The Best DEEP Snow Tire... Mudd Terrain vs All Terrain Tires. Real World Results.

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forget what the tire says on the side mud terrain allterrain hybrid here is what you looking for specifically to run through deep powder or even just maximize traction on your next snow trip if you listen close you can hear the sound of my 39 in allterrain air down to 3 PSI just crunching packing and holding snow and you can hear that snow sticking to more snow and this is exactly what we're looking for we are slowly working our way up and down all this deep snow in Canada and this is for a couple of different reasons that we're able to do this one we've got nice big tires two they're aired Down super super low if you look at all the different little snow craters and stuff that live in these places they always have these crazy huge feet and it's so they don't just like post hole and just like sink down and then get stuck and get eaten by something else and uh we don't have to worry about getting eaten by something else but we definitely need to worry about post hoing we need to worry about our tires just sinking and then us getting hung up on the frame and diffs so because we're aired down because we have that fat contact patch it'll gives us this ability to stay on top but now when you add that with the fact that we have all terrains instead of mud terrains the all terrains hold on to that snow they're not designed to clear any eject debris the way a mud terrain is and for that reason it gives us the ability whenever the tire turns it makes it easier to move forward instead of move down cuz especially when you're climbing in snow like this the tire it tends to want to dig down unless it's going forward so snow sticks to snow better than than rubber sticks to snow and for that reason or for those three reasons we're able to just slowly work and chew our way through all these really high elevation Hills and have a great time doing it did you know that Iceland has its own tires like not the country of course but the market they have their own snow tire market and they have stuff that we don't have access to here and when I went there last year and I was like off-roading a little bit and we went to Arctic trucks and I was looking at these Iceland specific off-road tires like not for passenger cars but for big trucks like we build here the first thing I noticed is that the tread design for these tires that are designed to drive over glaciers is so similar to the classic allterrain design you see here in the United States and this got me thinking how important it is to not look at what it says on the side of the tire but to look at the tread design and read the design itself and decide is this going to hold on to the snow is this going to bite or even though this says allterrain is it actually designed a little bit more like a Hybrid tire not all all terrains are created equal and not all all terrains are great in the snow some of them are like really good in the snow but what you need to look for when you're shopping for an allterrain isn't just like the three Peak rating which we'll explain later in the video or the fact that it says allterrain what you need to look for is how wide is the lug spacing the lug spacing in this tire this is an alterrain and it's a pretty decent alterrain for sure but it has really wide lug spacing which is going to be good in the mud and it's got a tapered lug or tapered tread which is also good for clearing in the mud but it's not going to hold on to snow as good as an allterrain that you're going to find where everything is super tight together this has a bunch of siping which is going to be awesome in the snow it's also going to make the tires a hole more Supple so it can like bend around the obstacles on the trail whether that be you know you're driving over some sort of a knot of ice or something but at the end of the day what you want to find if if you were looking for the best possible snow tire is something where all of these little like voids are as tight as possible and not tapered straight up and down so that it can hold on to the snow to me this tire is a great example of like this new generation of hybrid tires that we're seeing this is clearly a combination between a mud terrain and an allterrain and the fact that it's tighter spacing than you would see in a really aggressive Mud terrain but it's definitely designed to clear you can see these little features in between the lugs that are designed to help this clear whenever you're in mud but clearing is not great when you're going through that super deep powder you want a tire that holds on to the snow so you need to make that choice do you want something that's going to hold on to the terrain to make it to where you have more traction in the snow or do you want something that's going to eject as much of the terrain out of its tread as possible in order to continue moving down those muddy rops this is what you are shopping for when you're looking for a snow tire so let's start with the most popular snow tires people are using in the US and that's just various mud terrains and if you look at a mud terrain it's you know it's got these really big voids and between the tread the Treads tapered so that as this tire is spinning it's ejecting things want to fly off of of it because it's tapered it's fatter at the top than it is at the bottom of the Void also you have features that they add into these tires to make it to where it's easier for air to basically get behind that chunk of mud and come off as the tire is spinning around this is a km3 same kind of deal see these features in between these lugs in between these uh these little bits of tread it makes a big difference in its ability to clean um this tire I actually grooved I took a groover and I cut all of these little lines into here and this made a giant difference in making this tire a little bit more flexible as a snow tire because in between it all these little spots like to hold on to the snow so even though it's pretty easy for the snow to clear out of here this this took a couple steps forward as being like a halfway decent snow tire and because we have all these extra cuts it made it to where this tire is also a little bit more Supple so it can really wrap around and grab the terrain this actually made this better in the Rocks too which the C 3s are already a great Rock tire but I think that this made at an even better Rock Tire this is not like the best end all Beall snow design but for a tire in this size like this is a 39 in allterrain it's about as big as you'll find here in the States this has clearly been designed to hold stuff not to let things eject out of the tread look how tight all that tread is in comparison to these other tires and on as a bonus there's tons of siping in here now personally if I was to design a tire like this I would put even more siping like you can't have too much siping when it comes to a snow tire but this tire holds on to snow so much better because the in between the tread it's not tapered so like it really grabs onto that snow and because there's enough siping it allows this carcass to be like super Supple um over terrain now we'll talk about carcass here in a second this is like this new generation of Hybrid tire and as you can see the the tread is a little bit closer together than you'd find in like a more aggressive mud terrain which is why they call this an RT but in between the tread everything is tapered just like you would see in one of these other mud terrains and I have used these These are Fury country Hunters they're they're corny cheap tires I used them in the snow they were pretty awful even though it's wide and it did air down okay it just couldn't hold on to any snow so it really wanted to dig pretty much in any environment I put it in the three Peak snow rating is a pretty cool indicator that at least the tires you're buying have been tested against like certain government standards with for like acceleration in the snow breaking in the snow like skitting in the snow that kind of thing but it's not like the end all Beall so I think that if you found it some sort of a cool exotic snow tire that doesn't have the three Peak rating I wouldn't necessarily like stray away from it it just means that they didn't like submit their tires to whatever this the standard is but if you're wanting for some sort of like a cheat sheet on what tires are going to be halfway decent in the snow at least you know that if it has that rating on the side that they've earned that stamp that that particular manufacturer took the time to put it through the tests to prove that it is a viable snow tire we're in Idaho we're at like 10 psi which is our like Trail pressure to get up here and now that we're getting up into the snow we're starting to slip we got to air down and this is like one of the most important parts when it comes to buying a snow tire you got to find something that when you air it down it actually flattens out on the bottom not all tires are created equal when it comes to airing down so kind of a cheat code is to look at the tire weights if what I would do is I would look at whatever size tire that you're looking at um look at the different tire weights for that size from all the different manufactures the lighter the tire the thinner the carcass the better it's going to be at airing down now sometimes you're going to have to sacrifice durability so you're going to have to make that choice for you but if you want the best performing snow tire and that's all you're concerned about is doing the ab absolute best in snow and getting into that super deep powder like up here in the mountains of Idaho you've got to get a tire that has a carcass that's soft enough that whenever you air it down it flattens out you get that huge contact patch so you can keep climbing snow changes more than any other environment that I drive on I mean it could change from morning to night it could change from hour to hour the sun could come out and just kind of like glaze the top surface of whatever it is that you're driving on so that said knowing that temperature will change snow time will change snow it could get rained on for an hour I mean there's so many different variables in snow we can't really paint with a broad brush and just say that all terrains are better than mud terrains or that in my opinion it's better to run low tire pressure than it is to run tire chains but there are some types of snow where chains definitely work better like when it's a super super soggy snow I feel like the more aggressive the tread or with chains you would get better traction but for the kind of snow that I like and the stuff that we try to get to at that really high elevations all the rules that you saw in this video apply I think that an allterrain typically nine times out of 10 is going to perform best in that really deep really cold powder but because the environment changes so much you've just got to go prepared no matter what kind of Tire you have no matter what the environment was yesterday versus today you've got to be ready to get stuck you got to get be ready to get out but if you go prepared and you have the right gear it is an absolute blast I'm not claiming to be Mr snow expert or anything but I definitely wanted to show some of the thing the theories that I've developed over the years with those of you that have been asking constantly in the comment section in it every snow video this is my son Chris he wants to be in it this is Nathan he is the new owner of the Lexus and uh it's he's going to continue to work on it new very happy owner but yeah we got plans we got plans he's got plans he's on YouTube so if you want to check him out I will put a link to his uh his channel and God this thing's getting heavy I gotta switch arms and um if the footage from the beginning of this video of us up in Canada playing last weekend um if you want to check that out definitely make sure you check out my buddy Will's Channel I will link his channel uh in the description as well venture to Rome outstanding Storyteller both these guys I highly recommend both of these channels so anyway I hope you learned something or at least gave you something to chew on and think about and test out in the snow where you live we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Dirt Lifestyle
Views: 422,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snow tires, best snow tires, winter tires, snow tire review, snow tire, winter tires test, best snow tire, snow wheeling tires, snow wheeling 2023, snow wheeling washington, snow wheeling jeep, snow wheeling pnw, snow wheeling oregon, snow wheeling toyota
Id: 8uxk0xkMO2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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