The Best Food Source - Shove Voles! - Oxygen Not Included

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hey guys two legit city here and today we're gonna be going over shovels shovels are actually in my opinion the best food source in the game and today we're gonna go over how you can sustain yourself with troubles what you're going to need and how to properly take care of these guys without getting a headache now of course shovels if you guys don't know are a critter that could burrow in the ground if you guys remember playing it in the vanilla game you're going to have them in space where your regolith is by the space vacuum and of course if you're playing with the dlc you only get shovels up top if you're using the classic start the spaced out start gives you the smaller asteroid where the shovels do not appear i believe that if you guys don't get it up top you have to go to the regolith asteroid in order to get troubles but i'm not 100 sure however these little guys are great sources of food now with the barrowing mechanic it becomes a nightmare because they move really fast faster than a duplicate with max athleticism and it's almost impossible to catch these guys once you start burrowing the only way you'll be able to catch these guys is if you trick them to run over to you by dropping food on the ground luckily these guys are gluttons and will easily go over a hundred thousand cake house if you so choose to feed them now of course world wild uh farming and i'm gonna say wild in quotes because they are all team shovels but before we get into the food there's gonna be how do you contain the shovels for the most part the shovels are able to dig through anything with a hardness value of under 150 so anything under 150 hardness they're going to be able to dig through now what is hardness on the information tab when you click on a natural tile i clicked on granite you could see right here there is a hardness value associated with that tile all natural tiles have this value but your regular tiles will not and that's going to be because you're going to be taking the hardness of your element in our case it's sandstone for this tile now you need to get things at 150 hardness or higher to prevent these shovels from digging into the tiles the first material that has a hardness value over 150 is the abyssal line as you can see right here heart is value 150 nearly impenetrable that's actually why you have a layer of abyssal light at the top of your map the second thing is going to be obsidian obsidian has a hardness value of 200 and is also not able to be dug through by the shovels the next thing to consider is diamond diamond tiles have a hardness value of 250 and you guys could actually build window tiles out of diamond to prevent the shovels from digging through the abyssal light doesn't really have use in the tiles so you're really just left with obsidian and diamond now there's one more category of things that the shovels cannot dig through and that category is going to be anything that's a refined metal over here on the metal tiles all of the materials for this is a refined metal and anything that is refined has a hardness value over 150 do not confuse this with the metal ore which is what you would need for something like the airflow or mesh tiles as those are metal wars unless you are using steel specifically you need the refined metal in order to trap the shovels now you can see right here this is our shovel box the last caveat that we use is the pneumatic door the tool tip actually says wild critters cannot pass through doors so there is an actually a coated element to the doors where critters just straight up cannot go past now this design on the right if you were to replace these two tiles with a pneumatic door is how you would capture the shovels early game as they are not able to dig through the doors you could see right here that my towels are made out of sandstone and the shovels can dig through if they so choose to over here we have obsidian for all these tiles right here which means that we do not have to use the door trick to surround all the shovels instead the top layer and the bottom layer is all obsidian tiles doing that makes the ranching of the shovels look a lot better and not look as weird as having a room surrounded by doors now the shovels why are they the best food source in the game how come they're all tame but starving there's a lot of questions but here are the answers each shovel when they die they produce 16 000 kcal worth of meat per shovel now that's actually a lot of meat if you were to cook that on the electric grill that turns out to be 20 000 calories of barbecue that could easily feed a full colony of 20 duplicates that day the moment that shovel dies now of course that's only if the shovel dies what happens in the meantime how does this work and how is this really providing that much food if we're not feeding the shovels what's crazy is that the math actually checks out that when a shovel is born and spawns as a shovel pop from the egg they spawn with a fixed amount of calories that's always going to happen this does not vary this is a fixed number and that value is around 50 000 kcals i believe it's actually around 55 000 but that's beyond the point now when your shovels are above 0k cows they're gonna be not starving and that starving debuff makes it so that you don't reproduce as well and it knocks down your happiness by a lot so if you were to actually keep the shovels happy the happiness of these shovels are going to increase the reproduction rate up from 2 to 17 that checks out that since you get 17 per cycle that means in seven cycles you're going to get an egg that egg is all you need because that egg is going to replace the tame shovel when he starves now after that happens they will die by the age of 15. at age 15 the shovel will start starving in which it will count down 10 cycles and then it will immediately die that early death actually helps us out as it is a easy way for the natural occurrence of meat to spawn and we don't want that to all happen at once so it's nice to spread out the depths of the shovels you could easily kill one starving one a little bit faster so that you get the beat a little bit faster but the idea is they provide an egg to replace their own life cycle now with that and the fact that the eggs take 20 cycles to go through a full incubation period that means that in 45 cycles you have a new shovel that's about to start starving again the mask checks out that two shovels that are not on the same egg cycle meaning it can't be the one shovel that's starving and the egg it laid it has to be two starving shovels and two eggs they laid that's the two separate shovels is enough to keep a dupe happy with eight morale food with barbecue and it's gonna last definitely so two shovels per duplicant will keep every duplicant happy now the caveat with this is that because they provide so much food you need to have actual food preservation where you have zero rot that makes it so that if you have a lot of shovels dying at the same time you don't get a bunch of rotted meat x amount of days from now that just makes it so that you could stack up the calories like we have as you could see we're at 5.3 million k cows of barbecue all from these little shovels but that's the best food source in the game in my opinion the shovels one extra caveat is that you always have to have the shovels be groomed if you do not groom your shovel they're gonna be unhappy and they are not gonna get that extra reproduction bonus so that means your grooming stations should be the only ranching building that's at priority nine everything else like a critter drop off or a shearing station should be lower priority so that all the shovels always get brushed outside of that that's all you need to do to maintain the shovels you do not actually feed them and if you do decide to feed them i would recommend feeding them one at a time if you want to increase your egg count but that is the shovel design if you guys have any questions about the shovels anything about the design questions or concerns leave a comment down below and of course guys don't forget to like and subscribe thank you guys
Channel: 2LegitCity
Views: 11,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxygen, not, included, oni, shove vole, shove, vole, pup, shove vole pup, farm, barbeque, best, best food source, the best food source, the, no feed, food, game, most efficient, possible
Id: MMJhPvAyHjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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