The BEST D&D 5e Book Ever Made?! - "Flee, Mortals!" REVIEW!

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flea Mortals is one of the best 5e supplements ever that's High Praise earlier this week mcdm Productions released the PDF for the long-awaited flea Mortals a bestiary of new creatures for 5th edition while there have been many good bestiary style books in 5e we've always been partial to kobold press's Tomo V series and quite frankly wizards of the Coast's best books for 5th edition are its bestiary books flea Mortals is a step above in part because of how it incorporates the best of fourth edition into its design philosophy while also improving on some parts of 5e play now if you've ever watched one of Matt colville's videos you probably know that he has a soft spot for d d 4th edition a game that was built partially in response to World of Warcraft and other MMORPGs of the day the combat in d d 4E was a lot more tactical than what we see in 5th edition with stuff like minion rules and monster rules that help explain what a creature is supposed to do in a combat situation Colville and the mcdm team led by James introcaso brings back a lot of these Concepts and flea Mortals creature roles are emphasized in play Mortals with explanations on how to use characters that have roles like ambushers or artillery creatures or brutes in combat now to help rebalance around these more specialized rule sets and also acknowledge that the current CR system in 5e is broken flea Mortals also comes with a new and Counterpoint rating which is intended to be a lot more flexible and easier to use than the current 5ecr system another Innovation is the replacement of legendary actions with villain actions each leader type creature or solo type creature comes with three villain actions a kind of action that can be used once per round each Trio of actions has different intents and are meant to kind of escalate a battle and make it feel more well legendary theory for instance the first villain action is intended to be kind of like an opening move a way to Showcase that this monster is different from the other monsters out there the second villain action is a crowd control action which is meant to make the tide shift back into the monster's favor the final action is kind of like an ultimate move a big move that's really meant to raise the stakes before the end of the combat now some creatures also have special resistances that allow them to succeed on a saving throw instead of fail but at the cost of something else whether that's a temporary debuff on speed or losing a chunk of HP it's a little bit more Dynamic than the legendary resistances that we see in 5e and takes away some of the you know feels bad feelings that you get when using a legendary action no one likes just to burn a spell slot and have it hand waved Away by saying well he's using legendary action sorry about your luck and this kind of fixes that if I had to pick out one flaw with flea Mortals it's that this stat blocks here might not be the most compatible with other 5V stat blocks they're built using the the 5e chassis but compare a cr-23 dragon in flea Mortals with a dragon stat Block in the monster manual it's a bit like kind of like a comparing Middle English to Modern English they share the same origin and are obviously similar and heck you can probably even read sentence this is in Middle English without too much difficulty but there's enough differences to intimidate or surprise players used to playing under the more standardized circumstances uh you know flea Mortals kind of like feels like it's a 5e with the power limiters off and that's going to scare some people especially if they're not used to optimized combat if you're playing with a group of people who who aren't as strategy oriented Fleet Mortals might beat the snot album still everything I've read from flea Mortals is great and I'm excited for where evil dwells a new boss battle book also published by mcdm Productions that takes the stat blocks from flea Mortals and shows how they can be used in Practical settings we will give a plug that where evil dwells is currently raising funds on backer kit right now so you should go and check that out anyways flea Mortals gets two big thumbs up from us and we can't wait to hear what you think about the new book please let us know about your thoughts about flea Mortals in the comments section and as always don't forget to hit those like And subscribe buttons [Music] thank you
Channel: The Character Sheet on
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Keywords: the character sheet, character sheet, rpg news, ttrpg news, ttrpg, rpg, dnd, dnd5e, dungeons and dragons, flee mortals, flee mortals review, flee mortals 5e, matt colville, matt colville flee mortals, mcdm, mcdm flee mortals, dnd 5e, dnd 4e, where evil lives, where evil lives backerkit, where evil lives MCDM, flee mortals new rules, flee mortals minion rules, flee mortals villain actions, matt colville mcdm, 3rd party dnd, 3rd party 5e, best dnd 5e book, review flee mortals
Id: LfupJmhyah8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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