The BEST Machine Binding Method Part 2

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hey everyone its Melanie welcome back to my channel this is part 2 of the machine binding tutorial there the part 1 that shows you how to make your strip if you need to see that it'll be linked below this is going to be the tutorial that shows you how to attach that onto your quilt with your machine so we're gonna get to in just second but I want to address really quick a really common question I've been getting since the first video which is where can you find the pattern for this quilt so here's the quilt it's a really good size quilt so this is the modern 9-patch mashup quilt it's from a quilt along a few years back where I talked all about fabric placement contrast color Theory how to pick your own color scheme we've got sashing in here so it teaches you all about sashing there's a little bonus beginner paper piecing class that's in there I'm gonna include the straight line quilting video that I made from this quilt in that class as well so it's only thirty nine dollars in my premium class section I will make you guys a coupon code 20% off using the coupon binding so binding and I'll make that available you like indefinitely but let's jump in all my best tips and tricks like all those steps that sometimes you might skip in future quilts but I'm gonna show you how to do it so you get the most perfect result possible quickly with your machine no hand stitching hello get to know me let's go to the tutorial all right so let's sew our binding onto the backside of our quilt we have everything clipped in place and what I'm gonna do is leave about a 10 or 12 inch tail the more tail you have the easier it will be to join this to your other end when you get back around more is a little bit better alright so then what we're gonna do is slide our quilt and our binding underneath our presser foot and we want to stitch with a straight stitch a quarter of an inch from the edge alright so we're going to stitch down a little bit and then we're gonna measure it and make sure that we're at about a quarter of an inch I'm just using a standard presser foot you can use a quarter and piecing foot you can use a walking foot I just I'm gonna use kind of the standard feet so that you guys can see exactly how to do this if you don't have any other kind of feet but we're gonna stitch down quarter of an inch so I have my needle position in the right spot for a quarter of an inch and I'm using the right side of my presser foot and running that along my raw edges and the edge of my quilts I'm going to just do one little back stitch at the beginning let's sew down about eight or ten inches and then before you get too far I want you to pull your quilt around and take a look at your stitch okay I want you to kind of we're gonna fold it over make sure you've got plenty of wiggle room to pull that binding all the way over that it's gonna cross over that stitch you know that your stitch looks really good but the bobbin looks good the top looks good and that it's about a quarter of an inch I can even grab a little ruler and double check it if you're a few threads off no big deal but make it consistent for the entire quilt whatever that is all right so let's finish sewing down and then when we get to the corner I'll show you what to do in the corner all right so we're getting close to the end here if you don't know how to do this part yet well basically the easiest way to remember the corners for sewing it the first time around your quilt so we're sewing it to the back side is so until you reach a quarter of an inch from the edge and you really want to make sure that this is an accurate quarter of an inch you want to make sure a quarter of an inch just make a little crease there alright so slow down to a quarter of an inch from the edge back stitch one cut your threads so we sewed we sew down to a quarter of an inch from the edge and then we cut our threads and then we'll rotate it will fold it so that there's a crease here and there's a fold going diagonally our raw edges are lined up and then we'll continue just like we were before quarter of an inch all the way down starting from the end back stitch first and continue with our quarter of an inch going all the way around and your corner should look like this when you're done okay so let's keep going and then I will show you another corner just to make sure you are good to go here's another corner I'm gonna ward it just a little bit differently in case you know it helps you out so we have our strip that comes off the edge of the quilt here and then it gets folded up and over okay so that these raw edges are here these raw edges are here and we want to make sure that it's all lined up okay so when you pull it down this way that's how it looks and then you could pull it up this way and that's how it looks okay so compare yours with that and make sure that you're on the right track and then when it's folded toward you so that the fold is here on the bottom edge we're gonna sew down till this fold that's diagonal from the corner going diagonal into the quilt so you can feel with your finger where that fold is and that's where we're gonna stitch right up to back stitch cut your threads okay so that's how it should look now we'll turn it up so we'll flip our binding so now now the fold is on the other side we'll rotate our quilts so that now that fold is on the top and then from the fold we'll continue with our quarter inch now we're getting back toward the beginning keep sewing until you have about a 12 inch opening that looks about good all right back stitch cut your threads okay so let's take a look at what we got here all right now we need to join our two ends grab a pair of scissors and a ruler so we need a two and a half inch overlap in order to do our bias joint and so what I like to do is you know here's my two endpoints and I'm gonna trim the tail that we started with I'm gonna trim it down to about the middle of that open spot roughly now I'll take the other side and I'll overlap it and offset it just a little bit so that you can see where that strips strip is underneath there all right and we need two and a half inches so I'm gonna grab my ruler and I'm gonna mark at the two and a half inch spot so there's one two and a half so if I cut along that mark I will have two and a half inch overlap so now what we need to do is do our bias join just like we did before now this gets a little bit trickier because we don't have a ton of wiggle room that's why we want to leave at least twelve inches in our quilt to make sure we've got enough and we're making sure to put right sides together remember that's really important so we're going to take our two pieces we're gonna line them up get your ruler and you're marking tool mark diagonally and pin it now we'll take it to the sewing machine and sew down that line just like we did before take those pins out and before you do anything let's test it out and see so lay the quilt nice and flat pull it taut just like it would be going through the machine and make sure that it seems about the right size mine looks perfect so then we can open this back up and use some scissors and cut a quarter of an inch seam allowance and then I like to finger press it open start where we ended back stitch so all the way down back stitch when we get to the spot where we started and look at that it's pretty much a perfect join sometimes you might get a teeny little crease like I did I got a little crease there just double-check that it didn't come through on the other side which mine did not and you're good to go all right so now we get to flip it around and sew it to the front of our quilts another one of those steps that I don't always do but it is a really good way to make sure you get as perfect as you want and then try it out this way and if you don't like it then you can always eliminate it so again we're from the back side and I'm going to take my iron and iron it it does really help to make sure that then when its flipped around that everything is nice and even and flat and just helps you out a little bit you can also just go ahead and flip it around once it's pressed and clip it into place it's a let's stitch the front of our quilt down a few things here now we're gonna be sewing from the front a stitch onto our binding here's one that I did the other day so you can see that stitch line here you can use a coordinating thread in a cotton which is what I'm gonna be doing here I'm gonna be using arthel cotton thread you can also use a nylon miele filament invisible thread if you want it to be invisible now you're still gonna see the holes that the needle makes into the binding but you won't actually see the thread and a lot of people really love this for binding I have used it that pink binding I just showed you is using this mile filament fret thread and I thought it was great to use I don't mind seeing the stitch and as long as I have a coordinating thread color I probably will do that it's a really good option now when you are using this kind of thread you want to use this in the top your top thread and you don't use this in the bobbin you use just a standard cotton like an artful 50 weight that's gonna blend in with your backing so you don't want to put the you don't want to wind a bobbin with this stuff it'll mess up and make sure it's a good quality one that's a really soft so this one's nice and soft it's not pokey or prickly it's not thick it's very thin and lightweight and I think it's a great option to experiment with so now I'm gonna start by using a standard foot I want to show you exactly how to do everything you need to do with this with no special feet or special equipment and then I'm gonna show you real quick how you can also do the same thing with an edged foot and this edge foot just kind of helps really keep that I'm really perfect it kind of takes a little bit of the stress out from you know manipulating your you know your needle position and and kind of being worried about having this line be perfect but I'm going to show you both ways now I'm gonna move my needle position so that I can run the right side or whoever is going to make sense to you but you want to try to keep it straight so I'm gonna run the right side of my presser foot along the fold of this outer edge of the quilts I want to make sure that my needle position is in the right spot about there let me get you nice and closely you can see that okay and then another tool that is super handy to use for this is either a stiletto this guy or a purple thing that's literally what it's called that purple thing just something that you can a chopstick even the stiletto is my favorite because this metal has texture to it so it really does a good job of holding that fabric I'm gonna bump my my stitch length up to a 2.8 as well and then once you've done a little bit take a look see what you think take a look at the back it's looking really good okay now that is definitely a way you can do it you're gonna do that you know could do the same thing going all the way down great way of doing it however if you have an edge foot go ahead and use it so with this method I just inserted my join foot my arms are my edge foot and the cool thing about this is you butt up this fold of your binding against the guide that goes down the middle and then you can adjust your needle position so that it's just directly to the right and you can kind of play around with that and see where to put that needle down so that it looks the best on the front as well as on the back so that might take a little bit of experimenting so let's try it actually gonna move my needle position over slightly so then as long as your fold is up against your guide your needle is gonna go in the exact same place every single time and it makes that stitch look perfect that is why I love it I really want to show you exactly how this worked now this is the part the fun part about experimenting and making sure that you have that needle position in the exact right spot do a few inches worth and then you can see how it's going and if you need to you can rip it out and start again without having done a ton of your quilt though up here is that standard foot no special foot it looks really good it doesn't look perfect but it looks solid here's the back the it's coming right close to the binding without coming up on to the binding it's this stitch here that other stretch is part of the quilting okay so then I got the edge foot out and I started doing this one now this is a little close to the edge for me I need to come in a little bit I just want to make sure that there's nothing slipping off I like the look of the stitch being in a little bit more and the further up to the edge is then the further out that stitch is on the back side so this is where you play around with your feet you play around with your needle position position to get it just right I came in a little bit down here and it's looking better and I'll actually come in slightly a little bit more as I continue on and all that means is that with that edge foot I'm gonna put my needle position a little bit further to the right that's all that that is very easy adjustment go ahead and sew down and I'll meet you at a corner alright now we're getting down to a corner now the biggest thing about the corner is just preparation so before we get too far we need to fold it in the right spot so we're gonna fold it straight down having a stiletto is really helpful for this part because then we can have that help create our crease because we want the fold going diagonal okay and we don't want we want the end of the diagonal to be in the intersection not up here too far so it might just take a little bit of finesse there we go we want to make sure that the fold goes diagonal and at the end of the fold is that its hat is ending at the end of the intersection okay so all we do is once we have that fold in place hold it in place with our fingers and our stiletto if you have a knee lifter it's really helpful you can use your knee to lift it up so that that guide comes up and over the top we're holding it in place until we can stitch into it one more so there's one stitch going in to that fold lift up our presser foot and then we'll rotate lower our presser foot and everything is in the exact right spot we can continue down and here is how that corner looks here's the front and there's the back so you see how that corner that fold needs to be diagonal okay and you keep folding it and messing with it until you get it into that spot hold it securely you're stitching down stitch into the side pivot and then continue sewing down right I'm back at a corner and like I said the biggest thing is just don't sew too far you've got to have a little bit of room to get your your fold looking really good so use your stiletto use your fingers and get this fold sometimes it'll be a little bit of bulk in that corner seam and it's okay to pull that out and trim that seam allowance just slightly this one seems like it's needed a little bulky there's some threads in there I'm gonna very carefully trim a little bit off to remember we don't want there to if we don't want the full to look like this right we want the diagonal to be into that intersection so that means we need to fold it down a little bit further there we go so then I will hold that in place as we stitch down to it hold it into place and then you're we're gonna stitch right into this side of the binding if you have a knee lifter this is a nice spot since both of your hands aren't being used to use that to lift that guide up and over [Music] here go one stitch into the other side of the binding lift up your presser foot rotate everything's in the exact right position so continue sewing all the way around and when you get back to the beginning you're gonna back stitch and then that's it what do you guys think have any additional questions let me know down below I'm super proud of this tutorial you guys have been asking for this for a long time so I'm really glad that I could bring it to you that is my favorite thing is bringing you guys the tips the tricks the techniques the patterns the ability for you to make amazing things to spread love to spread joy in the world that inner peace that we get when we are making something that handmade feeling and I believe that that's going to make the world a better place so that is why I'm here that's why I'm still doing this and I hope you guys enjoyed it so if you have not already please give me a thumbs up it really helps YouTube know that my videos are valuable it's kind of a way to give me a little tip and it really helps the YouTube algorithm gods know that my stuff isn't junk alright so that's super important if you'd love to subscribe and hit the bell so that you get notified when I have new videos go up that's awesome too thank you guys so much for watching see you in the next video
Channel: Melanie Ham
Views: 210,188
Rating: 4.9535875 out of 5
Keywords: How to, diy, sewing, quilting, machine quilting, machine binding, how to quilt, melanie Ham, best machine binding, easy, tutorial, beginner, basic, learn to quilt, your first quilt, quilt binding
Id: ji-2aU_3hHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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