THE BEST OF BABY BOT πŸš€ πŸ€– Educational Cartoons Compilation | Lingokids

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lingo KS I know nothing I know nothing I know [Music] nothing Elliot what's going on in there what's Callie doing you know things I know but I know [Music] nothing sorry uh I have to go what's happening in there Lisa uh uh in there um it's private baby bot you know but I know [Music] nothing they won't tell me anything what are they doing in [Applause] there launching [Music] translation don't worry baby bot we'll tell you this strange place is hiding something inside a [Music] toilet do you know what a toilet is baby bot NOP okay pay attention the toilet is a container we use when we have to pee or poop well I specifically don't but you living beings [Music] do fascinating yes and remember the most important thing after using the toilet wipe flush and wash with soap wipe flush and wash with soap FL and was and wash I would if I had hands or a bottom oops sorry Billy wipe slush and wash with soap and wash with so and wash with yes that was a great explanation song ever have you wiped yes have you flushed yes have you wash your hands um well let's see those hands they are not clean go wash those hands with [Music] Sal and your hands Billy says he didn't go to the bathroom I'll fix that [Music] well if you don't need to go we will wait that's right Billy we'll wait take your time ah I'm so [Music] jealous I know [Music] nothing can I try some ew baby butt that tastes terrible taste wait you don't know about taste M I know nothing I'll show you welcome to the world of flavor our tasting menu today consists of sweet sour salty bitter and Umami let's begin get ready to try oh sweet sweetness is found in many desserts and fruits it gives you lots of [Music] energy [Music] sweet the menu continues with sour sour is an exciting and fun flavor that could give you silers [Music] Bona then moving on with salty salt is added to lots of foods to make them tastier and also to make them last longer no no sir not the 10 only the [Music] Fist and now bitter you'll find the bitter tasting lots of vegetables it could seem a bit strong at first but once you get used to to it you love [Music] it and the last dish on the menu is the newest flavor oi Umami is a velvety flavor that fills your mouth Umami and Japanese means tasty there are many Umami foods for example mushrooms carrots chicken asparagus parmesan cheese french fries [Music] Seafood did you like the experience more flavors nope there are no more flavor what no more flavors no sir these are the five flavors sweet sour salty bitter and Umami baby but no [Music] flavors creating baby bot [Music] flavor try it try it try it try it try trying [Music] try I know [Music] nothing run baby butt the B one to sting us h gotcha we got the bee we catch bee H bees don't usually bother us if we don't bother them did you do anything to this bee no we just wanted to play with a Pata Pata [Music] Pata oh and then for no reason a bee started chasing us bad bad bee bees are not bad bees are amazing don't you know anything about bees I know nothing H I can fix that Billy didn't you have a machine that can turn us all into bees machine perfect this machine can turn us on to beads for how long was it [Music] Billy okay cool we have three minutes to see how incredible the bees really are look at me I Can Fly wow wow everything is so big check it out we are worker bees and that means we have a lot of work to do every day we fly from flower to flower collecting pollen and [Music] nectar the ball and tickle [Music] right bees carry pollen from one plant to the next plant flowers fruits and vegetables wow that's a big job exactly the bees do tons of work to help the planet and everyone who lives here and then they all come back to the hive which is their home [Music] Behold The Beehive cool inside the hive they all serve the queen [Music] bee hello your highness [Music] right then the bead take all the p and nectar they collected that day and turn it into honey wow bees are so cool they help us and they make delicious honey honey m [Music] honey uh-oh our time is almost up we got to get out of here before we turn into our real selves we could destroy the hive we got to go honey well um after just one more Taste of [Applause] Honey we are so sorry we never should have trapped you wait aliot oh no Elliot will break the hive baby bot B will save the hive [Music] don't be scared little bee it's me fly fly Little [Music] Bee farewell bee I hope you will forgive us red honey honey I no I know [Music] nothing potato potato I love you [Music] potato you're the best thing in the world my lovely lovely potato rock in kitchen no no no no no no potato why did you do that Rock in the kitchen rock this is a potato and a very beautiful one beautiful Ro don't listen to him potato you are wonderful can you believe him he thinks this beautiful potato is a rock don't you know potatoes at all I know nothing ah of course forgot about that come baby bot no I will take you to the amazing world of [Music] potatoes potatoes are tubers a tu bird is a large type of underground stem where some plants gather and store the nutrients they need you see now it's a [Music] potato rock what no potatoes are not rocks they are awesome listen up there are more than 4,000 different kinds of potatoes check out the Yukon Gold the Benji the cellos some are tiny some are big some are purple but never green potato rock no no look they come from South America and because they are so great now people all over the world love them you see now they are potato potatoes Rock potato rock potato rock potato potato potato no how can I explain it to this hardheaded robot oh of course I forgot to tell you the most important thing about potatoes they are delicious Ro delicious oh yes they are the best food in the world let me show you mashed potatoes Spanish [Music] tortilla wow I [Music] know potato no rock is right I know potato good my potato potato am [Music] amazing potato potato delicious red potato and now [Music] Rock and [Music] w would you like a pho [Music] sir a little to the left too far to the right more to the right not to much left left there now go up a bit up it's too high down down down not so much up that's good left up right down up right right left right up up left right left down down down left right left right left oops left up down right left right left right up up left right left down right left right [Music] left to the right right left right right right left left right right up up up up left left right right right right up up up up left left right right [Music] left see you [Music] bye-bye Elliot what's wrong it's really cold oh I can't go outside don't worry you can go out again in 2 months when Winter's over 2 months uh [Music] H I can help you bundle up yay thank you [Music] cowe are you ready I was born [Music] ready pants [Music] Bo hat scores [Music] mck ta now you're ready are you sure it's enough it's really cold out there want some more yooo I don't know about that search sweater gloves skirs jacket pants boots hats scar coat boots pants ear warmer what did you say Elliot another hat come on [Music] then more boots of [Music] course and umbrella good [Music] idea [Music] now you're ready let's [Music] go oh the sun's come out Elliot great now we don't need so many clothes yi yi [Music] yi I know [Music] nothing [Music] look what we [Music] found a chicken [Music] bone chicken B chicken chicken launching translation indeed that is not a chicken bone that would be [Music] ridiculous what we have here is a dinosaur bone dinosaurs don't mix stuff up that's a chicken bone I am not making stuff up don't you know anything about dinosaurs I know [Music] nothing I will show you millions of years ago dinosaurs ruled the Earth there were dinosaurs everywhere in the land sea and [Applause] sky W hello and they came in all [Music] sizes all sizes like chicken sized well actually yes like this small kognus the fastest dinosaur of all why was it running so fast probably running away from that hello the Tyrannosaurus Rex is the fiercest predator of all the dinosaurs predat what predator it means that it can eat us do you think they eat chicken [Music] too don't be afraid not all dinosaurs were predators this Titanosaurus for example is an herbivore it eats plants I like the titanosaur too also the Titanosaurus was the biggest dinosaur of all it was as tall as four elephants and how many chickens is that calculating 32 as tall as 32 [Music] chickens enough about chickens I am talking about dinosaurs they don't have anything to do with chickens they're dinosaurs dinosaurs the word means terrible lizard because at first people thought they belonged to the lizard family but now we know that some of them were actually great great great great great great great grandparents of today's birds birds for example could be maybe a chicken yes technically they were birds like chickens chicken balls chicken ball chicken ball chicken ball chicken ball chick chicken B oh yeah chicken B chicken B chicken B chick chicky chick chicken [Music] B I know [Music] nothing [Music] oops baby bot did you drink my water no not me it was here and now it's not and you're the only one here you drink my water no yes no yes no yes no enough what on Earth is going on here baby b just drink all the water from my pool no yes no yes no hey hey calm down already why don't we all go together to the big pool oops all right you're too small but don't worry your water is right there huh that's not my water that's a cloud exactly the water evaporated and turned into a pretty little cloud cloud water never stops it's part of the water cycle of course you don't know about the water cycle I know nothing I do but I just forgot no you don't yes I do no yes no yes no enough I'll teach you but no [Music] arguing water never stops the sun heats it up and turns it into water vapor up high in the sky it cools down and becomes a cloud and what does wind do to a cloud water never stops water drops in the cloud get bigger then it rains water never stops and it repeats again and again because water never stops I guess you get it now I know the water cycle now that you know what's happening let's fill the pool I don't want that water what I want my water oh no my water's running away okay baby bot follow that [Music] cloud [Music] don't lose it baby [Music] butt but this isn't water it's snow it's too cold we need heat to melt the snow then it'll become water again baby bot we need to go where it's warm down the [Music] hill [Music] yay come swim with us Lisa me in a baby pool I'm a month older than you I'm going to the cool pool the grownup pool to use the adult pool you have to be this [Music] tall hi guys is there room for one more of course y yipp [Music] wo belly belly belly belly belly belly can you blow up a balloon for me hm it's very small can you make it bigger H that's a mediumsized balloon I want a big [Music] balloon Bigger I want a big balloon bigger bigger bigger more more more more Billy not that big smaller smaller smaller oops not that small bigger bigger bigger more more more not so big smaller smaller bigger smaller bigger smaller bigger bigger smaller bigger more more more more Billy that's perfect la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la [Music] la I know [Music] nothing flow flow a flower for Elliot H are you sleeping hello baby bot oh thank you so much what a beautiful sunflower actually baby bot I wasn't sleeping I was enjoying some sun the sun yes that is the Sun [Music] baby bot it bur bad son you touched the sun yes bad sun no no baby bot the sun isn't bad the sun is great you don't know anything about the sun I know nothing I'll Enlighten you you see baby but we live in the solar system the solar system exactly the Earth and all the other planets revolve around one star the sun that's right baby bot the sun is our star and it gives us light and W without the sun there would be no light on Earth and it would be very cold imagine that I make light too but the sunlight sup the whole planet can you do that nope Sunshine is great baby bot it makes us feel happy see how sad everything is when there's no sun who could be happy in weather like this [Music] la well except for Coe mmm I don't like the sun oh no poor flower oh the sunflower it's wiing h of course [Music] the sun gives light without the sun there would be no animals no plants and no friends the sun is good Sun R stop the sun is great but very strong we have to be careful to stay safe ready ready drink water check wear cool sunglasses to protect our eyes check wear sunscreen for our skin TR wear a hat to protect our head TR that's it yeah run no baby bot stop and most importantly no hugging the sun okay okay no no hugging no hugging but you know who you can hug all of your friends all of them yes all of them all of them all of them [Applause] [Music] hats spring hats spring hats for [Music] everyone Billy W hat spr spr hat spring [Music] hats Billy I have exactly what you need a spring [Music] hat this is the perfect size for you [Music] la hats spring hats Lisa you need a spring hat that looks great hey spring hats spring hats a perfect fit you're welcome what hat I don't see any hat hello anyone there hey these hats Co gave us are ridiculous I can't see anything what hat I don't see any hat [Music] why you don't like my spring heads why not they're [Music] beautiful oh co don't be sad I'm sure they do like your hats really well um yes yes you just have to put them in order by size in order do you know how to do that my processor can calculate 12,000 trillion data points per second yes I think I can correctly order hats by size Elliot needs a big sized hat Lisa needs a mediumsized and Billy needs a small sized hat but Elliot is wearing a small hat so he should wear the big hat Lisa's head is mediumsized so she should wear the mediumsized hat and Billy's head is the smallest so he needs oh the small oh H hey look I have a hat it fits perfectly I knew it I make the best spring hats but why do you call them spring [Music] hats because there's spring hats [Music] oh they were pretty before but now they're beautiful these are the best hats in the world wonderful oh [Music] joy ah this is going to be exciting I just love Show Business yes sorry number one you're [Music] up twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder wait your turn [Music] Co now it's time for number two twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are wait your turn [Music] Coe not bad but Billy I have a lot of hidden talents you know I recite poetry sing tell jokes you just have to give me a chance please Billy I want to be famous ah fine then number three's turn [Music] H twinkle [Music] twinkle hey [Music] [Music] turn your [Music] turn number four it's your turn Co You're Number Four it's your turn at least you have a chance unlike me now it's your turn now it's your turn Co okay yay twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star twinkle twinkle [Music] littlear thank you and now a joke what do you call a fly that lands on the [Music] butter a butterfly [Music] thank you thank you this is the happiest day of my life I know nothing [Applause] Monster's eating the mil the moon mon look every night a bigger piece is gone I'm telling you [Music] Billy monster a monster [Music] eating monst eating [Music] what launching translation Co baby bot you are mistaken no no one is eating the Moon the Moon is in the last quarter uh the last quarter it is simply in the waning phase don't you know anything about the moon I know nothing the Moon is the Earth's natural satellite anything that moves around a planet is called a satellite we only see part of the Moon where the sun shines depending on where it is in relation to Earth at any given time that's why sometimes it looks like it's missing a piece no one is eating the moon it's just the shadow does that make [Music] sense wo preparing rocket launch to the Moon rocket ready takeoff in three 2 [Music] 1 oh the Moon is home it was only a sad it wasn't a monster [Music] Billy it is H let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go yes this is fun on the surface of the Moon we weigh a lot less than on earth oh that it's a lovely flag Lisa Lisa we were on the moon and we were floating in this hole and nobody's eating it and we put a flag on it and and nobody would believe that okay give it back give it [Music] back thank [Music] you now it is time to [Music] go I know nothing [Music] beautiful what's the matter baby bot the leaves are falling the tree is dying baby bot is not dying the leaves will come back in Spring springing not that kind of spring baby bot I'm talking about the seasons of the Year Seasons hang on you don't know about the seasons I know nothing this is a job for reporter Co breaking news it is fall what can you tell us about this baby bot I know nothing we'll fix that connecting with our special fall reporter Lisa hi Callie as you can see in Fall it starts to get cold and leaves fall off the trees it can be rainy and it is also really windy that's all from Fall Coe back to you I know fall we have an update it's now winter baby but what can you tell us about winter nothing here's Elliot reporting live from Winter hello from the cold winter where the days are Sorter and is so cold that sometimes it snows and the trees still have no leaves goodbye from Winter the best and only time to play in the snow [Music] I [Music] know ladies and gentlemen and baby bot spring is here Lisa what can you tell us about spring hey there here's a scoop we are going to see the first flowers of spring come to bloom but watch out because it is also allergy season we recommend this season to enjoy the colors and Aromas of the flowers and baby bot look at all the leaves on the trees W the leaves are bad I know I know spring I know [Music] spring call Lisa baby bot what are you still doing there in summertime it's hot the days are longer and we on vacation that's all from sunny summer goodbye I know [Music] summer I know nothing 1 2 3 4 5 hey hey hey Co hello it's me Bobby Bobby Bobby could you do me a big favor sure this is Lucas could you take care of him for me yes here is the list it has everything you need to know to take care of him I'll be back to pick him up later [Music] bye let's take care of him doggy [Music] doggy now he's my tread stop what are you doing dogs aren't toys don't you know anything about dogs no I know nothing but didn't Bobby give you instructions yeah he gave us a list but the dog at it sure okay I am going to tell you all you need to know about dog dog dogs are canines that come in different sizes and [Music] colors but they all need love and care you must feed dogs every day food no no they can only eat dog [Music] food yep yep yep yep y you also have to bathe them when they get dirty okay okay listen up what I'm about to tell you is very important you have to take dogs for walks every day don't forget to pick up the [Music] poop and play with [Music] him but most important of all give him all the love he [Music] needs hello there so how was Lucas they did a great job with my help okay great time to go no don't take him away [Music] doy I see that you can take good care of dogs so I have a special surprise for you look belly d [Music] yay more songs activities and podcasts on our YouTube channels
Channel: Lingokids Little Learners Loft TV
Views: 18,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baby bot, baby bot episodes, lingokids baby bot, baby bot lingokids, lingokids robot, baby bot, baby bot cartoons, lingokids songs, lingo kid, lingokids cartoons, baby bot cartoons for kids, i know nothing lingokids, lingokids i know nothing, lingo kids, lingokids, educational cartoons for kids, Educational Cartoons, i know nothing, cartoons for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, cartoons for first graders, baby cartoons
Id: TNof0cKS9bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 39sec (3819 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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