The Best Mac Tips According To... YOU!

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I've been a Mac user my whole life, and so there's a lot of tips and tricks that I use on a daily that I kinda forget a lot of people don't know and so I enlisted your help by going on Twitter and asking you what your favorite Mac tips are. That you either use with frequency or you think that a lot of people may not know. I've gathered some of the best. Some are advanced some are simple but they are all awesome. So let's talk about them. Alright, our first tip comes from Anderson, and they're not actually tips they are two applications. Now, these are the only two apps we're gonna to talk about but I'm mentioning them because they're really important ones that I use with frequency. So uninstalling stuff that doesn't come from the App Store on a Mac is kinda weird. Generally people just drag the apps into the trash. But the reality is - let's grab something like Chrome here. You know that there's actually a lot of different like plist, and configuration files, and save states and preferences that are stored in certain categories and hidden libraries. And when you drag the app into the trash it doesn't actually uninstall that stuff. So, AppCleaner is a really comprehensive uninstaller that gets rid of all of the crap. It's free, it's excellent and you should definitely give it a download. The second app we're gonna talk about is MacUpdater. This one is not freeware, it's paid, it's 10 dollars, but I think it's the best 10 dollars you'll ever spend. What it does is it manages all non-App Store app updating on a Mac. The majority of them it just does automatically. So Google Chrome needs an update, if we click Update App you'll see that it goes in the background finds the update package and it updates them themselves. Sometimes it will, you know, pop up a kind of a prompter package window and you'll have to go through the standard installer, but it downloads that for you, it finds it automatically, it's super, super handy. And it shows you that you're running the latest version on all of your apps. Now, it's my production machine, I don't have that many. But for people who update a lot of apps outside of the App Store this is a really really handy utility to have. There you go, it's done updating. Tip number two comes from Manjeet. Now if you're like me, you probably have just windows all over the place, all the time I'm a single desktop user, but I know that this really freaks people out, it's not clean, it's not organized I just tab through my different applications using Command (⌘) and Tab, and that works pretty well for me, but for people that want a little more organized of a set up, typically use Mission Control, which used to be called Exposé and it allows you to manage multiple desktops, with multiple windows. Now, you probably know about this, because you've either engaged it by accident or you yourself use it. However, Manjeet gives us a really cool tip. If you go in the System Preferences and then we click Desktop & Screen Saver, there's a hidden new little utility under the Screen Saver function called Hot Corners. And Hot Corners are really sweet, it generally is in this section because you can start and stop your screen saver, but it also allows you to enter stuff like Mission Control or put the display to sleep, or keep the computer awake. And, so, the top right he recommends we do Mission Control, and what happens is when you drag your cursor up into this area, it pops up into this desktop. I actually used it for a couple of minutes, and while I still don't think I'm going to be a multiple desktop user, it does seem like a really slick set up, and I gotta say, it's pretty cool. So, that's Hot Corners, it's hidden in System Preferences. Hey guys, this is Austin. And this is a trick that Jacques recommended. If you're watching video on, primarily Youtube, but other streaming services as well, although Netflix and Hulu, unfortunately, are the exceptions, you can right click on the video - on Youtube you have to do it twice - and there's an option to enter Picture-in-Picture what it allows you to do is starting doing other stuff outside of Youtube, but continue to watch the video in the top right or left corner, or bottom right, or whatever, you can drag this however you want, you can resize it to be as big or as small as you'd like. It's a really really cool option. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on Hulu and Netflix, there is a way to get around that though, in a previous Mac Tips video which you should check out, I'll link it down below. Lucus talked about Quick Look, what it allows you to do is render a preview in Finder, without actually having to open the file. So whether it's a photo, or a PDF, it will open it and render that out, which is pretty cool, a lot of people know about that. What you may not know however, is that you can hold the Space Bar, and it will be like a pip and pop function, and as soon as you let go the Space Bar it goes away. This is nice if you're really quickly scrolling through photos and you don't wanna have to push the Space Bar over and over again. Brian mentions a really really important one. I'm sure it's happened to you before, you're on text document or in a power point presentation you go to paste some text and it just, holy crap, does not match the text that you've pasted, and then you go back and change the text size, and the format, and everything. Well, you don't actually have to do that. If you press Shift (⇧) + Option (⌥) + Command (⌘) + V it actually paste the text to match the formatting of the document that you're working in. So rather than Command (⌘) + V for paste it's Shift (⇧) + Option (⌥) + Command (⌘) + V Really really handy. Nathan recommended something that very few people know about, and that is shared full screen apps. of a window and it will enter a full screen. But what you can also do is hold down on that green button and then you can move it to either half of the screen. So let's say at this half we want to be Safari and this half we want to be the App Store. The problem is, is that, while you can resize them, which is kind of handy, a la the iPad, similarly to the iPad, you can't have one window full screen over here and then a bunch of smaller windows over here, you have to select another app or another window to go full screen, And at that point I think you're better of just using an application like Magnet or BetterTouchTool, to make it more like Windows, which I think does window management much much better than MacOS. Okay, a lot of people sent in tips on how to do screen shots in MacOS. Most people know you can use the application Grab, which was actually renamed to Screenshot in MacOS Mojave But there are a number of keyboard shortcuts. Now, you may think you know all of them, but maybe you don't. The basic ones are Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + 3 to grab a screen shot of the whole entire desktop, and Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + 4 to grab a selection. There are some interesting features though. If you have a selection going and you've decided that you started in the wrong place, you can hold down the Space Bar and move around the window, and then as soon as you let go the Space Bar it re fixes itself back in place. You can also use the Option key (⌥) to resize all four corners at the same time, which is pretty handy. So there's a couple of modifiers. One other thing people don't know is that if you press Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + 4 you can actually press the Space Bar and that allows you to capture the entire window or entire desktop of a certain category, which is really cool. However the coolest tip comes from Andrew. This is one that very very few people know, but I use with quite a bit of frequency. And that is: Control (⌃) + Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + 4 or Shift (⇧) + Control (⌃) + Command (⌘) + 4 or Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + Control (⌃) + 4, doesn't matter what order You just need to do Shift (⇧) + Control (⌃) + Command (⌘) + 4 We can do our standard selection like always, but you'll notice that the screen shot doesn't go in the bottom right corner nor does it save to the desktop. And that's because it doesn't save locally on your machine but is saves to the clipboard, so you can paste with your clipboard and that allows you to paste an image. This is great if you don't want a bunch of screen shots floating around. I use this all the time when I'm making Power Point presentations, or Word documents, or sending tweets, or loading stuff into the web browser, it's super nice being able to paste an image rather than having to save it and then dragging it to the destination. Everyone has probably battled with the volume changer in MacOS those clicks. A lot people like them, a lot people do not. In fact, by default a couple of versions ago, Apple disabled that by default, so there's no feedback played when the volume has changed you can turn that back on in the Sounds panel of System Preferences if you enjoy that. But what you can also do is that, let's say you have it turned on, if you hold down the Shift key (⇧) while you modify the volume, it doesn't make a noise. And when you let go it does. Conversely, if you have it disabled by default, when you hold the Shift key (⇧) down It makes does noises, which can be nice to kind of know how loud your volume is going to be. I have another tip that I would like to add to this though. And this is one that I use with a lot of frequency that I didn't see anyone mention. If you press Shift (⇧) + Option (⌥) and then either the volume keys or the brightness keys You can actually modulate your volume and brightness in quarter increments, one quarter increment. So if you want to listen to something really quietly, let's say, you can press Shift (⇧) + Option (⌥) and then go in increments of one quarter. This works for brightness too, which is pretty handy. Emoji! There's a lot of people that uses the touch bar Emoji picker And that's okay, but I don't actually even use that on my own laptops with a touch bar, because I think it's just much easier to use the character palette, which you can access by pressing Control (⌃) + Command (⌘) + Space That opens up this Emoji picker and you can search Emoji, so, "sad", and there you go there is all your sad Emojis. It's also cool because it has a couple of characters that go beyond the standard Emoji palette. But this is a really really easy way to access your frequently utilized Emojis, much better than the touch bar. David mentions one that, honestly, I have never heard of before. And it's one that I struggle to find the entire functionality but, hey it's there. It let's you to, you're meaning to type "The" and you type "Teh", if you press Control (⌃) + T, you can actually transpose the prior two characters that you've typed. So if you do "kj" Control (⌃) + T changes it to "jk" This is all it does, if you have more typos or you have a typo previously in the word, like, if you meant to type "there" and you do "Tiet", you know, that, uh, it will not work, because that only shifts the previous two letters. But, I mean, hey if you want that that's pretty cool I guess. Control (⌃) + T, I've never seen that one. Really interesting. It's happen to us all before. We are browsing the web or using an application and we accidentally close a window that we needed. Now, in Chrome and in Safari, in some builds of Safari that is You can press Command (⌘) + Z, undo, and bring that previous window back. But in non web browsing applications and in all web browsers as well, you can use the much more universal Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + T and that will bring back the previous window that you accidentally closed. Super handy, regardless of application. Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + T Adrian mentions one that I think is really really simple, and most people know about, but a lot of people liked his tweet, so maybe they don't. And that is using Spotlight to do simple computational math that you, by the way, can summon Spotlight by pressing Command (⌘) + Space if you don't want to find it in this little magnifying glass here up in your menu bar, but you can do any amount of math, and you can actually do relatively complex equations too it respects the order of operations, which is pretty cool. So you can do math right into your menu bar not only you can use it for weather or all that stuff, but you can also do conversions, from weight to pounds for example you can do from currencies, so 100 Chinese yuan is 14.53 US dollars. Pretty cool, Spotlight is really really powerful beyond just finding stuff locally on your machine. Okay, Valtteri shows us something really cool. That a lot of people probably don't know about. In finder, when you drag a file it actually moves the location So I moved the screen shot from the Desktop now to my Downloads folder. Of course you can undo that function, but a lot of people wanna know how do I duplicate. And most people I think right click and say "Duplicate" file and them they move it But what you can do is actually just hold down the Option key (⌥) And you drag the file and it creates a new duplicate in the destination folder Which is really pretty cool What you can also do if you don't want to duplicate it but you want to reference it through an alias is hold down Option (⌥) + Command (⌘) at the same time and then drag the file, and it creates an alias to that original image. Also pretty neat. Mike comes in clutch with one that I literally did not know about. And part of the reason is because I very seldom use Notification Center but you can access Notification Center and then scroll up to enable "DO NOT DISTURB". But that is a bit of a process if you wanna mute incoming messages and whatever. What you can do is actually just hold down the Option key (⌥) and press Notification Center and that automatically toggles "DO NOT DISTURB" on and off which is really pretty awesome. Okay, you know what they say, we saved the easiest one for last This is one that a lot of Mac users, specially people who have converted from a PC, don't know And as a long time Mac user it blows my mind. But it is different from Windows. When you close a window in MacOS it doesn't actually quit the application. The application stays opened, you actually have to "Quit" the application that you're utilizing, and the shortcut to do that is Command (⌘) + Q to quit the application, but there's also a bunch of other handy window tricks, that a lot of people don't know Command (⌘) + N is obviously new window Command (⌘) + W closes a window Command (⌘) + H will hide a window, now, that's different from minimizing I use hiding all the time Because you don't have this long animation down into the dock and then you don't need to go down to the dock to reopen a window you just press Command (⌘) + H, the application goes away, and you can summon it back by either pressing the application name down in the dock or by toggling to it using Command (⌘) + Tab. And then the last one, of course, is Command (⌘) + M to minimize your window. And that's pretty much it. Well folks, that's all for me. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like! 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Channel: Snazzy Labs
Views: 440,096
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Keywords: snazzy labs, quinn nelson, snazzyq, macos sierra, mac tips, mac tricks, terminal, command line, cli, mac os tricks, terminal tips, mac terminal, terminal mac, terminal macos, snazzy, tech, technology, opinion, mac hacks, hacks for mac, imac hacks, macbook hacks, macbook tricks, apple tricks, apple hacks, mac, 5 advanced mac tricks, mac tutorial, osx, hidden mac features, top 5 tricks, imac, top 5 tech, best tech, macos mojave, mojave, mac mojave, apple, os x
Id: UCn-mBVyCEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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