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the best careers for introverts this is what we're going to be talking about today but before we do that make sure to gently tap the like button in order to defeat the evil youtube algorithm on this channel we talk about personal finance college degrees and career opportunities that will lead you to success and we also talk about avoiding the common financial traps that so many people fall for if that sounds like something that interests you then go ahead and hit the subscribe button ring the notification bell in order to see more content just like this now let's jump right into it with the first one on the list it's going to be number 10 which is entrepreneur now i have something to admit to you guys okay i put this one as number one for the best careers for extroverts and i realized that i did a disservice to my introvert homies out there because i realize that introverts can do cool too okay i'm an introvert and i'm living proof that you can grow a tiny youtube channel as an introvert that's right first one on the list i've got two words for you entrepreneurship now this one was the top career for the list of the best careers for extroverts and i was thinking of myself i don't want to put the same career on both lists but there's some types of careers sometimes the jobs out there where they're so vast like there's so many different examples of things you can do that they really do fall under both categories and entrepreneurship is one of them it really depends on what type of business or industry that you're trying to go into and actually i think that introverts have a lot of advantages over extroverts when it comes to entrepreneurship in some ways first of all as glamorous as movies and pop culture tries to make entrepreneurship the reality of it is a lot of it is just going to be endless hours of grinding so let's see what the internet's favorite meme lord slash super entrepreneur elon musk has to say about being an entrepreneur it's like eating glass and stirring into your best the truth is introverts get energized by being alone and extroverts get energized by being around other people that's the main distinction between the two extroverts tend to get lonely much more easily and that's not as much of an issue for introverts so the endless hours of grinding that it takes to both start as well as run a business which much of the time businesses are started by just one person so you're just going to be working alone a lot of the time is not going to be nearly as bad for an introvert as it is for an extrovert the only thing i grind is my workload on top of that they can hyper focus for extended periods of time just because of the fact that they don't have to be around other people the grind is real elon musk has a mbti or myers-briggs personality test of intj which means he is an introvert now i think introverts can do really well as entrepreneurs especially if they're starting a business in the right industry and that my friends is how you become a successful entrepreneur so number nine on the list is going to be a marketer marketers are going to be someone who advertise or promote a product to a large audience and they make around 63 000 a year there's 738 000 jobs available and it's growing at 18 which is very good so marketers are going to use a lot of the same skills that you would use as a salesman but you're going to do it on more of a broad and scalable level so a salesman for instance can only make so many sales in a day i mean you can only talk to so many people in a single day but as a marketer you can write ad copy or you could make a marketing video that millions and millions of people could see if you have the ad budget for it in a day it's pretty much unlimited now a lot of marketers are gonna start off as salespeople and then they're gonna move into marketing later on in their career now again you don't have to be an introvert to be a good marketer but i have noticed that many marketers that are really good are introverts now i know some people in the comments are going to be like shane introverts can be great salesmen too why are you saying this i know i know i know okay i'm an introvert i get it i've done sales since i was a teenager and i was pretty decent at it you can definitely be a successful salesman as an introvert in fact i think there's some types of sales jobs that introverts might even do better in but just generally speaking one thing that i've noticed is a lot of the top salesmen out there tend to be extroverts and a lot of the top marketers out there tend to be a little bit more on the introverted side marketers are a little bit more focused on the numbers and making small changes here and there and generally speaking they're gonna spend less time around people that they don't know but that's just my opinion number eight on the list is going to be medical doctors and yes this is another one where i included it on the list of the best careers for extroverts there are so many different types of specialties that you can go into if you become a physician or a medical doctor and there are specialties out there that are going to be a little bit better for extroverts and some are going to be a little bit better for introverts so physicians according to bls they make over 208 000 a year which is kind of non-specific there's tons of jobs available it's growing pretty fast physician overall is a pretty good career i made a whole video about it where i talked about how i think it's a little bit overrated but if you know what you're getting yourself into it can be a really good career now some of the specialties that do really well for people who are introverted are going to be things like radiologists psychiatrist pathologist anesthesiologist would be a good one and actually some types of surgeons do pretty well as introverts as well so for instance let's talk about the surgeons on average a surgeon will make around 395 000 a year but it really depends on what specialty you do it ranges all the way generally speaking from like a hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year to some specialties make around six hundred thousand plus dollars every single year as a medical doctor and again it depends on which specialty you do what residencies you do etc a lot of the time psychiatrists are very self-reflective they're introverted they have good people skills but generally speaking that's on a one-on-one level or maybe you know them talking to two different people they're not going to be having to talk to like an entire group of people usually same with pathologists of course they study different diseases and injuries and when somebody dies they're the ones who generally will do the autopsy so i just wanted to put this one in there just because of the fact that i realized that you know doctors a lot of the time they have to be extroverted just because they're constantly communicating with different people they're constantly going to be meeting new people but there are some types of physician specialties where you don't really have to be all that extroverted you're going to be around the same people every day you're not going to have to meet new people all the time it's not going to be draining your energy like crazy number seven on the list is going to be actuary so generally speaking actuaries will take a bunch of numbers and statistics analyze them in order to determine the risk as well as the premiums for insurance according to bls actuaries make around a hundred and eight thousand dollars a year there's 27 000 jobs available and the job outlook is about 18 which is really really good so actuary is a career where you're likely gonna either work for an insurance company or the second really common path is you're gonna work as a consultant with an insurance company you'll make pretty good money you're gonna have pretty good job satisfaction now one thing about being an actuary is there is a ton of tests that you have to take and most of the time when you pass those tests you're going to be making a little bit more money so that's a good thing in some ways but these tests are actually extremely difficult over 50 percent of the people who take them generally do not pass so they're designed to be unbelievably difficult and it seems like there's just an endless amount of tests that you have to pass so it's almost like going back to school all over again you're going to have your normal you know 40 hours a week job and then you're going to be studying for these tests pretty much constantly that's great if you're somebody that constantly wants to be learning and you really like studying but it can be really annoying for somebody who kind of just wants to live a normal life consulting on the other hand is more about knowing what you're doing in a very niche subject this one is going to be a little bit more social so might not be as good for introverts you're going to be interacting with a ton of people you're going to be talking to clients but basically what you are is a knowledge salesman that's just the easiest way to put it your clients are generally going to be people from really big companies who have a lot of money and they want you to solve a very specific problem for them or they want you to analyze some data or present data that you already have for them number six on the list is going to be software development hmm this one keeps on popping up on like every list i do also known as a coder this is going to be someone who's going to create software for computers now software developers on average according to bls are going to make 107 000 a year there's 1.4 million jobs available and it's growing at 22 which is insane this is one of the best possible careers out there and i can only see it getting better in the future there's no way this one's going to be automated in fact you're going to be the person who's automating things this is one of my highest recommended careers whether you're going at it from the aspect of getting a college degree like a computer science degree and then going into software development or if you're somebody who maybe got a degree that is like math related or something like that and you're not really liking your job you can move into software development or if you're somebody who has no experience at all you can still learn this stuff and then you know get an entry-level job work your way up pretty much no matter what position you're in this is a really good career to get into now software developers of course are going to sit in front of their computers for many many hours a day many of them will have limited contact with other people throughout the day and generally you're going to talk with your team through an app like slack or something along those lines and the people that you do talk to are probably going to be people that you interact with all the time so you're not going to have to go and meet new people you know every single day it'll be a pretty rare occurrence and many of them especially nowadays with the current pandemic that's happening do a lot of remote coding and so they don't even have to go into an office they're basically just coding from home sure many of them will be working in an office setting where maybe you're around other people quite a bit but they're not going to have to be like a salesman for instance where you're constantly meeting new people i don't know about you guys but for me as an introvert spending time around people that i already know really well doesn't suck up as much of my energy as when i have to go and meet a bunch of new people that's what really makes me tired now one thing about introverts is a lot of the time they're actually really good at communicating just they don't want to have to do it face to face they prefer to do it at a distance and then another thing that i've noticed is people who are introverted don't necessarily have to have as much human contact because of the fact that they get energy just by being alone and so they're a little bit better in many cases at just grinding away for hours you know doing something like a coding bench number five on the list is going to be truck drivers so this is a person who earns a living driving trucks and this could be all kinds of different trucks but a lot of the time it's going to be semis now this is a job where you can do a lot of different things you know some people are going to be driving huge loads all the way across the country others are just going to be driving the trucks around locally so that they can get home to their families every night some own their own truck and they're basically like contractors they tend to make a little bit more money others are going to work for a big company who already has trucks there's a ton of different variations here but in my opinion this is one of the better careers that you can get into with very little training now according to bls the average truck driver is going to make around 45 000 a year there's two million jobs available and it's growing at two percent which is a little bit slower than average now i happen to think that these numbers are pretty low just because of the fact that a lot of drivers just do part-time you know they'll do it during part of the year and then the other part of the year they do something else i'm not sure how they did their methodology on this but just from personal experience knowing people who drive trucks we're talking like the big semis they make a lot more than 45 000 a year now the cool thing about driving a truck driving a semi is you can basically get trained in like a month or two and you're good to go now like i said before there's tons of different types of trucks out there you've got dry van refrigerator van tankers that hold gas flatbed dump truck drivers there's all kinds of different options out there and the pay is going to vary based on which one you do now in order to make really good money as a truck driver and this is similar to just about any career out there you look at doctors for instance you look at pharmacists you look at engineers business people just about any career out there in order to make more money you want to specialize in something okay specialists tend to make more money they tend to have better job satisfaction and just be overall happier than generalists now one thing about truck driving that really isn't mentioned all that much is it can be especially good for you if you're young and single now of course the obvious reason for this is that if you have a family and you're truck driving all the way across the country you're probably not going to be able to see them very often but a not so obvious reason is the fact that if you're not living with anyone else if you're single you can actually just live in the truck you don't necessarily have to pay rent or buy a car you can just live in the truck that's a huge cost savings because rent and vehicle expenses are generally going to be your two biggest expenses in your life so if you're young you don't have too many obligations what you can do is you can become a truck driver specialize in something and you can be making over 80 000 a year just a few years after high school and that's 80 000 that you can pretty much just bank you don't have to worry about paying a thousand dollars for rent or three hundred dollars a month on a car payment you get to bank most of that money this is a great career for introverts as well just because of the fact that you're probably going to be spending a lot of time just by yourself driving down the highway number four on the list is going to be an it manager so it managers are going to take care of all the information technology needs within a business generally so one career they could get into would be a computer and information systems manager they make around 146 000 a year there's 461 000 jobs available and it's growing at 10 which is really good so i talked about in the extrovert video how becoming a manager is going to be a great position for extroverts to get into and i realized that again that's not really fair because in many cases introverts can make good managers as well sure i think most managers are going to be more on the extroverted side this is a good example of a position where you can be an introvert and be a very effective manager as well a lot of it guys are going to spend most of the day working with technology they're not going to have too much human interaction they'll probably interact with the other it guys they're going to answer the phone once in a while but they're not going to be meeting new people all the time it managers are going to have a little bit more human interaction than your average it guy however the most important thing about being an i.t manager is your technical expertise now i'm not going to sugarcoat it you're probably going to be working around a bunch of geeks which creates its own challenges but overall geeks aren't that hard to work with if you know what you're doing too much communication is generally not going to be that much of a problem if anything you'll want to encourage them to communicate more number three on the list is going to be accountant accountants are going to be the people that prepare and examine all kinds of different financial records anywhere from taxes to basically just running the books on a business now according to bls accountants and auditors make around 71 000 a year there's 1.4 million jobs available and it's growing at percent which is about average now this is a very common job out there and because of that there's going to be a ton of different types of accountants now with most accounting jobs there's obviously going to be a lot of number crunching of course and when most people think of accounting they probably think of excel sheets and taxes but there's actually a lot more to it than that there's a ton of different specialties within accounting and there's jobs out there for accountants in just about every industry and every business basically everywhere you look there's going to be jobs for accountants so if you go into accounting you get tired of staring at an excel sheet you can do a ton of different things in the same vein professions like this where there's a ton of different options out there i tend to like these just because of the fact that like let's say you made a really good plan you knew what you were getting into but then you know you get a few years into it and you're like you know what i don't really like this that much i thought i was gonna like it but for some reason it's just not for me well if you're an accountant for instance there are so many different options that you can go into now a lot of accountants will start off working for one of the big four accounting firms and they're going to specialize in something and move towards that another great thing about accounting is it's very flexible so let's say that you want to move up the chain in a company you want to try to become the ceo well guess what there's a lot of examples of accountants that move all the way up to executive positions accounting is also one of the degrees that has created the most millionaires i did the video where i talked about careers and degrees that create the most millionaires or lead to people becoming millionaires accounting was one of the highest ones on that list if you go the tax route for instance a lot of the time accounting will be very seasonal where you're going to be extremely busy six months out of the year and then the other six months aren't going to be that bad let's say you absolutely hate number crunching you never want to look at an excel sheet you never want to look at taxes again guess what you can move into becoming like a recruiter or something like that just because of the fact that there's so many people out there that do accounting you could go to one of the big four firms and you could become an accountant recruiter i think you guys get the idea a very flexible career it doesn't matter whether you're an introvert an extrovert you're gonna find something within the career that works for you number two on the list is going to be data scientist now this is one that a lot of people in my comments section always talk about they wanted me to talk about data scientists more and i'll probably make an entire video on it at some point in the future so basically what data scientists do in layman's terms is they get a bunch of crap data and they sort that data out and make something useful out of it they can use that data in such a way that they will help businesses to make good business decisions that will lead to them being more successful and making more money so one example of a data scientist related career that you could go into would be a computer and information research scientist they make around 122 thousand dollars a year there's 32 000 jobs available and it's growing at 15 which is much faster than average so data science is very similar to software development but there's going to be more of an emphasis on business as well as math and statistics this is usually going to be data that has something to do with either sales or marketing this is another subject another career that combines business skills with technology skills which is always a killer combination now number one on the list and this is a relatively new development since this amazing pandemic that we're all experiencing right now number one is going to be the remote version of your current job with the current situation that's happening right now throughout the entire world it's become more and more obvious that a lot of people can do the same job that they used to do in the office from home for this reason i predict that even after the pandemic is open it's going to be more and more common to see people doing their jobs that they used to do in the office remotely now some of them will do the job completely remotely like they'll pretty much never go into the office you can basically like travel around the world for instance others will do it partially remotely where maybe you go into the office two three days a week and then you're at home two or three days a week now you'd be really surprised at how many different remote opportunities are out there especially after all this stuff happened you might think that there's no way my current job can be done remotely so let's take pharmacy for instance i'm a pharmacist what people picture in their head like the average person when they see a pharmacist is someone who is in a grocery store who gives them their antibiotics no way they could do that remotely right they have to be there to counsel the patient they've got to make sure that the right stuff is in the bottle and all that right actually there are a ton of opportunities to work remotely in pharmacy the clinical and the data verification side of pharmacy can actually be done remotely and that's in retail of course but also in hospitals and different clinical settings so sure you'd probably have to change up your career a little bit you might be able to do a slightly different career within the same company or maybe you have to move to a slightly different specialty something along those lines within the same company or maybe within the same industry but the big point here is there are a lot of opportunities for remote jobs and i think it's going to be even more common in the future smash the like button hit the subscribe button ring the notification bell comment down below any thoughts comments criticisms etc and before you go make sure to check out my other videos right here i made them just for you
Channel: Shane Hummus - The Success GPS
Views: 127,782
Rating: 4.9126968 out of 5
Keywords: Shane, Hummus, Shane Hummus, robinhood, Brains and Budgets, Best Jobs for Introverts, Best Careers for Introverts, Shy people jobs, Introverts Career Option, Best Careers in 2020, top 7 best jobs, College and Degrees, Best Careers, Best Jobs 2020, High Paying Jobs for Introverts, High Paying Jobs 2020, High Paying Careers 2020, Careers for shy people, Careers for Extroverts, Best Jobs for Extroverts, Top 10, Top 7 jobs, top 7 careers for introverts, High Paying
Id: 5wqrhlZYEs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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