The Best Countries to Work from Anywhere

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as more people are taking so-called workations where they take their work with them on the road and go to another country I'm going to share with you some of the countries where remote work has been deemed to be the best and give you some of my own criteria today [Music] one of the things that I'm noticing more and more is that folks who are coming to visit now Med capitalist are looking to get infrastructure in place they want to get their bank accounts their residents their citizenship and they're saying hey once the kids graduate from school in a year and a half or once the business sells later this year or once whatever happens sometime in the next six to 24 months they're going to make their move and so we still have entrepreneurs who are like dude I'm paying like a thousand dollars a day in taxes and everyday counts I need a place to go now that's one school but we're also seeing folks who are basically trying to set themselves up and so I think workations or taking uh scouting trips basically is a good way if you have six to 24 months to basically get your infrastructure in place where you figure out what's the best citizenship that protects my interest as a backup that's not necessarily a place that I'm going to live what's a good residence permit I can have in my back pocket that I may or may not want to live in okay we can do our best guess that you might want to live there but let me have something as a place that I can go and live let me do my banking let me do all that and so in that six to 20 four months you can go and do scouting and then say come back and say hey let's get this residence permit because this is my favorite country to live and so in that vein I want to share a new report that talks about some of the best places to live in Europe and then also talk about some of the best places to work and live remotely around the world if it's your first time here my name is Andrew Henderson I'm the founder of nomad capitalist we're a booty consulting firm that helps seven and eight figure entrepreneurs and investors legally go where you're treated best everything from reducing your taxes having a second citizenship is a backup investing overseas basically taking control of your own life so that you're not owned by just one country and you can learn more at so according to they publish some study from a group called Babel where basically they wouldn't ask people hey in Europe where would you like to go and take this workation basically I'm living in the UK for example and I want to go and spend a month or three months or six months living and taking my job with me somewhere else and so Italy came in first place and then Spain and France and Switzerland Greece Etc this is pretty common I've seen it my own personal relationships where when someone's just getting started they choose the name brands what I've done in in my own personal life is show people yeah let's go to places that are off the beaten path because you can get better quality of life potentially more affordably certainly with lower taxes if that's a concern for you more consumer conveniences nicer people in places that you haven't heard about I mean there are parts of France that are very nice but if you're going to follow the herd and go to Paris especially if you're going there the summer it's going to be busy it's going to be expensive people are going to be a little grouchy you're just not going to enjoy it as much and I would much rather go and spend time in Malaysia with really nice people where they speak English and aren't going to give you crap for that and if you want to live there long term you can pay lower taxes and so if you're looking to live the nomadic capitalist lifestyle my suggestion is you look at places to scout that would actually be good long-term places to live start turning your vacations into places that are scouting trips so if you want more personal freedom if you want lower taxes if you want a lot of the stuff we talk about France ain't it okay now Switzerland was number four on the list if you have a seven figure or higher income Switzerland could potentially could work out for you Italy has a tax incentive so that could potentially work out for you uh Greece has a tax incentive the UK does if you can get in Portugal to tax incentive so some of these countries are named Brands Portugal's becoming a name brand party because of its tax incentives and so fun go to those places but I don't want you to go somewhere just because it's a name brand I don't mean to follow just the hurt and so what Babel did was they put 500 metrics together such as Internet speeds cost of accommodation coffee and beer prices restaurants crime rates which for sure there are some name brand countries in Western Europe like Spain that just aren't as safe as people want to think they are right um especially for petty crime uh and so they put the uh put this list together across 43 countries since they came up with an evaluation where Italy did indeed come out number one now I don't think they looked at taxes Italy does have a number of tax incentives whether you're retired whether you're bringing your own freelance gig or whether you are um a highly successful entrepreneur you just want to pay a lump sum tax of a hundred thousand Euros so Italy can be very tax friendly at least for anywhere from five to fifteen years uh and no doubt it uh it does relatively well in many metrics I'm not convinced having recently been there that things like internet speed are that good with all the strikes that are going on it seems like life would be a little bit more difficult um but certainly there's a romance there which I suppose makes up some of the score what's surprising though is what the other countries on this list this is 43 countries in in Europe that are ranked done all the different quality of living metrics except for I think tax Romania came in number two which is kind of surprising I would I would argue largely buoyed by the fact that they have some of the fastest internet in the world they always have and so um I think that the quality of life I mean you've seen people who they've moved there because it feels more free things are a bit more traditional if that's what you're looking for that can be a good thing um citizenship may be a little bit harder to come by than let's say in a Portugal but it's possible certainly if you're willing to live there taxes if you're running a smaller business can be relatively low they just reduce their incentive but you can pay as little as you know a couple percentage points if you hire some people on a six-figure business uh North megadonia North Macedonia in the Balkans came in number three which kind of surprised me taxation there is relatively reasonable but I think that running a business is one of those countries like why would you set up your business there unless you want to do business locally so as much as I've talked about Georgia over the years I've really almost never recommended someone set up their business in Georgia unless it's just one piece of the structure because they're doing some part of their business in Georgia North Macedonia is the same kind of thing where sure the taxes are reasonable but I just don't see that that like the uniqueness of running a business there would be good um so I've been there I've been to Scopia and I don't really see how that would come in number three in Europe so this is an example of where I love the technical indicators but I also love to go and doing scouting certainly everyone has a difference opinion and so I have a home in Serbia I spend time in Montenegro I think those are interesting places um I think Albania potentially has a lot of promise somebody may say hey I prefer you know Scopia and Toronto to Belgrade and tivot and that's fine I don't see how by any metric scopey Scopia would be number three in all of Europe but if you wanted to check it out uh you could so there's also there's the quantitative and there's the qualitative and both have to match up and obviously we were not all going to agree on that Germany came in number four again I'm kind of surprised Bosnia and Herzegovina came in fifth then France Spain Hungary Portugal and Bulgaria so I have to say I don't really entirely understand this list I think for a lot of folks who want a softer Landing Portugal could be a good place to go because you have widely spoken English it is largely Western the weather is good you can take advantage of not a perfect tax exemption but a decent tax exemption for many folks whether you have a job that you're bringing whether you have some freelance work or whether you're starting your company there are ways to get your taxes down especially as an entrepreneur down into the single digits Bulgaria there people go going there that's not as soft of a landing hungry is all right you see a lot of Nomads there internet speeds are good taxes are all right I suppose so some of these countries do work um but quite frankly I'm not sure that they should be in the top ten what my criteria would be is number one you want to go where you feel comfortable and where people are nice and so one place I've always found in Europe people are nice is in Ireland if you are doing relatively well in business you can get tax incentives there's a foreigner outside of Europe I found places like Malaysia Colombia people are super nice Indonesia to be super nice I want to go somewhere where it's nice once people started pointing out to me oh wow people are really nice here I started really paying attention to that and so yeah if I'm going to choose nice people I love bulgarians I love the Bulgarian people but I have to say on a day-to-day basis the educated folks you're going to deal with we work with bulgarians great going to a coffee shop yeah it's going to be more pleasant in Dublin or Kuala Lumpur or Bogota than it is in um you know and Sophia it just is and so um certainly I like some of the directives right and so the challenge I have despite how nice people are in Colombia is it's maybe it's too conversational for me and so I certainly like a little bit of the directions you might find in Eastern Europe you've got to make the decision for what's nice and where's the where's the right balance but that's one factor I would look at where do you feel comfortable I have people who come to visit me in Bogota they come to Kuala Lumpur they say wow it's so green here again a lot of Eastern European cities you don't they don't they don't have that they've done a lot of development prices have gone up people have paid money but they've done so sometimes at the expense of parks not all of them but some of them uh and so if you feel comfortable if you like that environment that's probably going to make you more productive in my opinion if you want to work from anywhere you want to be surrounded by a comfortable surroundings if you like a big city live in a big city if you don't like a big city and you don't live there and so um these are the kinds of things I would keep in mind I would also think about where I fit in I didn't see Austria on the list and I wonder if part of that is because even though it's not so much um you know it's it's not able to be measured but everyone I know who's there it's like it's harder to make friends people have also said that in parts of Italy especially Northern Italy um where it's just harder to make friends so one thing I've said about Georgia for example which um is not on this list and certainly I think tabilisi is not quite as sparkling clean as it used to be by any means but if you can make friends there you make pretty genuine friends you can make them relatively quickly that's a benefit of a place I don't need to have tons of friends I have friends widely distributed around the world uh in some cases I only have one or two friends that I'll spend a lot of time with in that particular place uh but whether you want one friend or you need 21 friends in a given place you want to find a place where you can make them and that's hard to put in these surveys and of course I think you want to choose a place that has lower taxes um because if you're going to go to the hassle of moving and moving your business or moving your work overseas why would you do so to make your finances more complicated take advantage of lowering your cost of living potentially which you could do in certainly Bulgaria North Macedonia parts of Italy parts of Portugal you could do that but you want to look at the social aspects as well and so I think those are hard to assess and that's why I tell people if you're not looking to move right away if you're looking to move right away we have to take it we have to take a stab right and so we'll ask you a whole bunch of questions if you're working with us like okay where's the place that you're going to move is it one place is it two places at three places let's get something going so you can move and lower your taxes if you're building something for a longer game six to 24 months plus out then I'm going to tell you to take scouting trips and see do you agree with me that Kuala Lumpur is more livable than Bangkok or do you just resume because neither one is really strategically better they both are tax friendly they both have their own benefits they both have immigration programs you've got to go and check them about that and see how you feel I'm I'm warming up to Bangkok a little bit but when I first spent a month there I get out of the train station and I'm just like yeah it's not for me and I felt that the whole month um to that point another report from study International obviously speaking more to recent graduates cheating made Thailand would be a tax-friendly place that ranked number one on their list speaking to street food speaking to networking opportunities with up and coming digital Nomads they mentioned the Canary Islands they mentioned New Zealand which is hard to get into Berlin of course which is harder to get into Germany if you're not a European citizen Hanoi Vietnam possible to get into happen to like that better than Ho Chi Minh Bali Indonesia is rolling out a tax-free digital Nomad visa and then Reykjavik ice one to think hard to get in if you're not European so those are some of their uh suggestions but the criteria I think if you know what your criteria is to me you've got to Define what you're looking for obviously we help people this with this if you're working with Nomad capitalist but if you're trying to figure this out on your own uh you want to figure out where you're going with this if I'm trying to work remotely what are my goals yes you want day-to-day frustrations alleviated don't necessarily think that every country works the same way yours does sometimes they work better sometimes they work worse so if you're coming from Australia with terrible internet speeds yeah probably anywhere is going to be an upgrade certain countries you need to be concerned about that like what's the internet speed how does life work on a day-to-day basis how do I run a property like ask yourself those questions and then also ask yourself like what am I looking from a lifestyle perspective for this am I looking do I care about nice people do I care about service do I care about luxuries do I care about consumer conveniences do I care about you know things being delivered to my house if you're coming from a country where they have Amazon delivery and you're moving to North Macedonia ain't no Amazon next day delivery in Skopje all right and so what are the things that you value it's like going into a relationship what am I looking for for this relationship right Define that and you'll have success in a relationship don't Define it and you'll constantly find yourself being let down lessons learned from someone who's been doing this for uh over a dozen years and so I think that the social element depending on how much you value that is very important and so those are some places that uh have been deemed in Europe as the best places to live as well as best places to get started and my considerations for where to go but I'm a big believer in scouting trips and if you were to spend you know one month with yourself your spouse your whole family whatever whoever's going you will be able to figure out the best places for you if you have the time to do that
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 26,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, dual citizenship, second passport, second citizenship, andrew henderson, best places to live, The Best Countries to Work from Anywhere, where to live, leaving usa, travel around the world, life abroad, moving to another country, how to invest, work from home jobs, make money online, cost of living, best countries to work abroad, best countries to live, expat, countries, best countries, moving to a new country, work from home
Id: dsS7BBC9Hlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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