, let's talk about who I think this  regulator set is best suited for. Honestly   any recreational diver, literally any recreational  diver will get value for money out of this   reg set. If you are new to scuba diving, and  you're looking to buy your first regulator set,   you are not gonna find better value for money. If  you need to buy regs for your entire family, as   my buddy did, you're not gonna find better value  for money and you don't have to think too hard   about it. Dive Rite have put together a package  that just simply works for any recreational dive.   I've done cold water diving with it, I've done  warm water diving with it, I've traveled with it,   I was trying to think really hard of what kind of  recreational dive this regulator set couldn't keep   up with and I got nothing for you. I have no idea. So, there you have it ladies and gentlemen thank   you so much for joining me. I hope you enjoyed  this rundown of this fantastic regulator package   for recreational divers. If you learned something  from it, if you were inspired by this video,   please give it the old thumbs up and let me know  what you thought of my comments in the comment   section of this video down below. If you want more  information on the XT Advanced Open Water package,   I will put a link to the product page in the  description of this video below. It will be an   affiliate link and any purchases made through  that link may earn me a small commission and   I thank you for supporting our channel. As always  don't forget to subscribe to Divers Ready! If you   haven't done so already. And until next time  my name is James, this was your Divers Ready!   review of the XT Advanced Open Water Regulator  set from Dive Rite. Dive safe, dive often.
Channel: Divers Ready
Views: 49,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james blackman, scuba diver, diving, dive gear, dive equipment, padi, scuba, diver, deep diver, wreck diving, underwater, diver advice, new diver, scuba certification, scuba gear, scuba review, diver training, diving hints & tips, divers ready, scuba diving, simply scuba, dive gear review, dive rite reviews, dive rite regulator, xt advanced open, xt advanced open water regulator package, best regulator for scuba diving, The Best Regulator Set For Recreational Scuba Divers
Id: m2bmrcmcXIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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