The Best Commercial Aquaponics System Design explained in 3D : 2020

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[Music] are they my name is Amy Brewer I'm a co-founder of micro panics and today we'll be taking you through this commercial 3d aquaponics system and a 3d design that we've done in Sketchup so it should give you a good view of the inside-outside different sections so let's get to it as you can see that it's a 30 by 10 meter tunnel greenhouse and what we've done is we've split it into three sections the reason for that is because lawns at different climatic conditions the fish want warm climate humid climate the plants need more ventilation and you need to be able to control heat in summer and the flow of a through the tunnel for that reason you'll see that on this tunnel here we have the side flaps you can easily roll up the flaps up and down also the top of the plant section is in plastic and the sides are in shade near to 20% shading it with some roll roll down plastic as well so in winter you can roll on the plastic in summer you can roll up the plastic and just leave the shade in it or we can even roll up the chain it is wrong to let ventilation through whereas in the fish section yeah you'll see that [Music] it's completely blocked out from the plant section with a plastic divider if you want to call it there is a door that allows you to go from the fish section into the into the plant section that's the basic of it now as I said there's a 30 by 10 meter tunnel 30 lengths 30 meter in length and the way we divided that this is about 4.5 me to the fish section is about 4.5 meters in length of 5 meters in length whereas the plant section is 25 meters in length so 25 plus five makes it 30 and the width is 10 meters 10 meters wide from there to there let's now go through each section individually I'm going to go on to a different scene what I've done here is I have removed the whole tunnel so that you can see how to lay dart and now let's go through this I'm going to go through each individual component in the fish section in this setup you have two fish tanks each measuring about two meters in diameter by one point four meter high so that will give you about four and a half thousand liters per tank that'll be nine thousand meters total volume in these two tanks these two fish tanks keep in mind that with a stocking density of thirty kilograms of fish per thousand liters you would only really be able to supply enough nutrients for half of these grow beds these grow beds in total amount to about Angela 10 square meters so in able to supply enough nutrients for all the beds you would have to increase the volume of your fish tanks to 20,000 liters in total in other words 10,000 liters on the side and 10,000 liters on that side that would equate roughly to a diameter of 3 meters by 1 point 4 meter high fish tanks of course you would then perhaps after you extend the size of the or the length of the fish section to about 5 meters to be able to squeeze those 3 meter diameter tank tanks in into the section also keep in mind that in a commercial system of the size you would always have to supplement additional nutrients because the fish and the fish food that you're feeding them will not be able to supply all the macro and micronutrients that the plants need so things like potassium calcium magnesium and iron would have to be added as a supplement over and above what you're feeding the fish yeah you have a sump which is below ground now the sump is the lowest point in the whole system so the water from the deep water culture is fed back to the sample via this returning 110-volt pot okay and the fish tanks are the highest point in the system so they all pumps inside the sump where the pumps there you are and that pump pumps water up into the fish tanks okay into that tank and into this tank now from the fish tank is a bottom fade right there you wouldn't quite do it like this but you know they're always having their bottom drain button bottom drain on the tank also you could bring the pot up and then up the side as most people do so from the fish tank the water gravity feeds onto a radial flow filter which is a mechanical filter this filter separates the solids there was any and eaten fish food fish feces any waste from the fish tank it's salted out by this mechanical filter it goes to the bottom I'm not going to go in detail or what a radial flow filter does maybe in a different video in the future but there are many videos on radial flow mechanical forces and all their work so yeah the solids get separated they settle at the bottom and you then what you can do you open a valve at the bottom and let all those solids go through to a particular mineral laser tank this mineralized tank is isolated from everything else and with a geodetic bacteria and aeration in this tank the atrophic bacteria proliferate and a or get rid of any solids so and eatin fish food proteins carbohydrates all that gets turned into ammonia minerals which you can then reuse in your system so you can call the a terrific bacteria C decomposes of the bio world this is a bio filter you would need a bio filter if you are doing a deep water culture system as shown yeah this is a deep water culture system floating trays and basically where the bio filter is is a tank full of media that would be something like liquor not quite expandable play aggregate or bio balls but atrophic bacteria beneficial bacteria and nitrifying bacteria would be sending up the colonies in this bio filter system yet in the growing media or in the bio bio media and what they do is they convert your toxic ammonia and nitrites into nitrates which are then taken up at the plants without the bio filter you're going to get a buildup of ammonia which will kill your fish and of course not supply any nitrous to your plants so it's essential to have a bio filter when you can deport a culture or NFT system you to reform technique the pipe system if you're going to have a few of these beds as urban flow with growing media then you don't really need a bio filter because the growing media beads will act as a bio filter so a navy system as well you would also need aeration so here you can see an air pump and that would be supplying a just try and get this out yeah [Music] so there's a water line and there's an air line that goes down there and this is supplying aeration to the fish tanks to the bio folder to the Moon realizer and also you will need aeration in the deep water culture beads you can see the air line goes in there and if you go attack and dive into the water you will see the air line going all the way down the channel with your Easterns tapped off every 1.5 meters or 1 meter the more air strands it's better because if you don't supply a or dissolve oxygen in a deep water culture system then you're going to get root rot and so a is essential in deep water culture the most challenging part are the bolt lock this is going to be the garbage you want to Bowl these grow beds in the cheapest material possible so you're gonna have to decide whether it's going to be concrete with sealer and it's going to be wood frame if it's going to be father gloss and I'm going to show you some examples just now keep in mind that when you go farming always try and keep your capital expenditure to as low as possible the higher york epics the more difficult is going to be to pay off and make it financially viable so always aim to go spend as little as possible on the bowl itself so now i'm going to show you the different types of grow blades that you could build this is our system in johannesburg you can see what we've done here because this is like a show area we basically bolted in brick to be long-lasting and then lined it with HDPE plastic it's quite expensive to build in this way but - lost and as a showcase we also have right we braces by 400 more so these these are the deep water culture channels and then to the right there you'll see the raised beds for Clement drain because are they even higher than your deep water culture beds yeah so this is an option to do it in brick with the lined with plastic HDPE plastic which can be pretty expensive this is something else we've done we gone for a cheap option here we've used wood with friends from pellets and landed with PVC so as you can see just as effective 400 meter deep so these are actually three hundred and eighty millimeters deep and in the background where you can see our brick deep water culture baits to get a good comparison between the brick ones and the ones inward this is our new product and father gloss spades there are expenses but it cuts down on labor substantially because all you need to do is make sure they level your interconnect them we got different lengths so one we have a 1 point 8 meter by 0.8 meter gold by 300 million 300 millimeter deep grove aid we also have a 2 point 5 meter long bed by 1.2 meter wide by 300 millimeter deep and as you can see in this picture some have been turned into media beds flood and drain media beds which flows back to your sump and the other ones on deep water culture you can see the a stones on the right day every 1 meter aerating the deep water culture channels there is another view of the father draw spades in a 30 by 10 meter tunnel these beds are 5 meters in length about 1.2 meter wide and you can get this in 2.5 sorry 215 millimeters or 300 millimeter deep these are actually 300 millimeters deep so yeah it froze rapper 30 by 10 meter channel quite nicely they also stand on cinder blocks or cement blocks so it's not not very expensive to put that up and the nice thing about them being raised off the ground like that is that it's much easier for you to harvest rather than having to squat down you can stand up and harvest your vegetables without too much strain on your back also enough room space in between them so that you can harvest from either side you don't want to be stretching more than 500 to 600 millimeters across the Grove aid here's another installation with these farmer Glaus grow beds and this is another customer of ours that decided to build these grow beds also in brick-and-mortar and these are more of a drip irrigation type assist system where you has the grow beds full of coco peat and then drip lines going all the way down and all they do here is there's no recirculation the water that comes into these beds to irrigate the plants there's not other flow you just feed enough water to nourish the plants and and that's it there's no overflow so in our system in Johannesburg we should have gone assured the Sun the same way as you've seen previously in her 3d design but this is a few years ago and what we opted to do is have one tank sorry one is having one tunnel on the last day I can just see part of it just for the fish and they'll turn on the right just for the plants you can see the plant tunnels are plastic on top on the sides got 20 percent shade in it and deep water culture bays as well as drain beads so there's a inside shot of the Pantanal there is an inside shot of the fish tunnel so in the fish tunnel you can see that we have four tanks for three and a half thousand liter tanks fish tanks and we then have your radial flow filters on the side and you can see the middle lies in the forefront they and we also have the biofilters yeah although we don't really need the biofilters because our media beads in the plant tunnel or enough for the bio filtration in this tunnel we also have the lowest point which is a sump where the people in the background they are they looking at the sun block now there's another view of our plant tunnel and yet another view in the forefront you see the wooden frame grow beds and in the background you'll see the grow beds deep water culture grow beds that had been built with brick brick and mortar and on the lift your raised grow beds even flow or flood and drain grow beds withdraw at a higher level then in deep water culture beds all these then flowed back to the sump in the fish tunnel next door for those of you that have watched my other video on aquaponics split system or hybrid system we can easily change or convert this setup to a hybrid system basically what you would do you would just bring a pot up there across in today you could put a valve they hate to close and open and then you would also put some valves there and valves day so for example if you wanted to bypass the fish tanks for some reason in other words you don't have fish or you want to convert this into a hydroponic system what you would do you'd close these valves here so that the pump would pump up this pipe you'd obviously open this area and it would come down into the plant eggs and of course feed back to the sump you'd therefore completely eliminate your fish tanks and run it as a hydroponic system you put hydroponic nutrients in here and keep your system going and robotically if you wanted to run this as a aquaculture system for example if you didn't have any seedlings and even wet plants you just wanted to run it as a court as an aquaculture system what you would then do is you could put a valve there to shut this off and then you add a pipe different color yet found a back into your sump so what would happen there is you would close this Velvia the pump would pump to the fish tanks these valves there would be open this one would be closed and water would flow into the fish tanks into the mechanical filter into the bio filter out that side back into the sump and the same would happen yeah pump would pump water up into a fish tank into your mechanical sort of separator filter into your bio filter down the purple line back into the sump so nothing would be going through to the plant grow beds so that's a simple modification to the setup to make it into a hybrid system we can use it as aquaponics as hydroponics or as aquaculture that would be hydroponics the purple will give you aquaculture and of course if you open them all up it would then be aquaponics they said one lost fly-through inside eternal if you've liked those guys please give a thumbs up at the bottom and subscribe to our channel and watch some of our videos and we have to share more videos going forward and I hope you've learned from this one thank you for watching you
Channel: MyAquaponics
Views: 142,437
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Id: Xq4XnSlDFAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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