3 Layer Easy Italian Cream Cake Recipe - Cake Mix Recipes for Classic Cakes

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hey y'all it's Tammy with collored Valley cooks and today we're making one of my family's favorites and my friends of course Italian cream cake this comes out of my first cookbook and it is one of the things I used to make all the time it is so good y'all so we're going to start out with 4 oz of room temperature cream cheese you're going to use a half stick of butter at room temperature a cup of Buttermilk a half2 cup of water three eggs a white cake mix and then you're going to toast some coconut bcan and have them ready to go in there too we're going to get started mixing it up in the mixer going to start with your cream cheese and your butter okay this is the recipe in our first cookbook a taging cream cake and you're going to start with 4 oz of room temperature cream cheese I'm going to go ahead and slide this off and a half stick of room temperature butter and you're going to cream these two together some of you have mentioned about my mixer and I do have paddles that have the rubber on them that that keeps you from having to scrape the sides I just do not use them we're going to turn it down and start mixing it up until it's fluffy now I'm going to add my eggs I'm going to alternate my cake mix with my buttermilk I'll put about half of this in I'm going to beat it good our butter meal the rest of our cake mix and the/ cup of warm water [Music] okay it's a beautiful cake bag I toasted a cup of Bakers flate coconut which is sweetened coconut and a cup of large they're they're uh chopped nuts but they're pretty large and I toasted them in my air fryer and if you want to know how to do that just look in the description post at the instruction but we're going to be using the top this on the top of the cake after we ice it and we're also going to put a cup of this in our cake layer so we're going to go ahead and add a cup of these toasted pecans and coconut all right that's one cup of toasted coconut and pecans we're going to mix this up and get them in the layers all right we're going to talk about a couple of really important things when you toast your pecans and your coconut whether you do it on the stove top in a skillet and turn it continuously until it's nice and toasty you can put it in the oven at 350° but you still have to move it around the pan because it's going to get darker around the edges okay so you have to turn it in the baking sheet or even in your air fryer if you want to use an air fryer you can do it but make sure you don't have tiny little pieces of pecans or they'll just Dro down into the bottom and you will be putting it on 270° and you're going to actually take a spoon and mix it up every couple of minutes until it's a beautiful golden color one more thing make sure sure you use a white cake mix because yellow cake mix has a very strong distinctive flavor and it will not taste as good and delicious and tastes more like a homemade cake if you use the yellow do not use yellow and any of my cakes whether it's the red velvet the Italian cream um the strawberry make sure you grab that white cake mix please okay now we're going to spray our pans with some Baker's Joy we're going to get these in the oven I like to use three 8 in layers because it makes a tall cake and that's just what I like to do it's not going to take as long to bake mine as it will yours if you just use two layers so make sure you keep that in mind um and bake these at 350° until they're done until a toothpick comes out clean start checking them in about 25 minutes my friend Baker's [Music] joy and remember if you like anything that you see you can get it on our website at www colored Valley cs.com that keeps me from having to ask answer a lot of questions y'all all righty we're going to get get these in the oven and boy this is so good with that toasted coconut and there's pecans you can't get a better cake layer I promise I remember the first time I made an Italian cream cake I used to sou living cookbook and I beak the egg whites and I did all this stuff and it was took me forever to make the cake and now I just use this recipe and to me it's just as good it really is to me looks really pretty all right we're going to get them in the oven okay these are ready they are light on the top they have just started pulling away from the sides of the pan and that's what you want they're done but really pale they're going to be pretty so we're going to set them right here on the table and let them cool off for about 5 minutes and then after that we'll flip them out now since it's a cake mix you can actually go ahead and flip flip them out it's not going to hurt anything I'm going to go ahead and do that and let them start cooling down and that way they won't get any darker on the bottom it's another good thing about using the T you can for them out fast go ahead and have that parchment cut and ready it doesn't take a whole lot for me to get worn out so I do things in moderation it's just better that way when you have fibromyalgia and a few things like I do um it doesn't mean you can't get it done it just means it takes you a little bit longer so if you're like me get up off that couch make your layers one day wrap them up in some uh wrap and then ice it the next day take it easy just put it in the refrigerator or in the freezer better yet put it in the freezer and that way it'll be easy to ice all right y'all it's time to make the icing and we're going to be using 4 and 1/2 cups of powdered sugar I did sift it because it was kind of lumpy and then we've got a stick of room temperature butter an 8 oz package of cream cheese we're going to be using a little bit of cream we've got our toasted coconut and pecans a tip ready to make the cake pretty and we are ready to roll so we're going to start off in the mixer with the cream cheese and the butter and we're going to mix them until they're nice and fluffy now we're going to start alternating um some powdered sugar and cream and that's all we need I'm going to put just a little bit of vanilla in it [Music] too all right it's ready all right we've got a bag here we're going to put a border around the top of the cake when we're done and here's our layers we're going to get started icing them you just um I like to make a three layer cake and I like to use an 8 in layer and that way it fits on a a plate good with plenty of room if you want to put a border on it of course you don't have to put a border on it this cake is really soft and um so I need to use my spatula not this okay this one's kind of got a lip on it I'm going take it off because I don't want it sticking out so all I did is take the little edge off so that it wouldn't be sticking out of course we're probably going to cover it with pecans anyway so it probably don't even matter but I'm going to go ahead and clean this one up too cuz it made my hand sticky okay if you freeze your layers there's two good things about it one it makes the layers moisture and two it's easier to ice so it's always good to throw them in the Freez and of course you wrap them up [Music] first and I always tell people to pay attention how I'm holding the spatula if they want to learn how to ice a cake and not get the crumbs all over the place you really need to use your pointer here and you don't hold it flat like this you hold it in an angle I'm going to get these crumbs off the side before I ice the Sid so that they don't get stuck up in there okay our last layer is going on the top and cake mixes don't have a lot of cake in them anymore and that's one reason I like to do three layers too is because they they really don't get very tall and if you use 9 in layers use two layers because it just wouldn't be very pretty if they were much thinner than what I've got if you're making one of my homemade cakes um they actually have a lot more cake batter so you could use three NES and it still look pretty good all right to ice a cake so you take your icing put it on the top of the cake you take your spatula and hold it like I was telling you and you push it to the side you grab it and then you spread it and this keeps the crumbs from getting in the icing I'm trying to save enough icing to do the um water at the top to make it pretty I think you can have it a little bit more and you can go over the sides with a little bit of flake coconut as well my border tip that's my favorite we actually let it fall down into the garbage disposal and mess it up so today I'm going to use this and just see how it turns out I'll have to order me another one of my faves we're going to get this in here get a border around the top and this is a really pretty cake when it's done all right we'll see how this looks we're just going to do a swirl around the edge e so you put that in the middle and then I'm going to pick up the cake and put this coconut around the edges and the easiest way to do it is to pick up the cake I see a lot of people put stuff on the sides of cakes and they try to keep it on the stand and this is the easiest way to do it right here just pick it up break it back into your container time to Cut the Cake it's still a little bit cold you see how good it looks super moist you cannot get an Italian cream cake anywhere better than this it's delicious and even if it is hot cake mix just trust me on it you have to try it so good woo thanks for watching Collard Valley Cooks where we cook like Mama dad y'all have a wonderful day hit that like And subscribe button we'll see you next time bye love [Music] you [Music] come back and see me [Music] [Music] now
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 503,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italian cream cake, italian cake, cream cake, best cake, cake recipe, coconut cake, italian cakes, italian rum cake, italian wedding cake, german chocolate cake, italian cream cake from cake mix, collard valley cooks italian cream cake, wedding cake recipe, cake recipes, german chocolate cake recipe, cake cream recipe, italian cream cake from scratch, italian cream cake recipe with cake mix, italian cream cake box mix, italian cream cake recipes, italian cream cake easy
Id: IUi3VB0juOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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