The Best ITX Case You've NEVER Seen!

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ladies and gentlemen we have an incredibly exciting one for you today because this is my favorite ITX case this is the mesh Licious from a company called ssupd it's actually been since renamed to the meshram S they've made it a little bit bigger you can fit more things inside but essentially it's an ITX case that is pretty much at the limit of being able to put loads of Hardware inside but still being small enough to call a proper ITX chassis and it's worth noting that this is absolutely not a sequel this is a completely different case yet rather confusingly it's almost exactly the same in terms of Dimensions but the main change actually with this particular chassis is that the orientation is now going for like a sit-down approach a bit like The Cooler Master nr200p actually so you won't be using a riser cable you'll build it more like a traditional gaming PC but you're not going to be compromising because you can still use up to a 280 millimeter liquid all in one cooler or you can even go custom and you'll have something in a very very small footprint and very small frame and as you can tell this is all mesh so in terms of airflow it's clearly never going to be as good as like a massive Tower but ITX you can't really get much better than open frame I mean I suppose you could go full open frame but that doesn't really count does it so let's see if this thing is any good and let's build ourselves a pretty epic gaming PC that is among the most powerful you can build today right after a short word from this video sponsor cool says IQ link is here to revolutionize your gaming PC this brand new ecosystem stops cable clutter in its tracks with interconnecting components removing the need for Endless cables and giving you more control over your PC than ever before grab some interlocking QX RGB fans for dual light Loop Beauty an h-150i IQ link cooler for Next Level CPU thermals and connect up to a whopping 14 devices to a single IQ system Hub learn more today with the link down below right let's strip this thing down and actually see what it's all about the main difference is between this and the meshram S is really down to what you can actually put inside it because interestingly if you did want to go for something a little bit different you can actually put up to an ATX motherboard inside the mesh from S I haven't personally done that because I know things will get incredibly tight but it is pretty cool that you can do that whereas with this you are a little bit more limited in that you can only go for an itex motherboard unless you buy an optional accessory and then you can extend it a little bit and go for Micro ATX that'll be pretty cool but obviously in a small chassis personally speaking I like to go for itex just to give yourself more space for everything else but it's all down to personal preference and what you actually need to put inside this you can see we have some fan mounts here at the top I think these are just 120s and these are potentially going to be slim profile fans only you can put a radiator on one of the sides but here you can see you have this little bracket that can be removed again it's going to depend on what you actually want to put inside whereas if we go around this side you can see you have the back of the motherboard tray really not much room there at all actually I mean there's literally none so you're not going to be putting any cables around the back does the front pop off yes just like that very easy to get inside this actually completely tallest fractal could definitely learn a thing or two it was just those initial screws at the back and I think all of the screws around the side actually are just normal cross heads so if you do want to take this apart further you absolutely can whereas the back is actually like this little dust filter rather than anything solid I'm not sure whether that really matters or not maybe it's just because this is going to be easier to clean but it's worth noting and yeah as you can tell this is a very Light chassis once you take it apart very strong though I mean I wouldn't have to worry about sort of damaging it or anything that's quite impressive actually he says as something falls out let's not worry about that front panel i o we've got three USB ports one is Type C to a type A I think the power button is actually around the back as well it's not very obvious but there's this little button right here it's also nice to see that the i o of your machine if you use this in this particular orientation will of course be at the back of the chassis this is the main benefit of going for a layout like this rather than the old way of having a face down or potentially face up both of which aren't particularly great but you can actually use this in a vertical orientation if you want to move the feet around and they do also sell like a top cover accessory to neaten up your cables a little bit but I don't know I think it's going to be fine like this but if you've got a very small space or maybe using an like a media center or something like that and you want it to sit beside I can see the appeal of this well I really hope this isn't going to get tricky let's build a build it up and actually see how we get on shall we I've unfortunately picked a motherboard that I'm not a massive fan of not because there's anything wrong with this particular motherboard it's just it is a bit of a faff to Cable manage this is the b650i aorus from gigabytes it's just packing so many features that you need to use these different like cables and extensions and things and the problem with that is that with ITX it's already complicated enough and when you have to start sort of stacking so much more on your motherboard you can't physically fit it obviously that is going to not necessarily cause you problems but more cause you annoyance I prefer more Bare Bones one like the one we used last week it was from ASRock the Phantom gaming less features but easier to use and the CPU that we're going to be using today is one that I bought myself I've been talking about this for ages this is actually the first time I've put it in a rig this is pretty much the best gaming CP you can buy right now it rates blades with the 3900 KS but it is way way cheaper uses less power and in certain titles it will slightly outperform it as well the main downside is that you do only have eight cores but I mean in a gaming PC especially on TX one that kind of doesn't really matter and the benefits of lower power draw in an itech system is going to make so much more sense when it comes to memory or Ram this is pretty much topping it out when it comes to AMD this is a 6000 megahertz kit you can buy kits that are faster and they will certainly work with some Intel motherboards and CPUs but AMD doesn't really seem to like them at the moment maybe this is something that will change maybe it's future motherboards future bios updates future CPUs but for the time being I would stick with an expo kit at 6000 megahertz this is one from Kingston I think this actually is XMP but it should still work we will need to take off the ginormous heatsink now to put the SSD in but the one that we're using is the mp600 pro XT from Corsair two terabytes PSI Gen4 for gaming don't worry about Gen 5 at least for now then we have to do the bit that I say is quite annoying which is to plug these little cable and adapter things into the motherboards you have this little drop in card here that's for your fans and your i o and then if you want to use USB oh no it's right here next to the SSD do you see what I mean at least it's better if you do it now right let's grab our chassis then remove the radiator bracket that we will of course be using a little bit later but if you are going to go for an air cooler and it can actually fit a fair size one in here to be fair then obviously you will not be needing this bracket at all unless you're going to be mounting any external fans if this motherboard doesn't actually fit that is going to be shocking no no I'm not having this I'm honestly not having that let's try taking it out for now and let's try this again let's get this screwed down and then let's see whether this cable will actually go in I guess you could do it like that but then is that going to clash with everything else let's take this opportunity then to start plugging some things in it's only really the power switch for the front i o and of course the USB this is probably a good time to test graphics card compatibility to be fair so this is a 4080 obviously the same size as a 40 90. will this fit in and this is a brand new case I think this is probably why this has been delayed for a while to make sure it is compatible with everything yeah they go that looks good I mean you're not going to have a ridiculous amount of room underneath it obviously because it's such a wide GPU what about something even bigger a 7900 XTX from tough no that's not going to work what about a 3080 Ti from gigabyte that fits in without problem and you do have a little bit more room down the bottom now for the gpus to breathe so I'd say two and a half slot is properly optimal three will work three and a half it might physically fit but that is definitely not going to be ideal right but let's forget about gpus for a second because I think it's gonna be far easier to put the power supply in next so let's do that this is from see Sonic it is a 80 plus Platinum power supply so this is not going to be the cheapest one in the world but any stretch of the imagination but the key thing here is that it is 750 watts which is what we need for our 7900 xdx please don't underdo your power supply you will regret it and interestingly as well actually you can use an ATX power supplies that's a full size one inside here if you so desire I wouldn't actually recommend that though because obviously it will take up more physical space and this is not so good for cooling and cable management and actually fitting everything in but then also something a lot of people don't realize is in terms of the cables ATX cables are of course much much longer and this is a very small enclosure so if you are going to use ATX I would suggest getting some custom cables made that will be a lot shorter or I don't know getting hold of some which is the same as what I just said do you like repetition do you like repetition do you like rep anyway the power supply should actually drop in Fairly easily I say drop in it's going to be inverted if you like it slots in and this little slot at the back I think you have to take the bracket out first actually then screw it on with the standard PSU screws this should then drop back into place which I must confess is a little bit fiddly I mean all it needs is a little notch or something for it to rest in so you don't have to hold it in place with one arm cool right power supply is in not enough to stop you buying it but could be improved with a future revision so then this cable needs to come through here maybe like that yeah and slot in the back yep that looks good to me and they have actually provided you with two different holes as well which is nice because depending on which way you want the fan you can either have it this side where it's got completely full clean air or if you want to use it as a bit more of an intake and exhaust for the rest of your system you can of course have it facing the other way and then that's when this hole would come handy oh and actually to be fair if you were using something like a 4080 or an Nvidia card that needs one of these high power adapters you're going to have to make sure you do have an adapter for the adapter or something right angle or something so you can make sure you can actually plug it in because you might get a little bit restricted with the height once you have that cable coming in and obviously you don't want to bend it we plug the rest of these cables in obviously SATA for the cooler and PSI will have to wait for the graphics cards well as predicted it is starting to get a little bit messy now but this was always going to be the case I really should stop making that joke as we proceed to install the graphics card and normally I'd be more excited about this and obviously I am it is the best bit of any gaming PC the 7900 xdx is probably the graphics card I would buy for myself assuming you could get it for a decent price around about 900 950 quid if you can get it for that go for it but the question is will it actually fit in comfortably around all of these cables and to be fair so far it's looking all right yeah I like that we've got a decent amount of room underneath as well so I think ventilation for this should be as good as you can expect for a case like this really and then we've just got to make sure when we put the radiator down we have the radiator side downwards rather than fan blades that will of course Bunch all of this up but you do want to have decent airflow in the first place so it is going to make sense to sort of tie all of this down a little bit so we can actually get everything and span look at it it's a vest they always look like this the nr200p was exactly the same because you just it doesn't really matter right but you don't have anywhere really to Stow them and all the cables are short I can make this look better but you're not going see it but again you've got literally nowhere to put them because you don't need to put them anywhere right here comes the bit I'm definitely not looking forward to installing the all-in-one liquid cooler I haven't used this one before this is from Cooler Master it is the pl 240 so this is their flux Edition it's one of their newest ones and to be fair Cooler Master coolers are usually pretty good because the value is incredible they're not necessarily always the best but they can often be like half the price of the competition it's silly really and as long as they do do the job just a few extra degrees really matter I mean you answer that you tell me maybe it will but I went for this today because I'm hoping that this is going to be relatively straightforward and simple to install because I really don't want something that you know has loads of junction boxes and loads of different things to plug in Corsair not that there's necessarily a problem with that normally but in an ITX case you want it to be is less complicated as possible yeah the air cooler definitely easier and I think this is the main difference really between the mesh from s and the mesh from D if you do want to use an all-in-one it is actually pretty straightforward to use it in the S but clearly this is certainly different should we say so let's screw the bracket in add some thermal paste to our 7800 X 3D and then gently drop our CPU Cooler into place it should just hook over the little AMD brackets we can now hook up all of these cables so we've got the pump speed we've then got the first of our RGB that we can plug in to the little splitter and then comes the very last and probably the most complicated job which is to actually fit this radiator and you know what actually the silly thing with putting a radiator here is that you are going to have to move these cables entirely out the way otherwise you're going to be so restricted that this almost becomes a 120 or a 140 cooler in which case you could have just used an air cooler and sort of saved yourself all of this fat in the first place because there is actually quite a lot of room for a decent sized air cooler I'm going to be very interested to see what the thermos on this chip are like bear in mind it likes to be at 90 degrees anyway I guess the next question is intake or exhaust I'm going to go for an intake because there isn't really any other fans inside this at all and we do have obviously a lot of things inside that we do need to keep cool but I can see the appeal of having like a Slimline fan at the top here actually is you can fit that in just to give yourself a little bit more ventilation with some exhaust so screws in oh the bracket I'm not hating radiators just yet I'm just mildly annoyed by them foreign I don't hate them I don't hate them I kind of do though I mean to be fair we also need to plug in these fan cables so I am going to take it out again one more go before we hate them oh my God and you know what's gonna happen as well oh I've already foreseen it I've already foreseen it these screws are big they're gonna stick out and our side panel is not going to like that one bit is it so you're gonna need to use a different brand of cooler or at least get yourself some different screws I'll Nick them from the fractal cooler that I was actually going to use for this I mean it's not called a master's fault this is not designed for this case and they're the same height though yeah fan screwed down and then hopefully that is it and we actually get two that is it moments will it work first is will the side panel go on I've got a good feeling about this I think it will yes there we go well let's box this back up completely all side panels on and then we have our completed Metron build and I admit I do not like picking it up because you almost want to push this bit in but obviously it is just a dust filter so I guess I know why they've done that but just be careful that is a very compact little case I love the fact that you've got all of this ventilation on the side it's just as I say it wasn't the easiest with an all-in-one purely down to the fact that you are going to be risking bending some tubes and obviously it's not the easiest to install either but once you've built it assuming it works I think pretty spawn so I think it's now time to test it okay okay care package incoming keyboard mouse PC subject mouse mat limited chance to get it I don't know when it will sell out but when it does there are no more get yours today radio then Moment of Truth are we gonna get this working come on come on yes so and of course we're going to do our thermal testing in just a second but I will sort of wrap up this process really by saying that I am a fan of this case I think it definitely does make sense if you want this sort of orientation it is very similar to the fractal Terror the fractal let's be honest was quite a lot easier to build in but the main reason that was was because we weren't really using a radiator and frankly the motherboard was easier to work with as well but I have to admit that at this moment in time I genuinely have no idea how good or bad The Thermals of this thing are going to be because there's not really that much airflow for the GPU but I think it will be enough so let's get some games on this thing and find out and just like that ladies and gentlemen we are all set up and ready to go I have this little Xbox controller not to actually play games with but to put this next to the PC just to give you some scale for a second of how small this thing is I am very pleased actually with the end result I mean building it could have been easier but for what we had I have to say I am pretty happy and we will jump into some games and we're going to start with dead space this of course is the Remake in terms of settings we are running this at 4K 120 hertz and it says here we're using dlss but we're definitely not I think this is a bug from where I last used this on an Nvidia PC because obviously that's not going to work but besides being attacked have a look at the top left hand corner of your screen and you'll see the thermal performance and it's actually pretty good for what is a very small size sassy I mean what a very small sized chassis I think it is actually quite impressive I mean don't make the mistake that I made initially which was to look at the GPU 187 degrees and think that is the temperature that is the hot spot temperature which actually is surprisingly good because I think these cards can get well over 90 degrees and that's still by Design with the hot spot I mean the actual GPU itself is around about 75 degrees so I'd say that is pretty impressive and we're also seeing the exact same on the 7800 X 3D as well so both the CPU and the GPU are running as you would expect and bear in mind we're not getting any form of stutter or anything notable in game and everything is running flat out I'd say that's a big win for the mesh run and I think at this stage we're going to swap across now to some Apex Legends but just to give ourselves a little bit of a change let's see what happens if we turn this on its side in the more vertical orientation and see if that changes The Thermals at all and here we are jump jumping out of the jet at 4K resolution Max settings apart from the usual Sunspot Shadows that set to very high not ultimate and here we are I mean this actually looks a lot worse now we seem to have gone up in terms of thermals we're now 110 degrees on the hot spot and I think that is the hard limit for what they actually want so I think by not having any feet on the underside we've now got less airflow coming in and clearly this is not working out I mean we were running at 100 GPU a second ago so I'm actually very surprised that there's that much difference but clearly there's just not really anywhere for the air to go at the moment so I will see if we can rescue this by turning it on its side but clearly whatever happened before wasn't right something was off there maybe it was just the orientation of the GPU maybe the graphics card doesn't work properly that way maybe there's like a heat pipe or something within the car that likes to be in this orientation Let's test this Theory though by letting it bed in for another three or four minutes before we actually draw up our conclusions I mean we are getting 144 FPS and basically Max settings at 4K resolution no upscaling or anything that's pretty Dandy there is actually a frame rate cap on this game as well that obviously you can remove but I mean yeah 144 FPS with about 75 80 GPU utilization so what you could probably get about 160 or so if you take that cap off this is a very powerful PC despite the footprint so mesh from d in summary then the main difference really between this and the S is all about the form factor this is basically just a mini nr200p that is the easiest way of describing it I think the nr200p is probably slightly better if you're going to go for this approach because you've just got a little bit more room in there to put the radiator on the side but obviously if you're going for ITX people want small and clearly this does work right you can do it there's not a problem thermals aren't the absolute best but there's not really anything wrong with them it's not going to hinder you especially if you're going to go for lower power components but I really can't help but think that if I was going to build this myself as we've mentioned loads of times already in this video I do think that the mesh from s is probably better for this sort of approach purely just because you can put that all in one on the front and then it just gives you more room to fit everything else but having said that there is a big advantage of going for this or two main advantages really mainly in that you don't have to use a PCI Riser cable and that does have two advantages first one is price this comes in at 110 that's quite a lot less than the Metro mess if you don't already have a riser cable you want to use and obviously the benefit of not having to use a riser is the fact that if you are going to go for a PCI Gen 5 board then you can use that natively you've not got to have to worry about upgrading that in the future as well everything is just sort of dropping and ready to go so as long as you're okay with the limitations really just being thermals but then also needing like right angle connectors if you're going to use one of the Nvidia cards I think this is a case I can highly recommend just do yourself a little bit of research between this and the S to make sure you're getting the right one for you thank you so much for watching this video if you have enjoyed it please smash the like button and get yourself some subscribed and maybe check out the PC Centric mouse mat link down below or if you do want to check out current pricing on anything that has been featured in this video you can also find that linked down below and of course while you're down there why not bask in the beauty of corsair's new IQ link this smart ecosystem eliminates those pesky RGB and fan cables from your system allowing you to stack RGB devices with a smile all the devices can be automatically set up and configured in IQ with some exclusive effects and the new QX RGB fans even have a temperature sensor inside them monitoring Air temps get yours today with a link down below thank you so much for watching we'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 91,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, itx, gaming pc build, pc build guide, itx gaming pc, itx pc, itx case, best itx case, 7900 xtx, 7900xtx, amd, 7800x3d, meshlicious, meshroom d, meshroom s, meshroom d build, meshroom d unboxing, meshroom d review, pc centric itx
Id: eCk3vQnWsxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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