The BEST Disc Golf Highlights of 2019 | Jomez

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2019 highlights by Jomez AND Champs vs. Chumps the same day? We really live in the best timeline!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GoldLineEverything πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jomez always there to provide quality content reminding me how good i'll never be

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/societys_pinata πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Finished all my work for the day early, no one else left in the office, couple hours of new content to watch. Pretty solid Friday. Goddamn I love this game. Now if only it wasn't freezing rain outside maybe I'd try and sneak a round in too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Arkameleon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nikko @14:08 almost had an albatross prior to the USDGC one

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jackiemoons πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
I guess he just feels it's an easy enough shot from back here Calvin's not laying up at all it's just not as not in him if this goes oh wow yeah is he gonna just yeah that's gon stop what a way to win from over 400 back he all he needs to do is lay up he's just gonna hit the basket instead I think you should play up there's no need to go yeah it's almost cocky yeah I would have but Wow and Josh actually he kind of fell down there I saw that live and this thing is just you know anything you can do Calvin ctp have to do better a little closer I never see that here we go idle high just outside the circle we get the sweet slow masking video from world to an NT where's she going next oh my gosh she runs it in already no as soon as it left their hand do you mind no no no look trying to fly is agitated here there must be some distraction it looks like there's a disturbance in the green perhaps we can call the Turner director over here to get no we don't return the director this is you guys you're literally on the course inside circle 2 on the 18th hole I'm trying to Bosley really needs to focus he's inside circle to where he's actually 60% on the day well that's a fantastic percentage why is he so angry just needs to focus I don't know he got up wow what a putt from AJ let's see that again germ yeah you can see right here you can see the anger in his eyes yet he somehow manages to refocus himself and lock down the pops Oh luli I mean whatever the problem was he focused through it that's a course record score fans where you drive well that's why they call MU scan and Risley name oh they don't call me that only they do now buddy yeah they sure do [Music] go with a little bit of a turnover that's moving Ritchie hot Chris is just put him in an eagle what this thing was moving he called it in the play my gosh what an incredible attack chris has a fairway Hayes Simon saw is throwing a p2 Oh Mike a putter 492 this is high this gliding speed that's that is nuts I I would I wonder how many of the fans even realize what they do that wasn't putter oh there you go Eagle lets him know outside for him first time I've seen outside forehand and he gets it but we'll see what this this ground only does oh my gosh nice so Miss Wow so rad great putt what a great way to start the round go in this is a bird what what is this gracious I am never a complete taco job please me the slow answer this this is I've no hands no oh shoot what so oh my god so it obviously does every scene that I don't think I've ever I mean I've seen it but ever since is he going high yeah he actually had the route that go high and and again I feel like I'm a broken record by saying that he's the only one with the power to do this that it is so hard it scared me oh gosh spirit that was an inch from being low enough to find the chains this is incredible because he's throwing it on Anheuser and it's blind - you know after once you let it go you don't know what it's gonna do you can't see what it's good this is fantastic it looks great I need to sit though not again [Applause] almost hit the fisherman maybe he's ripping on that destroyer again no way look at how far he goes off the chains though that's a good angle to attack the pin and Simon looking like he's gonna go with a roller this has creating let's not go a long way that's holding cut that's gonna be something special oh no way Oh oh my this is going pindy all those lucky back there oh my god oh my goodness he just went out of bounds long on a 750 one foot Eagle this Heiser is ridiculous going over everything trying to spike the island this is maybe too high I don't know if he has an over stable enough disk that sit down oh it's a tree is that's gonna roll out of Bounce that's gonna Wow Wow lucky unlucky I don't know them don't even have words flung actually what just happened that's a beautiful shot for Oakley Wow oh my goodness inside the circle coming to me we're going to see from Eagle is if you've got it that's the play to go with that big high wide sidearm looks like he'll caught a little bit of the foliage didn't matter I mean combo on dude and she has should have a clean look at it from around the corner so it's gonna be a little longer than she wanted but she's definitely got a chance Jessica with that powerful sidearm we're gonna what we got TV face himself Erick Oakley a he's either watching TV or had no idea we were taking this Erin Coakley saw a really big bird behind the camera here and he was just dumbfounded very impressive oh no way the majestic beast himselves in third place and James Conrad also putting very well out here Oh to give the fans what they want James Conrad Wow team primal member justin villa do we saw him and Ricky goes the putter approach oh yes Justin the flames continue to get thrown a piece dude this guy you've heard him say that yeah I know Justin with a putt Oh takes advantage of the great break and look at that spin putt just jamming through limbs what a great shot from I mean ooh the fist but before I went in that's on top of the bridge so he takes his life from the top of our unions just like that right out the gate this is is he gonna look the fist-pump the pre-race he didn't know okay he waits for that one go in all right there had to be a driver to stay underneath here's Ricky oh my goodness and if wickedness hurted right away haha a tiny gap oh goodness look at that that's what's so special on spins skins matches from the very beginning yeah we're open but again if he goes past the basket Paul's got himself a skin and did that just happen just all they got a nice reaction just one of the classic showcases ever in the last round of the national tour here's Rick sex and firebird roller Oh baby that's what you want right there oh my goodness look at and that's an almost guaranteed skin blind as well so we're just kind of going that the players are just reacting to the cheer right two and four holes is that a make a three there was they go three oh look at the Hat that is what the fans came before and that's your tournament play correct pick me from wrong grip amigo three Firebird for the ACE rookies calling it and this year we have a new mandatory right key players going down this fairway although I don't think it's gonna keep those four handlers from going over tens tee pad look at Rick here got my Mako three go into a knee I'd love to get a two on a I five hole I think that would be good enough to win a skin and that would be fun you did say that [Applause] so it's wrong buddy that is wrong look at you throw ends on hold for and i-5 this is clearly not going in clearly not going in oh my good cat Mach X crabs I know I saw a six on my card this is a lot of turn today down the hill oh oh that was a par putt fell out of his hand and Wow can you talk about getting punished the driver keep it very flat and then hides are very late or if you have a cannon arm maybe you just think go around I gotta think is this a play for deuce or is this just looking for a three unless we'll see holy cow I'd say it's looking for - yeah hole 17 yeah long straight tough woods grass that's a guy Simon brush that's why we're the best in the biz [Laughter] madam read crush no actually a little bit low but if you know if you weren't watching then it would been hilarious so it'd been perfect blue shirt ponytail rib MJ right up the middle loving that spot [Music] big guy speedy arm clear one zing you needed birdie I did heaven jump but no no mames it didn't it oh my gosh I don't think I've ever seen one come back out that fast that's a really good angle as looking superb yeah it is oh man oh man yeah beautiful I like the false light on a roller [Music] do you have to get so much cut and it has to be a somewhat stable disc you throw something under stable and you're just not going to be able to get that distance there's a lot of speed but it's turning quick a little metal post no holes yeah Kevin it's gonna go roller try to hop it over that log look the wind is kind of wreaking havoc on that though it's still oh oh oh way oh my gosh oh my goodness yes best shot of the bunch off the whole bunch just bring it up for the Eagle too let's take another look at that headwind right to left Macbeth playing the safe was crazy then right to left and it still got that bull bouncing that bouncing up yeah hard it's hard to know if that sticks on a different basket but a stress-free three you know butter is surprisingly fast and goes surprisingly far even for him my goodness Nikko almost drains it for the Albatross are you joking what a ridiculous - that would have been on man darn Mach threes couldn't even hold on to his albatross attempt a come on let's give credit where credit's due what a great shot catching the left side chain smash okay there's one most people don't really throw for the trees over all the stuff that's flexing back left nicely my goodness are you okay alright see if I will see myself out that's ridiculous stuff might as well yeah the force over line is below all of that right yeah he got but he put it up high but he got the early turn so a lot of turn coming down I love this place I'll go an anti techy I'll go and he's gonna plink oh yeah Paul go and Plinko they hit like five branches on the way down just so you can either make the shot look pretty or you could make the shot work and he chose the ladder from about what is it 200 feet maybe like 100 maybe less yeah Oh elevated basket dead center less than 200 but still an 80 90 foot try to finish your tournament that's one of those putts the second you throw you're just like Bert and y'all he's in the perfect spot twice in a row and then he's gonna go Heiser here this looks great Oh Yahweh's door no way that's just eagled one of the hardest hauls out the world championships on the planet one of the hardest hole oh my goodness Yahweh was a throwing from 320 feet a three on this haul oh my goodness just picture-perfect the whole way through he was always in the comfortable spot and check that out even hit the ball you can see it right there - Liam oh that is such a bad for Haake hands up for good reasons slow down slow down Emerson look at this laying just past it what a guy yeah that's Emerson with an 80-foot graphic here we've have to see something we are 80 footer about get your round started quickly what a putt oh man I mean we've said it so many times like man is he feeling it right now yeah is there's so much that goes into that that is not just flicking his wrist that is the angle control is so specific and perfect there that this looks perfect to me [Music] pop the kickings james conrad and that's a blind shot human highlight reel folks wow yeah definitely rewind that one we got to see that again he has no eye he can't see the basket at all so he just heard that noise and saw the disc probably fly back into view just three inches four inches maybe from going right in the basket what a shot [Music] James go in I didn't know that was coming I did not either I never heard anything about that nobody will find us on that one oh my gosh a world's a Sun leaked hard just barely avoided how does he just almost ace every day this was in the last nine holes and just to think that that Rick hasn't even he's only falling off one I mean that in itself is impressive but you have all these guys he went James oh we're gonna take a look at that line that is a nother backhand Anheuser that is the world here we go [Music] something tells me this is gonna be a follow fight and the shots that would be fantastic oh my goodness this is looking great come on no hay bales a nine point six thousand focus on that late flip it's right here this the putter guys mr. putter 370 Justin bouncy hello so that's a good break for James you have a chance to save a par I wasn't good touch Wow nice shot he's got all the tricks guys Eagle wanted nothing to do with those late trees so he's often for the sidearm there yeah Joel's feeling lucky he's gonna push it right through for the park job how no way I'd be holding my stomach all right third on the tee we got the German bomber Simon Lizotte representing dynamic a dynamic player representing des mania up there roller angle don't work was $100 City I misspoke earlier will you we have $100 CTP Simon not really interested in that at all well he's going or is he is he interested I don't think it's gonna reach it it might be close to the page okay it might actually be close to the page in C I'm out of words for a little insane shot oh wait a minute don't you dare Wow are you that's a crazy one from way up above the best elevators ask it really the only basket without it bounds behind it does not matter it's it's go-time all flex big s line putt I've a little bit of flex which is kind of the way to Austin likes to throw this for him there is OB on that left side though if you take a bad kick I like the way that he approached that and look at Wow look at the result [Music] could have been a lot where I'll know it is a lot worse oh wow that was a brutal roll oh he's got a gap oh my gosh I'm gonna miss all he needs that was on a such a steep Heiser all the way through I'll see you later germ thanks for your help all these years Wow Paul finally broke Jeremy germ has left the commentary position what a putt from Paul's this is a difficult putt from 45 feet though oh look at that watch this she knows it's in look at her running it in oh that was amazing such a great putt and like we talked about on the front nine she just has so much power she's right behind the basket for her part drop and drop in please for that birdie yeah Paige excellent - all right - slow messes in one hole we're putting on a show out here in the woods your page is lining up for jump putt give her some oh love it this is a putting clinic today folks I hope you're taking notes you're watching you're cheering and excited like yeah fortunate kick for a early early shot patriarch is fully trusting the park won't man it first that looked like a nice run but really it was just a perfect Park job absolutely gorgeous she is such a good putter thrower this is why she put her name on the judge I love that follow fight and I love looking back and seeing that huge gallery like that is so impressive oh no you didn't do that to her putter you thought about it just weren't good oh she got the gnome as we kind of knew that was gonna happen look at how slowly it Teeter totters on the on the game guys the lines are so narrow throwing something with a little bit of flip up action is required yeah this is why I was being one about branch actually kind of to get to a little bit more of an anhyzer angle game plan is set for crisp once again I believe another mid-range just going straight the pin that is so cool just three mid ranges all it takes and this is something that I wanted to talk about in the first two rounds haven't really had a chance to do it up until now but this goes along with the design philosophy that's Dan McDaniel and Harold Duvall really like which is that 350 350 350 and that's essentially what Chris Dickerson just did there and James Conrad as well James kind of showing him up going mid-range cutter cutter yeah well either way he threw that whatever way you can get to three shots that are all accurate at that distance at the 350 range as Alex Russell the bullseye as well he's gonna save this bar great recovery and grab his disco [Music] oh come on incredible PUD spin putt oh that is a thing of beauty put that on the highlight reel for the tournament that's fantastic awesome there's no reason this thing go ahead and go to this movie reel one more love leads been dead middle I think it's hard it's hard to overstate how difficult it can be mentally to come straight from the United States Championship right into this next one yeah I mean every year I feel like I have to struggle a little bit with just motivation and you know just kind of questioning why are trees ohai are trees you know that's one of the things that keeps me up at night hole nine at par four seven eight [Music] again [Music] oh the hat flies off this looking good oh gosh come on once again you gotta be kidding me with this it's incredible that's amazing [Music] silence is golden that's a nice little slow mez oh man that feels good properly to the gap and there's obviously OB right down the road the whole way and Kevin Jones if he is one of the best in the game at this hyzer flip shot that is a huge tee shot incredible hyzer flip is super technical super touchy shot you never really and Garrett going leopard three yeah bird hey I heard was a leopard 300 ft open that's unreal either way really good whatever three it is it's not a three it's of two that is parked as you don't see drives incredible that has got to be Wow happy to be that's right [Applause] [Music]
Channel: JomezPro
Views: 676,999
Rating: 4.8996863 out of 5
Keywords: jomez productions, jomez disc golf, disc golf 2019, jomezpro, disc golf, disc golf pro tour, disc golf tournament coverage, jomez, niche sport, dude perfect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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