The best English 1 . The best way to learn English through movies

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[Music] hi everyone welcome to let's talk in English on PTS and the radio my name's Andrea and I am Gabe and have you been practicing talking about yourself and introducing yourself that would be a good thing to do well we have been introduced to many new people this week all of you met a new teacher Gabe and Gabe's been telling us a bit more about himself that's right I have been introducing myself and also we have been introduced to different people in small town like Sarah and Max her brother that's right we also met Renee who is the waitress at the diner and what is her husband's name her husband's name is Simon that's right yes it's been a lot of fun meeting our new friends in small town and today we'll meet some other new people let's let's begin by looking at our keywords please say them with us personal personal don't ask someone's age that's a personal question editor editor the editor really likes the story you wrote for the newspaper salesman salesman that salesman will try to sell you some new books now friends let's say these key words together again the first one is personal personal editor editor salesman salesman thank you every one now let's go see Eddie Eddie yeah okay I have a personal question you do mhm for you Gabe for me yes for you Gabe uhoh okay here it is ready ready yes do you like me do I like you mhm well Eddie of course I like you you're kind of a cute little cat thing aren't you yeah yeah I'm a mere cat thanks yeah great and I like getting to know you but right now I'm wondering if you have the mission for today oh of course the mission today's mission is who is Sarah's letter from who is Sarah's letter from we'll find out today let's begin with our look at small [Music] town Sarah how are you how's your boyfriend Betty you know I don't have a boyfriend I know but you will someday sorry I asked too many personal questions I don't mind guess what I just started a Blog about life in small town great do you write about me of course I have to write about our Town's post mistress and and the editor of Our Town Newspaper that's right well friends we meet another new person we meet Betty now Gabe where does Betty work well Betty works in the post office of small town we also find out that Betty likes to ask many personal questions now what personal question does she ask Sarah she says Sarah how's your boyfriend but Sarah doesn't have a boyfriend but Betty does ask this personal question well let's learn our keyword personal personal if something is personal that means you don't tell everyone about it you just share personal things with some people who are close to you right you share these personal things and then you ask personal questions only to people that you are comfortable asking these questions too now Gabe can I ask you a personal question uh okay go ahead Andrea how old are you Andrea that is a personal question you know I don't like talking about my age okay Gabe I'm sorry I know it's a personal question but I just wanted to give our friends an example of a personal question okay very nice well how old are you well Gabe that's a personal question I'm not going to answer that in front of everyone okay good idea all right now another good idea is to learn our next keyword it is editor editor now an editor is someone who works on books or at a newspaper they check to make sure all the words are correct before the book or the newspaper goes to people that's right there can be an editor for a book or an editor for a newspaper or even for magazines or movies these are the people that work on these things and we find out that Betty is the editor of the newspaper did I get any mail today I don't know I I'm just starting to put out the mail look here's a letter for Max it's from Rose Parker I wonder who she is I don't know I'll ask him when he comes in good idea here's a letter for you it's from your parents great everybody this is exciting we have just found the answer to today's mission right here and the mission is who is Sarah's letter from who is Sarah's letter from Sarah's letter is from her parents it's from her parents that must be nice to get a letter from your parents Andrea do you like getting packages and letters in the mail yes I do Gabe I always get excited whenever I get mail that's great so do I and mail of course is the way that things are sent from one address to another it's sent in the mail and some people have to go to the post office to get their mail that's why Sarah goes to see Betty at the post office Sarah's at the post office and Betty says that there is a letter for Max and it's from Rose Parker wait Andrea isn't that kind of personal to be looking at someone else's mail yes Gabe you're right it is personal but we know that Betty just wants to know these things so she's wondering she wants to know who Rose Parker is hi hi girls Hugh my favorite salesman what are you selling today well you know whenever I come to town I always bring something interesting we know well today is no different here a book open hey there are no pages in this book that's right you don't read this book you keep things in it no thanks Hugh someday you'll buy something from me Betty maybe well we meet Betty's favorite salesman and he always brings interesting things to sell he comes into the post office and Gabe what is his name well his name is Hugh h u g h Hugh yes and Hugh is there he is a Salesman and that's our key word let's learn it salesman salesman a Sal salesman is a man who sells things a Salesman might come to your house or you might meet a Salesman at a store and when a Salesman is working he wants to go out and try to sell things to people he is trying to make a sale that's what a Salesman does he makes sales and what is Hugh the salesman selling today well he is strong trying to sell a book but it is a special book isn't it it is a special book what kind of book is this well it's not a book that you read it's a book that you keep things in that's different isn't it it is a little bit different but Betty likes different things and Hugh wants to try to sell this to her but today Hugh doesn't get a sale he doesn't sell anything but H maybe next time conversation [Music] replay Sarah how are you how's your boyfriend Betty you know I don't have a boyfriend I know but you will someday sorry I asked too many personal questions I don't mind guess what I just started a Blog about life in small town great do you write about me of course I have to write about our Town's post mistress and the editor of Our Town Newspaper that's right did I get any mail today I don't know I'm just starting to put out the mail look here's a letter for Max it's from Rose Parker I wonder who she is I don't know I'll ask him when he comes in good idea here's a letter for you it's from your parents great hi girls H my favorite salesman what are you selling today well you know whenever I come to town I always bring something interesting we know well today is no different here a book open it hey there are no pages in this book that's right you don't read this book you keep things in it no thanks H someday you'll buy something from me Betty Maybe calendar phrase we are pleased that you joined us for our calendar phrase today's calendar phrase is pleased to meet you pleased to meet you now when you are just introduced to someone new it's nice to say this to them please to meet you hey you look great pleased to meet you hey Gabe we are pleased to meet you our new teacher on the show well it's great to be here and we will be pleased to see today's calendar phrase let's [Music] go please to meet you pleas to meet you hi my name is Jan pleased to meet you I am John pleased to meet you do you play table tennis yes I am on the team oh I am so pleased to meet you I love table tennis really are you good at it I'm okay do you want to play right now sure if you are ready to lose hey I don't think so I'm ready to win please to meet you please to meet you well friends it has been a great day you know it has been a great week getting to know all our new friends in small town and of course our new teacher Gabe well it's been a great week for me as well and it's been a great week getting to know Eddie he's my new friend oh that's nice what do you want from me well actually we're curious what is the question of the day ah the question of the day that's a good question here it is what do you like to get in the mail what do you like to get in the mail well that's a good question and my answer is I like to get anything in the mail except for bills that I have to pay I hear you Gabe getting mail is fun just like learning English right here on let's talk in English on PTS and the radio join us again tomorrow for our Saturday review bye-bye everyone bye-bye bye-bye
Views: 654,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best English, Serlymar, video lessons, video English lessons, the best way to learn English, English conversation, video courses, video English courses, English grammar, English easy way, English lessons on YouTube, English for free, English free, English languages, learn English, best English movies, English speaking, skills, vocabulary, how to, word power
Id: 81O0AZqRAkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2014
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