The Best Millionaire Shortbread - Caramel Square

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hello welcome back to my kitchen my name's Siobhan sweet and today we're going to make one of my absolute ultimate favorites millionaire shortbread now I used to eat this when I was younger I haven't made in ages I thought you know what I'm going to show you how to do a proper millionaire shortbread so we've got the flour the sugar and the butter and we're just going to make that into a shortbread so we're going to add the butter using the Machine and we're just going to soften that now I don't want to get too soft because I don't want to cream it too much otherwise it's just going to get too soft a lot of us were with it very well so pop us into mixer you can make this by hand but I would just prefer to use Kitchen Aid it's a bit quicker and then we're going to leave that just to blend together so you can see in there now it's nice and soft but not so soft that it's going to be too buttery then we're just going to add in the flour [Music] start singing coming together now just pull it together and then stop the machine so we're gonna get the train ready now and what I do is lightly butter tray now this trays a little bit too big but don't worry about that because I'm going to show you how to do it it sticks and piece of paper and I've just cut the corners out there so it fits in so this tray is ten inches by 8 inches I've got a piece of tinfoil and I'll slop that there just to hold it so if you're doing anything like a cheesecake or anything laughs it just helps because we haven't always got the right size tray I gave this trace of my daughter so I'm having to make do with this one and that will just hold it together so just on the back of the spoon you're gonna press this until it's nice and smooth so once you've got that nice and smooth that's going to go into the oven for about 25 minutes and I always cut short but on a really low heat so 145 see it's perfect so I'm gonna make the filling now that's the nearly finished two more minutes in the oven and we're going to leave that to cool a bit the fillings so I've got 200 grams of butter now when I make this I like to use a nonstick pan and I need it my thumb's are nonstick the nonstick pan I got is this one so it's not really deep in us and you've got a deeper nonstick pan that's much better it's just the condensed milk tends to stick if you don't have a nonstick pan so I'm going to pour 200 grams of butter in the pan and I'm just going to let that melt gently and then we're going to add the golden syrup in here we've got 87 grams of golden syrup just make sure you get it out now I always use taste and Lyall love that one really good quality then we're going to add the condensed milk now condensed milk just be careful you can't use anything else you have to use condensed milk and it's a sweetened condensed milk don't try and buy the caramel one already done it won't set because the reason I bring this up to the boss because it's just going to set like a toffee if you just get the ball one and pour it on it works only what gotta chop it properly so just add that in there 300 and 97 grams that's a full 10 to go in there let that all melt just let it take its time and the sugar goes on tops a little 37 grams of sugar so let that these off first and then we're going to bring that up to the boil so just stir that together doing right the way around the edge just until it's dissolved once it is all wanted to turn the heat up I'm going to cook this for about 6 minutes until it's a nice fudgy caramel color just keep stirring don't leave the pan because condensed milk will catch so you can see that it's really bubbly now be careful because this is one of the nastiest things you can get a burn from if this spits out so big just be careful when you're stirring it and make sure you're scratching the bottom of the pan so it doesn't stick a lot of people are frightened of making this because I think the frankly getting this stage wrong and as long as you nurture this and don't walk away from and just keep stirring it then it's gonna work so it's about halfway there now okay you can see that now it's a lovely golden fudgy color and that's what we're looking for now a lot of people just guess this and I always like to use a probe don't what if you haven't got one and it's just that it's very very accurate you know it's gonna set them so just see what temperature this is it should be about a hundred and ten a hundred and eleven that's the color were looking for that's the temperature and when you're using a probe don't put it right onto the bottom of the pan and make sure you move the outside into the middle yes oh that's spot-on 110 so that's the lovely curly looking for and then just pour that on top of your shortbread so that's the caramel made now and all these dudes leave it for about three hours to set don't put it in the fridge don't be tempted to rush it just let it set naturally because if you put it in the fridge it's going to start to sweat when we come to put the chocolate on your struggle so leave that aside now what I always do top tip if I was but a bit of caramel on my marble top here and I can taste it and see what taste like and know that already it's cooling down it's going to be a lovely caramel so sivan two three hours so that's the caramel cooled now and I'm just going to show you how to put the chocolate on top got 200 grams of milk chocolate you can use dart you can use whatever you want to top it and I'm just gonna swirl some white through it so just put your milk chocolates on top use your pallet knife now this is quite a nice thick layer I like a nice thick layer of chocolates spread back to the edges just use a small pallet knife and then you're just gonna lift it pop the white on top just swirl it round now because that caramel hasn't been in the fridge it's got a lot longer to play with if you put the caramel in the fridge to set it's gonna set that chocolate straight away and then you might struggle to swirl it round you once you're happy with it just give it a little tap so it found its own level that's ready to go back in the fridge now just for about 10 minutes just to set off so 10 minutes is up just take us out the fridge I don't like the chocolate so go too hard before we market a lot of people have problems cussing it and it shatters so the secret is we just do when it's set and it's not too hard it's a lot easier so I'm just gonna go across the top gently just to break the chocolates if it's not quite set you can always put it back in the fridge again but I just want to break through that chocolates and then you won't get it splintering you so you can see the caramels nice and even like a nice middle piece out so there we are the finish caramel shortcake doesn't that look lovely ready to eat please subscribe and thanks very much for watching see you on the next one
Channel: Siobhan Sweet
Views: 7,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chef, cooking, baking, pastry chef, lecturer, Michelin star pastry chef, home cooking, home baking, Homemade, corona, community, family, art, create, food, chocolate, sweets, sweet, dessert, Siobhan sweet, sweet success, Siobhan Sweet, pastry master class, Paul Hollywood, Mary Berry, Great British Bake off, Bake off, The Bake off, kitchen aid, Tesco’s, waitrose, Gordon Ramsey, recipe for caramel shortbread, Caramel square, caramel shortcake, caramel slice, shortbread, millionaires slice
Id: 3KvzsVFS6AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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