The Best Little Person Basketball Team in the US

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I wish I could fly like apply everything when you like [Music] my name is uh Clinton Brown third I am 34 years old I'm from Long Island New York and I happen to be a little person how do I feel like society views little people with discontent with this candid a lot the word send shivers down my spine it's like well you're an object you're not human society teaches a certain perspective but it doesn't teach the little person it's going to the Super Bowl the world is built for tall people I think it's up to the little person to carve their own way Clinton got the deluxe package he had club feet dislocated hips dislocated knees he had severe scoliosis and kyphosis goalie osis is the S of the spine that the kaitos is the bowing of the spine I've had 30 showed you 30 at the end of the day bill it's made me the strong person that I am I work in finance for a cable television company I think naturally habitually I've always been somebody who wanted to get up go and tackle the world you know make an impression whether on this high or 6 foot 10 [Music] about six years ago they started little-person basketball team hey guys Justin Tompkins as always been blinding on Gordon [Music] katoya was always a defensive specialist Khan has become the cabinet Danny was always the globe how they came together John's quick and he's a sharpshooter [Music] blazes the power forward and shoot the mid-range tell you was the baby at first and now he's a joker not only is Jackson thinkin but Jackie where everybody else was I've always been the architect every personality and every person they could the NHS becomes fine all right 20 2016 2006 and we're gonna prepare like we've always prepared individuals practicing on your own because we don't see judge much during the year I think just in time is 23 years old living room Upper West Side Douglass projects I always played my hardest I always feel like I have to prove something the towers gave me a lot more confident every since that first convention scene the little people like interacting playing basketball I thought wow anybody could do anything that they want there's no guys they keep trying the LPA convention it's kind of like a spring break because it's the time that you get to spend with people who are really judging you for how you look you're not the different person you blend in with the crowd it brings a lot of character right over the yeah let's get over and hop on that roof and then hop over and I'm down there do that you see a soccer ball yeah Horton's in your back neighbor's yard at the same time that the towers became a family I met my special wife and at that point in time in my life I didn't know if I was ever going to find a significant honor and when I met Sophia there was no other questions I couldn't ask for anything more our first official date Clinton showed up to my house in a full suit with a one rose on Valentine's Day and took me to dinner that set the stage for the last six years I would love to have a family I would love to have a family I will be honest and say that I am very very scared to be pregnant I don't know what that means really for me there can be a lot of complications with stuff like especially if you're a little person but like when we get there we'll figure it out but I think that we're both excited to maybe start that for us yeah I think we're also open for adoption - oh yeah definitely dot they probably I mean specifically a little person definitely not a person in from a country that shunned them and yeah to let them grow up in a warm household I think that would be special to us I think that would be so special yeah yeah so that is something else that I think I look over - yeah we'll see where the chips fall right yeah how many of them Falls Oh God there's a little person in high school you are out of ten things because you physically can't compete in sports I think the future of the towers can be a real warm up defense in football you got this the safety drops back and he's got this whole area that he has to cover same thing with basketball we've got on younger guys younger athletes to see that the role model of the older guy and show them that there's a path I love that I come out to my clothes folded and my coaching outfit I got a made it I got it absolutely made thanks bear dad yeah I'm a lucky man better and he I bring bear your MA blue pants this is what I call you Bob blue pants give me a like a hiragana neither the softest brizi isn't bad boys ever they go on every trip the babalu pens go on every trip this you pair this with a nice Airy button-down you got yourself a beautiful outfit I'm making a mess somewhere all over the world and country those people just like me getting excited packing like it's the best pack they've ever packed you know what I'm saying it's pretty name last year was the first year the towers ever swept all sports we won every team sport last year now I would like to do the same I sometimes my goals are a little lofty but if you don't shoot for the sky you're never gonna get it put your foot on the pedal and you guess it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think an important and it's fun to be around people who are like you or physically like you and that are going through the same thing that you are in your life you know it's great to see that I think it all sports we're gonna come out guns blazing and I'll be damned if we come away with anything less than we deserve [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] towers are the champions last five years but you can never underestimate anything [Music] we're trying to take your crown Oh China you know if you thrown the bill dose for this one week is just tremendous you're really gonna make your mark [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know where the three famous all right throw that back coming home has you know a bit of depression to it a couple of weeks in a couple of months that'll all go away and you know you'll look forward to the next gathering [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 4,537,109
Rating: 4.9242249 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, basketball, little people, boston, new york, New Releases, Human Condition, Biography & Profile, Sports & Action, Little People of America, harlem globetrotters
Id: sAVtNfwc1Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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