The BEST Flea Market Find of My Life!

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is it okay if I make a pile somewhere you're good I'm to get moreu oh what's your price on him um well I bought him for [Music] 85 how much for all of them I'll just take both boxes hey guys what's up it's me Corey and I just had the absolute best find of the flea market that I've ever had I went up to Pittsburg this week and uh just to see the um solar eclipse that was happening and I stopped at this flea market for about two days and on the second day I hit the absolute jackpot so let's go ahead and roll the footage but you never can tell I need a good show that show yeah I'm ready for that one and then there's Bobby show that one I didn't that one I'm not doing what's your price on this guy three bucks three okay cool what about your game here a buck dollar okay I'll grab that need a bag oh yes please and your cassettes were how much again a dollar a dollar okay Meat Loaf no there you go just te another one oh no I did not I did it yeah oh you do thank you lot of BL excuse me sir what's your price on this stuff uh do a dollar on the turtle a dollar on that okay three on that cool it's like a little old camera do five on this Okay cool so 5 three or five five yeah 10 total 10 all right is it okay if I make a somewhere you're good I'm to get more wh you can all right thank you I got these I got these two books as well I forgot about dollar a piece okay what about your vhs's uh these ones will be two a piece there is a bunch more out not a bunch there's a couple more out on the table out there those will all be two a piece also all right I'll go check it out a sec mly crew let's see got check these for mold you have to have mold see some you can clean that off but it's it's a little bit too much work for me so this one's good how much are these I can do 15 on those 15 back I'm sorry good I think I'm ready here yeah so you said 10 for that stuff two for these two for those and then two for these would you do 20 for everything okay cool where is everybody at oh my gosh it's the puzzle Mecca $10 is awesome score with me Pac-Man what's your price on this guy $3 three cool I kind of two three than thank you take your time going to put it somewhere oh yeah that's it's old what's your price on this thing uh 20 bucks 20 does it come with this yeah I think that goes with that one some other I have a few figures here A bunch of cool stuff yeah got the one of the few uh diecast action figures oh wow body's diecast what is he from he's pretty old this one is from I think 2018 or 2019 2015 yes it yeah it was a Target exclusive oh what your price on him um well I bought him for 855 he's complete um we make an offer on him we you take half for that VI yeah I take 40 for it okay I'll have to think about that okay um let's say eight bucks cuz he might yeah he's probably worth more than can't find him yeah I think he he might be a he could be upwards of a $40 figure yeah I don't know most I mean I do eight he's cool okay I don't know what it is but yeah there's only a few um you know Die Cast action figures I know that some toy lines they started off diecast and they went plastic okay like sortly I'm guessing it was something like that well thank you I appreciate it yeah thank I'll be back through in a bit yeah you still collecting trolley stuff yeah are you good M yeah good still collecting this good man that's exciting you still at R yeah still there man 13 years going on now wow yeah is uh Mark still there yeah padros is still there he's still kicking it man uh five bucks for all that five okay cool which is good that's what you want in the car in the street you want a bag brother I think you're five each oh my gosh do I pay you for the okay I got one game one game five yep there is five thank you very much you're welcome you can take them all for five bucks all for five would you do two for these too sure okay cool he's a dog a dollar I'll grab him all right legs do you need a a bag or anything I can just put him in here thank you [Music] what's the price on your game two okay perfect thank you thank you sweet what's your price on this little guy a dollar cool there you go thank you thank you look great right now yeah hope you find some treasure how y'all doing this morning very good all right sir how did you read all these books before you're disposing of them most of them oh my God my wife I read them all I try to keep up with her but everybody's got their thing huh yeah I got four of them four of them yeah okay these he'll probably be they'll probably be overpriced that's why they're there yeah probably I'm sure all right yeah I'll take these bags I don't have to come back here anymore I'll ask him about them they're probably going be really pricey how uh $3 $3 what about your these games $3 a piece three yeah okay how much for all of them I'll take both boxes I don't know how many let me all right I'll count them up one two 3 four five six there 40 of them so 40 4 there's 40 in all of them yeah $3 be 120 100 for all of them 100 sounds good I do that 20 40 10 got stop back we're at the same spot every week sounds good you should come back here next week oh okay this is a whole box right here of GameCube games thank you so much when that guy said $3 a piece for each of these games I about fell over I couldn't believe it that's all my money but yeah it's all you get that I'll show you what did he say about next week he said he's going to have more next week I'm not going to be here I'll show you R I kid you not that's all the that's some good stuff though there's some really good games here like Indiana Jones staff of Kings oh look at this oh my God freaking Black Label Paper Mario Guist yeah I think Paper Mario is the best one in here Aquaman soulcaliber virtual Quest you're telling me you paid $30 oh my gosh I see these yeah I pa I paid $3 a piece for these Super Smash Brothers Melee Super Mario Strikers and this like this is a $60 game yeah I know that's insane that guy had that on display yeah it's all on his table Aquaman I mean Aquaman's somewhat rare spawn armor genon complete the only one that uh I think most of them are complete I mean Paper Mario is complete Jesus this looks pretty good oh my can't believe I need to go to ATM if I didn't record that no one's going to believe it so it turned out to be a really awesome trip there to Pittsburgh um even though I got sick as you can tell by my voice and my car actually broke down and I was stuck there for like four or five extra days um we got that amazing find at the flea market and of course seeing the solar eclipse made it all worth it so um I'm really excited let's take a look at everything we got the weather was pretty awful the first day at the flea market but I did pick up this wide assortment of interesting items let's take a look at it all so the first thing we picked up was this 1968 vinyl Wy coyote figure um I've bought one of these before and um unfortunately that one broke because I kept it out in the cold um their bodies are made of vinyl and the limbs are all rubber or some kind of like soft rubber um as you can see there but uh if you look on the back of his head 1968 um these are really collectible really cool figures um I think I could list it for about $30 so uh cool find for just three bucks from the same seller I Got This Game Force 21 for Game Boy Color um looks like it has some bite marks right there I don't know what that is but uh not a valuable game at all probably just worth like three4 I only paid a dollar so not bad so if I'm ever having a slow day at the flea market I'll pick up cassettes if they're cheap enough you can't really sell them on eBay but they are good tradein items I always go for like the popular ones like uh the Eagles right there we got meatloaf Earth Wind and Fire just common bands Aerosmith of course and then Mr Mister next I picked up this uh 2004 ninja turtle um with scuba diving gear which I thought was really cool I paid just $2 for him um as you can see he even has some accessories like his mask uh well it looks like that's pretty much it he does come with flippers and stuff but um this one unfortunately did not I'm going to list it for about $20 so uh should get a pretty good profit there so I also picked up this 2011 Jax Pokemon figure I'm not sure which one this is it looks like one of the starters from uh one of the later generations um I have a whole bunch of these Jack Pokemons and I'm just kind of building up a massive lot to list on eBay so I'll just throw that one in there with them from the same seller I also got these two classic Dracula and Frankenstein books I believe they're Watermill classic complete and unabridged um I'm not going to sell these on eBay just going to trade them in at a local bookstore uh for some store credit so uh had to pick those up for just a dollar each there was a lot of Ninja Turtles VHS at the flea market unfortunately just these three were the only ones that didn't have mold on the tapes um well these aren't necessarily all that valuable alone what I usually do is I'll just buy them in Lots um I actually have another one already at home so um I can just pair all these together and list them for uh $20 or I can just keep saving them up and then list them all for a lot more money later down the road that's probably what I'm going to end up doing it's for the same reason that I picked up barb wire on VHS um not a valuable VHS at all but I just so happened to have raw Justice which is another Pamela Anderson VHS listed on eBay currently so together I can um probably get about $13 out of these two VHS which is great because I only paid two for this one and this one I found in the bins for basically 10 cents not a bad deal at all I also picked up this CD from the same seller um no idea what it was but uh thought it would be a good trade-in item so just as a general rule when you're dealing with CDs pretty much anything parental advisory is worth taking a risk on if you can get it for cheap um so that's what I did here unfortunately this was not like some $15 CD or anything but it is going to be good for trading in I also picked up this PlayStation 3 uh motion controller gun I thought it was really cool I don't see these very often but um they're easy sells um worth about $30 cool thing is the stock actually changes to fit the uh whoever's playing um I haven't tested it or anything but it should work just fine I've been trying really hard lately to learn more about cameras especially vintage ones because I see them all the time at the flea market um when I saw this one I had to pick it up an old Polaroid it still works which is cool well there it goes I don't have any film unfortunately but um really great condition as you can see the case is super vintage got a lot of uh little accessories in there including the uh the little light thing there these don't work very well indoors you need sunlight unless you have one of these so that was a cool addition so from my research it seems that these are sort of difficult to uh date how old they are but um I could tell just from like the photos and the haircuts and stuff that this one is definitely from the 70s plus the leather just smells 70s so uh it's a pretty easy thing to find out um you can open these though which is a good idea to test for um any kind of uh flaws it might have but uh this one looks like it's in really great shape I think I can get maybe $25 to $30 out of it which is perfect I paid just five for it easily my favorite find of the day was the score with me Pac-Man plush very old probably from the 80s um I think it's worth about $18 in this condition uh it doesn't have the original tags or anything like that but just from ones I've seen online in comparison really cool I got from that seller for a great price from the same I picked up this little Mario amiibo thought it was really cool I just paid a dollar for it um I didn't show that on camera because my camera actually died at that point but uh the best thing is I already have his pair which is uh kind of cool so I think I'll just keep these for now so before I get into the second day's flea market finds I just want to show off all this stuff here that I picked up as well that I did not record uh unfortunately my camera died I used the uh instago 3 which is a great little camera but the problem is whenever you untouch the pod which is what I do and I carry this around it only has about an hour of battery life so uh it runs out quite a bit so I'm not able to record everything but I did also pick up the stuff paid a dollar each for all the figures um I think I paid a dollar for this little Ghostbusters guy here and then I paid five for this um I think it's Harry Potter year 2000 maybe um Dragon does it say it at the bottom yeah 2001 so I guess it's from the first movie um but it's a really high quality piece I can't remember how much it is or what it's Worth or anything so uh I'll just show a comp up on the screen um but yeah I paid $5 for this Dragon I'm going to sell that on eBay for sure while all these figures here aren't really worth selling on eBay Alone um I see them so often that I just buy them whenever I see them and then I just slot them together I already have two other um of these little bendable superhero figures that I can put with these two and I should be able to sell those all for like a pretty good amount um these two are just like two little sci-fi figures I think this is that old RoboCop ripoff toy you guys saw me a few videos ago buy a 12-in version of that one um I think this is just like a cheapo Power Rangers toy um I'll probably just trade that in trade both of these in um now you guys may remember a few weeks ago I bought this little X-Men play set and um it was the Lady Liberty play set and the uh Figures were sold separately but the funny thing is at the flea market Saturday I actually found the Wolverine that is straight up on the box of this set so uh whenever I list this I I can just list both of these um X-Men figures with it so uh that's why I decided to pick those up so before we get into the amazing GameCube lot that I bought at the end of the day um let's talk about all this random stuff the first thing I picked up on the second day was this really big Gundam figure now I absolutely fell in love with this thing I love the look of it the colors the design everything for some reason where I live I never see this stuff like I've been doing this for years and I have never even come across a single one of these um they're really cool look great on a shelf um I ended up paying $20 for it which is a lot because their only worth turns out about $25 in this condition or about 35 if it was um a little bit more complete it's missing some parts like a little piece there on the head U it's missing the second antenna there uh on the back or on the bottom here it's missing the flap that goes right there U missing a weapon here and a shield and it's might even be missing some other parts but other than that it it's pretty great condition actually um I think I'm just going to keep this though because it looks awesome on the Shelf I don't really want to sell it because I'll lose money I might I might one day but uh first I want to get a little time out of it me and the seller were kind of confused what this uh little diecast guy was all about um I did end up looking it up when I finally got home we paid $8 for it turns out it's only worth maybe $15 in this condition um which is pretty rough it is called Dr Scarab from bionic 6 which I guess is some TV show maybe I'm not really sure but um just a cool figure and I felt like taking a chance on him I'm not going to be making any money unfortunately once I sell them sometimes you just got to take a risk you might win you might lose so thankfully by the time I reached the second table my luck started to change I picked up this CS Lewis Chronicles of Narnia book set it's from the 1970s um I think it's the Collier Edition it's worth about $30 and this set is just in fantastic condition um great find I paid five bucks for all this 30 on this and um I think this DVD I can probably get a couple dollars in trade and then we got this little game here which is called I can barely read the text zooo 2 it's it's a pretty cheapy game like most DS games but um I'll just trade these two in and that that should pay for um the whole lot that I bought and then the $30 here is pure profit Grand Theft Auto Vice City is not necessarily a valuable game but um the reason I bought it was because not only is the game itself in like mint condition but I have a place where I trade in all my games and they will pay an absolute ton for Vice City because it's a really good seller there um I can probably trade this in and get about $10 for it so I paid five and um couldn't pass it up speaking of games I couldn't pass up I picked up Matrix Path of Neo on PS2 for $2 those of you who collect games you know this is a valuable game and always worth grabbing um it is complete in great condition easy $25 all day a game that every PS2 collector wants and then we picked up gravel for PS4 this is a super hard racing game I remember playing it a while back um it's complete which is cool I think it's currently going for about $15 $16 only paid a dollar for it crazy good find here's some more stuff I picked up simply to trade in obviously this stuff is not worth selling on eBay but uh we got this Green Day Warning CD ZZ Top all these CDs are there they're complete and they're in pretty good condition even though this one does probably need a new case but uh this is Godsmack faceless and da Punk and then I always pick up sci-fi or fantasy paperbacks if they're cheap because um you can trade them in at a bookstore and get Trade Credit and buy things that are easier to sell on eBay so I always pick up Halo figures whenever I see them so when I saw this Elite I had to jump on him um you can tell from his pose that he uh came with the Banshee vehicle which unfortunately I do not have but um what's cool is a lot of people do have the Banshee but they do not have the pilot which we have here so I think I could probably sell this guy for about $15 on eBay only paid a dollar for him I also picked up this Doc O figure um just paid a dollar for him it's not in the best condition uh as you can see on the bottom both of his like pincers are kind of broken but the top ones are all there and intact um I think it dates to about 2004 Doc O is one of the the most popular um characters from all of Marvel Spider-Man universe so it's really cool to find this um I'm definitely just going to trade it in probably I don't think it'll go for all that much on eBay but um I'll show a comp up on the screen of what I think I can get out of it in all my years going to flea markets I've never gotten a lot of games as good as this one and in fact I've never even gotten a single item as good as this uh game lot was um these are all GameCube games in this box and we're going to go through all of them I'm not going to pretend like I know the true value of all of them currently um but I am going to show up comps on the screen um after I show each game um we're going to have to go through these kind of quick because I realize this video is getting kind of long um so first up we just got this random Nintendo DS game that was in the box for some reason uh Smackdown versus Raw 2010 it is complete which is cool and uh if you look right there or right there there's a comp for what it's currently going for you got to remember I paid $3 or a little bit less than $3 for each of these GameCube games um I didn't actually check to see which ones if the games were actually complete or not I only looked on like a couple of them before I bought the entire box um it's just one of those things where even the artwork alone for most of these games is going to be worth $3 so uh so the first game we got is Legends of Wrestling um it is complete which is cool the disc is not in the best condition um has some scratches and stuff but it's worth picking up GameCube games even shovelware ones um because pretty much even the worst games the cheapest games are still going to be worth at least $15 I mean the console is just so desirable but as I mentioned I did not check the condition of all of these games when I bought them and you'll see what happened as a result of that um obviously we got two games here and as you guys know whenever you get two games of the same game in a single collection it's because one of them doesn't work and that's exactly what happened here um although this one right here is complete and in pretty good condition this one unfortunately just has the manual is missing the manual and the disc has a crack in it matter of fact it has two cracks in it which you can see there so this game definitely will not work but um thankfully we can even sell the manual or we can sell the uh the case and the artwork and everything and still do pretty good on that one and the other game that didn't work is Soul Caliber 2 also had a crack in it unfortunately which you can see there um I'm not even going to risk putting these in my system if they have a crack in it because uh they could explode cause some serious damage so I'm not going to risk it up next to Second Sight it's missing the manual but it does have the insert now all the games in this lot um have scratches none of them are perfect except well one of them is basically near mint and then one of them is sealed but um we're going to have to probably get most of these games resurfaced um I haven't even tested them all out yet just a few of them and they did work the ones I did test but um we're going to get them resurfaced anyway just to be on the safe side side um then we have beautiful Joe here also complete the disc on this one is pretty scratched so we're going to have to get that one resurfaced another shovelware game but still worth picking up Scorpion King it's missing the manual but uh good find this is probably the most common GameCube game I find this probably once every couple months uh this is actually a pretty nice copy it's compete in everything but you will notice that there's some cracking there on the disc artwork Um this can happen if these GameCube games are stored in like really humid environments um these cracks can go like all over this disc um it doesn't really affect anything as far as I know but um some people care about it others don't um I personally don't care if it's just something minor like that but you do have to let your buyers know if you intend to sell them next we got T roac Evolution also complete Super Mario Strikers also complete then one of the Heavy Hitters Super Smash Brothers Melee such a fun game I remember playing it as a kid I was even in a tournament with it at one point um I wasn't very good but uh I've gotten a lot better since then uh the disc needs to be resurfaced but um should play just fine it's all surface scratches next we got dead to rites this game looks like it has a little bit of fading from sun damage and it's missing the manual but um still a cool find a really fun game then we have gist one of my favorite games in the lot um unfortunately it doesn't have the manual but the artwork and everything's there the disc is in okay condition so uh I'm happy I played this game so much as a kid it's a shovelware game probably the cheapest game on the entire system Allstar baseball 2002 um the disc does not look to be in that good a condition but I think this is probably the cheapest game so no worries another really great Matrix Game Enter the Matrix this is a two discer um has the manual has both disc nice find next up is Aquaman um I have never found this game before in the wild um I've seen it at stores and stuff um it's complete like all the other games man man I used to love Tony Hawk Underground I have so many fond memories of this game although I think the third one is probably the best one hands down the rarest and the most valuable game in the whole lot Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door I have never found this game in the wild in all my years of uh reselling and collecting um amazing find in fact a lot of game stores don't even have this in stock so uh it's a super desirable game it's a black label it's complete the disc is in good condition this is one of the few names in this lot that I'm definitely going to keep for myself cuz I know I'll never find it this cheap ever again next we have Tai 2 and when I originally saw this I thought it was a resal because you notice there's no like y folds on there however there is an EA electronic art stamp right there on the edge and there's this little um little magnet thing there so um this is an actual authentic sealed GameCube game a super rare find unfortunately it's just TI 2 which is not a really a valuable game but uh still cool to see Goblin Commander one of my most nostalgic games I used to rent this from Blockbuster constantly for some reason I would never buy it but the funny thing is this is actually a blockbuster copy so uh who knows this might be the one that I always rented and the disc is actually in really good condition it does not need to be resurfaced um although it does need a manual last but not at least another one of the more valuable games in the lot Spawn Armageddon case is in fantastic condition um it's complete has the manual and everything thing and the disc is in pretty good condition as well so yeah that's it for all the GameCube games insane lot I'm never going to find one this good in the wild at least at these prices um even buying it blind like I did I am super happy that I got this I bought all these games here with these paid 100 for everything they're originally about 120 um he cut off $20 which thank God he did because turns out I did not get as lucky with these games as I did with these and you'll see why so what I have on the top here are the four most valuable games in the lot but unfortunately I didn't check very rookie mistake and uh in Indiana Jones and staff of the Kings we had Indiana Jones the Original Adventures LEGO um was real bummer to uh find this and the disc wasn't even in that good a condition but um good thing is I can just buy the disc later on and I'll have a complete copy which is cool um then Tokyo Extreme Racer 3 unfortunately was not in there instead it was some kind of like horror sounds disc which I've actually bought a lot of these horror sounds disc and they can be they can do okay um but this one's in terrible condition but once again we do have the box at least next is Batman beyond return of the Joker or should I say Kingdom Hearts for PS2 but thankfully micro machine's V3 was in there and it's in great condition so a complete PS1 game I love City of Heroes as a kid um played a lot of this game but unfortunately it's not in there instead I'll be listening into the Backstreet Boys I've been a big pool fan my entire life but um fortunately I can't play it because I have something better Vigilante 8 second Offense now I was surprised to see this in here um these black discs they always look a lot worse than they are um PS1 games will work I've literally seen PS1 games look like they've been run over by a truck and they still work so I'm not worried at all um all the PlayStation One games should be good but that was a cool find here's just a couple cheapy items no games were in here so uh I'm probably just going to either throw these away or try to trade them in up next is Splinter Cell Pandora tomorrow it is in there um not in the best condition um and it's missing the manual but uh not a valuable game anyways Grand Theft Auto 4 for PC unfortunately it's missing a disc um it does have the poster um I don't think I can sell this really so I'll probably just end up throwing this away this was another surprising find within this Lego Universe DVD box was Lego Island 2 and I can't remember how much this game goes for um I'll pop it up on the screen real quick the disc doesn't look too bad just some surface scratches that'll all come right out once you resurface I was really excited about getting Spider-Man 3 for PS2 but unfortunately it's the movie not the game next up we got jamack volume 13 just some demo disc it is in there which is cool and The Incredibles for PS2 but unfortunately it's the movie not the game then we got Skyrim the legendary edition this this is a good tradein item so not too bad on that one then we got secret weapons over Normandy for PS2 also in there although it does have some top scratches should work fine because the disc looks good last but not at least we got the Elder Scrolls Online it is in there um I'm not sure what this is going for I'll probably just trade it in so in closing there's two takeaways I want you guys to get from this video um number one if you're at a flea market you ever find something really really cool like I did with this game lot um just take your time look at all the if you have to if it's a if it's a game lot or whatever and if it's a really rare item um just examine it as close as possible to try to get the best idea of what you're paying for you guys saw what happened and I lost a lot of money because I didn't do that um even though I'll be perfectly fine because I mean I got that insane GameCube lot um which brings me to the next thing stay consistent keep going to flea markets this stuff is still out there I mean you can find crazy games like this you guys saw what I did um it has nothing to do with knowledge or skill or anything it's just being in the right place at the right time it's pure luck if you keep doing it eventually you'll get lucky you'll find even a better lot than what I got um you you'll you can't imagine the kind of stuff that's out there um just stay at stay at it keep trying and um good luck I'll see you guys next time thanks for watching
Channel: Flippity Flip
Views: 66,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flipping, Reselling, Resale, Yard Sale, Garage Sale, Flea Market, Retro Games, Gamecube, Best Finds, Rare, Valuable, Ebay, Make Money, retro, toys, transformers, gi joe, playstation, nintendo
Id: 1XVT0pWYXnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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