The best black hole image just got better | [OFFICE HOURS] Podcast #047

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[Music] [Music] don't worry about that nothing was happening hello and welcome to office hours a live version of the facility where good old professor kyle and his fabulous hair opens up his blast doors as you just saw and he lets uh all my professors all my facilities staff members all you members of the general public that didn't heed the warning sign into the facility so we can go through a number of topics this week take all of your comments questions and corrections and hopefully learn something today as we want to do we'll be going through a number of topics uh throughout the week that made me go hey how well we'll be talking about black hole magnetics uh crabs and how it f and how crabs might be able to program yeah we'll also be talk taking one of your comments from the latest episode of the facility which is doing very well which i enjoy uh and we'll be talking a little bit about the suez canal but before we get to that i want to let you know that if you want to continue on this conversation after we are done talking live you can go to patreon kyle hill and join the facility today as my security team is putting into the chat right now and don't provoke the security team they're both made of beef and have buckets and wrenches so don't spam don't all caps don't be weird because i'm going to try my very best to get to as many comments in between the segments as i possibly can and if you really really really really want me to see something you can try super chat on youtube and that's a way for you to donate to the facility to sim for science and i'll do my best to read all those but if i don't get to everything i'm sorry there's nothing more i can do stephanie asinland with the 50 donation already before the stream even started said hey kyle love your work especially the half-life histories thank you so much for your science fiction game streams which are coming up in may that i'll be doing uh with the release of the new mass effect game i couldn't i can't suggest alpha centauri enough and would be fascinated by your impression of some of the hypo hypothetical technology therein well i'll definitely look into that eric castro with the 10 says my sister wonders why the moon looks like it's following us when we drive also she doesn't believe that we landed on the moon convince her otherwise please thanks kyle show love the well uh your sister if she wanted to prove to herself that we landed on the moon there's one very very sciency way that you could do that and uh this would require going somewhere and having a lot of resources but you can also look up videos of this so we know you can prove to yourself that we landed on the moon because we left stuff on the moon behind after we went there so astronomers using very powerful lasers can fire lasers at the moon and hit these so-called retro reflectors these are reflectors that reflect light back in the same direction that it came in so instead of scattering off in some weird direction it goes right back so when we fire these lasers at the retro reflectors on the moon we actually get some photons back indicating that we're hitting stuff on the moon that we left there when we went there and you can look up uh videos of that kind of stuff too if you really want to show your sister we have a 20 from aurel liftom says i've been i have a bit of an obsession with pyle though cherry is superior fight me i theorize that the true answer to pi is that it's the absolute epicenter of a sphere could also be the answer to wormholes thoughts you should talk to a mathematician see there's a the problem with your intuition about something that's very very complicated and usually takes people their entire life to study is that you don't know when you're wrong you don't know the boundaries of your information you don't know what you don't know right and what getting a phd or doing further study in in school or college university really does is help you map out your island of ignorance to see how big it actually is you might be missing something and so to suggest a true answer to pi that would win you the nobel prize in mathematics and would you know uh win a bunch of awards and write all these papers and stuff to just think of that off the top of your head the chances of that being correct um is very very low obviously so um i would say look into it and study it more if you really want to okay so before we get to our first topic which is about black holes we got to get to this one a 500 euro donation from z one r v o n r i don't know how to pronounce it so i apologize but a 500 i'm once again asking you to simp for science i wanted to ask this last time when you talked about deep fakes but i missed my chance would the expanding use of it cause issues in court and video evidence making it hard to prove guilt or innocence yeah so let's pause the super chats for a second so we get into our black hole topic but uh with that with that huge donation i just want to say uh answer your question quickly yes so like i said before the problem with deep fake technology right now is we don't have the counteracting technology yet we are kind of always on the back foot with these kind of advancements right the the technology to create really good indistinguishable deep fakes is always going to uh advance faster than than the technology trying to identify them it's kind of like the problem of fact checking versus um fake news fake news misinformation tends to spread much much much faster than fact check information fact checking um that false information so uh what i'm getting to is that we will very rapidly find ourselves in a situation with deep fakes where we will have something so problematic and we will not have a good checker balance for it we will not have a digital fingerprint for it and i mean you saw just a couple of weeks ago whereas a woman was arrested because she deep faked some of her uh some of her daughter's bullies into very compromising positions um and situations and if you cannot by your eye or even digitally determine whether or not something is authentic then the entire standard of video audio picture evidence that's going to have to be retooled completely and so it it could end up being a huge problem where you could not say that it wasn't me doing that in that video incredibly incredibly problematic um so yeah i think we need to figure that out and soon especially before it comes before it becomes smartphone apps that everyone can have and before we jump back in elizabeth calvert with the 50 says oh my god sorry i'm late in dealing with a drain under my sink falling apart my tiny human alex wants to know how the color changing cars work i.e changes color in hot or cold water back to things fixing the sink um this is just a reaction with the heat heat is just particles moving around and so when you have a paint that has certain particles in it moving those particles around more heating them up will change their shape in that paint right something moving is different than something not moving and when something has a different shape the way light bounces off of it can change too alex and so if the light bouncing off of something is changing then the color which is light bouncing off of stuff might also change and speaking of seeing weird cool light things let's get to our first topic black holes this is an image our first image of the shadow of a black hole you can't really image a black hole because as we just alluded to light does not reflect off of it it just falls down into it or orbits around it or passes and warps around it so this is a shadow of a black hole it's not the thing itself because you can never see the thing itself but a couple of months ago we saw the first this first ever image and it looked absolutely amazing you can see the accretion disk this is hot gas and dust swirling down into the mall of the black hole heating up as it does so smashing into itself releasing a bunch of energy and that's all very cool but uh last week or earlier this week this image was released which seems to be an update of this first image i will say as some of you pointed out in the comments that this is not what you would actually quote unquote see this is a superimposed image of light interacting with magnetic fields so one big question that astrophysicists have had for a long time is why is why do black holes sometimes spew out giant beams of gas and dust and energy from their poles that and and these beams can travel close to the speed of light and be many thousands of light years across um these streaming jets can be you know bigger than or longer wider than the galaxy themselves that the supermassive black hole resides in how do these form well the scientists still don't know how these form but they're getting better ideas and they're getting more information one of their ideas is that magnetic fields had something to do with it when you have stuff that's rotating when you have gas ions things that are charged and moving you have electrical fields you have magnetic fields and now we have this image superimposed again not a real image but superimposed on this black hole which shows interacting magnetic fields how well when light and other material interacts with a magnetic field it can be changed it can be warped and shaped in a certain way and we call this shaping polarization you may have heard the same thing do i have any sunglasses around here no you may have heard the same thing with sunglasses so sunglasses when they're polarized it means they only let a certain direction of light in so if the light coming through your windshield into your face is all jumbled up in all different directions and there's some glare and stuff like that then if you have polarized sunglasses that say look like you know tiny little blinds that only let a certain kind of light shape of light in then all this other weird light trying to get into your face doesn't get in and only the nice orderly light gets in and that orderly light can block out a lot of glare and stuff like that that's how polarization works so similarly what astronomers have just recently seen is polarized light coming from this m87 black hole 50 million 55 million light years away the light is interacting with magnetic fields around the black hole getting polarized getting oriented in a certain direction and then making it out to our telescopes or our virtual telescope because the telescope is in one telescope it's three telescopes i'll point at the same thing from different parts of the planet making like an earth-sized telescope and it's really cool but what does this weird superimposed image tells us tell us well it tells us for one that there are strong magnetic fields right outside well i mean this black hole is absolutely massive but outside the black hole now this means that this disc this accretion disk of material falling into the black hole contains highly magnetized gas because that's what's polarizing the light and in their new papers uh astronomers are now estimating that this magnetic field strength is between 1 and 30 gauss that's about 2 to 50 times the strength of earth's magnetic field now if you were to ask me how strong would a magnetic field be outside of a black hole it'd probably be pretty crazy but it turns out it's only 50 times stronger than the earth's magnetic field which itself is very small now where this ties back into the jets of material that we're trying to figure out blasting into space away from these black holes is that scientists thought that magnetic fields might be involved and now we have evidence of some magnetic field interaction happening around the black hole and it's strong enough the researchers speculate that it actually prevents some of the material falling down into the black hole from falling into the black hole it's pushing some of it back away most of it falls inside never to be seen again but some of it is being pushed out and using that new information i'm quoting here researchers calculate that the m87s black hole is now eating material at a rate of 0.2 percent of a solar mass per year now again if you asked me how much stuff a black hole eats in a year it wouldn't be less than a quarter of a percent of the sun's mass i'd think it would be sucking down suns like it's nothing especially when it's a billion times bigger than the sun but apparently that's not the case so it looks like the magnetic field in question at least this one has strong magnetic fields near its event horizon that are strong enough to push away some of the gas and dust and other material that's falling down into the black hole and the researchers now speculate that this interaction the fact that not all the material goes down into the black hole some of it gets repelled by the magnetic fields this could be the key to understanding these many thousands of light years long jets and they even have images images of this here so you can see so some of these jets coming off of the black hole so this is the black hole that we're looking at right here and this is a blown out version so this is the smaller smaller smaller i mean further away further away further away so you can see that they're still using the same polarization method there's still evidence of polarization inside of these jets that are being flung out from the black hole so that's even that's even more evidence that the magnetic field is having something to do with it now that's not the end of the question that doesn't mean that magnetic fields are all there is um to know about these galaxy-wide jets but it is a new development in one of the coolest images to ever exist i mean at least that's what they're saying but i want to know what you have to say the horse leafs cabbage with the 50 donation says hey kyle uh floridian here with the increased fidelity of photograph distant objects and the ability to simulate physical phenomena on a quantum to macro scale feels like we're on the cusp of the new era of astronomical studies yeah i mean the better the technology gets the more able we're going to be able the more able we will be to resolve distant interesting objects i think you're exactly right uh marvelo marvel with the 20 says neil degrassi tyson nice uh just did an interview on star talk with scott kelly the astronaut who had a twin here on earth and the scientists who studied him after he returned something your fans might be interested in all right well let's we can go check that out later cheech ola as always with the australian uh 31 dollars it says g'day kyle who's your favorite mass effect character and why is it garrus vacarion cheers you legend um i don't i don't know garrus is close i'm kind of a liara guy and you can bet that we will be rant we will be romancing her when we do our playthroughs of mass effect with jennifer hale or maybe jennifer gets to pick i don't know because she's commander shepard right uh breadboard with the 20 says when we survey when we surveying two holes duck i mean kyle why you look at black old one on me steven newman with the 10 says my wife heard your voice and asked if i was listening to nerdy thor you could tell that from my voice how i don't even of course i am of course i am lady not enough science entertainers anymore oh order of animal with a 20 says repeat question to increase the simp love do you think neutrines neutrines will affect quantum computers in a similar or more do not will affect quantum computers in a similar or more dynamic way than our current technology referring to that sonic glitch well there's a um yeah right now our our technology can be hit by particles incoming from space and it can flip a one to a zero or something like that and i i truly don't know what that will do to quantum computers but i would guess that well right now i know that quantum computers and their so-called qubits or quantum bits are very fragile they're very um sensitive to measurement and to disturbance and that breaks the weight that collapses the wave function you don't have a cubit anymore so excuse me i i'm guessing that um quantum computers are even more sensitive to disturbance so that might be a problem right uh grin reaper of trolls with the 20 says what happens if our supermassive black hole starts gobbling matter if our super um so matter falling into a black hole uh releases a lot of energy um and these jets can shoot out in these directions if obviously if these jets were to hit a planet or something like that it would it would annihilate it um but matter falling into a black hole itself is just creating heat and light so if you're nowhere near it it doesn't quite matter but an interesting figure you can do the calculations to see just how much heat and light matter gives up before it falls past the event horizon and theoretically the energy value is equal to 42 percent the mass energy of the object 42 interesting computer says computer oy says hi handsome stop it uh angel near destruction says he skipped my donation entirely oh did i oh did i well too bad now uh what why do people keep saying i keep skipping stuff what what do you want z with so needy i'm only one boy monker z with the five says the cold fusion reactor on level 96 is getting a little spicy if you know what i mean please send help kevin237 says the lights look oh my god old fusion react 96 all right just no yeah yeah it's me you have caller uh monker z says fusion reactor level 96 getting a little spicy oh well yeah i mean if you're still testing out the sriracha reactor then go ahead i know you just put that much salt with that much spice and it just generates an exothermic react he hung up on me uh we have 20 from chef says hey kyle love the show thank you um spreading the birthday cheer notifying all staff that subject 762b codename the clever girl got loose lunch tomorrow will be altered according uh pharaoh beast don't think about that uh with the 25 says random thought i had solar power is based on our star soul if we were to get if we were to ever get power from a different star would we call it solar power or would it be or what would be a better name for it well solar also applies to just stars in general right um or does it you know i don't know so if you had a different name for your sun would you call it like vectar energy or something let the people who colonize a different solar system figure that out you know people like elon musk jeremy humans with the 10 says hey kyle is there a magnet powerful enough to affect the iron in our blood no is that what an mri does no is the iron in our blood not magnetic it is also do you bring social sciences to the public sometimes um the amount the field the magnetic field strength you need to affect the iron in your blood which is ferrous and can be affected by medic field magnetic fields the field strength you would theoretically need is something we've never achieved in the lab it's like an order of magnitude more than we've ever achieved in an mri and what an mri does nuclear magnetic resonance imaging you put a big magnetic field around a person so big that atoms in that person's body align with the magnetic field in a certain way and when you do that um you can image those atoms by bouncing off different stuff from the person's body more or less but you're you're you're you're changing the orientation of stuff in a person's body at like the atomic level to get good images out of it um ewan stark with a nine says if a black hole has a 3d shadow because it's a sphere and you can see all of its sides because it bends light is it technically a 4d object well we're all kind of 4d objects we are three dimensional objects that travel through time yeah but no i mean it's an illusion like the four dimensionality that you're talking about with a black hole would be kind of an illusion it's because light is falling into it it doesn't mean that it's not existing in that third those three dimensions it's just that we're not seeing the reflection of it we have nick black with the 50 says longtime fan kyle you rock science thor keep it up i appreciate that nick black what a cool name you probably play guitar killer bow beep giller killer bo peep with the 15 says hey kyle long time lurker first time simper but i'm curious if the level of mind uploading to a computer would actually be you or just be an ai copy with all of your memories well let me put it to you this way what is your brain if not just a meat substrate with your memories in it think about this for a second i could i could abstract you every memory you have every regret every love every passion every intent every fear i can map all of that through just a number of connections signaling to each other ones and zeros more or less um the mind is what the brain does you are at the very base level who you are is a neuronal thunderstorm and once that storm calms down you're gone i got a little weird scuba dave with the 20 says hey my name is kyle hill and i'm a supervillain damn you dave don't take that also what would happen if two equally sized black holes came into contact what if but what if one was fully antimatter that thought woke me up um i talked about this a little bit but two antimatter things connecting or colliding might not be as bad as you think because they wouldn't they'd have to be perfectly mixed to have a full annihilation event right but in reality if you had two anti uh a sphere of matter an antimatter sphere that the instant they touched all of this would annihilate here and probably blow the spheres of material apart so you wouldn't get a perfect mixing and reaction so um be like cracking two billiard balls of matter and antimatter together uh thomas heydrich says legos or connects i'm a lego i'm a lego boy i had k'nex um but they're so hard on my fingers man oh just a pain in the michael almeida with the canadian 50 says something for science great show kyle to your knowledge has anyone ever tried sending a photo to go into or around a black hole or would it be a waste of resources oh sending a probe not photo i was confused um the there's an information firewall that's the problem is that if you sent a probe like tars an interstellar into a black hole there is no way that we know of in the physical universe that it could send information back out or even escape back out so it would be a it would be a moot point um cheech ola again with the australian thirty one dollar says g'day kyle i watched alien covenant the other day they had a rechargeable ship a robot crew and frozen embryo colonists is this a viable way of human expansion or would it go past shape like in the movie cheers legend well i mean it is a real idea you're talking more about like a generation ship and let's pause the super chats for a second so we can get to crabs but what ships like that with embryo colonists and um suspended animation and robots and stuff like that that's a real idea uh called like a generation ship or a colony ship to get around the problem of distance space is so big that no one is going to explore it in just one human lifetime without something like warp drive or fusion drive and that's even that's pushing it so a generation ship or a starship or a hundred year ship is a theoretical way to have some living humans get to a place even if it's thousands of years later and so i think i think it's quite plausible um nick black with the 49 again you get more you get more money for being able to see through me on the internet all hail to basilisk i knew you played guitar now let's go to our second topic which is crab these are soldier crabs soldier crabs have a interesting too much it's volumetrically my hair is volumetrically challenged these are soldier crabs you may have seen soldier crabs uh a bunch of red swarming soldier crabs scurrying across roads and stuff like that in planet earth but soldier crabs come out by the millions and they move across surfaces and and they forage and they spawn and all that stuff but when they move around an animal that moves in swarms like this can't move randomly in fact if all these creatures were moving in random directions the swarm wouldn't get anywhere would it so what researchers have found is that these crabs don't move around randomly in fact at the edges of a crab swarm there are so-called leaders and they enforce the edge of the swarm uh they enforce the edge of swarm quite rigidly such that no one's going to get past it it's forming a solid edge as they go and the crabs closer to the interior of the swarm just fall just follow their neighbor again with the hoarseness what is that so they just follow their neighbor you can see this kind of behavior happening for something like uh a uh ace uh mermation of starlings or a um a flock of birds or flock of seagulls um you can generalize the movement of flocks and swarms of animals by just a few simple rules like oh just go the direction your friend next to you is going stop if they stop that kind of thing now why i'm mentioning all this is that the movement of these swarms of soldier crabs is so generalizable that you can make them do what you want you can make little pathways for them to go down and then you can scare them and what researchers have done with these crabs is is put a shadow over them that looks like a bird and they'll move away from the shadow but then they'll move away in a very uh predictable pattern like i said leaders at the front people following that kind of thing now why am i saying all this well because researchers have been able to take these swarms of soldier crabs and make a logic gate out of it and this is the most basic form of information processing logic gates are like if then things uh if then uh logical constructions that can be mapped onto something like a bit like a one and a zero so if this if this happens it's a one if that happens it's a zero of this and that happens then it's a one you know those kind of things so that's logic 8 is the fundamental idea and unit for information processing and for computation it's the it's the basis of what computer chips are for example and researchers have like i said put these soldier crabs because they move in such a specific way they've put these soldier crabs in improvised logic gates and tested it in a geometrically constrained environment and showed them uh they put bird shadows over them and got them to move in a certain way and they were actually able to make logic gates now why am i bringing all this up because i have a stupid calculation that i want to share with you because at the base level information processing is just anything where you can get uh one state or another state based on the events of of the substrate whether it be crab or silicon silicon or or what have you so you can extract you can you can anything that will behave in a certain way that you know you could make a logic gate out of it for example and so these researchers discovered that it takes about a swarm of 80 crabs to operate a single logic gate now here comes the stupid calculation because the the 80 crabs move in a swarm that makes sense to them that the two uh crab swarms if they for example one crab swarm coming this way and one the other direction when they meet in the center they will combine and move in a specific way as a uh byproduct of their relative velocities they move kind of like billiard balls or something like that 80 cramps to operate a single logic gate which means if there are eight logic gates in a byte this means it would take about 640 000 soldier crabs to store enough information that is contained in a single tweet and if we extend this out we can imagine even more stupid things like it would only take eight times that which is what eight times four almost five million almost five million soldier crabs to create the computer that sent humans to mar uh sent humans to the moon and if you were a super villain enough about it you could take a bunch of crabs you could take 16 billion 39 million 18 and a half thousand soldier crabs and then you could run doom now i'm not saying that i am currently trying to grow an entire swarm of soldier crabs billions strong such that i can run old pc games from 1993 but i'm also not saying that i'm not not doing that but what do you have to say yeah no i know that was kind of dumb i thought it was more interesting to me in my head leave me alone crystallized quantum sense that just sounds like crab slavery with extra steps they're moving in a swarm the way they want to they're making food and they're doing things for themselves i'm just they're stepping on the little plates and they're getting me energy so that's just uh miguel says how does hawking radiation work well famously hawking radiation named after stephen hawking is a way that black holes would eventually lose mass and pop out of existence disappear evaporate if you will so you know that no material entering a black hole can escape but what if there and these are this is a known thing in particle physics what if there was a pair of particles that was spontaneously generated a particle and an antiparticle but one of those particles was inside the event horizon but the other one was outside when they both disappear then seemingly some mass has left the black hole and it has to to make this particle interaction work on either side of the event horizon and so over time through processes like that or that process um rather black holes lose mass and emit radiation and that's called hawking radiation or thereabouts i'm not that smart order of anima says simping for my roommate joey stash oh with the ten keeping it simple love the show just ask for the shout out science thor well joey monker z says alert crab people have infiltrated level 96 kevin 237 fought them all if i could get some f's in the chat that'd be fantastic andrew with the five says hey kyle what would it take to convince you to play dnd on stream maybe with another dnd youtuber well i think we let's get let's get the video game sciency video game stuff under her belt first before we jump into a whole new thing that i've never done before probably play magic on stream before i i jumped into something like that uh bt dubs says hey kyle embrace crab or return to monkey i think we should embrace crab i'd love more legs and i want to impress females with a giant pincer like a real big one that i could detach but all the ladies would be like oh wow that thing's serious i can't read any comments because it's all just f's uh um high orc wizard says hey kyle how many neutron stars would it take to destroy a black hole well matter just falls into a black hole and the black hole will get more massive and it will radiate through hawking radiation hey look at us out over time so you could throw as much mass into it as you want it it's the ultimate cosmic dumpster man it's already rendered with the 20 says hey science thor i think you would be great in critical role fun fact yes me and matt uh could have a hair off and i would win because i mean come on i could do that uh lucy fox with the ten dollar says i joined label one is sim for science i love you and i love your hair no you just love the idea of my hair uh i'm a ross with the ten is it possible for a black hole to get full yeah see i think i just kind of mentioned that but i don't think so i don't know i i that's of that's outside of the realm of my expertise but you know what it isn't peer review baby so on the last as we want to do here at the facility each week we take a comment from the last episode and it makes it's a comment that makes me go hey oh wow we highlight it we mention how smart you are and you become an honorary member of the facility last week we talked about the anatoly burkowski incident the only recorded instance of anyone ever having a body part interact with a particle beam inside of a particle accelerator it's part of my half-life history series if you enjoy that series if you enjoy more true crimey mini documentary style videos narrated by yours truly please check that out um but on the on this comment so today's peer review is for travis brown who's quoting me when i say the particle beam missed critical brain areas in anatoly's brain that's probably why he didn't instantly die travis says i'd like to consider all my brain areas critical thank you very much well you say that and something i didn't touch on on the video in the video but i wanted to was anatoly provides a good example for just how robust the human brain is um the human brain is always changing it's uh making new connections severing old ones and it's incredibly resilient for what may possibly be the most complicated thing in the universe literally if no other life exists he had a particle beam go through his brain and he was i mean he had obviously effects uh you know uh developed epilepsy lost hearing facial paralysis but he wasn't you know he wasn't complete he still finished his phd afterwards so a lot of him was still there and it really highlights just how good the brain is at recovering from damage being redundant it's an it's an incredible incredible organ and it harkens back uh to the most famous man probably probably in all of psychology phineas gage who had a railroad spike shoot through his head from the bottom to the top and it was one of the most famous examples in all of neurology because it provided direct evidence that the makeup of your brain determines who you are as a person and your personality before he had a railroad spike go through his face he was a family man he was loving and caring afterwards he started drinking and gambling and going to brothels and he was terrible to his wife and his kids so it totally changed him and it was direct evidence that those two things were linked which we didn't have before so similarly that and but he he had a railroad spike through his head and he didn't instantly die it just changed who he was so examples like this show that the brain is even more amazing than you think that when when you miss critical brain areas yes all parts of your brain are important but when damaged even these um this amazing organ can still shore up enough resources for you to still be a person i mean you can remove half of a person's brain and they can be fine not fine fine of course you're missing half of your brain but you're not you don't instantly die and you don't forget what the concept of numbers is you know so travis for helping me point that out the brain is more amazing than you think it is just because of how much damage you can take while retaining your personhood you are now an honorary member of the facility and kevin's gonna get you a plaque fantastic fantastic wait what that's do you wanna do you want a magic card that's the blackest black there is kevin this kevin this is not a plaque it's it's black i said plaque [Music] yes i love you maui goomba says what a loser i only have two brain cells that's not true uh 12 24 chris says is kevin a real person how dare you would you say that to a person uh i couldn't think of a name says hey kyle do you think that humans can make a zombie virus by using the different fungi that causes the same symptoms of animal in animals to affect humans i think having a zombie virus for people is is very very plausible would be harder to to figure out that we were truly being taken over because you know human behavior is very very complex but we get hints every so often that there are parasites that do that kind of thing toxoplasmosis which uh reproduces in cats and you can get it from just being around cats and their litter boxes it has been linked correlationally not causationally to suicide and schizophrenia and these kind of things so you know someone with skits if you develop schizophrenia that has a enormous impact on your life and you could be being controlled by it in a certain way and so i think that's very plausible and parasitism is the most common form of life life strategy on the planet so i think it's yeah it's very plausible can we create it i don't know uh yeah no i'm not going to tell them about it that'd be way too obvious probably not we probably can't do it i'm not i'm definitely not doing it mark schwab says hair in the bum in the bun now no i it's so thick it gets really hot okay and i even have like five fans on me see look look there's a fan directly on my neck watch look it's spewing out watch this what what watch see it's i was pretty sure do you turn off the air conditioning too you ass say mac with the ten dollars who says kyle you inspired me to take better care of my hair genetically my hair is curly anyway just chipping in something for science yeah if your hair is curly you need a lot you need to maintain quite a bit mine's a little wavy mostly straight so yeah take your hair that's that's one thing that guys don't do if you're if you're a guy um but it seems to me like guys uh don't value their their hair very much and they don't do the things that it's been shown i mean obviously it would make you know expensive shampoo and conditioner and uh you know blow drying and putting stuff in it like product and argan oil uh take care of your hair and then you won't look like you're uh take care of your hair so you don't look like you're in the battle of the bands in 2001. and if you feel called out by that you should do something about it oh did it finally did you did they turn it back on good uh elizabeth calvert says we already have a zombie virus it's called rabies good point i mean it's not it's not close to what you see in you know 28 days later well it is no it is pretty close i mean it makes mammals aggressive and makes you bite against your will and let me uh let me throw this at you why do you think you sneeze and you cough when you have a cold you can't cough out the virus it's not like it's stuck in your throat so what are you doing well it's the virus intentionally well doesn't it it's not thinking but evolutionarily it's a strategy it's the virus through an evolved behavior irritating your mucous membrane such that you can cough and sneeze more often so you can spread it more so so even with something as simple as a cold are you as free as you think you are no man ever the last three weeks i'm just like after 30 minutes of speaking my voice has been getting really hot like bad horse like it's never been this bad oh man grin reaper of troll says how do you grow your hair out mine is in my eyes and i can't stand it well um you just don't cut it but more seriously i know you're probably going through the the weird phase where it if you let it get longer it's in that middle phase where it looks bad and you don't want anyone to see it what i did is i wore hats for a long time until i got long enough to be cool mr dinglet says is zombific a word no just a raptor right in a mirror just a raptor riding american with a chainsaw says so cow what do you think about using black holes to generate energy do you think a black hole generates some amount of antimatter via conservation of mass well you you full-blooded american no there are theories about using their their ideas about using a black hole to generate energy they're called black hole engines and what they do is they use a very very tiny black hole and they put a uh some sort of capture sphere around it that would be able to capture the heat and then generate steam and make electricity or whatever it is but you're capturing the energy given off by a black hole because the energy given off via hawking radiation goes up exponentially the smaller the black hole is when a black hole super massive like m87 like we were talking about earlier it could take trillions of years for it to go all the way down but if it's really really tiny microscopic nanoscopic it could be in minutes hours seconds so if you had a the perfect size black hole you could get oodles of energy out of it while feeding material to it and capturing that radiated energy uh in the form of hawking radiation using that to drive your starship and that's a real idea look up a black hole starship or black hole engine and you'll see what i'm what i'm talking about chiptech with the five says hey i tried asking you this earlier you said that a railroad spike went through phineas gage's head and he didn't die could you argue that the spike killed who he was sure but you're you're never one static thing right i'd argue that phineas gage after the accident is still him i i i'm what i what i'm getting at is that i don't like pinpointing one set of attributes one set of thoughts beliefs actions intuitions intentions i don't like pinning those that make you who you think you are to one point in time you're a constantly evolving organism right we change we learn um we reflect so yeah it could kill the railroad spike i suppose killed who people thought he was and who his family thought he was but he was still him you're always you no matter who that who is uh vape seven says with the five says hey show kyle the love curious if you've read the seven neves and what you think on something like the swarm for surviving in low earth orbit i know actually that's on my list i have not read it but i um when i was looking up good hard sci-fi um novels that came up and i know i do have to read that metal kitty says kyle hey show the la you're gonna be the death of me you ought to know that you have been keeping me sane in a world of misinformation and i have given up 90 of social media hey happy to be a service uh any way that i can in a very confusing and uh deeply troubled information ecosystem i i came really close last week to deleting all my social media presence but you know i can probably do more good than harm if i'm if i'm cognizant and i try to get information out there or at least talk about things like we do so i decided against it but i came pretty close because see people don't tell you this unless you're in the biz but the click-through rate on stuff like tweets and instagram posts um even like a youtube end cards and stuff like that is usually point one percent to one percent so think about that you get a hundred thousand views you might get a thousand actual clicks on a link or a hundred right so what i'm saying oh so so when you when you put so much effort into con like putting links out there and showing trying to show everyone every facet of your life and and promoting stuff and blah blah blah it looks like it's doing something but it doesn't really actually do something the majority of traffic at the facility comes from the home page and browse features it's not even notifications it's not even people clicking that bell that's like less than fifteen percent and the traffic you get from social media is less than one percent less than two percent it's almost meaningless it's almost like we're all just in this grotesque circle of of of of celebrating each other's construction false constructions of each other for short bursts of serotonin that we don't that were that we're already we already have the tolerance for and we need more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more what was i talking about gustavo the five says hey show love the kyle dang it in mobile suit gundam show a terrorist drops a space space that is as big as a whole country on earth how bad would this be you drop something the size of a country on earth from orbit when it's traveling a few kilometers per second and it will wipe out all life on earth easy a call an asteroid going 10 to 20 50 kilometers per second or whatever only has to be like two miles 10 miles 50 miles across to cause a a cataclysmic civilization ending event so something that's 3 000 miles across like the united states in the form of an asteroid or a comet or whatever um smacking into earth at orbital velocities would obliterate the planet well the planet might be there might knock off a chunk of it might form another mars or something like that but everybody on on the surface of the planet would be dead the borgman says do you think future power requires us to work on new technologies to change thermal energy to electric labs are at like nine percent talking direct thermal energy directly to electric energy well i'm not really caught up on that um i didn't know the efficiency was so bad but um yeah there's um there's theoretical efficiencies for everything nothing is ever going to be 100 efficient when you're converting one form of energy to another that's it's because of entropy entropies all uh entropy is a thing it rules the universe um that's why uh perpetual motion devices and free energy devices are impossible physically impossible um because you're always gonna lose something in the form of heat um and deformation sound and that kind of thing um so yeah working on efficiency is going to be one of those game changers to make our energy our energy generation better however that is very hard to do you know we've been working on these things for decades it's unlikely that someone's going to have a giant breakthrough that's going to change everything so that's why people like me advocate for stuff like nuclear energy because we have it now it's way more energy dense it's way safer and that would go towards alleviating a lot of the problems that we're facing without needing some huge technological breakthrough first right uh just a couple more here because my voice is gone again for so am i screaming in the middle of the night am i having night terrors about cobras i do have a lot of nightmares i'm usually being ripped apart by dogs um sorry it's not fun sergeant sphynx with the 20 says hey kyle black hole talk reminded me of something gist is a paired rocket flies cl a paired rocket flies close to the event horizon is one and one is dropped into a black hole and the other gains energy seems odd to me but i don't know enough to be sure it depends on what you mean by paired if they're connected by a rope the rope's going to snap or it's going to pull both in it depends i i can't answer it depends on what you mean by paired um spasmodius six weren't you five before with the five says kyle hi just here to simp just here to simp everyone else is dead oh wait wait everyone else is dead robo gators are holding me hostage we never we never stood a chance thanks for being a worthy adversary that's right that's why you don't mess with the administrator in his own facility that's like stepping on a court with michael jordan before he had the hitler mustache for no reason remember when he did that why didn't anyone tell him excuse me sir uh you're doing a haines commercial in the did you forget to oh it's a thing you're trying okay you know who this guy is right he's uh did a lot of bad stuff oh yeah sorry okay uh i'm going off the rails now this isn't very sciencey it's fine uh henry zink says hey kyle's showing love i have a question in the future if we colonize mars and start mining materials on the red planet and transferring them to earth we change the orbital paths of earth and mars i get this question a lot where how much stuff would you need to move on and let's uh stop the super chat so we can get to uh the end of the stuff um but uh people ask me this a lot how much mass or how much would you have to do to a planet to change how it orbits or its gravitation or something like that so much so much the amount i would i'd be willing to wager i'd have to do the math on this but the amount of mass that humans have ever shot off into space all the rockets all the rocket fuel the people all the machines all the satellites all everything has had such a small effect on anything to do gravitationally with the earth that we have nothing that's good enough to measure how small that effect has been i say that to say this the um you would have to do something radical to each planet to affect the way that it moves throughout the solar system and we just do not have that kind of technology i mean you see how few rockets we actually launch so if we do colonize mars no i don't think i think we'll probably bring material to the planet rather than exporting it because we want to bring you know minerals from asteroids and water and gas and air and all this stuff but you know in in doing this already on earth for 100 years or 50 years 60 years now the mass we've moved is negligible and with that i just my voice my beautiful voice and with that i just want to say thank you everyone for stopping by the facility and prying your way into my blast doors this week um this week at the facility uh i'm gonna try because there's some interesting physics involved i'm gonna try right after this stream i'm going to try to quickly film a short video about the physics the hydrodynamics of a giant ship like the ever given in a restricted waterway like the suez canal there's actually some fluid mechanics fluid dynamics that goes into how this could have happened and block global trade for six days so i'm do a quick video on that hopefully get that out to you by the end of the week um and we're drawing ever closer to our video game streams that we're gonna do and if you want to talk to me all about that after the stream is done you can go to kyle hill and sign up for the facility today straight a silky white lab coat and moon shirt on your body talk to me in discord where i'm always lurking 24 7 pretty much get behind the scene photos you get videos earlier get members only live streams with me not like that so you can go there do that that's nice thank you to my security team as always for being so fast and manhandly with the chat i love that have a wonderful rest of your week i will see you next week live at the facility and until then be nice to each other because this is all we got yeah no i just stopped i think if anything i would go with the spinal crabs yeah they pinch the little nerves and they make it really hard to do acrobatics it's not that specific i have something against the olympics because that sounds like a villainy you
Channel: Kyle Hill
Views: 104,342
Rating: 4.9495625 out of 5
Keywords: science, stem, education, math, physics, space, kyle hill, biology, podcast, learning, because science, the facility, kyle hill channel, office hours, black holes, event horizon telescope, black hole
Id: 6zxhoI6gl8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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