Top 5 HIGHEST paying nursing jobs!

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hi everyone welcome back to nurse katherine here and welcome back to my channel i created this channel to mentor educate and create positive and inspiring content for new grads and also new nurses and of course those seasoned nurses out there as well today's topic is a hot topic everybody's always looking into what are the highest paid nursing jobs how you can always make more in nursing but those videos never tell you how you can actually do that they'll tell you the jobs but they won't actually tell you the steps to get there so in today's video i am going to be talking about the top five highest paid nursing positions but also going to be talking about how you can actually get there and what steps you have to take to get to those positions before we get started don't forget to hit that subscribe button right now and hit the thumbs up button and give this video a like alright so let's get this video started [Music] now before i even get into this video i do have to give a shout out to my husband because he actually is the one who found all of this information for me he wanted to contribute to my youtube channel somehow so he actually thought of this video idea and he found all of the information i'm going to be sharing with you all today so give my husband a round of applause for these top five nursing careers i do have sources that my husband of course provided for me that are in the description below so if you don't believe me about any of this you can find these sources in the description below first let's start with the lowest paying of the five highest paying nursing jobs and that would be a nurse educator the mean average nationally in 2019 for a nurse educator was just over 83 000 dollars with the highest nursing educators being paid in washington dc and that was almost 121 000 did you guys know you could make that much money having a nursing degree you can and this is the lowest of the five now washington dc is the highest paying metropolitan area but the highest paying in non-metropolitan area is actually central missouri who would have thought who even lives in missouri i'm sorry for my viewers out there who live in missouri i just had no idea and that mean annual income if you live in missouri is 98 000 just over 98 000 and real quick let's talk about how you can become a nurse educator first of course you need your rn license secondly you have to go on to get your bachelor's in nursing so your bsn then after that you have to gain experience as an rn everywhere is a little bit different and then you have to obtain your masters in nursing or your doctorate in nursing and you can't anticipate that process for your master's or your doctorate to take 24 to 48 months which sounds like a lot of work to me that i personally just wouldn't want to do all right let's go into our fourth highest paid nursing job and that would be a nurse midwife the mean hourly wage for a nurse midwife nationally is just over 52 dollars an hour and their mean annual income is just over 108 000 higher than a nurse educator but not quite the highest on the totem pole now if you want to be a nurse midwife and make bank you need to move to california and i mean california of course is very expensive to live in and i've learned that here in atlanta living in big cities is expensive to live in but california is the highest paying nurse midwife with oh my goodness an annual income of 163 thousand dollars just over that yeah just over 163 000 a year and of course that is also in los angeles that's where i'm talking about when i say california this is in los angeles and that mean hourly wage in los angeles california as a nurse midwife is 78.37 whoa that is like close to double what i'm getting paid now and how do you even become a nurse midwife well good thing you asked because you have to have your bsn rn license of course then you also have to earn a master's of doctorate in nurse midwifery i believe i'm pronouncing that correctly and dependent on the program it could take about 24 to 48 months as well to complete that process and then you also have to go on and pass the american midwifery certification board exam to then be certified as a nurse midwife all right we are really getting up in the numbers here let's talk about our third highest paying nursing job and that would be nurse slash medical slash health services management so a nurse manager the mean hourly wage for this type of nurse is just over 55 and the mean annual income is just over 115 000 as a nurse and of course california again has the highest paying nurse in this field with making a mean annual income of 163 000 just over that and that is in santa cruz watsonville california but we're going to jump over the united states going to new hampshire which has the highest paying non-metropolitan area of anywhere in the country and that nurse makes a mean annual income of 144 000 actually shy of 145 000 in new hampshire so if you want to work somewhere go to west central or southwest new hampshire now how do you even become a nurse manager good thing you asked again because you need your bsn and rn license with bedside experience this one generally requires a masters of science in nursing and then also a masters of business administration or a masters of healthcare administration dependent on the organization you want to work for or where you're going to be applying to many places then ask you to become certified and that certification is called the nurse executives certification all right now we are getting to the top so this is the second highest paying nursing job there is in the country and this one i feel like everybody is going on to be right now i have seen so many people going back to school to become a nurse practitioner now in 2019 the national average hourly wage for a nurse practitioner was just shy of 54. and the average annual income was just shy of 112 000 as a nurse practitioner but let's head back out to california because out in california it's called vallejo vallejo i believe it's pronounced vallejo or vallejo fairfield california the mean annual wage as a nurse practitioner was over 175 000 as a nurse practitioner out there in california now of course remember you do have to take cost of living into account but that's insane the highest paying non-metropolitan area for a nurse practitioner is eastern sierra mother lode area of california okay i don't know if my husband's playing a trick on me or if that is actually a place i just never have heard of it and that is 137 000 just over that and the mean hourly wage for that area was just shy of 66 an hour now np is pretty straightforward you have to have your rn license you have to have your bsn and then you just have to go to an np program a nurse practitioner program all right and if you are still with me we have made it to the highest paying nursing job in 2019 based off of the statistics that i have and that would be a certified nurse anesthetist and they are making bank let me tell you so as a certified nurse anesthetist get this the mean hourly wage for this position as a nurse is just under 88 an hour that's more than double what i make currently and the mean annual income here we go drumroll please is 181 000. as a cna not certified nursing assistant now the top paying metropolitan area for a certified nurse anesthetist is actually in toledo ohio i don't know why maybe they have a highest need for it here we go this is like mind-blowing to me you ready for this two hundred sixty six thousand two hundred and sixty dollars did i say that right just over 266 thousand dollars with a nursing degree guys a nursing degree ah that's wild oh my word it gets higher here we go okay oh so i probably should have read this information a little bit more uh from my husband before i even made this video because oh my word okay here we go the top paying non-metropolitan area for this occupation here we go northeast iowa non-metropolitan area just shy of 286 000 guys 287 000 with a nursing degree ah so how do you even become a certified nurse anesthetist well you have to earn your bsn of course get your rn license and then you have to have a minimum of one year of working experience as a registered nurse all right and this is where it starts to get tricky because they are changing the rules in 2022 so you have to attend a crna program but there are master's programs for crnas but by 2022 crna degree programs must include a doctoral degree so master's programs generally take 24 months while doctorate degrees will generally be around 48 months you then have to go on and obtain a certification which is from the national board of certification and recertification for nurse anesthetist and then of course you have to abstain upstate obtain a state license as well so your certified nurse anesthetist is the highest paying nursing job there is but by 2022 you must have a doctorate in your certified nurse anesthetist degree so that is it for today's video guys that's insane i didn't actually know most of that information i had a general idea of what the highest paid nursing jobs were that were out there but uh let's say thank you to my husband for looking that up for all of us because that was some good information insane to me how much a crna can make that's wild to me especially wild where you're living in the country and how much those people make in those areas of the country but cost of living and need of nurses of course plays a role into that all right guys that is it for today's video before you go and if you didn't already hit that subscribe button and give this video a big thumbs up i will see you guys in monday's educational video other than that have a great weekend and see you later
Channel: Katherine Ann
Views: 125,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rn, bsn, cmsrn, nurse katherine, nurse katherine here, nurse vlog, nurse youtuber, youtube nurse, nurse education, nursing school, SN, student nurse
Id: qw2TcRtCcTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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