The best money making apps & websites 2024 (UK)

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if you're looking to make a little bit extra money in 2024 then your phone could well be the answer in this video I will take you through some apps and websites that you can use just in your normal day-to-day life when you've got a spare five minutes or before you do something else or in some cases you do it once and it keeps earning to get some extra cash coming in throughout the year before we get into that though there are a couple of things I want you to think about before you start downloading all of them first of all if any of the ones I tell you about sound interesting make sure you look first of all for any welcome offers or referral codes because they might give you that a little bit extra to help Kickstart your earnings and since many of the apps that I'm going to be talking about May well have a minimum cash out the minimum amount you have to earn before you can get that money that referral code will give you that little bit of a nudge there are some that I can list over at bever which I'll put in the show notes below so you can click through and look at those welcome offers there but if not ask your mates if they've got a refer friend scheme code so they get a an extra bonus as well as you or have a Google for those kind of things anything you can do to maybe just called Kickstart your earnings the second thing is what I tell you about this stuff and I urge when I I'd let you know what I think of the different ways of making money as well if you I think it's worth giving a go or you just want to see how they pan out when you're doing it when you're trying it try and get a sense of how long it's taking you to do it and how much money you've earned in that time to earn that cash now some of them it will be pretty decent yeah other times you really need a kind of a benchmark to kind of like was it worth your time could your time be better spent elsewhere and there are a couple of ways to do it this you might just have a figure in your head and go right this is what my time is worth this is how much I want to be wor we earning over an hour in order for me to actually have kind of you better rather than we do something else that's what I want to do if you want to be slightly more concrete then you want to maybe kind be it to you're actually earning right now from your salary now you might know what your hourly rate is you might get paid by an hourly rate and actually the minimum wage the national living wage from April 2024 is £144 so that's a really good Benchmark to be going from but you want to know exactly what you are earning right now at work get your annual salary divided by 220 which is the working days it takes out bank holidays and weekends and things like that actual days where you're actually working and then divide that figure you've got by the number of hours you work in a day most people seven or eight hours could be a little bit more don't forget that you often don't get paid for lunch but let's say give an example example here if you are earning £35,000 a year and you're working an 8 hour day that works out at2 an hour so not quite double what the national living wages but 20 an hour if you could got the opportunity to work extra shifts or maybe have another job take a part-time job somewhere which pays something similar to that yes you got a factor in tax and you got a factor in National Insurance which with these extra money making things potentially won't come into play because you're talking about much smaller amounts won't really come in into sort of Taxation but anyway you might be thinking it's much better I use my time if I can do an extra two hours uh work one evening or get a part-time job at the weekend you might end up getting more money overall than spending you know two or three hours a week doing all these different bits and pieces and just getting small amounts of cash in return and also the other thing when you back to the time as well it's not just about those things think about the other Financial things you might have been putting off that actually could be worth so much more every from 10 15 minutes spent applying for a new bank account and switching into it when there's a deal on which could be worth about 200 quid I share them on the channel every single month whenever these new deals come along the best ones out there that is an amazing Payday for you or it could be about spending you know what I'm going to put an hour aside to go through all my budgeting to look at my pension to look at uh you if you have mortgage you standard variable rate on your mortgage or look at your mobile phone contract any of these kind of things you might be putting off finding a better deal they can all be worth hundreds and hundreds of of pounds every single year way more than you'll get from these having said that let's get into it and I want to start off with some good ones ones that pretty much are going to pay out a decent chunk of cash just to get you more excited about it and these are the newer ones data sharing apps and data sharing websites they are as the name suggests where you give these companies permission to see your information they vary massively uh there are quite a few of them out there I'm just going to highlight a handful of them the first one I'm going to talk about here is youv Finance this is where you can connect your bank accounts your savings accounts and your credit cards up to 10 of those different accounts to this uh special subsection of the ugv platform we talk about ugv in a moment when it comes to surveys but you've probably seen them quoted quite often in the Press you are via open banking connecting to these different banking uh accounts these different type of things which basically gives them access to see how you're spending your money you will get 500 points for every current account and every credit card that you connect 100 points for a savings account now uh 100 points is worth a pound 500 points is worth5 pounds um but you need 5,000 so 50 to claim to cash out for a 50 Quid uh gift voucher so in an idea world if you're a regular viewer of my channel and you have got a number of current accounts and credit cards that use for all different promotions and offers and stuff uh then you will hopefully be able to access all 10 and get that 5050 quid if you haven't got that many you might have to add your savings accounts in it just means it will take you longer for you to reach that 50 uh payout threshold now uh what you can do with this one as well is it's not just one off you have to reconnect your accounts every 90 days that's but open banking does you have to reconnect and say yes I still want to connect to this so every 90 days you get that again which means you can do it four times but actually a little hack is you're often able to do this maybe a couple of weeks before those 90 days uh come about renew them then and you might be able to squeeze in almost five of these renewals so potentially there's 250 quid available from this in just over 12 months so really really good one there uh yes you might be thinking hang on do I really want to be sharing my data uh you know that is something certainly to consider but you think about everywh we do this whether it's just cookies on our computer or nectar and Club card you know we are doing this in so much of our life this is just the next stage of it where you're monetizing it but yeah absolutely if you are concerned about it obviously look into it a little bit more now there is another one which is very similar to this and this is called unbanked you will get a lot less from this but again it's relatively passive now you only need to connect One account uh to do this and you will earn 110 points every month that that account is connected again remember once again you do have to reconnect this every 90 days refresh that open banking connection Now you kind of need uh for the gift card payouts you need 492 points to earn £3 uh £820 for A5 one that makes that £10 you get every single month worth about 67 P so you're looking at almost five months before you get a payout so realistically over a year this is only going to earn you seven quid maybe something like that but again don't have to do much once you've done it every 90 stage remember just to check in it takes a few seconds each time to renew that connection it may be worth giving that go there are other ways to earn points within the app as well surveys and stuff if you just want to share your data on that single current account and let it keep going you can do that one and this is one of those also has that referral code I think it's 150 bonus points you can get uh for that for signing up now the last one of these data sharing apps I want to share with you there are others and do your research look into them but it's the last one I'm going to share with you is youa again but it's yugov safe and this is where you connect via a browser extension on Chrome so this is going to be desktop rather than on your phone you connect uh to your different streaming services and you'll get between 75 and 150 points points added on now remember we talked about this before you need to have in total uh 5,000 points in order to get that 50 Quid uh payout but this might help you if you're short on the bank accounts short on the credit card things like that connecting some of your uh streaming data uh that will help boost you and get you to that total or it just means you're jumping ahead of the game a little bit more and you earn more faster and again these can all be renewed so yeah it's BR 75 150 for the likes of Apple TV uh Disney plus Netflix Paramount plus all those serves you can connect there is also a beta version within this same uov safe where you connect your Amazon shopping history so you can see everything you shop with Amazon they'll be able to see it all and again they'll give you some points for that again that's something you can refresh so I think these ones they will pay out yes is that high payment threshold for you govern yes it might take a while with unbanked to get some cash but relatively low effort once you've made that connection so definitely worth having a look at the next ones to talk about are ones that you see spoken about so often online on social media on blogs and these are the survey apps these are the ones that I've never really had any Joy with and I've given them a go to test them out so I can tell you guys what I think about them over the years and I've always been screened out which basically means you answer some initial questions and they go oh no actually uh you're not suitable for this so you spend a couple of minutes answering some questions you don't even get to the actual survey where you earn some points or earn some money now that obviously will vary and and the more time you put into this the more likely it is that you're going to find surveys that you can answer but I am a little bit dubious of them but again really good ones to be doing if you have got some time to kill at the bus stop or whatever it might be while you're waiting for the kettle to boil couple of minutes CU they're short and sharp normally and people do use them a lot and they do say over time their money does uh add up again I would just urge you just to consider how that compares to other ways you can make some money as I detailed at the beginning but some to think about here branded surveys swag Buck yugov again that we've already mentioned so if you already got that no harm going and answering some surveys prolific ipsos IA CI ATO there are so many more out there so again just look for those referral codes look for a sense of you know give them maybe all a go see which ones work best for you and then maybe just have them on the app and you just try them as and when but do bear in mind that minimum payout that's going to be there on all of these different apps because it might be if there's quite a high threshold before you can even cash out you don't want to spread yourself too thin you want to focus on uh just one or two of these apps to be earning some money next up are some testing apps and again you're asking for your opinion again the survey apps you're generally just answering a few questions relatively quick testing apps they actually want you to go in and often it's like a live record of what you're doing and you're talking through a PR process it might be looking at a website it might be completing an online task of some kind um and that could take 10 15 20 minutes obviously because they take longer they'll pay more again there are a number of these when I looked at some of the different reviews for these or spoke to people who have used them again it's might be a mixed bag of what works and what doesn't work but the one that has come through that generally more of than not seems to be worth giving a go at least is user testing again you could be screened out you might not be suitable and there might be competition for these opportunities but again you might be able to earn uh sitting at home on your desktop or on the app earn yourself a nice bit of money there it does pay in US Dollars though something to bear in mind so you might lose a little bit on the conversion if you haven't got an account that it can pay into where that doesn't uh get charged now you can take these tasks a step further and these are ones where you'd have to leave the home so you're not sitting at your computer and talking through and doing bits and pieces you're often having to go out often to a shop or a business and effectively you're mystery shopping in lots of ways you might have to go and take photos of a product in a shop you might have to speak to a person and ask them and say will they recommend that product you know see how their customer service is related to this so a couple of apps that I've tried in the past or at least looked at I haven't actually bothered doing it because well one there aren't that many for where I live I think if you live in a bigger town or a bigger city you might have a greater chance to find a more range of these things although you'll also probably have increased competition um but also they tend to take you know they say half an hour to do it but I sometimes wonder if that's a little bit optimistic effectively I've seen things for curries where you have to go and look at the computer displays and you know do all those things I said about and get feedback is Curry's uh doing what the brand wanted to do in terms of this particular computer I've seen weight tros uh just the other day if I go and look at the chocolate section uh and they'd pay me5 pounds if I did all these things but again it's quite a lot of photos you have to take quite a lot of work you have to do definitely could be higher earners and if you're in town anyway and you happen to have this come along and you've got the time you may as well go and do it and if you do this a few times and you find you're actually you're doing it faster than their time they say then it actually might work out uh as something a little bit more profitable again if it is5 for half an hour's work 1010 an hour you're not far off minimum wage maybe you're better off elsewhere but certainly something to look at a couple of the ones say the apps that I've looked at in the past are buiild agent and be my eye uh they're the ones where I've seen the likes of say waitr and curries and Sainsbury's and Asda and Costco appear there are a number of others some that I've seen recommended but I've not tried Street bees Roma sheeper Again download them look for those referral codes I know B myi for example that has a referral code uh sign up see what's available give it a go see if you think it's worth the time you're spending on it now a newer range of these uh apps are game playing apps I'm not a gamer right it's not something I spend my time doing it yes like everyone a decade ago I was doing Angry Birds but generally amount of games I've got on my phone I never touch them but if you're someone who just generally likes to spend their time on their phone playing games then why not see if you can get paid to do it there again a number of ones that would do this inbox pounds I've seen very well thought of here uh Miss play swag Buck again swag Buck pops up in a number of those different categories it might be a good allrounder to be looking at again give it a try see what happens this could be quite time consuming particularly if you're playing games and often what you'll need to do within a certain time frame is to reach a certain level or complete certain tasks so it's well worth knowing what you need to do and how to do it maybe before you get started uh rather than just spend 10 15 minutes trying to get the gist of it when you actually you that will contribute towards the overall time it takes to to reach that uh amount to get that payout again interesting one if you like games good one to be checking out okay next section receipt app there are two of these uh I'll cover the kind of more generic receipt apps first of all and this is where you literally scan the receipts from your purchases into this app and you get paid for doing that again they are collecting your data as they are in so many of these different apps this is basically what products you're buying and it gives them a good understanding of kind of shopping behavior and they sell that on on to other people as well the probably the best one here but sadly is invite only you can apply when you down the app and get on the wait list is the Amazon shopping panel Amazon themselves will pay you uh5 Amazon credit if you upload 10 receipts every single month so that won't take you very long again there are some additional surveys on there as well so that's worth thinking about again don't know how often you're going to be able to do this because again it is very very limited number of people on there but certainly wor like I've done when I've researched this I've downloaded the app I've got myself on the wait list and I'll see if they do send me an invite another one is zip zero this has been around for a while it's had kind of during the pandemic it struggled it l like it was going to go under but it's still going it has reduced the cash back it gives you though on when you scan your receipts from 1% to 0.1% which is very very very low however some retailers premium retailers you can get a boosted amount uh so for example looking at just right now I've seen you can get 4% at Asda uh there was money back as well at 3% at Boots so shops you may well go to again these these retails will change and you do have to activate the offer before you shop but then you go to the shop and you come back and you scan your receipt or you can email over your online receipt as well those larger uh percentages can make it worthwhile and often you can stack them with other ways of earning cashback which we'll come back to in a minute uh what I would say here is that when you earn money on here is it's important to know this goes towards your bills your utility bills so it's worth just double-checking that your suppliers are listed in there before you start amassing uh this cash back back uh and you find you can't use it although chances are you'll be able to use it on one of your different bills including your council tax for for most people I say a mass in your cash back remember that 0.1% that could take you a 5,000 spend potentially uh before you get that5 pound minimum payout yes if you have those boosted offers that will come down a little bit but again just re you know share some realism here it will take you a long time before you can even get a fiver and then you've got to factor in the time to do that that could take a huge amount of time let's say an average spend of £25 and let's say that £25 they're all the 0.1% that means you'd need 200 receipts that you need to scan and let's say a minute per scan because you got to open the app and then you've got to scan it and maybe there's long receipt you got to add extra bits in maybe it's less than that I don't know but let's say it's taking a minute that would be 3 hours to earn a Fiverr combined and the chance it could take you a year in order to get that so again take all these with a pinch of salt some other receipt apps you might want to look at uh shopix store rewards and stack my eats again uh people using these I've never bothered with them because I just think the time you put in for the amount you get back is so so low now the other Supermarket receipt apps uh these ones are cash back apps and we'll talk more about cash back in a second but these are apps where they are product specific although those products themselves might only be available or the cashm but will only be available if you buy them from a specific supermarket and there'll be things like buy this get one pound off buy this get 20% off or whatever it mean sometimes they're freebies as well but you scan it you upload your receipt and then you will get paid that money back to you uh I've got them I don't use them that often uh if there's something I really like on there that I'm going to buy anyway fantastic but more often than not you will find these on new products that the brands the reason they're giving you this discount this cash back is because they want you to try this new product and you've got to be careful not to buy something just because it's 50% off or a pound off or whatever it might be because it might be there's an alternative product that you actually do want or you prefer which is just as cheap without the money back or you buy something for the sake of it and you don't actually ever really use it or want it again it's all food or grocery things here at the supermarket but they're certainly worth downloading and again there often are welcome offers shopmium and green Jin for example I know we've got referral codes for those over on the website so again you can at least try them out uh and see how you go with them but let's go on to proper cash back apps and these are going to be again the ones started off with some that we're going to make you a decent amount of cash I'm going to talk about some more now which also will absolutely make you some cash now you're probably aware already of quidco and top cashback I talk about them all the time here on the YouTube on the podcast over on the website they are great places for you to go to before you shop online now you can use them I tend to use them mainly on the desktop I tend to do most of my online shopping on the on my laptop but you can absolutely use your phone as well and I do sometimes click through from the apps on here uh be careful just to double check that you're not opening up the Retailer's own app they do need to open up in your browser from the cashback app often for that to track not always but just be doubly sure of that and you can get some money back anything from 1% up to a set amount and they can absolutely earn you hundreds of pounds over the year there were also some really good welcome offers there up to17 at the time of recording this so do absolutely if you haven't used them already sign up by a referral code and do your shopping it takes an extra minute to shop you go open them up search for I don't know let's say it's Asar search for Asos click Asos it opens up Asos in a new browser do your shopping as normal so absolutely top cashback and quickco Essentials but they are not the only cashback sites and they particularly not the only cashback app so these other ones are pretty much app specific ones that you may not know about first one to say about is Airtime rewards airtime rewards is linked to your mobile phone contract generally restricted just to the big networks there are a few of the smaller ones on there but you'll be fine if you're on o23 Vodaphone or a uh a couple of others would also be on there but if you're with them you can earn cash back when you spend with a linked card at a participating retailer and there's some big names in there uh boots is in there uh Gregs is in there every now and again the supermarkets pop in they tend to come and go but this is long as you put your Visa or Mastercard uh cards on there and scan them in sadly not American Express and you shop with those at a participating retailer you'll get some money back and then you can apply that uh to your mobile phone contract so it's a really really good one to try and download again there is a welcome offer available for that one works out about 150 but hey everything helps doesn't it when you're getting started on these uh what I would say this one is what is really good is you can often stack this so you could use this purchase uh with other offers that are around uh that might be going on elsewhere and you can sometimes cash stack it with another cashback app this is called chedda now chedda works exactly the same way but rather than adding on your uh debit or uh credit cards manually you connect via open banking so it'll open up the uh your banking app and you'll just connect your uh current account or your credit card that way this one will work with American Express inantly um however the problem with this one is there aren't that many retailers on there so it's worth adding your cards on there so just in case by chance you happen to spend at those shops you get some money back but don't expect a huge amount from it but again well worth giving that one a try where ched up maybe is better for you in earning money is offering you cash back when you buy gift cards you might be thinking I don't want a gift card gift cards give it to a present for someone okay maybe but actually no gift cards could be a great thing to use on your everyday spending when you get this cash back on it so for example you might be able to get 3% back at teso doing your Supermarket shopping every week every month 3% will add up there again the rates do vary um but they get really really worth checking that out on your app and chedda isn't the only one doing this is also Jam donut in fact Jam donut probably has a larger range of retailers where you can buy these gift cards and get cash back to your app um and also one called hyper jar hyper jar is a budgeting app but has introduced his cashback feature on gift cards as well I would look at all three of them and I would compare the rates when you're going to buy something see which one offers you the highest amount of cash back they do bear in mind here as I mentioned with a lot of the other apps with that minimum cash out level for cheddar it's 5 pounds of cash back for Jam donut it's 1010 pounds of cash back there isn't any minimum threshold for hyper jar so if you're not going to be using it a lot there is a risk that money just sits there but absolutely worth having a look at all of those different cashback apps having them on your phone every time you shop every time you spend can you save money by having them and the last section I want to talk about here are apps that you can use to sell things you don't have and this actually could well be if you've got enough stuff sitting around at home could well be one of your biggest earners okay might not be something you do regularly but if you have a nice sort of like spring clean or just anytime you're kind of working through what you've got what you don't need a bit of a clear out see if anything you think is worth listing on these sites now you already know eBay obviously you can do that on the app you can do that online you probably know Facebook Marketplace as well you probably also know sites like Vinted and Depot there's also one called twig download them give them a go maybe compare them see if there's a certain price that they will give you for these products what's interesting about twig over the others is they'll tell you how much they'll give it to give to you for this stuff up front you're not listing it for people you're selling it literally to Twig and they'll then sell it on and that's similar to some of the other apps when you're selling things like CDs and books and things like that You' you've got the likes of music magpie we buy books zifit they will also tell you exactly what you'll get when you sell them although in my experience they don't pay a huge amount of cash but again you might have a special edition or something that's a bit rarer where you get a little bit more money and it is worth doing it there you go loads of different apps and websites to make you money this year from your phone or your computer my name is Andy Webb thank you so much for watching check out these videos here for more ways to boost your money
Channel: Be Clever With Your Cash
Views: 34,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Money making apps 2023, money making apps, best money making apps, best money making apps 2023, money earning apps, best apps to make money, best app to earn money, money making apps uk, zipzero, airtime rewards, cashback apps, receipt apps, best survey apps, market research apps, best money apps, how to make money online, make money online, make money online uk 2023, field agent, bemyeye, user testing, twig app, selling apps
Id: RacrPDmWFoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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