The best example EVER FOUND in UK and of NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL importance 🤩

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foreign it's the moment that you've all been waiting for myself and Albert included we're gonna take this beautiful bronze Bill head off to the national museum in Edinburgh now you've probably seen the video Albert found this on Friday the 13th and we found lots of other items like this one here this will be the last time that we get to touch them but we're taking them to the national museum in Edinburgh where they're going to have a look at them we've already sent photographs and to say that they are excited is an understatement so let's see what happens I should also add that the archaeologists the two that we handed the items over to we it was a last minute thing we only had a very small window of opportunity to go to the museum so it took place in a kind of a corner rather than in a private office so that limited my filming ability but thankfully the audio is good and you'll also see as well as this boo you'll see lots of the individual fines that have come off the site some of which they order numbed about whether they were possibly from the Iron Age and also at the end what I'll do is I'll add in a video because I went down into the basement and looked at some of the incredible exhibits um not quite sure what Albert's doing it could be the time warp he looks he looks pretty excited with himself let's go and see what the man himself claims to have you know having a laugh what is that that's okay that is that is a bull or an ox now we had a quick look on line on the internet and we found a couple of similar looking things which were which were Celtic pre-roman and the very very very beginning of the Roman conquest of England so they were from about 100 BC to about 50 A.D no we actually saw one online that was pretty basic a lot more basic than this is the detail and it had sold it had sold for ten thousand pounds I hadn't told Albert that yet anyone to panic them oh there you go that is just incredible right I'm gonna go for a lie down I'll take this before I drop it So This Is Us arrived in Edinburgh and Albert in front there with a little spring in his step as we make our way towards the entrance of the national museum of Scotland and This Is Us in the main hall so the museum was built this section opened in 1866. it's this beautiful wrought iron Venetian Renaissance interior and the best thing about this Museum is that it contains all types of stuff from the weird and the wonderful and it's all free of charge Moment of Truth yes indeed he wants his kitchen roll back yeah it's empty drama yeah oh that is lovely do you want the photos that you sent in were superb they really were your your photos were fantastic yeah but they still don't do it just yesterday that's the detail when I saw it it took me about three seconds for it to to realize what it was absolutely yeah and initially I thought it was winding me up there as well that on the The Ring of the loop at the back as you can see so it has been fastened on to that like a chain I've definitely been in he's had some really nice use and the way that the horn turfs have just gone that little bit of out of crew it's it's really nice did yeah the link is yeah no you do a case still in there as well ball statue yeah that's the other thing as well he's actually having the loops because obviously you find the top bits you sometimes find them where there's the bottom but actually having the rivets through yeah is really nice Andy because it's almost nice you can actually see the rivets on the top because you get the sense of how they've tried to disguise them yeah yeah put the Declaration but no just those eyes the bits of fur I mean it's a little it Ball but it's a little bit wolf but it's yeah yeah there's so much going on with it yeah yeah the nose the little detail so the million dollar question each do you think 100 BC you think pre-roman I don't have a problem with it being um I think I think it could easily go back yeah if if it comes back as you know second century BC I I wouldn't I wouldn't bat an eyelid in surprise but obviously you know it could go through it it could equally be made yeah 380. it could easily be that there are some elements of it which say oh no this only after the Romans came there was this change in the way that they dig the nose or something like that right yeah definitely yes but oh it definitely has the feeling of iron ageism when that's before it fits absolutely for being a rocket Mount it's just so many of the other ones that you find and you know they say if you search online portable Antiquities and things you know you see that they're just not in that level of detail the sharpness and the preservation on it the level of decoration and detail the quality of the manufacture on it is just stunning when we looked online the very few that came up were just not even close no absolutely yeah no it's I don't think a lot of the ones that you see that were really worn will have been as nice as this when they were brand new I think that's the thing as well it's not yes it's not just a preservation it's the fact that when it was made it was really really high quality yeah that's an absolute so would that be considered uh special object as in what it would have been attached to would it be for potentially ceremonials I mean it could be yeah every day as you say ceremonial it could be just a particularly rich person wanting to make their and we say bucket Mount but that kind of is shorthand or it attaches to uh yeah the rim of the vessel and obviously they have a wide range of use um I always kind of think there's the oh god um it's down in Wiltshire it's in Wiltshire museum at the minute there's an Iron Age cauldron that's kind of gotten out oh yeah it's all over it um and it's that kind of thing as well with that that sort of vessel kind of defies a specific use of a specific function because it's just so decorative that seems to have so much meaning is it the communal feasting is it just something from a wealthy individual yeah both because you know wealthy individuals would be the ones leading communities well exactly yeah yeah is it a false distinction this is a Silverado Thames I mean is that common is that normal or would that suggest High status um entire status than not today but yeah but yeah it's not too uncommon on broaches to have little bits of tinning coming through it's also whether it's a heightened content metal or whether it's been deliberately tinned as a surface treatment account as well whether it just looks more tin because that's where it's worn smooth and that's just giving it more of a natural polish but the bridge itself looks like a a normal but nice example of a of a trumpet roach um so a lovely thing to find but I think you know that that's in the more normal normal kind of military wear category an old called Prestige item yeah yeah it's pretty easy pretty spectacular yeah yeah that's [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] yeah and depending on what local Museum interested there is ETC you know it it could be really nice yeah because yeah it's you've got four pieces in here which I think are are potentially all Iron Age there's definitely a head stud brooch okay they've got tools by someone who knows we're told that that is a medieval horse harness meant it's got gold gilding on it and it actually goes together as two pieces two pieces yeah because you just think it's a little strap that sort of loop yeah yeah exactly yeah for a leather strap to go through yeah brilliance but then that's going to be another loop coming around yeah and then that's the bit that goes on there that starts to make sense but yes that being medieval would certainly seem to work so yeah first or second century but it's been timed or silvered yeah 55 to yeah 150 something like that with a little a little one I describe it as a trumpet rather than a heads yeah yeah I think it's uh with that big flared head and even though it's got the decoration on the Bandit I wouldn't call that a stud particularly so I think trumpet but a similar form of a day to the Trump is the most common running approaches we get up in Scotland anyway so uh it's a really nice example so yes came from Incredibly Close to where the the other piece come from they're sorry they're the ox head or the Bulls heads but we just didn't know it looked like it's old I don't know if it's bloat related or if it's I have a gift for some sort of decoration it is because it's broken there's it's not yet it's not like a stud Mount or anything there's something that comes off and I'm it's one of those things that's just ringing a slight is there going to be another one of those at the other side is it some kind of a bit faster yeah I almost feel like there's something that it's a fragment or something that I might not recognized but it could it could easily be yeah easily be on an agent date whether it's actually any kind of tinning or polish because there's any or the Declaration of not for scratches but it kind of gives you that impression yeah but it's definitely been a nice originally a nice polished surface yeah definitely so yeah it's definitely something out of my collection that's the sort of four most likely but as I say we think these two nearest are medieval yeah then we've got a mustache yeah of All Sorts here which we just started to Chuck them all in but there's obviously a little bit of pipe tamper there thank you as well I'm crushed yeah that's yeah I'm not really sure on an edge for that at all no but on the back if you look on the underside it looks it looks more modern it's not abandoned way that it's tied in yes you're right definitely still got this nice ostentation yeah did you say it has a as you see Postmates if you feel it with that then maybe it's near a 19th yeah later end let's try that I just thought maybe a bit of a vessel or a bowl or something try to work out whether it's a bit of Rim fragment and then you've got the vessel coming away down yeah and that just turns but then if you turn it that way it looks a bit handlished but I don't know yeah it is yeah because that is that is broken and the factors look to be yeah so yeah so again like medieval early post medieval yeah 18th century sort of you know you get a lot of metal cauldrons and pipkins and pots and things on that sort of period yeah well pot legs are obviously a fairly common find sometimes yeah like and then you've just got sort of meshmash of it's been quite a few fragments yes bronze and lead and different bits and Hobbs yeah that was the only thing that sort of maybe looked oldish again it's got the patina to it ring or something I wonder if it's part of a brooch even or something like that in a brooch deliberate too it's just when you get that smooth sort of thing absolutely yeah that looks fairly old so first of all spindle waddle but I think it might actually just be some sort of Ladish washery type I think it is but yeah I think with that little Rim around night I agree that was my personal smell like that's the best but but yeah I think unfortunately it's a bit later I'm not sure there's a huge amount we'll be able to say about some of them the metal were released if you go back into stuff like scraps the sort of thing where if it was part of the biggest emulator if you knew that there was definitely sort of a workshop or something it might be good just as an Evidence of metalworking but anyways as is I think it kind of gets everywhere okay yes I think whether I didn't get enough of that too feel free to add the m i mean it's not going to do any harm to give you but [Music] um I don't know let's say It's Worth showing we could we can show it to some people see if anybody immediately give a sense of what it's yeah what it was originally parked up whether it's that same ring with a bit of a brooch I think the the tamper and the vessel fragment are probably not not worth recording for us I think because I don't think they're ever going to be claimed yes so I think those would say we don't need to think about those years yeah really similar to my one yeah we thought a torque yeah for tobacco [Laughter] that is interesting yeah it's quite a small one as well so yeah yeah whether it's could be a little industrial I think very thin walls and it turns like a little maybe a little crazy you're looking yeah late mad too early Postman I think it's a nice finish on it you can see the shine that it's good when we got yeah yeah well there was a bit of tin content in the surface to give it that kind of look yeah so you think that's great old as well I said I think it's similar to the sort of fragment in the other box I think you're looking kind of like medieval early post medieval so kind of Century something like that that sort of date range they're not unfortunately that diagnostic aren't the metal vessels um as well but it it is a small one which is it's small and thin so it's not kind of meat in the same sort of profile as a you know a bigger chunky say culture or tripod cooking pot or you know you or anything like that but not massively diagnostic it's not a Handler a base or anything but we can really say okay this looks like this yeah it's just but it definitely couldn't be Iron Edge no it's too too thin nothing yeah too well made I think so the tooth too thin to consistent I think I mean it's typical it's not that you don't get nicer made copper alloy vessels and things and do you think it's copper more than bronze because we weren't sure we would generally just use copper alloy be bronze broth is an alloy of copper but it's the X without doing actual xrf testing it's difficult to know what the bazaar whether you've got because if you've got um copper is the Mainstay in there but you might have bits of lead you might have a bit of zinc you might have bits of you know tin in various quantities it is the balance of those that makes it right the term used in the bronze specialist don't get annoyed yeah yeah so copper alloy just kind of covers all covers all bases I mean but yeah it could be a problem it could be there's all kinds of different Alloys officially so yeah yeah I'd I'd go with late Med early posters on that one again I think but yeah as to exactly what it was used for that's a bit more difficult because it is more and more delicate certainly we thought that was a pendants it from the um I'm trying to say probably a later type probably from a um in a hanging up in the right kind of Pub obviously not protect all the old then so it's difficult anyway that's a different thing so the the swingers are generally post-maired um but it can be really hard to tell these from as you say there's a regular pendants where it would be just this or this in a smaller frame but based on the thickness of this and the backwards it's um cast in one piece whereas most harness pendants there will be like a tiny little iron rivet uh okay that means as I said most likely a bit more modern uh so when they're head turret type okay it's a lovely thing though well we hadn't cleaned that at all because we didn't know if there was able or something yeah thank you because it is approach like or something related but just the color seemed a bit wrong yeah so the bar itself is the same of both sides you've got it flaring out and you've got the I think it's just a more modern little nail I think I don't think oh yes no I see yeah it's got so many heads and then that's a flaring in I mean could be a straps um but either way as you say has the look of a broke but it isn't I think yeah it feels more modern and probably yeah yeah like that unfortunately there's a couple of what we thought could be the beads copper alloy bronze beads like hairpin beads or something maybe and we're gonna share yeah [Music] one's heavy and one's light yeah yeah I could imagine that being Pinhead certainly yeah yeah pinheads I think you'd be there the right choice there yeah or possibly of this announce date wise not quite sure it'd be nice to take those in they might not be entirely diagnostic if they're the two-piece manufacturer thing though but they've only done yeah a bit rather than you know just a simple round pin head yeah can we go but yeah I think that's it they're definitely worth having a look at and uh see if we can get a closer a closer date for for those absolutely um lead alloy but good old man smaller fragment really really difficult to say really like nice little bits of vessel just not not for us unfortunately yeah same spot ah the other one as well and that one there but you can see there's a difference in size is it either size of it yes yeah like a very big um yeah so probably horse battle or something like that it's got that um recessed uh crossbar which tends to be more um horsey which I think is 17th to 19th centuries and that's all right Jonathan they're still probably the same as well and yeah fairly rectangular a little bit bigger when I did it there but a bigger rectangular approach but yeah you look good so yeah 17th 18th 19th president on that one I think so there we go what an incredible find from Albert six months of metal detecting and before I had an opportunity to film I could see immediately the excitement on the archaeologist's face I mean this is a find of national importance Albert should retire immediately because it will not get any better than this and to find such an incredible find in the first six months of metal detecting is just unbelievable so there isn't another known example from Scotland the other examples that are known from England don't even come close in terms of quality of workmanship and condition and Albert really has just pulled an incredible Discovery out of the ground I'm sure there's going to be a lot more to come about this fantastic find and who knows there's another one out there somewhere they were part of a pair so maybe you'll find that sometime in the future right let's go and have a look in the basement at some of the ancient artifacts that are on display give you some inspiration for metal detecting So This Is Us in the early people's Gallery in this little Stone where the cross has caught my eye because it looks a little bit like that carved stone that I found this is an early Christian gravestone from the 6th century and then a dream find for any budding metal detectors this is a selection of axes of Spears of arrowheads of swords and even gold this is a beautiful solid gold necklace or Torque and all these items are from the Bronze Age about 1 000 to 2000 BC this room houses lots of pictish carved stones but the star of the show is in this cabinet this is a beautiful pictish silver necklace probably made from melted down Roman coins and it's peckish dates to around about the seventh or the 8th Century along with these carved stones I think this is going to be the most significant thing in relation to what Albert found that this full-size item is a replica of something called a carnix which is a war trumpet that was used in the Celtic early Iron Age period now the original or what what is left of it is the little bit at the bottom right but I think you can see a lot of similarities between what Albert discovered and and what the carnex looks like so the eyes the the nose and even the mouth are all very similar so this would have been used sometime between 300 BC and 280. and now we get to some of the really good stuff these are examples of three hordes which uh date between the fourth and the 10th Century a gold finger ring horde and then on the left here this is a little fourth Century Roman coin horde and then on the right this is a silver coin horde from around about the 10th century and who wouldn't want to find one of these so these are solid silver chains these were worn to display power and wealth and the heaviest one weighs 2.9 kilos or six and a half pounds those silver chains were from the second to Fourth Century but these are later this is part of a huge silver horde that was discovered in orkney in the north of Scotland some PCS are hacked up some pieces are whole and in total The Horde weighed about eight kilos which is about 17 and a half pounds the silver was from the 10th century potentially it was either hidden from the Vikings or it was littered by the Vikings and someone basically buried it in a pit that was lined with stone and for whatever reason they never returned to collect it so maybe they died maybe they were killed maybe they simply forgot where they put it but it's an incredible collection of intricately worked material and it wasn't just the people who wore the bling this is called the Taurus Pony cap this is from around about 200 BC and this is a a bronze Celtic headdress which would have been worn on the top of a horse's head so ceremonial probably in use and then you've got examples of some of the the most beautiful silver caches ever discovered in Scotland these two cabinets make up what is called the traprine law treasure horde there's a mixture of silverware from the 5th Century all Roman and date and this is from the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire it makes up the best part of 20 kilos of silver which is what 45 pounds or so and it's composed of hack pieces of silver like down here that have been chopped up and flattened but there are also complete items vessels and dishes some of them carry Pagan symbols others Christian and this is all high quality silver Roman tableware and it was probably given to a chieftain in Scotland because the Roman Empire of Britain or the province of Britannia was under attack from all sides so this was effectively a bribe and then I think this has got to be every metal detectorist's dream a Roman silver coin horde this was discovered in 1933 by workmen who were making a new road it's composed of 1925 silver Roman coins that date from 83 BC to 230 A.D now when it was found it actually was probably in excess of 2 000 coins but before the archaeologist turned up a lot of the workmen helped themselves and it said that where it was found in Falkirk that for a Time the local pubs and Inns were known to be accepting Roman silver Denari as payment for alcohol so there you go but what I find some inspiration for some metal detectorists it just shows you what is out there potentially still waiting to be discovered so well done again to Albert for finding such a spectacular find something that's completely unique to Scotland undoubtedly it's the best that's ever been discovered in the United Kingdom and quite possibly through much of Europe the archaeologist's first impression is that it is some sort of Mount or some sort of Hangar probably from a bowl or vessel of some description and the date wise it probably dates sometime between 200 BC and 280 if I was a betting man I think I would say that it predates the Roman invasion of Britain which happened in 43 A.D and hopefully it is Celtic and sometime around 200 to 100 BC will keep you there up to date on any news that comes through about the item as and when we get it but uh just for a moment enjoy it so thank you all for watching I hope you enjoyed the video and we'll see you on the next dig s for watching
Channel: The Scottish Detectorist
Views: 104,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure hunting, The Scottish Detectorist, metal detecting UK, metal detecting finds, metal detecting USA, treasure, mudlarking, Si-finds, nicola white mudark, The Hoover Boys, Metal detecting NYC, West Country Clegg, Aquachigger, XP DEUS II, Garrett AT, minelab manticore, minelab equinox, nokta makro, digging for Britain, XP Deus 2, Digger Dawn, Northern Mudlarks, Bondi Treasure Hunter, Edinburgh, National Museum of Edinburgh, metal detecting finds UK
Id: A81LyO8Pf1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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