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welcome back to another Banger school video boys I know I know calm down you guys were super excited to see this video and click on it super fast because you know number School totally makes the best tier list in all of Blox Roots am I right or am I right boys talking about this tier list this is a tier list I have never ever done before I've never made a tier list on all the races and blocks first as you guys may or may not know there is a total of six races and Blox fruits there is four starter races known as human shark Angel and rabbit and when you guys first play Blox fruits these are your percent chances of spawning in with one of these races so if you guys got a race other than human when you first started playing consider yourself lucky because you only had a 12.5% chance of getting that race there is also two unique races which you cannot get off start you guys actually have to grind for these and that is Cyborg and ghoul but of course all you guys watching my videos are already pros and already know all the stuff that I'm telling you about so let me just show you the list and how I have it divided up here we have all six races we got Angel cyborg ghoul human r rabbit and shark and in the top spot we have broken strong mid and weak races and starting off with the first race we're going to be talking about the angel race right here if you guys haven't been sleeping under a rock you would know the angel race has the ability to fly when you unlock V4 and a bunch of other cool things it can do but before we get into V4 let's talk about its V3 abilities we have something called Heavenly blood right here and basically what that does is allow you to heal up super super fast when you have low Health let me show you what I mean let's go ahead and let an NPC beat us up real quick let's turn off our body hockey and let this NPC deal some damage to us bro you are so weak hurry up and get me low there we go we got him to get me down to half Health if we go ahead and activate our V3 ability here look at my health bar going up super super fast I healed up about 2,000 health extremely fast which is really good when you're fighting NPCs and bounty hunting players in PvP now we could go ahead and finally awaken once you awaken you get this super cool AA glow and of course like I mentioned earlier you can go ahead and fly around the map which is pretty cool on on top of all that this little glow has a cool effect with it if you walk up to players or NPCs they will bow down to you and you deal crazy amounts of damage which makes this a very good race and of course you still have the heal ability on top of it all so going back to the tier list I would have to start off this list by putting angel in the broken spot Angel is by far one of the best races you can get in the game right now but don't worry there's a lot more we have to cover here I also want to make this tricky for you guys I am not going to go in order we're going to go straight to human next next as you guys can see I do not have wings anymore because I am a human and I don't have any cool effects or special horns or nothing nothing like that right that's just how human race is so I'm going to knock off points right there they don't give you any cool effects because you're a human but at the bottom of my screen we have an ability called Last Resort this ability right here is based off damage so as you guys know Angel race is used for healing the main focus of human race is damage but there is a very big problem with this damage how the human race works is you start to deal more damage when you have less health is isn't that weird that's why it's called Last Resort so it's a double-edged sword yes you will deal more damage but you have to risk dying to deal that much damage but of course that's not the only thing about human you can Dash a lot further than regular races and on top of all that you can Flash step way further I could press R all the way over there which a lot of other races cannot do and now we could finally awaken the human V4 if we take a look at this you get some pretty cool effects going on here you have this like shaking effect your guy starts spazzing out and right now I don't have the ability V4 unlocked where you get the overpowered bar right here but basically all you should know is that once you awaken V4 you start to deal more and more damage but of course since you have only damage in human V4 it doesn't last very long you have to be dealing damage and if you don't deal damage your human V4 wears out extremely fast but since the human race is a based around damage of course it's really strong right but now we're going to be talking about one of my personal favorite races in all of Blox for this race right here has to be nerfed it has to be stopped the devs got to do something about this because everybody that plays in the third sea uses this race almost you don't know what I'm talking about well I'm talking about the sea furry race of course aka the shark race once you have this race you are literally Unstoppable you become a walking tank if you don't know anything about the shark race will let me educate you basically this whole race is all about defense you get rewarded for being bad at the game and what I mean by that is basically every time you take damage while using the shark race you gain more Shield so imagine getting rewarded for getting your cheeks clapped that's basically what this race is about let's talk about the water body ability right here this blue ring that goes around me basically just UPS your defense by a huge chunk if you activate that ability while being comboed you will not take any damage or barely any damage if any it is so ridiculously overpowered it is so stupid but I love it now it's time to awaken this shark race you see this little fish flying around me that's a pretty cool effect by fish I mean that's a shark I mean duh this is the shark race anyways you see my health bar right now you see how it's half blue blue that means that's my shield so as I take damage my shield continues to go up it's so stupidly overpowered I'm telling you guys like let me walk to an NPC and let him smack me real quick if I go ahead and use my water body look at how I take absolutely zero damage while he's smacking me look at that boys it's ridiculous my health is still at full HP while he's still smacking me and smacking me and now he finally broke my shield but as the Fight Continues on my shield will regenerate and I will continue to be stronger again it is so ridiculous all I have to do is just deal damage to him and there we go I forgot to mention it very important thing about the shark race is when you smack opponents they get really slow too which is really overpowered do you see that effect he's so slow he can't walk up to me and there we go my shield is still back up to Max now and words cannot express how much I love this race this is the most overpowered race in all of blocks and I can say that proudly so with that being said you guys already know shark race is going straight into the broken tier this next one is the rabbit race and everybody knows this to be the fastest race in all of Blox fruits but um it's got a bad reputation I can't fly boys cuz all people do is use the rabbit race then they equip the pilot helmet and then you become stupidly fast right I mean look at how fast I could run with this and if I use it with something like the spirit fruit and give myself some speed boost it is so stupid because it is so ridiculously fast now let's summon some Spirits so all we're going to do is just Spam a bunch of things here and we have a bunch of pigs which just gives us a stupid fast speed boost if I go any faster than this I think the game's anti-che system will try to ban me right now so this is pretty scary but now let's talk about the rabbit Race's bad reputation the people that use this race typically like to run away from fights so uh that's pretty much what this race is used for I'm not going to lie of course there are some of you guys that know how to use this race properly and use it to engage on other players and catch them off guard but let's be realistic here boys the majority of people using the rabbit race love to just run away and hide now we go ahead and awaken here and we have this green effect going on and then our hair starts standing up and of course once you do this like Dash ability I don't have it fully awakened to V4 because rabbit wasn't much of my interest but normally you'd have these green tornadoes behind you and they just basically knock up players or just get them stuck in it when they try to chase you down like I said rabbit is not one of my favorites and I don't usually have a good experience fighting rabbit race users so with that being said I'm unfortunately going to have to drop the rabbit race down in the mid tier I know a lot of you guys are going to hate on me for it but listen I bet you guys see these three races more than you see a rabbit user let's be real here that just leaves us down to two races now and those two are very rare and hard to get you can't just random reroll your race and get these two you have to unlock them by doing a quest which is Cyborg and ghoul but now we can finally talk about the ghoul race because I have this one equipped I had to go back to the second C and get this bad boy and I'm going to be honest this was the first race I unlocked to V4 and it was the biggest letdown of the century let me tell you if you don't know what the ghoul race is mainly known for it's basically known for being fast at night time when the moon comes up and the sun goes down same thing with the cooldowns this race right here has something called height and senses when you use the height and sense ability you can go ahead and reactivate ability so let me go ahead and show you what I mean see my Z ability it's still on cool down right if I go ahead and activate this I could go ahead and use it again while it's on cool down like that so that's pretty cool the ghoul race does let you spam abilities but there's a problem with it still the biggest problem is it has also something known as life steal which means when you damage players you get a little bit of Health back but it is not significant at all it's like non-existent pretty much so I'd have to say the ghoul race is only good for cooldowns that's about it and I'm not going to lie the V4 is not very impressive at all when I first saw the trailer I was like I want to get this race V4 it looks so cool and I'm not going to lie it does look very cool but functionality wise it's pretty useless let me show you what I mean so now we could finally awaken here and it has some cool effects looking wise right you get this ring around you and also if you upgrade again to the V4 which I have to do one more time in the temple you get like some Ravens around you which don't really do anything anyways they kind of deal a little bit of damage and give you a little bit of Health but it's not noticeable at all this giant ring around around me though just blinds players so it's completely useless against NPCs and against players they kind of have to be standing next to you for it to even do anything useful you get these cool six wings on your back but you can't even fly which kind of sucks if you have the angel race you could fly and that has wings why can't you do it with the ghoul race so unfortunately I believe this race deserves a buff a really big one or it needs some new abilities to be added to it because just having cooldowns is not enough for this race so unfortunately I'm going to have to go ahead and drop ghoul down into the weak spot it was a shame it was my favorite race when it came out I thought it was the coolest looking one out of all of them but unfortunately it was the biggest let down last but not least we're going to have to talk about the cyborg race now so now the cyborg race this race right here gave me the most trouble out of all of them it was so difficult to unlock this because you know I got that terrible number skull luck so in order to get this you have to do a whole quest line and go through law raids and all this other stuff and get a special brain core just know it took me about 30 raids to unlock this yeah that's right I had to do it about 30 times it was so bad but that's not important right now what is important is showing you guys the abilities so there is something called the energy core which is your B3 ability and when you guys use this it is really overpowered so it deals damage to things around you as you guys may know but that's not what makes it super overpowered the damage alone is actually surprisingly really strong 5.1k damage but that's not what's very impressive about it what makes it very impressive is since you're dealing damage to other NPCs or players you can break combos with this so if you're getting comboed by like a dough user or something like that you guys can easily evade the rest of their Combos and of course like I said it also breaks their Instinct as well naturally that makes cyborg one of the strongest races to PvP with now let's go ahead and awaken this bad boy it's got a pink glow to it which is pretty cool and of course you have a cool looking stance and stuff like that I don't have it fully V4 but you get some orbs around you that deal more damage when you activate your energy core so like this but imagine this dealing a lot more damage and of course you also have a second ability which is like a dash kind of like the r rabbit race when you have the rabbit race active you could go ahead and Dash super fast but just because the cyborg race has the energy core ability and along with the Awakening ability those two abilities alone make it insanely good for PVP like I mentioned earlier and that's where I'm going to have to go ahead and rank it as a super strong race so with that being said let's go ahead and drag it in the strong tier and that will be concluding my list boys let me know down below do you guys agree with this list I think this is pretty accurate I think shark and Angel are by far the strongest races in bloxers right now second would have to be human and cyborg third would have to be rabbit the last and weakest would have to be ghoul unfortunately so with that being said boys go ahead and click on one of these videos on the screen because YouTube says you might like to watch it with that being said I'll catch you guys in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: Numberskull
Views: 338,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloxfruits, Roblox, Gaming, DevilFruits, PvP, Update, Codes, BossBattles, Farming, LevelingUp, Trending, Viral, Challenge, Speedrun, Record, Adventure, Treasure, Marine, Pirate, Strategy, TipsAndTricks, RareItems, Exploration, Community, Multiplayer, Numberskull, Roblox Blox Fruit, Blox Fruits, Update 20, Gameplay, FunnyMoments, BestMoments, Montage, Event, NewUpdate, Tutorial, sanguine, sanguine art, blox fruit update, update blox fruit, update 21
Id: Yks68gtHX2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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