How Different? 2 Ways To Make Amazing Caramel Sauce

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hey guys welcome to my channel today we are making dericious caramel sauce when we say caramel we think of so many types of caramel and mainly i think it's categorized with three types one is hard caramel like crunchy caramel and second is chewy caramel like caramel candy and third is liquid caramel like caramel sauce and specifically today we are going to learn caramel cells and they're basically two ways to make caramel sauce one way is to add water and sugar and heat them up together and the other way is not to add water at all and just heat sugar only this actually confused me when i just started baking because overall it just gave me more questions so today i'm going to share how to make caramel sauce with the two ways step by step so let's get started all right so these are the ingredients for today we use sugar heavy cream water butter salt and vanilla beans you can also use vanilla extract instead for just a minute so these are the ingredients for wet caramel and today i'm comparing it with em without butter so that you can see the difference and for dry caramel just omit water from here and all the other amounts are exactly the same and i will also compare it with and without butter and my very first tip for boss measures is to prepare a clean pot because any liquid or impurity can affect the results okay so to make dry caramel first add sugar in the pot and scrape off the vanilla beans gently so that the brown part does not come off add that to the heavy cream in advance and we're gonna heat it up i usually add the vanilla pot in the cream also but there is a small chance that the caramel can spill out when you add that to hot caramel so today we are adding it separately so we want to add hot heavy cream in the caramel so warm it up with your timing and i cut up my butter into smaller pieces once you prepare all the ingredients and tools turn on the heat heat with medium heat and you do not need to move the pot or mix the sugar until the camorization starts happening because when you touch too re the sugar sticks a lot more to a spatula and all around the edges of the pot and it's just harder to take them off later so you can leave it for now and once you see that sugar starts melting from the edges pay close attention and once you see that it started catamerizing slightly town down to low heat quickly so that the caramelization process happens more slowly and then brent the camel and sugar like this the cameraization always start from the edges from the edges toward the center so blend caramel and sugar inward like this and when i mix i try not to let the sugar touch the edges since it can stick there and it'll be harder to take it off later heating with low heat at this point is a key because if you heat with high heat at this point you might not be able to catch up with the cameraization process and your camera might get too dark by the time you melt all the sugar so once i see cameraization on edges i turn it down to low heat now if you see small pieces of sugar at this point mix more and let it melt you can also crush it like this and once it turns into nice amber color and everything is melted i remove from heat add vanilla pot and about 1 3 of hot heavy cream right away no need to let them brand evenly here at the last of heavy cream once they are printed roughly it is important to add heavy cream while the caramel is fluid and extremely hot before it starts getting hardened and also make sure that your heavy cream is very hot so that it does not harden the caramel today i heat it with a microwave while i was heating the sugar but if you feel nervous doing so you can heat it ahead once they are lovely mixed heat it up one more time add salt here no need to heat for a long time once you see that all the caramel is melted and it looks nice and smooth it is done right after it's made you'll see a lot of bubbles like this but soon it'll come down and turns into shiny sauce keep in mind that caramel sauce gets hotter when the temperature goes down here are the textures at each temperatures so depending on what you like to use it for you can adjust the temperature when you add butter to this chromosose you can do so when you heat it up one last time after you added heavy cream and this is how the dry caramel with butter looks like by adding butter the caramel gets slightly thinner when it's hot and slightly firmer when it's cold and the flavor gets slightly more mild but the difference is very minor if you add a small amount of butter and now let's move on to wet caramel first add water and sugar now i like to shake my pot like this to spread sugar flat so that the syrup cooks up evenly and brush water all around the edges to wash off any sugar sticking to the edges to prevent sugar from getting crystallized and once you prepare all the ingredients heat it up at medium high heat i personally like to heat with medium high heat first because compared to dry caramel white caramel takes a lot longer time for the caramelization to start happening so to fasten the process a little bit i do medium high heat instead of medium heat and this is important do not touch the pot or sugar at all and also do not remove the pot from heat at all once you turn on the heat this is crucial especially after the syrup starts thickening because when the heated syrup cools down the sugar crystallization can happen so the best thing is to just leave it alone until it starts cameraizing at this point you can hear that bubbling sound is high and loud so that means cameraization does not happen in a minute yet i usually brush the sides one or two times on the way to wash off any sugar that might start getting crystallized or you can also place a lid on top for the same effect the steams drop on the side and wash them off i personally just use the brush method only because i'm just used to it more now hear the sound it sounds slower and more quiet than earlier once it sounds like this it means the syrup is much thicker now and cameraization is happening in short time so that's when i turn down the heat just slightly to medium heat now don't leave and pay close attention from here [Music] here the color started to change slightly as soon as you see the light cameraization started happening all over or partially town down the heat to low heat just like the dry karma and at the same time as soon as you see that light cameraization turn your pot 360 degree like this to even out the color so that you can judge the color correctly keep doing this as you heat until you reach the color you want when you keep heating with medium heat it'll get dark very quick it is very important to slow down the cameraization process so that you will not accidentally camorize the sugar too much now this light amber color looks gray you can stop right here or if you like darker caramel like myself go a little bit more take a very close look here once you start seeing smaller bubbles on the surface like this this is the sign you need to stop because the caramel gets very dark quickly after that and once it gets too dark you cannot fix it keep in mind that the caramel gets slightly darker with the remaining heat before you add heavy cream remove from here quickly and add a vanilla pot and about 1 3 of heavy cream right away once it's lovely mixed at lest just like how we did with the dry caramel compared to dry caramel wet caramel is thinner and blend with cream a bit easier add salt and heat up one more time just to make sure everything is melted just like the dry caramel and this is how it looks like at each temperatures it's a small difference but it's slightly thinner than dry caramel now when you want to make lighter caramel do not add a cream too fast like right here heat up a little bit more now this is dark enough to add heavy cream but keep in mind that the lighter the color is the sweeter your caramel sauce gets so i go a little bit more i added cream when the color was orange and do the less exactly the same as darker caramel sauce [Music] tell me which one you personally like darker caramel has more depth in flavor which i personally prefer but if you burn too much it'll get too bitter and sour so be careful it is a very small difference but the caramel sauce is slightly thinner than dark caramel and when you add butter add it after you add heavy cream just like the dry crumble and this is how the wet caramel with butter looks like again compared to the one without butter it is slightly thinner when it's hot and slightly firmer when it's cold so to conclude by using the same amount of ingredients wet caramel is slightly softer than dried caramel and caramel sauce with butter is slightly thinner when it's hot and slightly firmer when it's cold and also the flavor is more mild but the softness of caramel sauce can easily get adjusted by adding more or less heavy cream so in the end although there are some differences between the two methods they are not major and totally adjustable so i encourage you to pick whichever you like if you are new to them you can also try boss and see which one you like better [Music] and nothing beats worm hot meat caramel sauce with ice cream and some toasted nuts on top enjoy this amazing caramel sauce with any desserts or drinks you like [Music] all right that's it for today thank you so much for watching this video if you like this video please let me know and share with your booking friend enjoy pastry living and i'll see you next week bye
Channel: Pastry Living with Aya
Views: 517,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caramel sauce, caramel sauce recipe, caramel recipe, how to make caramel, homemade caramel sauce, salted caramel
Id: 7x4GddmCwRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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