The BEST curves for roads and buildings in Satisfactory with ZERO flashing, flickering or Z-fighting

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hello Pioneers I hope you're doing well my name is bed and this is my guide to Foundation curves for roads and buildings and satisfactory with absolutely no flickering there are two techniques that I know to use to make curves and Foundations and they both have pros and cons the dc1 method shown between these two foundations here has the pro that you can make Curves in increments of five degrees giving more flexibility in how smoothly you curve a con to the dc1 method is that it takes a long time to lay each curved Foundation then there's the total eclipse method shown between these two foundations which has a pro of being very fast to lay down foundations and the con of only allowing curves of increments of 10 degrees and there are a couple of things that we're going to need in addition to having unlocked foundations in the Milestones the first is catwalks we're going to be using these modern catwalks the second thing you'll need is a pillar I'm going to be using these concrete pillars because I think they're really cool first up is the dc1 method posted by dc1 Kenobi and I'll put a link to his video down in the description below his curve is accomplished using catwalk Crossing and the fact that when you have a foundation on top of another Foundation you can scroll your mouse wheel to turn it and if you hold Ctrl you can scroll even finer the first thing you do is take a Crossing catwalk put it in this corner here so we can overlap and clip a foundation to this corner right here the center of this Foundation is exactly on the corner right there and this is for curving to the left if you wanted to curve to the right you would put the catwalk on this side and the foundation on this side so we're going to do is we're going to rotate around this point one click which is five degrees so right here we're perfectly aligned I'm going to hold Ctrl run my mouse wheel down one click that's a five degree turn okay and now we're going to take our catwalk again and we're going to need to move this rotation orientation to the end of this foundation so we're going to do that by taking the catwalk placing it right there and putting the foundation back so now you'll see the foundation is curved and one forward so now we just need to click the foundation put it on the bottom there and delete all of this there a five degree curve it's perfect but time consuming you have to do that for every single curved Foundation now we have the total eclipse video and I'll put a link to his video down in the description below but his video will also relies on catwalk but much quicker you have to just place a catwalk here now go to this next one once again hold Ctrl and you can rotate this crosswalk with respect to the other one and what we're going to do is we're going to just curve it one click to the left but this is a 10 degree click and then you put the next Foundation there and that's all there is to it you can do this very quickly and look at that curving to the left is no problem now curving to the right is the same thing we would just come along to this side here and go this direction and as you'll see the total eclipse method is so much quicker than dc1's method but DC wands method gives you more flexibility for allowing five degree increments personally I use the total eclipse method because I rely on speed when making bigger projects like that building which is a work in progress as we're here in my season two let's play world and now we have the issue of Z fighting you can see the flickering that you get right there comes and goes but it's very noticeable and very annoying and drives a lot of people crazy the way you get rid of that is by taking a pillar put it right in the center of the foundation delete the foundation and then snap the foundation to the bottom of the pillar and just like that all the Z fighting is gone no more flickering and so there you have it easy curves and satisfactory with no flickering seriously I just love the curves so much they're just so much flavor can be added to your builds by using curves look at this and I'll show you more Z fighting fixing so here we are on the top of the bed Khalifa that I built for the end of season one the way I did my curved walls here and then the way I ran the floor for the foundation you get an absolute ton of this Z fighting flickering super easy to get rid of by using the pillars foreign just like that there's no more Z fighting in the replaced foundations and that's the real end of the video please like And subscribe
Channel: BEDplaysGAMES
Views: 7,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D4FDm6ag65Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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