Stealing the Opponent's QUEST!!! Mixtape Rogue Combo!

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all right deck intro time and this time we're all mixed up so the idea for this deck is pretty simple we're going to play mixtape as early as possible to steal a copy of the opponent's Quest and we're going to complete it and beat them with it now the game you're about to watch is pretty insane in fact it lasted for 32 minutes real time so grab a drink and grab a snack so I think that's pretty much it for the deck intro this time guys I hope you enjoy this ultimate burgle Rogue remember to like and subscribe and thanks so much for watching I can get two quests I mean I'll try that's gonna be really difficult all right need to get some good pulls of this I think maybe I can get like a ray of Frost with this or something or like a first flame would be pretty good oh my God why aren't you playing Sky Temple ridiculous didn't even know that was arcane good to know and of course I get a shadow I don't need a shadow oh that is fun I mean that technically does give me two fire but my deck is so big I don't think that's worth it so but I will take that if I you know I'm gonna pinch that's pretty good one well there's Arcane okay okay I'm gonna try to set it up where I can get uh double proc all right Frost try to take the Runed orb probably a pretty good one that's good too of course not well take the fire I guess just throw it there okay may just play this and like plagiarize next turn or something we'll see random shatter sure oh dear God but we're in Wild still missing fire right all right oh I get whatever that is it's a fire okay of course I don't need a fire at the moment probably explosive runes well it's actually not helpful at all unfortunately because those don't go to hand okay well I get two fires great um that was flame ward okay uh sure I don't care about that not counterspell that's surprising okay YOLO I got mana back and a weapon attack or something oh my God okay multi-strike okay that's fine I'm getting a little bit low defrost okay sure I wonder if my Reno even works random kodo yeah it's annoying no frost spell I mean I can't play that one very easily so I guess it's cryostasis which I also can't play very easily right now that's fun um my hand is so full I guess that kidnap is kind of stupid I'm just gonna take the mill I think spellwing okay that gives me an Arcane nice plagiarize goes to waste unfortunately but whatever probably gonna mail my Reno too which is really fun I also have 39 cards so you know very exciting so many zombies still flame ward right I never attacked his face oh that'd be nice five that's ridiculous um I need the frost right more than anything I guess I put it on the stealth one I can't attack anyway okay oh it would be nice if I could shadowstep the Wand Thief actually play bounce around as well maybe I wasn't even paying attention what that is oh boy okay uh I don't care if this gets counterspelled right well um do I ever just kill this to make sure I get the arcane spell I think I will let's play it now Frost see if I get lucky I did I guess I'll take the Arcane then actually I probably shouldn't have done that that was stupid yeah I should have taken the frost actually it's okay we're almost there really need my Reno how many zombies have been played this game works too nice does he kill me I'm gonna say no okay hireek there's a cryostasis I mean all these are terrible I do have the libram card is it ever lynessa like if it's so expensive though I did not click on that but okay whatever you say game well we have hireek now well assuming I'm not dead here I can Reno potion now um okay I probably should do this too oh wow that's a good one okay he could Mill me if he kills that but it's kind of fine I can double rewind too oh dear God the ignites are gonna be a problem though could just puzzle box here as well that's pretty good actually really good okay I like to play my small Reno it's not good would've been nice I think I need to play it just to be safe fine I can Bounce Around the next one if I need to random I guess it's Tess right not bad okay I think I need to take the frost right okay I actually could play Reno Tess and bounce at some point that's kind of fun I need Arcane and fire right still works though okay although against the quest line is probably not as good but you know just in case that was a real one sure am I dead if I just play this go up to 18 well this may not work but the board may be gone my hand might be too full oh God what is happening I feel like that went really poorly for me I also probably should not have played the bounce I mean I still have more cards than him so it's fine did not get a fire somehow in all that okay sure these secrets are pretty terrible as well that's not good I mean at least it wastes his turn but it makes it really hard to kill him now would've been really nice I gotta say I would have been real nice doesn't work either I have two roaring torch in my deck of course I do yeah I'm not sure how we get there maybe on fatigue I guess but even that's getting a little iffy here seems like a bad play of course it's also flame ward I don't know why he's clearing that it's flame ward seems like a waste I guess just to clear his hand up that would've been nice proc the flame ward at some point maybe puzzle box will carry us I do have zeph as well left most of my deck that's left is actually really bad that's one problem I think I'm gonna need some puzzle box magic for this one right I'm gonna proc the flame ward ice barrier as well of course hireek is like extra super duper terrible now which is fun very fun shouldn't even play that I guess I just hold there have a lot of really unplayable cards I don't want to play hireek because the hero power don't play this because the hero power don't really want to draw cards that badly although I guess I could get my roaring torch if I play this maybe next turn the water Elemental of that too I'm not sure that required a rope but here we are oh I could steal ignite do I play it now I did the quest I mean I could try to wait Tenwu that am I that greedy you bet I am does have life steal okay well my hand is full um I can't really risk Milling the ignite right I guess give him an elmental fine fine fine I'm probably gonna die but you know I'll pretend I actually do have a lot of damage I have two roaring torch I have the ignite now I have uh ghostly I have this thing and a puzzle box of course puzzle box always carries interesting he went that way my Reno works now too I don't know if I can otk him though can I unfortunately his hero power gets my Tenwu now as well probably should have pinged first whatever oh wow I mean I probably can otk them it's probably ice block though so you know not gonna matter but you know we'll pretend what's the worst thing that happens if I play this okay that was from tear reality let's see what happens I'm curious okay that's pretty good sure that's annoying that's also annoying probably should have pinged but they still can nevermind Never mind take it back oh my ignite that's fine I'm so good at this game's not even fair I'm gonna go ahead and play that that shut off my Zeph but whatever oh um I think it's fine I'm almost out of cards I mean it's probably ice block but I think I can pop them next turn probably right 235 XP how long was that game unreal
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 32,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone otk, fun hearthstone decks, hearthstone gameplay, markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, burgle rogue hearthstone, thief rogue hearthstone, mixtape hearthstone, festival of legends rogue, wild festival of legends decks, best festival of legends decks, legend decks hearthstone, meta decks hearthstone, wild rogue decks hearthstone, festival of legends hearthstone, quest rogue hearthstone
Id: KfhiuzNyltw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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