The best Lumity The Owl House Comic Dub Compilation Of The Weekend P72

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foreign house what a freaking dump you know when they ship that loser off to boot camp I was hoping they keep her there but then she had to come back and ruin her summer and now she's trying to be all edgy like she just had to find new ways to annoy people so you've been saying for the last few months can we just get back to trick-or-treating already not until I take care of business here you wanted me to take you trick-or-treating I needed you to take me well whatever I told you I'd take you in one condition and this is it right here if that stupid Camp can't fix that screw loose then I guess it's up to me to set her straight this is the first time in putting her back in her place think fast loser oh my gosh you suck at this give me a break it's been a while since my trick-or-treating day so I'm kind of rusty what do you kids think I'm doing huh you too shouldn't be here let alone try to vandalize his house you're toying with forces beyond your comprehension that's the old no setup place which is inhabited by a demon who cursed this neighborhood oh it's just that crazy Museum guy what a pain all this time we're wasting here I could be scoring more candy don't you get it there really is a demon living in that house that knows that a girl was sent to a camp but she never came back the human was waiting waiting for an unsuspecting kid to water off so it could devour her that it wore her skin to take her place and when it got back it brainwashed her poor mother into believing that it's her actual daughter yeah right sounds like you fell for one of losers dumb stories skin wearing demons what a load it's not alone the demon is real I saw it myself oh no oh no no no no no no it hurt us it sees us I think you angered it nope it's looking at me please I was trying to stop them I didn't I wasn't trying to no oh God [Music] click but misery spirit is still alive we shouldn't forget that I don't want our spirit I want her and you martyred her no I didn't who did she just died Slipped Away Slipped Away no you murdered my misery I could get to like this holiday [Music] play safe now we don't need brax's chipping another tooth no make sure you find us there is a magic Missile when you're done playing oh so cute hmm oh geez it has been such a long day it is so hard within this building right now oh dearly [Music] um I surely hope this muggy atmosphere doesn't mess up my cotton candy hair wow sorry Luz I noticed you there and I just couldn't help lose older yeah break that human come on come on go for it lose pace yourself loose focus on keeping your wrist straight and watch for an opening all right this guy would be tough but it's like trying to move a huge Boulder [Music] yeah score one more volition you take great loose no one can ask any more of you thanks but I still couldn't get what we came for now what can we do it's all right we'll find another way you're too stubborn to give up here but but I lost indeed you has been bested by me and yet thy courage and Temperance outshines out of most leticians thy Spirit has moved my cynical heart thus I shall gladly concede to feed and so poor Arrangement Serbia Lyle fuzzerkins is now yours no he's yours oh wow really happy two-week anniversary Amity omt I love him thank you so much loose I'm Gonna Bake you so many fairy pies when I get home so does that make me an awesome girlfriend oh please you always were well thanks a bunch Mister see you around and since when are you so monogamous I've never known you to concede to anyone let alone an actual human I actually gotta get serious there for a moment well play Lose nocida ah YouTube well I miss the what the heck Ada I thought we were rationing the lies to lose Wonder rectangle so she could call her mom oh would you relax I've been using portals long enough to know that a little Titan's blood goes a long way lose a while more than enough for calls in a round trip home this you can't tell me that you're not interested in the artistic strides and YouTube has made these past months wait he slammed his blood in the car door now if you excuse me my brain is overdue with some well-deserved rotting you want to see something really brain welding well this one show me this powerful tool called a search engine just type in the name of what you want to see Clickety click click and boom it conjures up images news gossip anything you want to know about what you're looking for ah so it's the human equivalent of a scrying spell that really is interesting and humans created some of these images of you you just might be a real king after all yeah I know Liz doesn't speak very highly of other humans but there are clearly a few that seem to have their act together okay let's see what we find when we type in e d a c dang this is some quality work I'm looking good in this you were right King Some Humans really do know their stuff huh what is an eight Amelia wait a sec does that lose his mom in those images with you looks that way some of these are kind of cute I don't know something about this feels wrong but it seems innocent enough we're just hanging out holding hands uh hugging kissing and dickers with eyes so is there some way to save these images Ada that's loses bomb those images what's all this about my mom nothing much later that day Uncle the old lady told me I think I found out something really useful for your curse oh sorry am I interrupting you just told me to visit you in the evening and it's evening so I'm visiting oh don't worry you're not interrupting anything the portal doesn't seem to want to work anyway I can't promise anything but another failure but would you like to take a closer look are you kidding sure well you've improved a lot of stuff since I last helped you know why it still doesn't work uh but nothing but a disappointment no matter how many times I tried I've spent the whole day making adjustments but it just won't whoa looks like your adjustments weren't in vain after all what do you think made it work in the end did you change something in the key did you add more pipes or did you uh uncle uncle uncle you're acting weird are you okay oh sorry dear I did not mean to make you worried I just got caught up in old memories that's all would you like to go in the portal is stable enough I mean if it's safe then I'd love to uh but are you sure the rain still doesn't boil there well I believe there's only one way to find out wolf well what do you say the raindrops are cold just like in your stories and the trees are green too they look weird but cool no wonder you like this place so much even though you've been here like just couple of times I'm glad you like it what are you doing here what I don't want you to buy something for after school just go to the market and buy three bottles of food and also two bags of gold IE I'm scared I have no idea gosh we must stop them from reaching the portal oh are you okay there are too many of them loose go through the portal now I'll destroy it from this side it's the only way [Music] be able to see everyone here again I won't be able to see you no I'll stay let's blow this portal up what but what about your family your life on Earth there's no way I'll leave you behind yemeni you will stay for me yes whatever happens we will face it together oh lose Amity [Music] sorry I thought they were finished I love you loose I love you Anthony who is that [Music] script King yeah I wrote that part you could thank me later wow lose an apartic competition there's no way she's gonna win you are my fire the one desire believe when I say bye I wanted that way tell me why ain't nothing but a heartache ain't nothing but a heartache tell me why ain't it ain't not a mistake ain't nothing but a mistake tell me why all right it's catchy Palace these days [Music] you picked the wrong time to pick a fight with me finally some action no sure or anything but oracles they tricked us and I hate being played for a fool take care of ADA stop giving me orders jump kids Aldi do you want to stop using fire in the middle of a wood she could ignore me the intervention of a supervisor isn't permitted yeah I suggest you give me the pendant unless you want to sing for the Children's Choir of Saint epidermis thank you for your gift I'll adore great choice like every year do you like my India I love you with all my butt I would say hard but my butt is bigger oh I appreciate your intention to create toys for the child so that they don't turn people into puppets anymore but a toy Central seriously alator we had three kids you should know what kids like what do you mean it vibrates too but I think I need to check it better to avoid her body arms do you also feel the earthquake are you okay because kilometers tall and is mighty raw record everywhere chase me for days trying to eat me I never heard of such a monster that's because it probably doesn't exist I'm not lying didn't say you were simply hunger and fatigue me to confused you a new note about confusion Mr woman with tentacle for legs just like I said I hadn't eaten for days and we lived in a sewer anyways did you beat the other team of course who do you think you're talking to say hi to our Victory any problem here nope good job Lilith I would say that now we can resume our journey thanks for saving me Aldi again I surely didn't do it for you but to prevent somebody from killing us all although I have to say I find it amusing how you managed to make them lose their minds no more sweets for you today if you want a snack eat some fruits that's not funny alador [Music] oh yeah right there yes too is definitely better than one are we doing right Mama Dalia you are softer than Ada yes very good lifting those puppets destroyed my back I really needed this at least you differ a little from the rampant mediocrity you know oldie you're not so bad maybe you deserve a t-shirt too I made some for the whole group no thanks I care about my nose did you ever thought about using a deodorant a true hero she have said that I don't smell you don't stink and I won't burn a shirt when you give it back to me tell that somebody knows in my family we sweat a lot please all day walking in the woods and no silhouette I changed my mind no shirt for you hey look oh no I'm crying the river ends with the waterfall and not only that well told you yes yeah it's all very nice my body is ready rain will you be able to get us dinner Darius go help them the rest of us will set up tents near that Tower Mama Dahlia King keeps saying that babies are born from eggs but I know that's not true you had other children before me how were they born they broke my vagina teen stitches I know human school just started today but I missed lose already I wish I could have gone with her to protect her I know what you mean Amity I wouldn't have minded substituting for her to see Masha I mean to see if Masha got suspicious at Lou's Behavior lives seems so anxious about going to that school will she really be okay there I wish I could say for certain but she's been blaming herself for not getting your portal working frankly she could use the distraction I had a thought about that I remember hearing of a Halloween festival coming in a couple of months it seems to involve costume and I thought it could go as head cat to herzura oh God you know that's so thoughtful I'm sure Lewis would love that well to be honest I always thought that it was more of an Azera than her but I have no problem relinquishing the rule if it means that loose is happy really wait why is that so funny well azer is a good guy and hit cat is a reform villain right Lou's definitely fit the good guy role more consistently out of the two of you he's got a point I mean ozer would have reacted the way you did when Lewis first came to hex guys disguide as an Abomination and that's and let's not forget what happened after when he had principal pump try to dissect the loose yes I'm aware of the whole fake Abomination incident wait Lewis already told you no Amity told me all about it herself in fact Amity decided to open up about her entire history with Lewis during her second night here for reasons I can't understand she was very I didn't know I did not a person I feel horrible for that which is level for my parents behavior and actually burn s for what it's worth Emily I always thought one of the most heroic things you can do is confront the mistakes you make in life and learn from them to do better that kind of growth is the common ethos of all protagonists you really think so I mean I don't know much about Asura but take another popular fictional series like say I don't know Cosmic Frontier Captain Avery was extremely confrontational and made a lot of mistakes before he grew into his role as a Show's hero or you know so I'm told still little scenes were the heroic type it's not like she ever did anything to you Amity well there was a time or two when she kind of made things difficult but we worked through it all and I don't think she'd want me to reopen Old Wounds Anthony I know you're holding back for Lucy's sake but being honest means no omissions well she did help Willow cheat an Abomination class which cost me my top student badge then there was a witch's duel when she embarrassed me in front of a crowd she also vandalized the library workout with with Ed and M then helped them to steal my diary she almost got me killed by my favorite children's book character almost got my siblings eaten by a Slither Beast costing my job at the library and cost me the bone spurs brawl [ __ ] and cost me the bones brawl Championship still like I said we put it behind us just like a Zur and hit cat did Lewis practically had her own Redemption Arc during her time the demon realm maybe but lose also kept better company than you used to I mean you were forced to but look at the rest of us there's no villains in this crowd okay no I'm not perfect by any means but no way do any of you get to judge me with impunity you use Lucid cheat in school after you after you flung her around in a blind rage you also got her throne off a cliff all because you wanted to show me up the Moonlight Conjuring you lied to her about her band from hexide being lifted so you could show her off to the has and got her tossed into the carnivorous attention pit oh well you heard about that huh you literally stole her identity lied to her mom try to throw out her possessions and to basically supplant herd I mean of course it sounds bad if you put it that way and you oh you so let's just Overlook all the atrocities you committed during your tenure as a golden guard which everyone seems eager to do for some reason unlike the rest of us you actively try to kill loose multiple times you kidnap King to force her to kill an innocent selkidamis you also directly threatened her to force me to give up the portal key hindering her efforts to find her way home but yeah I'm the worst for trying to bust her up for cheating before I even know who or what she was I don't deny the mistakes I've made and not a day goes by that I don't reflect on the consequences of my actions but out of all the witches and demons in this room I could at least say that I'm the only one who never deceives lose or use her for my own selfish gain so yeah I hope you don't hurt yourselves falling off your high horses at least I don't stop on King's cupcake I'll adore our baby is freezing to death do something we have another kid this someone will have to pay for the sudden drop in temperatures over the low quality winter clothes alator we have to buy more performing clothes and call our lawyer do you like your cumins baby mittens mittens now because of Adalia we have to go to sleep to be honest both of you are to blame and then in any case it's better to rest for tomorrow it's her who talks back every time I said something it was literally you who did it while I was defending Lilith please don't put me in the middle of your in your Dia tribes I'm just saying that Miss know it all is getting on my nerves okay we all understood this why is it okay with you she does what she wants and even lectures me live without anyone you too can do whatever you want I definitely will one day what if it's not as good as you imagine what's happening no nothing let's sleep that is better leave him alone Ada you know how oracles are they put out the fire end what are you two doing we were waiting for you to go to sleep I'm still not convinced to sleep with her face it I'm not sharing the bed with a boy what's your problem isn't that obvious how can you even compare the curves and softness of the female body with the aridity of a male the hardness of her bodies in a bearable oh it's not bad once you get used to it put her down never are you sure you want to use one of Ada's branded t-shirts asleep hmm certainly I also took yours which is the largest and covers me well all over so it'll be more pleasant for you to wear in the future what are you saying don't you realize that you are a girl do not complain about the reactions that are sure to happen you must be more cautious in your attitudes or you will suffer the consequences first of all I slept with Perry until I was 13 so I'm certainly not shocked by male reactions second it's your problem how you react not mine third you two being idiot to react as such to my will is anything but unpleasant are you crazy or is this in Oracle things maybe I'm both ugh I hate kids oh Hi friend what's going on where's Steve is it morning already magic exists I tell like I'm collecting all the evidence sure like that crazy old man don't compare me to a Nutty conspiracy theorist I am using a scientific method supported by unequivocal data sure sure wish it existed you could solve anything with it no it's not like that it'll just cause trouble uh you're a strange one Jade it's time to go home you too Claire see you tomorrow I'm home pizza tonight [Music] you know my friend's moms are always with them at the park of course their helpless children who need to be controlled luckily that's not your case but I'm a child too why don't you take care of me I'm doing it who do you think pays a mortgage for the house the bills and tuition of your expensive private school who works all day to allow you to live to the fullest but of course that's not important babysitting you at the park that's the important thing why don't you find another parent who does what you want you wouldn't be the first of my children to not need me anymore indeed why don't you turn me into a doll it's even easier I no longer use my Powers they only cause problems I wanna be better good luck with that are you sure it's appropriate to work here the kid asks for my presents but for this I certainly can not slow down at work hard is the life of a single mother oh even with my husband I couldn't delegate and when I did it only created disasters I understand you my husband is the same you are an example to all of us you could say it but I want to be better oh from today you can also follow the matches I need to be more involved in my kid life in fact I know that without supervision children could go wrong ah although I'll have to do it while I work admirable it is a Pity however that this dedication is rewarded by poor performances from the team but after all with a coach like that Shane is only the team for the extra credits and not playing he doesn't even risk getting hurt poor performance no child of mine will have anything less than Excellence what a caring mother definitely go kids run good job go away Lamar you smell like weed and failure palador get out from under the table this is not the time for this oh you are here so is who's I've been eating leftovers from the garbage for months please give me something fresh I sure who's a good monster who wants her food months later odalia let us pass it you have to deal with me very well who's the good witch who wants her food me me Ada born forever what's this house here given its conditions it's probably uninhabited for years why didn't the emperor's coven demolish it who knows maybe they still use it for some practice Guess Who provided dinner for everyone guess who's carrying dinner for everyone great job rain I'd say the two of us can clean the fish while the others wash I I can help you with dinner and then we'll wash up together this time you're the helper odalia I don't want to be near that smell anymore no I hope those two make peace soon for the good of the team because I'm sure Darius is only one who had brought the soap scratch scratch why do you keep scratching yourself you asked me you said we only share the sleeping bag if I shaved my bag my rules I have no intention of being in contact with your disgusting body hair oh Dahlia says I'm a furry bear and with that I'm leaving Perry the water's too high for you here don't worry I can swim how every winter when the temperatures Rises the water level and the sewers Rose accordingly sometimes suddenly either leer to swim or die those two are still arguing well how do you sell out for someone who offers her body to anyone for her own benefit odalia doesn't sell herself to anyone is it so hard for you to understand that I'm special to her to her to everyone it's so obvious that alador is special alador here I'll adore there if I hear again someone praising you I vomit uh what you're a genius okay I understand it and odaly was the first to notice it hooray to her it's normal for you two to ignore me now like everyone else what are you saying we're friends and no one questions your abilities please I can't even use my family's technique turn into a lump of Goo it's not so cool are you messing with me what I mean is that you're my best friend and that will never change and even if I'm doing better now it doesn't change who you are the coolest dude I know oh really how cute the two idiots made peace now go out and check our camp man please stand up no so I would say to take advantage of when he goes to sleep to better explore the castle understood have you finished using my room the bread doesn't leave me much free time and I would like to take advantage of it what the you are the most Steven people I ever met and you know who I am Mommy needs some stress relief hey Steve you still haven't told us what you're doing here I mean what's a kid like you doing in one of the emperor's coven Woods I ran away from home because my parents always fight now they don't care about me anymore nonsense odalia he's just a kid a dumb kid it doesn't matter if the parents fight have another child are always busy they will always think about what is best for the children that's not always true oh please let it grow up it's not like you have experience with parents to be able to talk are you really this dumb why do you keep talking to me like I never had Parents I had a mother she just died young and now you get to live as you please while we have to submit to our parents so quit lecturing us or what are you doing another mess of yours I will have to fix enough you too indeed no more kids for today you go into your tents and sleep actually we should be autonomous in our test stand in your tents now oh it has been a long time since I've been in here your dad really left his mark on your family's kitchen all this weird Machinery looks like what Liz described as Steam crunch I think yeah a lot of trial and error went into these Renovations since he used old Abomination Parts mom was Furious when the appliances would attack her Ed em and I got a good laugh out of that though are you sure this part is necessary I know it's an important part of the aesthetic but I'm sure Lewis would understand if you left it out no doubt she would but when it comes to loose I can't bring myself to accept any half measures I don't know how long this might take but my parents will be back for a few days you can hang out here for a while if you want thanks but I have liar derby practice in the morning and it's already getting late it's okay thanks for all your help and for your company I really appreciate it no problem and thank you for the cute me threads the next morning oh it's you you scared me for a second there so you want me to get you know who to tell her that he [Music] it's 7am which is way too late in the evening for all this noise this better be worth it um I made something for you yes you've got company good morning can't even enjoy a nice Apple blood Bender for Titan's sake hola Amity I made something for you I was so worried you said you'd come by with surprise last night but you never showed up yeah sorry about that this took longer to make than I anticipated okay so not to bury the lid or anything but I had to ask uh well don't worry this recipe is 100 insect free it's also 100 arachnid free for good measure yeah I should have been more upfront about my allergies to bugs the other day no worries we live and learn now then Feast your eyes on this no way you actually made SpaghettiOs well with some help and the freshest vegetables courtesy of Willow why don't you have a taste hmm thanks someday you'll have to tell me how humans can Mass produce these without staying up all night actually how did you put all this together wait a minute did you tie these into Oz yourself no wonder it took you all night to make this Amity [Music] oh you crazy little tater you're way too good to me the way you put it exorcists here sound like exterminators in the human realm yeah but these guys suck at their jobs so that would explain what happened to the school Spirits maybe they're all possessed students I notice that [ __ ] was unusually mellow today buenos Tardes magdalinda only batata Where Have You Been Just now oh I was just preparing a special human realm recipe I stumbled across the other day so prepare your taste pores for the human delicacy known as Ecto Cooler Who you gonna call huh is isn't it a famous drink in the human realm this magazine Gus let me indicate it's quite popular boop hey honey this magazine was made way back in 1989. it's practically a century old sorry Em I could have sworn this was the issue number well I for one would love to try your drink no matter how outdated it might be yeah here's to my amazing human and here's to my candy M's foreign this is graniums sweet citrusy and a slightly sour aftertaste you sure you weren't a barista in a former life hey Anthony by any chance with the Ecto and Ecto Cooler be sure for ectoplasm oh that is kind of a big concern now that you mention it huh I mean it is but why would that be concerning it's just that we were talking about the missing school spirits and then you come out here with a ghost team drink please tell me you didn't put real-life ghost in a blender reducer to make this of course not lose don't be silly there's no such thing as a live ghost so you finally arrived I was starting to get bored mom leave her to me and go save our world what an hero are you aiming to win the best parents award enough Taco Dahlia let's fight I can't ask for better dear I'll adore what a body living life in the resistance reduces you like this you instead I find you more toned I had to carry many puppets hmm we won also The Collector is now a good kid and no one will complain about what they have done because he's with us ballad or slower [Music] what are you doing I can explain it to you what's going on you were fast it was anything but fast Dad Mom yo Lily help me out what no can you control yourself you don't want to make her come home with us do you if you hadn't occurs to me I wouldn't have lost my arm why doesn't Mama Dolly have clothes on cool to you well she comes home with us and will be a happy family at home I'll even give you my ass dad hello can I come in Professor bump oh I mean principal bump how was the birth lots of screaming and crying and luckily alidor passed out I can't believe you were the first to have kids and who was supposed to be the emotionless psychotic the criminal The Narcissist the one of the mom complex the one that now only touches their violin or the two who have lots and lots of fulfilling sex um what are you writing I am planning the future of my children their future obviously now that I'm a mom I have to take care of them the best food and educational games and when they are older I will choose the most suitable magic tracks friends and teachers obviously I will plan everything following their stages of growth a five-year program in continuous renewal don't you think the kids should have the chance to be more free nonsense my children don't need to be free to make mistakes or hurt themselves I'm there to solve every problem and I'll always be isn't that what a good mother is supposed to do I am right or and I oh no yeah you're right can I help you with the baby sure thanks I really appreciate your help it can be hard all alone I'm just looking after a newborn not just now for anything hmm
Channel: Mi Comic
Views: 81,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the owl house, the owl house fanart, lumity, the owl house luz, the owl house amity, lumity fanart, comics, luz
Id: dIJbIChW28Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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