The IMPOSSIBLE Nintendo 2DS XL Repair!

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hey everyone how's it going at it here again today's video we are going to be tackling quite possibly one of the most impossible repairs that you can do on a modern console and I'm gonna be trying to replace the top screen in a new 2d s XL I thought it'd be quite fun to just have a go I really haven't got a lot to lose because this thing I paid 25 pounds for it's boxed it hasn't got any manuals it didn't come with a charger basically I think I paid about thirty pounds start off with a listing up on the screen and I just said she messaged me saying I forgot to send the charge at the seller and I said don't worry about it just refund me six pounds or something like that you know which I thought was pretty fair and that meant that this came down to about twenty five pounds the box is a little bit beaten up but I really don't care too much so here it is here's the unit it's in pretty good condition apart from the fact that it's really really grubby the other thing as well which is kind of noteworthy is that this flap doesn't really close properly it's always kind of open a bit but I'm really not too worried about that I just really want to replace this top screen as you can see if I turn it on the top screen has completely had it so this is gonna be a trying to fix video very similar to my mate Vince who has actually done a lot of videos on 2d s XL as one of which did very very well and that's actually how I found this channel so when he actually tried to do the repairs on them the top screens weren't actually available to buy but now they are and here it is and I think when we actually have a look at this we'll be able to see just why these things keep breaking this is literally as flimsy as flimsy gets like I don't even know how this works I mean it's a testament to modern technology and thin LCD screens but my god I finished the mod this is the retro future from the future I just want to quickly say that this video is sponsored by Squarespace the place to go to if you're looking to establish your own website online store or obtain a domain name very cool website I'll leave the link to that in the description below does it work okay so without any further ado let's just go ahead and give it a go I'm not really too sure what to expect but I think it'll be fun just to give it a try and see where we get so it's now time to take this thing apart a little bit nervous I'm quite excited but I'm definitely know at the same time I don't have the highest of hopes right now going into this thing I definitely don't feel confident okay that looks like all of the screws so let's just see if we can pop this open there we go I think we're there now oh you get one side out on the other side clicks open okay there we go that looks like we're pretty much there now I'm just gonna be careful not to lift up any ribbon cables so there's actually one ribbon cable at the back which I imagine is for the cameras there's two little cables either side and then a ribbon cable at the top okay okay and that is the back removed so there's just two cables here for the speaker's you need to be very very careful of and then a ribbon cable for the camera so the battery is adhered down with a little sticky pad which was not willing to come off but it's important that you remove that because what we don't want to do is electrocute ourselves or short something out so okay that is a lot of ribbon cables my god [Music] okay as that is the main board removed as you can see the little nub thing up here is is still attached so I'm just going to set that to the side and we can now see everything else and I'm a little bit scared now because this is where we're going to be getting to the part where there's a lot of fiddly work involved so there's a couple of things that are coming through this hinge which we need to be very very careful of I don't think we need to disassemble this any further and I don't think we need to remove that bottom screen which is probably good but we are going to need to take out this hinge here which is actually opening this thing up and that doesn't look like it's going to be terrifically easy okay so I managed to get the hinge out okay without damaging anything basically you need to open it all the way up and then it just kind of fell out there and also all the buttons are falling out which is probably not ideal but so in order to get this hinge out you have to just remove the bracket here which I've just done and it should now slide out a little bit further there it is a little hinge they are replaceable so if you break that it's not a big big deal obviously it's just another expenditure for me so now we should be able to just slide everything through here there we go so we've separated the bottom screen and this is where it gets difficult the tricky parts haven't even started yet because all of this is adhesive and it's all gonna be very very difficult to get apart so I'm not really too excited about this if I'm honest with you I'm just gonna remove this little metal tube here just for the sake of it and we're now really in the realms of the tricky stuff so basically there's four screws underneath here and I picked up some blades because I have seen what people have done is lifted up the design on the front and the screws are underneath but I'm a little bit worried about doing that but let's just see how goes I'm not sure they said that it's incredibly incredibly adhesive so I'm a little bit nervous about this there's also always going to be an aspect of damaging some plastic parts with using knives and sharp objects so I'm not too sure if this is going to go back together looking exactly how it did when I took it apart but I can actually see the screw there oh oh okay there we go so there's the first white bit removed right so now I'm going to try and take apart this this red side here and I'm just going to be a little bit more brutal with this because the plastic is actually a lot thicker than I thought it was so I'm not as worried as I first was when I tried this but it's just so funny to be taken apart a console that is literally held together with adhesive sticky pads that is really really quite ridiculous and now what do we do I don't actually know is that just gonna come off nicely oh it looks like it is excellent okay and there's our screen blimey right let's set that to the side and we now need to take that off and I'm not sure how to go about doing that but obviously it's already broken so as long as I can get it off I know that's that's separate in the layers we don't know just to get that out of the way we can put that back in later on obviously so there's actually a little slit in the hinge here and that you can feed everything through that that's where the ribbon cable goes down so our last hurdle there's a little magnet there our last hurdle is basically just to get this this screen out yeah so look that is the the actual LCD screen there I actually think there's some glass still on here so I think all I've done is just separated the the layer at the front there all right so I have actually managed to get the screen out and basically there's some adhesive like a little sticker all the way around the front there and that just kept that that part on the front essentially I actually separated the two glass layers in an LCD screen and in between that is the pixel kind of liquid stuff the liquid crystal stuff so probably not the nicest way of doing I probably could have separated with a hairdryer first but what I actually ended up doing was hair drying the whole thing and in order to separate it from here in the process I managed to break this which is not being great but I could glue it but I don't need to because this back piece holds all together so it's only going to be an aesthetic thing and I probably could find a replacement one of these anyway so now we have the task of putting everything back together which I'm quite nervous about if I'm completely honest so I'm gonna give this this lens a quick clean I did find out that Zedd labs actually do a replacement of these for seven pounds so if you wanted to you could just get a replace with one of those and then you'd be you'd be sword okay so what I think I'm going to do is reassemble this front part and that just involves sticking that down on here and I don't think it needs to go on in a specific orientation but you might as well put in the way that you came there's a magnet which goes in here and I'm not sure which way this came out of so potentially my sleep function might not work because of that magnet not being in the right orientation but I'm really not bothered I just want to get this thing back together again just make sure there's no dust or there's a little dust as you can possibly get and then set the front down I don't really know why I'm saying it's like it's a tutorial okay so once you've got the screen back in go ahead and put this little what I can only imagine is the antenna back in as well okay that looks that looks alright I think that's just going to press down nicely in there so let's pop the front of the a top piece back on and clip everything into place and all of the bits at the bottom and that looks about right be very very careful and gentle whilst doing all of this because Nintendo built the 2d s XL to be super cheap but in the process that means that it's very easy to break and very difficult to to fix I think I worked out what I'm doing wrong this little metal ring that is meant to hold this ribbon cable together I think I'm going to tuck everything in to that and then cover up the ribbon cable so that it's all in a nice little ball and then thread that through then thread the ring through there we go oh my goodness me okay that looks better so now we just have to get that ribbon cable out okay right hello ribbon cable how are you so there's the hinge which we now need to push all the way back in again and it can only usually go in one way so you need to be quite careful when doing this and it shouldn't need to force too far in you shouldn't need to like give it a load of pressure because it should just pressure fit in slowly so that looks about right and then once it's actually in there then you can give it a final little press in and that should be okay so we're now in the final stages of putting this back together hopefully it should just be a case of reconnecting all of the ribbon cables and putting them all back into place now there's a couple of these ribbon cables here which have come in and gone out very very easily so hopefully they're still going to be making a connection I think it's all just pressure fitted [Music] [Music] as you probably would have seen I'm more or less all the way sorted here so I've just had to basically put a bunch of the screws back in and tie down all of the ribbon cables back into their their places I'm really really concerned about those ribbon cables because some of the connectors that I've seen I'm not familiar with some hopefully I haven't damaged them or anything but I think this is pretty much it so I'm just putting the back cover on there's a couple more things that we just have to connect and then we are done so I'm very very excited to put this all back together so what I need to do is put these final four screws back in and then test it and so help me am i nervous at this point because this is it this is the final straw moment of truth let's flick it over everything looks like it's closed up absolutely fine obviously I put these top bits back on oh no that joysticks not gone back in probably oh okay well I'll sort that out in a second here we go let's try it does it even work blue lights come on please please oh my goodness but the bottom screens not working there we go that feels much better it just went in with a bit of pressure there which means that it's slightly back into place fortunately I didn't have to disassemble that whole thing and the ribbon cable for the screen that is causing the problem just hasn't been plugged in so that was a very very rookie error for me in my excitement to to get this thing closed up but that does mean that we now have a working 2d Excel goodness gracious me have I finally done this that is the question let's pop this SD card back in as well because that had the games on it now there's a couple things I'm gonna need to quickly go through and diagnose actually work so we've got the power button on the bottom that's the first stage right so let's diagnose whether or not anything is broken so we've got sound have we got touchscreen yes we do we do have touchscreen keys work joystick works knob works and let's see if the cameras working that's quite an important one so the back camera works and now let's set swap to the inner camera and see if that works yes ok that works ok and looks like everything's fine oh my goodness me I was not expecting to actually fix that the final thing I need to do is just adhere these back on and I think it was the red one on the top and the white one on the bottom I can probably check that yeah there we go okay so it's red one on the top push that back down white one on the bottom I'm just gonna be very very careful when pushing that back down again and hopefully we won't damage anything this lets refurb was sponsored by Squarespace if you're looking to set up a website obtain a domain name use Squarespace they have 24 hours 7 days a week award-winning service there's definitely always someone there to help you it's great for people wanting to establish their first website you can start a free 14-day trial today and get 10% off your first purchase using code the retro future [Music] okay so the final thing for us to do is just give this thing a little mr. Sheen and clean it all up and whilst I'm doing that I'm just going to talk about my opinion and my thoughts on this mod because well repair rather it's not really a mod but this is one of the most tricky repairs to to do and I definitely don't disagree with that it has not been easy when you think about like the DS lite and how easy that was to fix and replace the screens on those this is definitely definitely on a completely nother level so I'm going to do a little bit of further testing on this thing and maybe get back to you on Facebook if you have any questions on what you wanted to know if that works and everything like that but as far as I'm concerned this thing works absolutely brilliantly it comes with a couple of games on it as well a couple of games from the shop which is quite nice and although I'm not sure if they stay when I reset this but yeah it's got Pokemon from the Virtual Console which is always a nice little game to have pokemon crystal version so yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this video big thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring it and if you enjoyed it let me know in the comment section below tell me if you think that you could have a go at this and how did I do in terms of in terms of actually repairing this was it as hard as I thought no was it as tricky as I anticipated definitely and yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this video if you did leave a like if you're new to the channel please subscribe and I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: The Retro Future
Views: 654,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheRetroFuture, RetroFuture, The Retro Future, Gameboy, Nintendo, RetroGameTech, Famicom, NES, SNES, Super, Repair, Fix, Restore, Collection, Japanese, ThisDoesNotCompute, Switch, 2ds xl repair, top screen, lets refurb, trying to fix
Id: Jp07N_FjA1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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