Bloxfruit Admin EXPOSES the BEST Fruit Tier List

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there can be only one king of the jungle the one that stands at top of the hill above all other fruits and Blox fruit and that fruit is something will'll be figuring out in this video I'll be grading every fruit in Blox fruit even kits soon and one all-time new mystery fruit that hasn't been mentioned ever in Block FRS history for that I would first like to thank you guys for helping me get to 400,000 subscribers incredible Milestone even despite my tight schedule of not being able to upload as much as I want to but thank you guys so much I'm saving up to do a huge giveaway for when we hit 500,000 so yeah stay tuned for that also that is not all my students I have opened a second Channel I know what you're thinking why why why would you do this listen I was playing with my friends the other day we're having fun and I just thought this would make a great video however cursing no no no so on this channel if you're not kidfriendly you might as well stay on here like my videos you know the deal but if you want to see more I don't know older boy content older men content like playing video video games outside of Roblox that's what we'll be doing on my second channel so yeah once in a while I'll be uploading if you want to check it out I'll be having my first video on there soon the link to that channel will be in the description so yeah if you want to subscribe subscribe now back on track with the main topic of this video listen what makes a fruit the best fruit is it the amount of damage it does or is it the cool or flashy flare of using the abilities or how about the design of the fruit model it's the combo potential the fighting spirit that thrives off each fruit lucky for me though I've already made this tier list with all the fruits in the game even the kitun fruit a super mysterious fruit unheard of yet in the Roblox Community now listen if I want to keep my head on my shoulders I cannot tell you what this fruit is however I would let you speculate based on where I place it towards the end of the video enough chitter chatter let's get on with the ranking all right we're going to be working backwards here because kitsun is already first one and I don't know we're going to work towards that by the way guys I'd like to let you know these are based off my experiences with these fruits I could be totally wrong they're combos could be great if I used them right also these are just based off when I used them in the testing server and PvP with them when I can so don't get mad at me okay wherever I place these okay cool all right starting with Venom fruit Venom fruit is a seed no it's a b because I I know symthic food but I can't when I used it there's just no real combo potential you just got to like kind of get lucky they got to kind of run into your fog attack or you can follow up with like I don't know like Kucha you can kind of get a combo going but this alone it's more like a c tier actually spring we love you spring but you're deter now spirit Spirit is pretty good actually I don't use this much but based on like the stun lock you get from using one of the moves you can actually do a whole lot with it that's was based on my past experience spirit is pretty dang good all right spin you know I'm sorry you're an F tier even though you just got revamped H actually I'm going swap these two spin your revamp was pretty good you're pretty reliable you look nice you have the nice visual effects but like your your skills are all right I mean it's just you're slacking I'm sorry Spike you're an F I'm sorry I get out of here spider even after your rework only main thing I really like about spider is just the f move the F Mobility move with the web slinging I just don't know where else you would kind of fall like B I don't know I'm putting a b because I'm pretty sure it's better than Venom sound fruit you're beautiful you're gorgeous you have a lot of skills you're pretty good I'm going to put you right above spider but in the beads here you're pretty good but I feel like you're not locking people when you're comboing them they get you have a big h box but I'm just saying I mean look at this yeah actually it's not that bad but like it's also not that far you know what I mean I barely see anyone who uses this skill very well and the x is pretty short too if you're pvping there's no way you can line that up unless you're doing a a combo smoke you are the best elemental for the first C players but you're still a d tier so now Shadow you're very good zeis has put this fruit to good use when we fought I'm putting an S here saying listen people underestimate you the pros know in PvP this fruit is actually pretty good it has very good stun lock potential you can not you can kill someone with this fruit alone all the skills alone you don't need any weapons you don't need any guns s's really that guy Rumble we know where you belong above shadow in the S tier position Rumble from the dawn of age back in 2019 Rumble has been the one and only best PVP fruit in my heart or in a lot of people's heart it's literally electricity so you get stunned so many times has a a huge attack to get caught in and it's just that F Mobility move oh my God unbelievable rubber listen despite your cool rework you're still slacking I would put you in F TI if I could but you have the slingshot move which is really good if you somehow Master this fruit it's not that bad it's a pretty decent fruit you have to have God aim to use it but still you're pretty much a d tier Now Rocket I would debate you belong in CER after your rework you killed kilo I should put you lower than that because of that but you are are a pretty darn good fruit for how much you cost and that's one of the reasons why I'm putting you so high I mean look at it let me remind yall this is the cheapest fruit you can get it's the most common it's unbelievable get the Z move pretty good and look at this x move this is a really good fruit for leveling up not only that you also get a flight move you can also fly a rocket and this is the first fruit in the game the cheapest it's crazy my favorite though about this fruit is a sea move look at this look how cool that is that move is so cool wherever you put your mouse you're Landing there and you're knocking people up and just going crazy that's why you're in the same team with Venom now this is looking kind of weird but trust trust a process ghost I'm putting you also with Venom right behind Venom because your rework revived you legit I'm not trying to do a play on words here legit you are pretty darn good right now revive became the ghost fruit and just looking I don't know y'all tell me this is cool alone by itself but when they start attacking then it's on sight it does hella damage too if you use it correctly and there's just a lot of smart plays you can do with it in Block it's Quake some of you might not like me for this but I've never seen someone do a good play with a quake in a hot minute the only thing good about this fruit in my opinion is the ultimate that's why I'm putting it here portal fruit you might happen to be the most annoying fruit to deal with in PvP but you're also the most reliable you're the most like everyone buys you as a perm to travel across Island in an instant and that's why you're so useful but not only that in combat you're pretty dang good too especially when you're trying to escape combat there's bounty hunters in the server just going invisible TP away they're no problem Phoenix same thing as Quake I don't think it's that good right now it's really good looking but this is not too reliable even with the heal ability I don't see people using that too much Kan you're the same thing as Paul just reworked a little bit with the fruit model with a new name you're not changed just yet so hopefully you they'll do you justice but for now you're going below Quake ma'am if you're one of the new additions to the block shoots Universe um in testing server I destroyed you a bunch of times when your creator felu made you with the leopard fruit but despite that you are a really good fruit and you're really fun to play with and you're really good against bosses and stuff like that and for that I'm going to put you at the bottom of the a tier magma magma is a really good fruit people are using this to farm do a lot of damage PVP I honestly think this is a high a tier almost an S tier but this is not there yet love fruit when the Valentine's event came out you were really crazy people were making crazy comos with you you had to get Nerf a little bit I'm pretty sure and you got the the cool ultimate you can summon someone from your friends list as a best of friendo and I would to say you're stronger than sand though but you're definitely good I'm going to put you right below sand and beer light light is the best beginner fruit pretty good in PvP when you're good with it but I wouldn't say it's better than Mammoth first of all you get a custom sword or rather a spear I mean who really uses that but really come on you get the fastest flight is this the fastest flight actually I don't know it's pretty dang fast if you don't have portal fruit this is like your second best bet you get this crazy ultimate with huge space it take it covers so much space x-ray which is just a kamiam H like come on now 5,000 damage with a hell down Z that's a quarter of someone's health I'm just saying if you use light correctly it's probably a really good fruit the only reason I'm really rating so high is because it's a really good starter fruit in Blox ah leopard my beloved do I put the ultimate spammy fruit here or down here okay I'm putting leopard and S tier I know it's the most expensive fruit I know it's the top quotequote top fruit but hear me out it's really good for spamming there's no real skill that really goes on with it unless you're hitting your zots with that skill so you transform you're pretty quick you have that move but like I feel like you're more likely to run with the fruit rather than actually try to fight people you know what I mean just in my experience they're mostly running that's why you're burning on fire to get more speed to run away from people and then try to heal and get ready for your next attack y'all might disagree that's what I think dragon fruit on top all right ice fruit PVP it's really good but in terms of other uses like fighting against bosses really or trying to get to places or trying to have good utility I mean you can walk on water but but the thing is with this ice fruit has a really long stun to help you line your stuff up for PVP I'll put at a bottom a tier gravity I'm sorry you're down at the dumps you haven't gotten your rework yet fling fruit it's a good fruit it's like kind of like the new mascot Blox fruits but you're just not that viable yet Falcon I'm sorry you're an F tier you're a good looking fruit model but like really tell me what you really can do first of all one of your skills makes you summon your wings and make them disappear that's all it does then you have four skills left boom you're flying what's this flying animation okay there we go that's a little bit better but that's all you can do now you have three skills left now what can you do okay very short range not very sure what can do with that that se move is pretty decent it's pretty good but that ultimate I don't know it's really bad so you're going to f tier same thing with diamond what can you really do with diamond I mean look and crust that's one skill down that was like a that was like a combat fighting style move then you got the C move that's not bad it's like I don't know actually yeah that's pretty bad that's a pretty pretty bad skill then V wow yeah I don't no this is actually worse than Falcon not dark fruit you are pretty good I would say you're you're better than nice actually when you get to the second seat and you awake in dark this is a really good PVP fruit you can pull people in with your X move and then proceed to combo them I'm pretty sure you can just combo someone with the fruit alone and kill them that's insane not only that you get a Mobility move to just teleport wherever your mouse is that's pretty crazy yeah dark is definitely above ice I wouldn't say it could beat bam I mean it really depends who the player the player is if it's a pro dark player I would put my bets on that Patrol we're waiting on your rework but you're pretty fun you're still pretty fun you good you're good for trolling I mean troll is actually still pretty viable with the cnv move but you have to be pretty good to use it control is a beat here to me above love chop get the hell out of here Buddha well where oh where will I place you you're really good for the second C really good for the first C really good for the third SE for leveling you become even better when you get awakened and you're really good for PVP if you want to become a spammer thing is you're a giant hitbox putting it below leopard because if I were to put someone the same IQ as a Buddha user against the same IQ as them with a with the shadow fruit I think they're getting smacked cuz when you see this coming at you at full spam what can you really do you can't do nothing you're not beating this when this is chasing you plus imagine we got enchants in the game now can you imagine when they have an enchant on their sword you're still being chased like this no it's too much especially we can do this glitch you can make your hit box smaller while keeping the same size of your weapons with this glitch still going on Buddha is definitely a high tier fruit bomb no in terms of visual effects though I'll put a buff spin Bas on its usefulness visual effects and other sorts like that barrier oh barrier I wish you were better I hope you get a rework soon hope they do you justice but for now you got to go down blizzard you are you were added last year for Last Christmas CU I'm pretty sure and let me see so we got the snowflake shuriken ice so we got the snowflake shuriken um I broke myself yeah what's going on I remember the skills but I don't know why I can't use them I would say uh blizzard I don't know you're not that bad actually especially when I use you for op fun this one's actually kind of tough I'm going put you above gravity and Below ghost because I'm biased ah now we're down to our final four D dragon kitson in the mystery fruit I know some of you guys might hate me for this I'm not asking for forgiveness but those is going to be the first Z tier fruit added to this list and hear me out despite all the nerves that this fruit went through no not even the fruit itself The Awakening of the fruit went through it still remains to be a really hard hitter in PvP not only that look at this Mobility bro okay it's actually kind of buggy but you can climb up walls like this this was revolutionary to me at the time not really okay I'm overhyping it but listen I thought this is like probably coolest thing I always did this I was running around with the scorching donut move and it was like the best fun thing to do not only that listen you can do it over water and just travel to the next Island you're going have to wait to go to a dock and then spawn a boat but that's not that's not the only thing dou was the first fruit to get two skills integrated into one you got the ground X when you use it from the ground spawns a giant thing and then the second X is when you use it from the air this lets you have way more combo potential to do in your PVP whatever you want to do and it's incredible and it still makes this through a really hard hitter in PvP and that's why it's so high up in my opinion and for Dragon listen until this reir comes out you are not him you're not the king of the jungle yet you're almost there when you use Dragon there's kind of only one real combo you can really do a dragon I'm putting right below leopard I feel like that makes the most sense to me right above Buddha and yeah now the moment you've all been waiting for kidson fruit where would I place this on this list based on what I've used in the testing server based on how it looks based on what the skills I've seen can't show you nothing but based on my experience this is the going to be the number one fruit in my opinion I haven't seen people do crazy combos with this yet because it's not out but trust me on this kitun is worth waiting for it's going to be awesome I can't wait till you guys see it and I just think it's the number one fruit it's going no it's not currently but it's going to be and finally alltime mystery fruit this is based on whatever I'm pretty sure is the next fruit to come after kits soon I'm not saying what it is I'm not giving it a hint but just to meet your expectations of where I would put this thing I would say right here this is pre Dragon rework I would put it right below Dragon I would put I will put this whatever this frood is right here in the S column and yeah this is my list and that is my list whether you guys agree or disagree this is what I believe to be the top fruit in the game currently as I'm recording this maybe argue with me in the comments tell me what fruit you disagree or agree with in the comments below and anyways if you like the video make sure you drop a like and perhaps if this video hits maybe I don't know 10 15,000 likes on this video I'll do a Showcase of the upcoming kid f for a future video I don't know if we hit it it'll really cross my mind I might do it um thank you for thank you for watching see you in the next video okay bye
Channel: Uzoth
Views: 919,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, admin, dragon talon, blox fruits admin, roblox, new fruits, noob, trolling, troll, gift, indra, blox fruits update, blox fruits troll, update 20, gamer robot, mygame43, blox fruits live, roblox blox fruits, no cursing, family friendly, blox fruit, anime, race v4, cdk, soul guitar, 3rd sea, admin alt, 1st sea, tty, dragon talon trainer, challenge, exploiter, cheater, sanguine art, leviathan, scrolls, codes, guide, blox fruits update 20, Tier List, Kitsune, New Fruit
Id: FWunPhPc9Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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