The BEST OSRS Gear Progression Guide ALL Styles - Increase Melee, Ranged, & Magic DPS Efficiently

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hello everyone chaos here and welcome to another old school runescape video if you guys are relatively new to my channel you may not know that i have done gear progression guides as i teach you how to upgrade your gear in the most efficient way possible at the time of making this video those guides are now almost a year old and even though they are still fairly relevant with great additions to the game such as next and raid 3 i thought why not update those videos but this time teach you how to upgrade your gear efficiently for melee ranged and magic combined a quick shout out to my friends ava for helping out fact checking this video especially towards the latest stages to give you the most accurate information possible safe to say you can trust the two maxed and sweaty players to help out with your upgrades before we start my biggest disclaimer for this video is that obviously not every single person will be happy with the progression because even though all of these upgrades make sense from a cost versus stat standpoint other players may want to try other items out this becomes way more obvious in the late game as items become even more expensive and decisions are more important but if you have a personal suggestion leave a comment below and we can discuss about it another important thing to note is that especially towards the later stages of the game i am going to mention specific items that although they are nice to buy at some point are not required for dps since they are niche and we are focusing on overall damage items such as a dragon hunter lens dragon war hammer dragon hunter crossbow will all get a mention but will not stay as a part of the entire core setup also i am going to include raids 3 items to give this video more longevity and i will explain how we should judge these additions when it comes to investing into them whenever you reach the end game but more about that towards the end of the video if you guys enjoyed today's upload a like and a subscription with notifications on would be greatly appreciated and you can also join our amazing discord server in the description down below that being said let's begin the absolute best gear progression guide for all combat styles combined now unlike my previous videos instead of starting at base level 40s let's take a few steps back for our free to play brothers and sisters and begin from a fresh account as we all know free to play armor and weapons are not that complicated so this will go rather quickly i'm going to start with magic and we are going to grab a wizard hats wizard rope top xamaric monk bottoms any elemental staff of your choice leather boots any colored cape leather vamp braces and an amulet of magic i am going to leave this here for a while because as depressing as it sounds this is pretty much the best in slot magic gear in free to play with the exception of one item we will get later on so if you're training magic through combat in free-to-play this is as good as it gets on a much less depressing note if you are starting your melee training grab a full set of iron armor and an iron scimitar only time i will mention this is that by full set i mean a full helmet a plate body plate legs or a plate skirt and a kite shield finish that off with any colored cape an amulet of strength leather vamp braces and a pair of fighting or collared boots obtained through the stronghold of security to some people that may sound dangerous but don't worry you'll be fine although if you're a hardcore i'll pretty much go ahead and skip over this one for now for ranged you're gonna grab a leather cowl leather body leather chaps leather vamp braces leather boots and amulet of power any colored cape and finally a normal shortbow with some iron arrows along with gear i am also going to tell you what levels to grind out for all of these upgrades to be equippable as long as you have the cash for them if you're an unrestricted account of course in free-to-play especially it doesn't really matter what you do in terms of levels so just do what's fun for you and we will start being super efficient after membership final note hp level doesn't matter until a few late game items so it will stay at 1 4 just a little bit our first upgrade will be after you hit level 5 attack strength and defense and before anyone flames me for it i know i know you don't need strength levels for a lot of weapons but just try to level everything up evenly if you can anyway you are going to upgrade your iron armor into steel armor along with a steel scimitar and at level 5 range that you can upgrade to an orc short bow and steal arrows since our new weapon can fire better ammunition we are going to bump up our melee levels to 10 for you to upgrade from steel all the way to black grabbing a full set of black armor along with you gaston a black scimitar kind of weird for jagex to make black armor free to play and white armor members only but hey it's not my game not my rules just pointing it out anyway nothing too interesting for 10 levels and then you are going to hit level 20 attack strength and defense going from black armor and the black scimitar to mithral armor and a mithril scimitar it would be a good idea to get a 20 range to this point and after you do so you can give your entire ranged armor an overhaul upgrading to a coif studded body studded chops a willow short bow and some mithril arrows to hit bigger numbers after 10 more levels in attack strength and defense you are going to switch to full adamant armor as well as an adamant scimitar if you visit the wiki you will see that the best and slot free to play melee boots in the game are called gold decorative boots which are a reward from castle wars by obtaining 400 tickets technically you can wear these at level 30 defense but if you don't know anything about castle wars by the time you get 400 tickets you can pretty much max an account and also solve world hunger so honestly skip on these unless you are a pure free to play account at level 30 ranged we are going to upgrade to a maple shortbow and adamant arrows which will be our best and slot weapon and ammunition as long as you stay in free to play worlds now let's start with the end game for free to play we are going to take our attack strength defense ranged magic and prayer all the way up to level 40 or you can get away with a level 37 prayer for what's coming up and also your hp should be around level 40 as well so make sure to keep an eye on that one go ahead and do the quest to dragon slayer one for a ton of juicy rewards and also to be able to equip a rune played body as well as a green dragon hide body both of which are going to be useful for our next and final upgrade in free-to-play along with a full set of rune armor with a rune scimitar and the other two pieces of green dragon hide being the chaps and the vam braces and like i said at the beginning an anti-dragon shield is going to be your best slot shield for magic in terms of stats so add that to your magic gear right now final thing to note in the free to play department is that technically speaking guilded dragon height armor is better in terms of defensive stats but if you only care about ranged accuracy it's going to be exactly the same as green dragon heim again if your account is 100 free to play it might be a good idea to invest in these items but if you're jumping to member worlds soon you can just skip these items entirely so that's it about free to play after you decide you like this game enough to spend either 13 a month on it or buy two bonds a week we are going to take a giant leap and finally get into member worlds to start experiencing old-school runescape to its full potential go to the ground exchange for a ton of immediate upgrades to completely revamp your gear go buy an amulet of glory a combat bracelet and any item called blessing for you to wear when training melee or magic since it goes in your ammo slots i also recommend buying the bones needed in order to get 45 prayer and go to a house with a gilded altar as well as using your bones on it to reach this level and have access to prayer buffs to aid you in battle more specifically for ranged and magic you're also going to buy a pair of ranger boots for melee and for range to go ahead and get a u short bow rune arrows a snakeskin bandana and snake skin boots magic will receive the biggest upgrade of all three styles and you will buy any elemental magic staff mystic hats mystic rope top mystic robe bottoms and finally a pair of mystic boots two optional items are the obsidian cape for melee and a brutal shield for magic the cape will give you slightly higher defensive stats but it's fairly expensive as soon as you get to member worlds as for the brutus shield the magic bonus it provides is fairly insignificant and it won't make that much of a difference but if you want an immediate upgrade this is it once your whole gear has been revamped i highly suggest doing the easy rd diary for you to obtain the articloke one for a teleport near an altar it also provides decent stats for an item you can grab pretty much right away as it has extremely low requirements i then recommend to getting level 50 arranged and unlocking the quest animal magnetism for you to get ava's accumulator which will save some arrows and bolts when you fire them it's pretty much the second best and slot ranged item in the cape slot since we are now level 50 ranged buy a magic shortbow and a magic shortbow scroll to imbue your new weapon and get yourself a blue dragon height chest chabs and van braces our next upgrade is fairly steep compared to the previous ones and your next goal is a dragon scimitar which requires level 60 attack to wear so i recommend doing some early questing as well as monkey madness for a ton of melee experience and if you're not level 60 attack on strength yet train some slayer until you achieve these levels to be able to wear it if you followed my advice when it comes to slayer i'm pretty sure you won't have enough points for a slayer helmet right now but start saving up 400 points in order to unlock it and wear it whenever you are training slayer through melee small notes it's much better to unlock superior monsters first with 100 points but hey i'm not your dad use your points as you wish and on the topic of quests but also not required for damage i recommend getting the proselyte armor after completion of the slug menace quest this provides amazing prayer bonuses and will make your prayer points last much longer if you are training slayer or to adjust to combat in general not necessarily a gear upgrade but i recommend doing a quest called the dwarfs canon to be able to buy one and passively train ranged this way i will mention it later but it would be a good idea to invest on it somewhere around here we are now going to do a view quest starting with everyone's favorite adventure the underground pass by completing it you will have access to the ivan staff which you can wear with 50 attack and magic for an upgraded to that mystic elemental staff then do horror from the deep to unlock godbooks and go to the grand exchange to buy ancient pages to fill up the purple book which turns into a book of darkness for a big upgrade to your shield slot for magic the pages are not that expensive nowadays and the magic and prayer stats are very much worth it the quest will also be used for fall later down the road since we are 60 attack and strength at this point i recommend training slayer for a little bit until you get to 65 in both skills this will open up the warriors guild and you can start your rune defender grinder to upgrade that runed kite shield and start getting offensive stats for the shield slot we are now going to get level 45 defense and the do the framing trials to unlock framing helmets for all styles berserk for melee archer for ranged and farsier for magic all of these will be fairly useful for a little bit the helm that won't be used for for long though is the berserker helmet since you should aim to complete the quest of reminic isles after being done with it get level 55 defense to be able to wear one of runescape's most iconic items the helm of anita's knot wear it outside of slayer for a nice boost to your prayer bonus as well you should now have decent enough gear and stats to start one of the most painful experiences in the game barbarian assault get the required points to grab yourself a fighter torso which is one of the best melee items in the game and it's 100 free you might lose a few brain cells but that's all it's going to cost the obsidian plate body on the other hand it's uh minus one strength the bonus compared to the torso but it's slightly more expensive if you don't want to do barbarian assault this is the item to go for after the torso it is now time for two big upgrades the first one will be the dragon defender after you get level 60 defense so go to the warriors guild basement show the lady your rune defender and start hunting cyclops for this item after you're done go to the grand exchange and get yourself a pair of dragon boots for even better stats for your pixelated feet i then recommend getting up to level 61 ranged to go from blue dragon height armor to red dragon hide the reason why i said 61 is because of the rune crossbow and this is where we might have our first debate depending on the defensive stats of the monsters you're killing in some instances both might be slightly better but in my very honest opinion you're much better off training ranged with the magic shortbow imbued and a cannon as you are doing slayer to get level 75 ranged as fast as possible but if you really want to use a rune crossbow this is a good place to get one and make sure to pair it with a book of law by getting the white book from the lighthouse as well as filling it up with armadill pages from the grand exchange now from a dps calculator standpoint a magic short bow imbued with rune arrows is better than a rune crossbow with broad balls and a book of love and for simplicity's sake i will stick to the magic shortbow in butte for a little bit mentioning notable upgrades throughout upcoming levels but remember in most cases a crossbow is only better than the magic shortbow and a blowpipe whenever you need both effects to activate such as diamond or ruby bolts anyway after our small debate you might notice that our magic level has been neglected for a little bit so level that up to 60 and then do mage arena 1 mini quest this will grant you access to a god cape which will give you slightly better magic accuracy if you decided to train the skill via combat do this now as it will be useful to unlock the best-in-slot magic cape later down the road now that we are base 60s our account is looking ready to take on harder challenges first one being the legends quest after completing this epic adventure which is required for a future upgrade buy a legendscape from the guild for an upgrade to your melee cape after that we are going to aim for a quest called desert treasure which not only will give you access to a new spellbook but you will be able to buy an ancient staff which is our next upgrade it's mostly useful for ancient spells but it's a straight upgrade from the ivan staff since we are giving some love to our magic gear up next we have two upgrades that are not life or death situation but will be a decent addition to the gear get yourself a pair of wizard boots and a sears ring to increase your magic accuracy if you're training via combat the most important one is the ring as it's not super expensive and we haven't had a magic ring until now the whistler boots are only slightly better than the mystic boots so if you have the money for them go ahead and spoil yourself to a new pair of shoes at this point our account is ready to enter the mid game and we will do so with a bang get yourself all the requirements for the recipe for disaster quest and by completing it you will get the best in slot gloves for all combat styles and this will be a key item for quite a long time we are also going to finally upgrade that amulet of glory into an amulet of fury which will also be super useful for all combat styles until we get to the late game with these two items in hand we can stop worrying about neck and the glove items for a little bit as well up until now we've had 65 attack and strength for quite a long time rocking the dragon scimitar and if you want a direct upgrade in terms of stats you can't go wrong with a surrogate schedule you can obviously buy this as soon as you hit level 65 attack if you have the money for it and it will work out for us to grind it towards level 70 in our melee stats and speaking of better stats it is finally time to get rid of those rune plate legs and make an important investment in a pair of obsidian play legs with this item we will start to get strength bonus in the leg slot and oddly enough it has slightly worse defensive stats than the rune plate legs but that strength bonus is well worth it our first optional upgrade for ranged is going to be a dragon crossbow and an odium ward if you have enough money you can invest in these items as well supporting dragon boats for a decent damage upgrade but like i said before in order to get to level 75 arranged as quickly as possible you may want to stick to that magic short though imbued and canon since crossbows and bolts are important for stronger monsters the odium ward is important since that is when we start getting range strength in the shield slot whether it be with a magic shortbow imbued or a crossbow it is now time to face one of old school runescape's most iconic bosses a tz talk jab go through the fight caves and it's 63 waves of increasingly difficult monsters to beat jad and claim a fire cape the second best and slot melee cape in the game and speaking of melee i would recommend the two expensive purchases here for more dps get yourself a berserker ring and enough dragon bones to get your prayer up to level 60. after the quest kings ransom and the knights waves training rounds you will unlock chivalry for a massive boost in melee dps all of that extra damage should give you the push you need in order to get your attack and strength levels up to 70 to be able to use another iconic item in the form of the abyssal whip this is the most popular weapon to stick to until the late or even the end game a thing to note here is that with the whip you cannot train strength on its own since you can only gain attack defense or shared experience in order to gain strength experience individually you can train with a sarah domain sword an abyssal dagger or an abyssal bludgeon from least to most expensive normally i like to train all my skills evenly but i'll leave this one up to you if you want to swap any weapons and speaking of 70s you should now level up range to 70 for you to be able to wear black dragon heim so buy a body and a pair of chaps for a quick upgrade if you have more money though you can opt for the fancier upgrade and get yourself a full set of god dragon height armor except for the vamp races each piece has a plus one prayer bonus which will all help out with prayer drain but these items are also not life or death situation especially if your budget is tight the most important piece you should definitely grab though are those boots so pick those up as soon as possible up here another honorable mention goes to carroll's armor even though we don't have level 70 defense at the moment but this armor is also a little bit niche and the blessed dragon height is more useful for overall ranged the last ranged upgrade i recommend for now is an archer's ring for us to finally start getting ranged bonuses in the ring slots this is the most expensive out of the dagenhauth rings so get this when your bank starts going up if you did have the money for a blessed dragon height set this item shouldn't be far away from you i will pair the next two upgrades together you should now aim for a master wand and a pair of infinity boots the stats compared to the previous items are not huge and that's why they are also not absolutely necessary to buy as soon as you have the magic level for them if money is a problem buy the master one first and then the boots as the first item gives better bonuses at this point it would be a good idea to get level 70 prayer to unlock the best melee player in the game which is piety grab whatever amount of dragon bones needed to reach this level and increase your melee dps even further we are now going to do every afk or favorite activity the nightmare zone we are not going to stay here for long as we only need a 3.2 million points for imbues to the slayer helmet the berserker archer and sears ring and i highly recommend you train defense here as it has been 60 for a little bit aim for level 70 defense before leaving for our next upgrades once outside imbue your items and then leave for a long time since we are now level 70 defense it is time to finally upgrade some magic armor and we are going to buy a set of arm's robes get the magic level up to 70 as well to toss on those mystic ropes in the garbage if training magic through slayer you should obviously swap the hood for your brand new slayer helmet imbued along with aaron's robes you should also buy an occult necklace which is the best-in-slot magic necklace in the game for now it's fairly cheap and the benefits of getting percentage magic bonus is absolutely amazing one of the biggest upgrades to aim for now is level 75 ranged for the toxic blowpipe a lot of people will say that even after the nerf this item is garbage but honestly they are just hard coping with reality and you should definitely get this with either amethyst adamant or mithril darts for casual slayer if bossing you can bump that up to rune or even dragon darts if you have some extra cash to blow whenever you are using the blowpipe equip your god blessing or rather's blessing if you have been working on the current diaries i don't know about you guys but i think the account is looking pretty sexy so far to start and complete to the quest to dragon slayer 2. i know you count since i was able to complete it with base65 combat stats anyway after beating galvik grind a few vorkov kills to get yourself a vorcad's head and the turn that obvious accumulator into an avis assembler for the best and slot ranged cape in the game after 75 ranged 75 magic is our next stop since our next weapon is also huge in terms of damage and convenience you can now upgrade to a trident of the swamp and all you need to do is charge this weapon in order for you to hit some big numbers if money is tight you can buy a tri-net of the seas but the upgraded version is much better and speaking of magic we are not that far off to the end game in terms of prior levels by getting level 77 you will be able to use every prayer in the game of course after unlocking them and our first purchase is going to be an arcane prayer scroll which is incredibly cheap nowadays read it to unlock augury to boost your magic stats whenever rocking that trident with augury unlocked we are going to embark into the wilderness for the mage arena 2 mini quest and go for that magic imbued god cape this is a lot more dangerous than the first mini quest but it will be well worth it for the best and slot mage cape in the game melee has been slightly neglected for a while and we are finally going to get rid of that messy helm by buying a serpentine visage for more strength bonus in the helmet slot make sure to get level 75 defense before doing so along level 75 defense get yourself to level 75 hp as well because our next upgrade is going to be a necklace of anguish in my opinion it is the best piece of zenite jewelry because of that range strength bonus and it will give you an obscene boost in range dps we can take care of one small upgrade to the magic gear and buy a pair of eternal boots for the best and slot magic boots in the game they are the cheapest out of all the cerberus boots so they go right here i now recommend getting 80 attack on defense for you to be able to buy a pair of ferocious gloves for the best melee gloves in old school runescape technically not needed but nice to have as well would also be level 80 strength at this point technically speaking if you have these levels you should also have level 100 combats although not exactly because comet levels are a little weird anyway when you achieve this it would be a good idea to grind avoid armor with all the helmets and if you don't want to go to pest control ever again do the hard western diary and get a few more points for elite void since it will be super helpful for some activities later on our final prayer purchase will be a dexter sprayer scroll to unlock rigger this is going to be an absolutely disgusting upgrade in terms of dps and paired with an anguish you're gonna hit big numbers with a blowpipe or with any of the upcoming upgrades i will pair the next upgrades together and we are then going to turn our attention to an amulet of torture and a tormented bracelet if you can't afford both at the same time a tormented bracelet is slightly more impactful than the torture because of the percentage magic bonus although this will pretty much depend on what style you use more often if melee is your preferred style go for the charger first if you want slightly more magic accuracy it would be a good time to invest in a mages book it offers the second best magic offensive stats along with an ancient wyvern shield or a third by the time the word of the litmus comes out and it's not super expensive either since our melee gear is looking pretty decent it would be a good idea to start investing into some niche items and special attack weapons starting with a bandos godsword if you start getting into bossing it is a great weapon to have to reduce your enemies defensive stats and shred through their hp much faster we are then going to buy our second pair of cerberus boots this time for melee get yourself a pair of primordial boots for the best and slot melee boots in the game and stop investing in our feet for now also for melee we are then going to upgrade that serpentine visage into a neatest nut face guard of course after completion of the fremanic exiles quest this is the second best slot melee helmet and in my very personal opinion it looks absolutely amazing since we are starting to buy fairly significant and expensive items we are then going to stick to melee upgrading that fighter torso and obsidian plate legs into a bando's chest plate and bandos tacits if you can't buy both at the same time the tacits are a much better option since they offer a higher strength bonus than the obsidian platelets the band's chest blade has the same strength bonus and the finer torso but obviously with higher defensive stats it is now time to mention crystal armor under the bow of verdinian and here's why i needed help for this video i don't have these items and i personally haven't tested how great they are but very credible sources tell me the following crystal armor is fairly niche in itself because it's only better than other options at some bosses it is not best in slot at every single monster encounter and in order to upgrade the bow you will need to spend quite a bit of cash this is a great upgrade mostly for iron men who don't have a twisted bow yet and it actually does pretty decent overall if you want to try these items i would put them here but our next upgrade is not that far off so i would suggest holding on to your gp since we are starting to get pretty chunky this would be a good place to get a few more special attack and niche weapons specifically for higher level bossing get a dragon war hammer a dragon hunter crossbow and a dragon hunter lens in any order depending on what content you enjoy doing the most either melee or ranged if you go for a dragon hunter crossbow remember to upgrade that odium ward into either a dragonfire ward or a twisted buckler for your shield slot we are then going to invest in our melee weapon and instead of giving you an option between a rapier a blade of cell door and an inquisitor's mace like my previous melee gear video i will instead tell you to stick to a rapier or even a tentacle whip if you don't have a ton of money the reason behind this is that enhanced crystal weapon seat is much better as a bofa and the maze is useful mostly alongside inquisitor armor which honestly is only useful in like three places in the game if you need weapons with specific offensive styles you can try them out but generally the rapier will be the best option and well is the cheapest one out of all three of them as of making this video i will give an honorable mention to two magic weapons and it's because for general combat a trident is still slightly better overall you can get either a code i want for unlimited water runes or a nightmare staff which has the same 15 magic damage bonus and it's much cheaper these are also fairly niche if you're doing specific activities in the game like the inferno or barraging slayer tasks the final pair of cerberus boots are going to be the pegasians and they go right here because well they are way too expensive for what they do the price of render boots right now is astronomical so it makes sense that this item costs a fortune as well our last upgrade for magic armor is going to be full ancestral and i know i know some of you are going to be flipping out because i put this before armadillo but we will get into that in a little bit this is the only magic armor which gives percentage magic bonus and even though the price is fairly high it is well worth it because of the increase in dps if you can't buy the entire set it would be efficient to buy the rope bottoms first then the top and finally the hat now we jump into armadill and if you look at the stats between armadill and bless the dragon hide quite honestly it's not that much of a difference because of this it is slightly more efficient to be able to buy ancestral first but if you use range to more than magic for combat you can go for this upgrade first and then go for ancestral again if you can't afford the full set in one go buying the chest plate chest skirt and then the helmet in that order will be the way to go up next i recommend buying an imbued heart to boost your magic level every now and then this is also a niche item and it's not absolutely necessary if you don't have that much cash but for high level pvming though this item becomes essential for magic also for magic we have an arcane spirit shield and at the moment of making this video it is the best-in-slot magic shield for the game before the release of raids 3. i will mention the word of the litmus in a little bit but with all these magic items our setup is looking quite insane except for one more item coming up that might be fairly niche in some situations now if you're looking like this you have pretty much zero excuses to get the elite current diary done and obviously get your hands on the roddus blessing 4 which is the best blessing in the game for all styles except of course if you are using a bow or a crossbow for ranged now here's where things start getting a little crazy and where some people could potentially disagree with this video up next i recommend a twisted bow because unlike some weapons coming up this is the most powerful niche item of them all with a price of above 1 billion gps of the time of making this video this weapon will prove its worth in many areas of the game if the price tag intimidates you let's look at some other good items and you can skip this one for now since we are pretty much at the end the game for ranged the last item we are going to buy are a pair of zeroite vam braces if you were able to afford a twisted bow honestly this shouldn't be that much of a problem and the price tag is well worth it for the best-in-slot range to gloves in the game since they were recently added it will be a long time for a better item to see the light of day so don't worry about this investment for now after getting it twisted though it would be a good idea to start mentally preparing for the inferno and our next upgrade is going to be an infernal cape like i said in my previous video i don't need to go into detail as to how difficult this challenge is so gather your supplies and go for the best melee cape in the game extra tip i have an inferno guide video on my channel if you guys want to check that out too right after that i recommend investing in a permanent item in the form of an avernick defender some people may disagree with this one since it sounds more efficient than previous upgrades but compared to the dragon defender it's not as big of an upgrade as other items we have seen thus far you also have to take into account that once attached to your dragon defender you cannot get the hell to back and all that money will be gone for good our final magic upgrade for now is going to be a sanguine sd staff this works like a trident but the charges will be more expensive this is well worth it though because even if it has identical stats to the trident it has a passive effect that will heal you every now and then and it has higher max hits both on and off slayer tasks for casual slayer and pvming this is not mandatory but in higher level bossing situations this item could mean the difference between life or death our final melee weapon is going to be a scythe of viture and you can also see this item as situational just like the sanguinasi staff the scythe is not needed in many places outside high level bossing and raids and of course if you just care about damage and charging this weapon is not a problem for your wallet the last upgrade to melee armor is going to be the recently added tour of a set at the time of making this video these items go for a very humble 1.1 billion gp and safe to say they are the absolute end game in terms of melee damage and the pvm'ing you can look at this as a bandus armor on steroids and unlike previous items torva is not niche whatsoever and wherever you need high melee stats this is your final stop in terms of upgrades for melee damage another honorable mention goes to the zero crossbow as it is the last item to look at in the list prior to raid 3. this item is only useful at a few spots and most notably when farming next herself right now this item goes for about 400 mil and it's useful just because of its special attack and since the ruby build special goes from 100 to 110 this item goes to the bottom of the priority list and you should only get it if you're farming next and maybe if both play a big role in raids 3. and speaking of raids 3 it is time to brainstorm how important the new items are going to be and place them on the list as well as telling you where to buy them depending on how useful they are as a quick reminder all of these items are confirmed by jagex to hit the live game once the tombs of a mascot are released during the summer we have the missouri armor made up of the helmet the chest plate and chain skirt for the new best and slot ranged armor and then the word of the litmus for the new best and slot magic shield the osmotins fang which is a much better but slower version of the rapier and the hakka of tomacon which is another wand weapon now after the release of raid 3 and for quite a long time these items i'm pretty sure are going to be astronomically expensive because people are not going to be able to farm the raid as quickly as players can kill necks either in small teams or in mass worlds we still don't know how important these items are going to be inside the raid itself but here's a bit of brainstorming as to how important they could be for general combat the missouri armor is going to be an obscene upgrade for the range style since it will be the first ever armor to have range strength and it will be an absolute game changer i would personally put it right before torva regardless of the cost since it's that much more significant upgrade from armadill than what torva is to bandos the word of the litmus can go anywhere after the arcane spirit shield and also probably before torva it will also be the first magic shield item to have a percentage magic bonus so again it will be a huge upgrade from the arcane spirit shield and in my opinion a much bigger one than the difference between bandos and torva the osmumtum's fang seems like a much stronger version of the rapier although its mechanic will lower its max hits by quite a bit if you want to learn more about how it will work you can check out my video analyzing all of the rewards coming up in short wherever a rapier is useful this will also be a nice upgrade and i would say you can buy it anywhere after the twisted bow and if you have the money for it and finally as of right now it sounds like the heck of tomacon won't be particularly useful outside of the raid itself but we'll just have to wait and see it's special mechanics according to what spellbook you're using sound way too niche for it to be useful in things like casual slayer pvming and even the theater of blood and to be quite honest chambers sounds like the only place where it could be useful because of the additional effects to monsters and your allies i would put this one dead last for now but again it could be absolutely broken overall ladies and gentlemen that's pretty much it for this video i really hope you enjoyed and that you learned something useful if you made it this far tell me what your favorite combat item is in old school runescape along with your username and i will choose a random comment on friday for you to win a bond i will paint your comments and you can contact me on discord with a screenshot for us to coordinate at the drop i want to give a massive thank you to all my new and existing channel members you guys and girls are absolute legends if you would like to support this channel monetarily you can click the join button below to see all of the cool perks and rewards you can get for both my videos my live streams and of course the discord i will see you guys next week for a more personal video and one of my final story time videos where i will tell you how runescape changed my life as it will have been my 10 year anniversary of making videos on youtube i hope you have a great week and i will see you then peace [Music]
Channel: Kaoz OSRS
Views: 452,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oldschool runescape, osrs melee guide, osrs ranged guide, osrs magic guide, osrs melee gear guide, osrs ranged gear guide, osrs magic gear guide, osrs melee gear guide 2022, osrs ranged gear guide 2022, osrs magic gear guide 2022, osrs melee gear progression, osrs ranged gear progression, osrs magic gear progressionm, osrs account progression, osrs account progression guide, osrs melee damage, osrs ranged damage, osrs magic gamage, osrs melee gear upgrade order, osrs dps
Id: Q8XE1qsaJtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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