The Best Fish N Chips in Sydney - It's All Eats

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[Music] foreign calf exercises because as you'll see throughout this episode I'm half paralyzed I injured my carve I heard a pop kickboxing training but the show must go on it's a career right it's not a hobby welcome back to it's all eats we're doing best fish and chips in Sydney the good old Australian staple we started here in Avalon beach look at us we're in a dombra we're in Overland Beach the first place we're going is Oceana Traders here then we're going fishing lemonade in manly up on the wharf then we're heading to Eastern suburbs the city the charcoal fish and then we finish off at Fitch feature f-i-c-h Fitch impedison let's go I can see it I can see it across the road up the street let's go and look I didn't go through what type of fish we're getting because I don't know the names of all of these different fish that they're going to have so I'm going to give the old standard and I say what's your most popular how do you serve that how do you deliver it let's get it happening here we got fish and chips at the front grilled or buttered oh that's a good choice though my opinion bad at cars because I want to see the best way to judge him is to get him to do more process to the food so there's more things to stuff up and more things to get right so bad it is always going to be a better judgment sure Kingfish blue-eyed Snapper the snapperoo I shouldn't try the seafood merchants thanks mate let's go pump it just a bit off 22 all right chips there's a sauce little little um cabbage based salad a little slaw salad oh lemuru see how this goes thick cut chips straight into it first boy lemon this is hot as that's crispy as I can feel that already that's but that's cooked well all this burning hot bar it all comes down to this oh gum yum yum that's beautiful that sauce beautiful soft nice fish inside tasting well crispy hard outside don't taste like oil you know that's a big thing because when they're buttered how many flavors are they really going to have they're not going to have this crazy amount of flavors it's going to come down to the quality of the fish inside the quality is beautiful bro wow that fishing slime tastes perfect but the butter What's It Gonna taste like it's gonna taste like lemon in the sorts it's in so the only thing that's important and things about it is that the oil's fresh can't taste no oil in that hot and crispy tastes like hot and crispy fish sauce is gone chips are nice cooked fresh but you know what when you get fish and chips they're always going to be basic you know when you go Kebab places and it's a bit more like the experiment with the chips you get those nice salts you get those lemon base salts and you don't get that I feel like you're not going to get that at fish and chip stores they're going to be as basic as they are um this tastes like salt Moon nicely fresh how's the slaw floors unedible to me when I look at salads like that I just look at them more like their decorations on the plate like chopped up cabbage no dressing it's not even oiled it's unedible but it's not about that healthy yeah the fish is really good that's the most important thing I guess look at that well after a good start well bro that is really nice cars I'm not gonna lie I don't know I'll try and get that everywhere then if they've got it you know some places they're going to have some fish they're not I really feel like we're fishing chips it's just that they get this cooking process right and that's that's pretty much what it comes down to and the fish is of a high quality the end of the day when you eat fish and chips it's always going to taste like what you put on it what sauce you use you know what I mean it's not the most flavoursome of dishes it's two deep fried ingredients you know what I'm saying it's two deep fried ingredients one's a fish one's a potato cracker off to a good start go to a good stop right Oceania Traders 22 bucks how do I feel about that price wow like it just seems about normal 22 bucks for a kebab for a burger for a Big Mac meal like what isn't 22 anymore do I think 22 is fish and chips and probably not I feel like it's like 15 but it's 22 and that's what it is and I'm sure that's going to be a consistent thing for the rest of the show anyway where are we going to on the wharf at mainly for fish and lemonade get your camera out of my face come on on the highway boot off let's go [Music] [Music] all right so I've hobbled my way to Sydney's Northern beaches manly Wharf fish and lemonade I wonder if they've got lemonade let's find out ah actually all jokes aside I'm really curious about their lemonade the whole 2p I'm thinking oh brother they're making big claims putting lemonade in their name you know if you put something in your name you've got to stand by it you know fish and lemonade what a spot the FNL classic crispy fried New Zealand Hakeem fillet served with chips and wedge and a fresh lemon that's gonna have to be you mate fresh lemonade cold pressed lemonade is packed with vitamin C and it's a delicious way to freshen up your day packed with vitamin C trying to make it out like it's healthy relax anyway that's what we're getting about it the New Zealand hakka in a lemonade ah no that's all right just uh oh there's a napkin there all right thank you perfect thanks Laura I'll be on the surfboard Buzz get it be on the surfboard but that's a big piece of fish because that's a big piece of fish straight off the bat like look the size of them because all right I'm getting hungry battered hake from New Zealand chips lemon tarte sauce fifteen dollars seven dollars for the last size can't complain with those prices here on mainly Warfare boys let's do this wow they gave me two lemons so I'm putting them both on you never have too much lemon well well that's a very unique Tate sauce compared to the last one the last one was more of a regular tarte sauce there's SD type right the one that has that dressing taste this one has a a lot more of a mayonnaise deeper taste the creamy taste no zest to it at all I don't know if I like that better or worse probably like that less try with the chips the chips are nice they're not hand cut like those last ones that will fall hand cut handcrafted thick cut chips they're not like that they're more the stock standard ones but the seasoning is nice it's chicken Salt crispy now for the tester resistance well guys look at the size of this thing but what the size of this because what is this that's like four or 500 grams of fish lad see how it goes cuz very crispy outer they've done the better good yum beautiful the fish is good the fish is good I don't think the the Haka stands up against the old Flathead from the other store I'm not gonna lie it's good though the Bella's all right the Butter's all right it has a bit of that flavor like Pluto pup butter flavor you can in this one you can taste the butter strong a lot stronger than the last one at Oceana Traders the whales battered it was like crispy hot but you couldn't taste it butter this one you can taste the butter and it has a butter taste right but if you like that you like that if you don't you don't for me I'd prefer to just taste the fish this one tastes more like butter the chips are good though and I'm not saying this in terms of quality or not this is a taste preference because I'll tell you one thing the fish is fresh as all of this is cooked well didn't come with a salad that's a feed and a half for 15 because it's a feed and a half they are not many Wharf like no wonder people are loving it so much the vibe's good the store looks beautiful hated apple seeds in a beautiful location sheep fish and chips and you're getting that much quality oh yeah that's hard to compete with bro you know what I mean and it's all good now this is what I like about something to make it unique so this is their their Edge is that they make lemonades and a few different varieties so we'll see how the lemonade goes oh that's beautiful oh that's fresh made lemonade cause well whoa it's so strong that's mud that's fresh lemonade you know when it stings your tongue it's stinging my tongue it's that fresh mad ice in a picnic taste sugary as as anything my teeth are going to be so after this but I love that and the smaller size than this was five dollars fifteen dollars 20 bucks you got this and a drink probably that big any of the flavors I'm not in this place nothing bad to say about this bro where are we going next charcoal fish here Rose bait Eastern suburbs bruh let's see how they stack up let's see what they're doing different let's go let's go [Music] I wonder what it's called charcoal fish I'm hoping they cook it on charcoals you know like charcoal chicken imagine they're cooking a fish like that yum yum foreign [Music] oh my God this want to be the best fish I've ever had in my life because I'm telling you I even asked for the receipt just for the proof listen to this I go can I um can I get like fish and chips she goes yeah you want like Flathead I'll snap by this and I'll go yeah flat out because we got flooded at that first place right 36 dollars story's not over and I said oh does that come with a tartare sauce she goes no no that's extra on the side three dollars extra we're up to 39 36 dollars they don't even come with a sauce then I said I'm thirsty can I get a water she goes yes steel or sparkling water I go still water seven dollars this fish and chips and a water is 46.6 yeah [Music] you're lucky I'm doing this for YouTube Mr charcoal you can fish come on bro anyway we'll see I'd we'll see how it goes [Music] oh bill got the password all right what is this cars I'm I'm very curious all right so I'm obviously very curious now after paying those exorbitant prices all right wow it's still got its head what are you talking about hey what the was that man it spiked me lad I went to Grandma's head and something stopped me and I felt like I got attacked because like I felt like I don't know guys the combination of events is a fish head I got stabbed on the finger by something and I got a little bit scared then all right let me attempt to rip its head off again [Applause] that's what I got stabbed on all right so I'm not lying man that hurts bad I left the pit on there Bros that's a spinion yum and hey what's wrong with you bro oh yeah I got stabbed again so here we go that's why they call it charcoal fish all right let's see how this goes but I'm Mike it better be good mate let me Source you better be good let's go what's it about look I love the fact let me get into it I love the fact that it's cooked on a charcoal or charcoal chicken niana main I love the fact that that's that that's unique right I love people being different yes good concept because well that's nice I'm not even gonna lie about that because well yum right yum yum cause it's got bones in it then it's got bones in it but that's nice guys the Tate sauce that's hectic cause you know what it tastes like yoga right natural yogurt chopped up pickles mixed together that's what that tastes like it has just those true flavors nothing else no lemon no zest it's just pickles and yogurt but it's all it's nice because chips a man they feel and look like they're handcuffed right this cars wow well it's just charged perfectly cause it's got that mess like when you're eating charcoal chicken and it's in his Skin's crunchy and it's yum because all right charged me 36 dollars for that fish and chips charge me 36 dollars all right now that I know the quality of that I accept that I accept that that's what it is okay it's high quality fish and chips Char grilled Hancock fries 36 in an expensive area I get it wow that's inside three dollars for sauce cause come on man that's the scummy bro let's just scummy put the sauce in it it comes with sauce three dollars for a sword no it doesn't come with sauce so what if you if you don't ask you just presume do you take your bag home and there's no tarte sauce and you're like oh no no you had to ask for that that's three dollars extra come on bro it's embarrassing man that's annoying it's a it's a major turn off you know if all you have to do it's sauce so I'm trying to capitalize on everything put it in there and then then that 36 dollars yeah that that's mad and then I say mad baby and then I'll say have you had that mad fish and chips it's D but it's cracker it's cooked mud it's mad quality even the chips look at the chips cuz the chips are mad they they look golden cooked they cook golden Perfection and why it's just all that money was the aftertaste that you know seven dollars sip of water that sauce oh yeah yeah it's just a bad aftertaste where we off to next Fitch fych in Petersham we're off hopefully the Sydney traffic has died down and we can get there soon mate let's go [Music] all right here we are Petey some final spot fish it's pronounced fish fych is spelled though it's the final spot on the list finally we're here oh hey Hawaii uh snap kicked myself in the headlight didn't work out hey Hoya [Music] oh 17 by the way that was 1760 but look I think that I'll be honest with you I think the tartare sauce is extra I think they pull that stun because what happened then is I said to him all right I said he goes all right 17 1760 whatever and I thought that goes and he went like this he went like yeah I'll put it in there in a sort of way like look I'll just give it to you for nothing don't worry you know what I mean like he said it like that he didn't say yeah it comes with tante sauce he went like yeah like don't worry about I'll Chuck it in so it's safe to assume that it would have been my two dollars extra I don't know about that cuz thanks brother thank you all right here we are all right all right a lot of chips let's see how it goes bruh they've all been good they've all been good [Music] we're back to the normal one because they've all been a bit different this is the rigid tarte very pickly very zesty yeah that that one oh look it's my favorite one actually it's my favorite one normal chips what can I say about that Ling the Loch Ness this is the tentacle of McCracken the Viking norsk ling fish [Music] this is beautiful this is beautiful they've got it right they've got it correct the old lean fish but it will battered flavor doesn't get in the way of the fish hot crispy fish is Juicy good amount of fish in there tartare sauce is the basic tarte zesty chips are average so my name box I feel like the fish though it's a little bit wet I feel like when I bit it and it felt like juicy inside for a second but it may have felt like watery you know like the fish was cooked whilst it was like still too wet you know what I mean that's a thing meat can be too where Fish can be seafood can be too wet before you cook it it's a thing and that's what happens with a lot of frozen food I honestly I feel like when I bit that it was it didn't ruin it but it was just like a lot of like juice you know and then I thought well what that's a moist fish and then but the juice unfortunately tasted like water you know and it was like oh okay that's a downside to it but other than that it's good it's good bro it's good fish and chips there's no much more I can say about it it's fish and chips bro we're not working with a lot here you know old fundamentals that's all I can comment on no salad side it's all right guys it's all right I would rank that like about as good as the one in manly about it's about the same price 17 at least it's on the cheaper side look although the one at charcoal fish right is ridiculously priced but it's not my job to go around and tell you what you should and shouldn't be paying all right at the end of the day good food is going to cost a lot of money the better the food is the more it costs it's up to you as a consumer to decide what you're willing to spend and what you get in return for it all right so yes it's on the dearer side everything it ends up being 45 whatever it was but it was the best and my job is to find the best fish and chips and that is the best fish and chips it was beautiful it was annoying there was bones in it I love how it was char grill charcoal well charcoal fish not charcoal fish charcoal fish is called I love it it was beautiful the chips were Hancock you're doing well stop being scumbags charging people for sauce on the side how about I sell you a burger and charge you for lettuce then do you want sauce on that oh that's another two dollars you want a sip of water that's ten dollars but your fish is good all right you know my face
Channel: Spanian
Views: 471,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spanian, Hood Oos, Hood Logic, hood talk, school seige, ex-con, ex-criminal, school siege, sydney city, underground aussie rap, jail rappers, food, reviews, podcast, joe rogan, hoods, hip hop, china mac, action bronson, f thats delicious, food review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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