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yo what up guys we back playing some more air in ranked we are taking conqueror because that is V best rune for Z right now we're against the Tristana TR tr's also been talking a lot in all chat seems like she does not approve of conquer is here and thinks it's bad versus four range Champs but these four range Champs they all like Auto attack right we're going to auto attack them all once we have n to conquer is going to be my replacement for oneing my games since lethal T is G so yeah this match up uh our ch's going to be weaker early cuz you know you know that's a TR right there air in needs his components of n tooth wait what okay lucky lucky farming there yeah once we have some uh Nal components we can take some fights she has Fleet footwork and I have con so should be able to start Auto attacking Out Auto attacking her yeah we just chilling trying to stay out of our jump range it's okay to drop like early to not get a jump on just got to make sure the early game goes well playing on a emerald diamond mm account right now so these players should be pretty good mechanically I don't have level four yet so oh now I do she just jump away the uh care about fighting her here K's going for her bottom mic probably so I'm just going to be hitting the minions here is trying to uh push me in so she can go R if she needs on mat but I don't think it's going to be a good fight perfect if we just get out without fighting that's amazing and we got it she didn't get her Mark fantastic oh this is the Kindred I had on my team last game she was pretty good she flipped the baron and gave them Baron but that didn't matter since I was so F crap I need a farm better I don't feel locked in at the moment I think once we get some more damage we will be locked in I want hitting my turret I'm going to all here and look at my dude my Autos are doing 100 with the two Soldier there that's the power of conquer this long trades are so op for his here I have Health Advantage so I really want to fight use my potion and he stack up con first EMP I think she is uh I think she's resetting here I might reset to the matchers she'll have like insane uh damage over me I don't reset here just TP back we get the blasting one she has vampiric acceptor she ping like butter or something first interesting it for my poke they know that my uh TR might be there or maybe my that TR Wasing it okay I'm going to walk back cuz there EAS on me I don't want to like trade back are the of sh could gank this great buffer by her then she's a noer all right we got her flash got her low so I'm going to shove in the wave pretty hard here I'll dive her if she like sticks around oh right she still someone above me in this bush yeah run the your jungler as if it wasn't so obvious [ __ ] the AER Nerf may have cocked me there all those is your Nerfs man if it weren't for those damn Nerfs these Champions would not live one HP so consistently you know what I mean okay trundle is stopping the back I appreciate that now I'm farming soar y let me just aut you once wait en okay that worked I actually misplayed that I didn't mean to Ian I see kred I'll just recall here before she gets here she's only level four nice he going to push back to me and I can just freeze Perfect all eyes to us said like K first for range cuz it make my Autos hurt more are champions who have to Auto me loyal will re a thick ass way brother my El back please just jump me like a psycho damn I'm going to find this on to to lose all my health behold the IQ sucks could L that minion almost level eight try not to give her her e reset so she can't jump again and now I all in Boom come on minions let's [ __ ] go minions I love you I love you now go D to the turret reset time or do I try to pressure the plate yeah I kind pressure the plate ke is like a 5sec cool down right now chunker up for fun and then just shove next wave I bet TR wants to jump me here so I'm going to keep a soldier behind me it's a little far though I'm trying to crash my wave all right success wave is crashed let's get out of here actually no we stay like for one more gold CU not tooth so I'm actually not going to recall here I have two level lead we're playing this uh much better than the Trana thanks to the uh conqueror Advantage conqueror makes my Autos so chuny all well while she's roaming I'm just going to get my n te why not I could maybe push but then she would just walk back mid I'm letting her Ro so that she misses even more farm and XP hell tell and hello Wayne game de what's up have we got a YouTube stream for you guys but I'm playing music so this won't even get monetized for the stream rip so I'm probably deleting the VOD but I wanted to hang out with you guys anyways might start streaming on uh YouTube more often I'm pretty F I kind of just want to walk H this kind she probably already did rapt yeah so she's clearing up no too let's put control right there deny Vision jungler can gank if he ever wants to but it's not really necessary oh my God look at her health part man Nash conquer is op it's an insane power Spike [Music] uh I think yeah I heard tp's up cuz mine's up as about as say you're level seven I'm level 10 come here come here I thought you queue the wall what the [ __ ] you queuing that way for are you faker the [ __ ] was that he's hacking onward never CR empor he's y to jump me or I'm just going to poke him out over and over he has to flip a trade sh since I not sh I don't think you even even do that like my lead might be too big I'll follow this looks like uh three kills I won't Chase it te's too far away let's just get the grubs perfect we sneaking in some is under Tower range nice the map is going pretty well I might R it her for fun I don't think you'll kill her oh unless minions hit her all right I'll get her all right it works I did not expect her to like jump on me while I was diving her but I guess it makes sense she wants to like slow me and then reset her W all right feel like I would have got this th myself thanks man what is next uh wave onward all right whatever f for me turrets what they just see nice move there it's Revenant Shuffle combo it's really good for like Tower diving or when people are chasing you or I try Berserker gaves you give movement speed stacking up and 10% more attack speed at level 15 second that's good as your item I like that a lot destroyed what is just doing with such low HP po to HP I didn't see I am level 12 their B Ling's level eight I'm just going to walk up to them and kill them I'm simply just going to walk up and kill them nice I hit them both Leona graa might have gotten the kill Oh no I got it nice my lead is really freaking insane I'm 5 like N9 CS a minute it def just way better we've conquered them the doubters the conquer doubters have been conquered if you're watching this on YouTube guys can we get a conquer Down Below in the comments [ __ ] me dude that's so sad I could even get her my Q dies when I die that's kind of lame let's get a rabbit on next just insane amount of AP and attack speed all right well I kind of uh hinted but it's all good we got the dragon at least I definitely should have avoided dying like that and giving away my bounty but you know it's all good sometimes you autopilot ego fight the Kindred she has Al you don't am it is what it is Glory if I was able to avoid that that that'd be like level 13 right now an allyy one this wave going to play for B right here get that uh 700 gold I'm super Strong's up I have no TP I'm just playing for this turret I'm to let my team know our f is dead too so we might just have to give that Herald uh myON is engaging on the Yona or on herself I mean Lulu the other L name holy Fick hey those are mine this is my jungle the wait why are we getting Herald are we not ahead Fiora was dead I thought it was like a 43 oh [ __ ] that's why we're getting Herald scers down here oh man oh man why the [ __ ] is car here bro I'll at least like trade that kill you have conquered an enemy has hey with this Zer we could do like a uh can maybe do like a new like speed up build the speed up builds are like so fun this would like Cosmic Drive Auto and then Zoom around my tp's up that f is pretty dead I should have took the gate my bad I was uh looking top I Grump here or do I push out B I think I push out B because we'll lose Canon minion if we Farm grum if I lose Canon minion anyways I'm flashing [ __ ] all right come here I need to flash on somebody now was kiding we're not going to troll I'm fake I'm a try hard we are I've never trolled in my life wins only all right SC is Top Lane we have pressure mid I can actually uh show myself B Lane without like five people showing up we need to conquer this bot turet just keep splitting getting solo XP yeah I respect them for sending so many for me I respect oh my God it ran out of my soldiers oh oops [Music] I never was in range to hold anyone sadly I got pushed away f is probably going to get this thir though they took a fight mid they Dove mid for brand yeah we're going get we're get B turret SP is going to get uh enough gold for a second item be a pretty legit uh split Pusher she has the Triforce for the tur damage yeah she should be strong enough to One V one SC her ins Side Lane though a rip trle he should have just committed to diving Lulu there try to aut some more he love sha always Rises your team has destroyed a turret going y this uh red buff we have omega PRI mid bot I'm just going to go top and try to conquer just the hell kogas here all right we're just getting a free turret then the [ __ ] your team is like trying to make a play on me if start be I'm try and like check over the wall n koga's mid never mind you get three dragon just from walking Top Lane I show on Top Lane and they just send like everyone they don't want to contest anything yeah they want to keep scaling they only have one item on their carries so they definitely don't want to contest anything that's smart by then the [ __ ] I mean I don't mind that trist all now I'm in this fight yay star to chill bro what the [ __ ] Str is an annoying Champion team destroyed I got the red buff slow r b nice I think we went alha GG's good game my Soldier spawn there outclass mid conquered as [ __ ] let's go so yeah guys in your if you want to one v9 your games have the most damage on your soldiers take conquer I even know who to honor I feel like I didn't see my team that entire game but that's fine I splited the entire game hey promoted themal 3 immediately nice all right GG's guys if you enjoyed the video body that like button subscribe if you're new and leave a comment down below thank you so much for watching peace
Channel: Body Those Fools
Views: 6,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azir, azir changes, azir update, azir buff, new azir, azir build, body those fools, for fun squad, azir rework, faker, new items, azir buffs, on-hit azir, azir guide, 1v9 guide, how to carry, league of legends, faker azir, body azir, season 14, grasp, azir runes, azir probuilds, fleet footwork, lethal tempo, hail of blades, conqueror, tank azir, how to play tank azir, ap azir, fundamentals, blackfire torch, runes
Id: M5rEJeos1Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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