The Best FireFox Browser

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let's talk about FL browser one of a really kind of interesting new browsers that's hit the market it's from a Japanese company called Ablaze it's a fork of Firefox ESR the security release for Firefox so very secure very just stable so that's kind of what I wanted to go from I moved from thorium um based on some other videos I'll give you an update on that at the end of this one but I wanted to first talk about Flor besides having an absolute awful name it is a very good browser if you're a big Firefox user I'd say this is the browser to install now having said that why big things here is just a couple subtle things that I enjoy out of the box one blocks all tracking and no user tracking so there's really good protection on both sides without any customization it's completely open source everything's listed on GitHub you can actually go to their website flor. apppp and just go right to their GitHub and download it or you could download it directly from here it also sees regular updates has a pretty extensive contributors uh and it just is not going to go anywhere also the default stock designs are very good so I want to kind of just go through a couple settings here from just this design aspect you can click here kind of go through and go hey what what do I want to do with what design you have I like its stock layout and I just go with the Dark theme but you can choose a whole bunch of different themes here and they have a great way of doing it they also have this sidebar which I didn't think I would like but after using it a little bit I think I'm going to leave it you can also do like a vertical tab bar which I thought was kind of interesting I'm not going to mess around with that today but there's a lot of customization here that I do enjoy so I I usually just kind of set this to dark and kind of set all that up as well you can also download themes as well go going down to extensions and themes and going over here you can actually pick up the the specific things or download other Firefox themes if that's your thing now one other thing I really like at the very bottom of just general preferences you can actually spoof Chrome in Windows I really like just kind of leaving this option on you'd be shocked at how many browser or websites that just kind of don't work I think Sony was one I had a problem with and then once you spoof Chrome it it works just fine so I really like that and they also have a good DRM content player so if you want to play DRM control content just tick that on those are really the two changes I make from the actual stock ones most of everything I just imported from my thorium instance I'm going to go ahead and play a snippet from when I installed this back in early December uh about moving all my bookmarks over and then just the initial setup process here's my setup for just moving from thorium over into flurp so what I'm going to do now is just open up my bookmark manager you can do control shift o to do this and then with all my bookmarks pulled up over on this side I'm just going to hit the top right here and say export bookmarks and then export it to an HTML we'll hit save and then jump over to flurp now on initial boot it'll say hey do you want to import from you know fire sometimes inter explore other things I find that doesn't actually pull in thorium stuff A lot of times unless you're coming from Microsoft Edge or it shows the thorian browser it doesn't in in this one on the import so I'm going to grab it from the HTML file we just created come down here grab our bookmarks and say open and then it's going to import all my bookmarks that's pretty good and now I just got to move all my extensions and I'm going to choose the default experience between basic default and advanced we'll just select the middle one and hit next and I like just the you can see the different designs just to see which one you like the best um I kind of like actually this design kind of reminds me a little bit of that chromium feel even though it's Firefox and then we have our initial start and this is where we start adding all of our stuff and I'll probably have to create a Mozilla account and sync all this if you already have a Mozilla account obviously it'll sync everything but uh it's been so long since I set one up I'm going to just set up a whole new one here so having looked at florp would I recommend this I would say if you're a Firefox user definitely try it out or if you haven't tried Firefox esque browsers in a while I think this is one of the best ones on the market right now so definitely give it a fair Shake see what you think I look forward to hearing your feedback on that and as far as why I switched from thorium there's a couple of videos I don't want to make a whole new video rehashing some of that drama but Alex the dev from thorium I still like thorium browser and I you know I I was real disappointed finding all that stuff in the browser from a prior video there was some uh furry Easter eggs and some other uh stuff in there all that got removed and many people were like oh that's nothing some people are like oh my gosh I can't believe that was in a a developer setting in the browser but uh just know that all that was removed he made a very long blog post uh on his actual blog saying hey we're doing that and just kind of talking about all that and said hey we have removed all that now I have went ahead and reinstituted my thorium video just because I still love that browser for a Chromium browser and I'm glad that he didn't just disappear on us and uh he did do the new update to 119 even though 120 is out I think he's just kind of sticking with to make sure it has complete compatibility even with Windows 7 machines so that's the update on thorium uh I I said hey I don't I want to just completely write this project off a lot of people got angry with me both ways on this but for me I still look forward to the development of that browser on the Chrome side of things because a lot of the other chromium based stuff out in the market I just really hate en thorium I really did enjoy it even though it is a single developer I'm much more cautious uh of recommending it these days where something like florp that has backing from a Japanese company I don't really have to worry too much and I can easily recommend it knowing that hey it's going to work for people it's going to be very stable and uh I don't have to worry about any any any furry stuff happening so having said all that there was uh some other Shenanigans some some people thought there was like a virus or something like hey I can't believe you didn't completely delete that video I'm like H man let's not blow all that out of proportion it's fun to do that on YouTube and the internet these days but let's just keep a level head with things let's try out new things that's what I I love doing is trying out new things and I just wanted to show you this new browser uh because I it's something I've been rocking for almost a little over a month now and I got to say it's been very good and I've really enjoyed my time and I think I'm going to just kind of hang out here for a little bit longer but I was very cautious and I have done and given this browser many you know put it through the motions and I can safely say it is a very good browser and it's even made me stay on Fir Fox for a little bit which I haven't said in well over a decade so uh it being a Firefox work I am very impressed with it so check it out uh highly recommend it if you're interested in any extensions that I use and both uh you know whether it's Firefox or a chromium based browser typically I kind of always do something like this where uh I have these basic extensions usually U block password manager and then just some uh quality of life things so like my new tab is momentum I could change this out I think I will probably change this out into a new start page project look for that video in the future but having said that I wanted to make my piece with this video and say these are the two browsers if you're Firefox person check out florp if you're a chromium based person well you got options just no really great ones right now but uh we'll see what the future holds and with that let me know your thoughts down in the comment section and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 233,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech
Id: 7DGkiMWDqE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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