Safest Countries in Latin America

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a lot of people love the lifestyle the vibe the proximity to North America that Latin America has to offer but the one concern that comes up is safety I want to be safe and today I'm going to share with you some of the safest countries in Latin America and how you can pair that with tax friendliness [Music] the benefits to me of Latin America are number one easier immigration so if you're earning money if you have a salary if you have a business if you have some kind of income you can generally immigrate to most of the countries in Central and South America even a few Caribbean countries not just on a digital Nomad Visa with an actual residence permit that in many cases leads to citizenship if you live there you can make a thousand two thousand three thousand dollars a month there are varying numbers but it's a lot easier than Asia in terms of you often don't need to deposit wealth or buy property or put multi-six figures in the bank and so whether you're just starting out whether you're trying to reinvest in your business that can be a benefit on top of that you actually get to work towards a second citizenship as if you can't afford citizenship by investment that could be an alternative to get a pass support in three five six years but the one concern that people bring up is yeah there are some countries in Latin America that do have high taxes we'll talk about that but safety and so there's a great website called latinometrics they have great graphs about all kinds of stuff about investing and living in Latin America and I'm going to share with you in which countries people are not dying from violence where is violence not a big issue in Latin America we'll go through that list right now if it's your first time here I'm Andrew Henderson founder of nomad capitalist we're a BowTech consulting firm that helps seven and eight figure entrepreneurs and investors legally go where you're treated best it's a simple phrase because it's a simple thing to do go where you're treated best you can legally reduce your taxes diversify and protect your assets get a second passport live free in an unfree world you can learn more at so uh here is the report and so uh no doubt countries in Latin America statistically are less safe what I would be aware of by the way is that the United States for example 59th least safe country so almost 200 countries their 59th Elite State and there's just one metric you can have different readings of Statistics uh but the United States ranked higher in terms of crime than a lot of places now if you're coming from Australia or New Zealand that's a tougher one to fix and so certainly when we're going by those stats yeah Latin America countries are going to rank up there even higher than the US what I've said is someone who spends a lot of time in Mexico spends time at my home in Bogota Colombia it's if you live in the right neighborhoods if you exercise caution you're probably going to be fine but obviously it'd be nice to not have to worry about that so let's go through the list uh if we look at causes one two and three of death per country for people aged 15 to 49. we do see violence as a number one cause of death in a number of countries right off the top of the bat Uruguay number one number one cause of death cancer then suicide and then Road injuries so no mention of violence in there that's one of the safest countries in Latin America I have been there definitely sleepy you've got basically two places that I would think to live either you're gonna live in Punta Del Este along the coast you live in Montevideo uh and so you can get a residence permit there through the rentista program you can work towards citizenship and they have a multi-year tax incentive and so you've got basically all your bases covered other than it's pretty far away from things which to some people is a benefit so you've got a lot of benefits in Uruguay good passport good taxes um you know if you if you want a slower pace of life you can get it there uh next up okay Cuba probably not something where most people want to go or where you should go uh by the way it's funny to look at the United States here drug use number one cause of death in people 15 to 49 then cancer that heart disease uh so let's continue Costa Rica a country that is well known for being safe I can tell you it's not a place most Central American countries you don't want to live in the capital city so Panama City and Panama fine if you want to call Mexico part of Central America Mexico City one of the most vibrant on Earth but everything in between uh you can skip it and so yeah I got a little bit of the heebie-jeebies in some parts of Costa Rica's Capital but everywhere else you can have the beach lifestyle you have you know ecotourism there it is definitely a slower pace of life but you can get in they've got a couple different residence packages if you make about 2500 bucks a month if you have 60 Grand to your name if you want to buy property they've made that a little bit easier uh until now the tax policies there are very friendly so we've got two tax friendly countries that are relatively easy to immigrate to and if you're going to live there you can work towards in both cases very good citizenships number one cause of death there for 15 to 49's cancer then Road injuries and then violence is number three I would say it's probably more in the capital from my experience all right so let's keep going now uh we're back to a very rustic country neighboring Uruguay which is Paraguay so Uruguay is a bit more Cosmopolitan uh Paraguay is landlocked you can't even really find a good picture of it online um so park Y is definitely very emerging if you want that kind of Lifestyle then Paraguay would suit you it is again I think a little bit boring it is probably a bit more flexible than a place like Uruguay and basically you can get permanent residents if you're a citizen of a lot of different countries for less than five thousand dollars in the bank now if you want citizenship you actually need to live there and it's not a tax-free country but you can pay a very low rate of tax they get very good tax rates very good tax policies overall number one cause of death there for uh Young Folks Road injuries followed by cancer followed by heart disease uh one of the things some people like is living that far down Uruguay Parkway lot of agriculture land and it's pretty affordable compared to the rest of South Americans if you want to do that if that's what you want then you can probably you know handle some of these things like cancer and heart disease just by living a healthier lifestyle in Chile you're getting a bit more Cosmopolitan San Diego to me it feels like parts of Vancouver you've got a long coastline if you want that so you've got lots of places to live in Chile the government has shifted to the left but they have had a multi-year tax incentive an exemption for foreigners for some time now their number one cause of death is cancer followed by Suicide followed by heart disease if you want something that's a little bit more developed obviously Paraguay not developed that may be an appeal to some folks just leave me alone I want to watch a place develop and you can live pretty safely there again Uruguay the more Cosmopolitan version of that Costa Rica the more kind of eco-focused version maybe a simplistic way to say it Chile the most developed one and if you want a passport Chile you know you spend you your your five years there you're going to have a passport that's pretty much equal to any European passport not that you can live in Europe with it but you can travel to Europe the U.S Australia Canada New Zealand uh all the places that a top-tier a passport would get you into other countries that perhaps are a little bit less safe we're going to the list here Dominican Republic has a residence program citizenship program I think is a lot easier in paper than it is in real life I'll say that but you can certainly live in the Dominican Republic if you want that Caribbean Vibe with a lot cheaper price point a lot cheaper price point and obviously you know Spanish speaking rather than English speaking but compared to the Caymans compared to Turks and Caicos compared to the Bahamas you're going to spend a lot less heart disease followed by Road injuries and then there is violence at the end so there definitely are parts of the Dr that are more violent when you compare it to to Haiti next door obviously looks very good but so that we're moving to the Chart a little bit less safe but if you want that Caribbean Vibe at a lower price you can do that Ecuador kind of like Paraguay not necessarily zero tax I think some people mistakenly think it's zero tax if you're paying tax somewhere else they may not tax you additionally but if you're not paying tax anywhere else generally you should pay a little something but not but not bad Road injuries followed by cancer followed by heart disease are the causes there so you have some of that leave me alone that you'd have in Paraguay you have a long coastline I think people say again it's not like the best Coastline and you probably have a better Coastline a better conditions up in let's say Costa Rica even parts of Northern Colombia um but you have Coast you have Southeastern Ecuador so this is around Villa cabamba places around Aloha you can buy pretty affordable land there so again if you're looking for that lots of land you want to grow your own food you just want to be left alone you can do that or you can live in one of the largest cities or along the coast we've had folks who are doing both uh so that is accessible to you and by the way just buy some land buy some real estate put some money in the bank made five figures you get your residence permit you can work towards citizenship it's not as good as some of the other ones but if you want a passport that complements a western passport Ecuador is actually an excellent one so it's not as good on its own but it's good if you're complimenting a U.S or a UK passport something like that Peru a country that I found it more difficult to immigrate to certainly their their food is the is the toast of the continent and anywhere I can know it's like oh the Peruvian restaurant yeah let's go there but more difficult I mean there was a time a couple years ago when they stated hey do this do this do this and you get residents and they were asking for basically five times that and so they've been inconsistent but cancer Road injuries heart disease causes of death there so they scored kind of in the middle of the pack but but more safe than a lot of others uh and then um Bolivia cancer heart disease Road injuries are there so no violence again same kind of thing as a Paraguay large indigenous population a place that not a lot of foreigners go to I see a couple people who who do live there as American expats the challenge is not really great for tax you can get a residence permit kind of standard fare for Latin America but you've really got to live there full time you can get a citizenship it's not really any better than Ecuador it's probably for the average person less appealing to live in than Ecuador it's obviously further away than Ecuador it's less connected than I could or and again you're going to pay more in taxes and so it's not a place that in my opinion that it's as welcoming lastly kind of last here on the list is Nicaragua and so this is the one place where I had a a gun in my face and um you know Latin Central American Capital Cities after dark of any kind uh don't do that you probably want to go to Granada you want to go to Leon Sheen and tag in the north you want to go to San Juan Del Sur in the South there are people who say Ah that's getting a little bit more sketchy even in those areas but if you look at the statistics cancer kidney disease I think it might be the only country in Latin America where kidney disease is a top three cause of death wonder what that's all about and then heart disease is the last one so pretty pretty flexible residence permit you know low to mid five figures gets you in there there's different residence per options tax friendly was one of the more free countries people talk about the the government there uh so you're going to take everything into consideration but those are the countries in Latin American you could live in so you see a a parallel um you know the places that don't have as flexible of tax regimes that don't have tax incentives for foreigners that don't have territorial tax systems which is what most of the Latin American countries that that are tax-friendly have they are the ones that have violence so you look at Venezuela Honduras uh Brazil Puerto Rico okay as tax incentives for Americans um Panama's tax incentives violence is number one there uh El Salvador is like a huge um huge uh proportion of violence but all on on the list the places that have higher taxes and don't let foreigners live there with favorable tax conditions have higher levels of violence now we've talked about how you can live in Colombia and I spent some time in Colombia and it's relatively friendly in terms of if you're not spending too much time there you won't pay taxes if you want to live my Trifecta approach a place like Colombia could be tax friendly but they did score higher for violence it's having cancer I've ever had a problem been going there for years have a home there spend time there walking around at night uh you know don't venture too far out during the day I suppose I do so you can be safe anywhere but if you are statistically safer the countries that are tax friendlier for year-round living are the ones we mentioned and you can easily obtain residence permits and eventually citizenship in those if you want some help you can go to and reach out
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 40,487
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Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, andrew henderson, Safest Countries in Latin America, latin america, south america, latin american countries, living abroad, cost of living, safest countries, safest countries in the world, 10 safest countries to live in, the safest countries in the world, safest countries in the world 2022, real estate investing, taxes explained, avoid taxes, how to invest, is latin america safe, moving abroad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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