The BEST BIRRIA DE RES Recipe Video | Beef Birria | How to make Birria | Mexican food

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hello and welcome today I'm going to be showing you how to make a popular bira and what I mean by popular is that you guys have been swamping my emails my DMs my messages my comments that you guys want the popular Bea and the bir taco and the cons from the Instagram video so guess what I've enhanced the flavor in my bira to satisfy your taste buds and whether you like a more thicker creamier broth and I say creamy because when you use bone it provides a creaminess and just that gelatinous flavor to your broth that's delicious but if you like more of a subtle broth you can keep using my previous recipe which I'll link in the description area so now that I've said that get ready to make it comfortable for your home because we are going to tear it up before we get started I want to make sure that you have your notifications set so when you see that subscribe button you have to be subscribed in order to click the notification so that's going to be for you guys to decide I rather you guys subscribe and click the notifications you get to choose uh when you want uh the recommendation or the notification for my videos and it's going to be up to you oh no I want you guys to click all please God wants to see you here every single day because we are uploading every single day going forward for the remainder of the Year you guys miss me I hear you I'm here for you I don't burn out I have a lot of energy to give you and a lot of recipes so let's get started on this and before I go huge shout out to all of you that have been donating to the deep water Water Foundation uh we want to get everybody in the United States some running water and it really fills my heart and my soul especially with what I've been going through lately um that you guys uh were able to donate and spread the word that's really important to us so shout out to each and every one of you that's donated and those that have spread the word shout out to our Bells shout out to the shout out to everybody you know it gets exciting I I am so in disbelief but I'm also very honored that you guys have selected me and promoted me so thank you so much let's get to this recipe to our pot of hot hot water you want to add oh you want to add your beef bone okay if you can't get a hold of your beef bone that's okay this recipe still works with just the beef that we're going to put in here the only thing is that I want to make sure you guys get a really good flavor in your broth okay because when you have cono beef broth you really have to bring it we're going to go ahead and add our chuck roast or Theo you want to make sure you have some water enough to cover your beef okay cuz a broth is what SS out the fastest we going to add our onion and and our chilas want to come in already put them in how your [Applause] chileos your whole garlic and your bay leaves okay to begin the flavor process for our broth we're going to add just a handful of our carrots if you don't like carrots you can keep them out but they really bring a delicious flavor uh to this combination that I have going to add our salt and our chicken Bolan last time I showed you guys how to make be I was out of chicken blean but this is a way that I prefer it now what we're going to do we're going to have this on a medium high heat we're going to bring this up to a boil for about 15 minutes and since we have the beef bone in here we're going to come and skim all the impurities once you start seeing it float so it should happen anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes you're going to start seeing all those impurities and you want to take them out because you want this broth to be nice and clear so I'll see you guys in you know what Hang Time I'll see you when all the impurities start showing up I want to say do you see all those nasties but it's actually delicious you can keep it in or take it out we're going to take it out so we can have a clean pure broth for you trying to impress you want you guys to eat well if you guys like this skimmer I'm enjoying them we have them on the Amazon storefront which you can find the link in our description area that's a big old onion look at that my favorite I like the garlic and the onion when it's cooked down in the stew or broth for those of you that don't have um a preference for beef make sure to let me know so that way I can uh figure out if you guys want me to give you the chicken Bea that I have that's the one that cloud usually gets and do you love it Cloud I do love it you don't you don't miss a thing do you no way and you don't want to miss a thing all right friends are you saying this is going to save the world it's going to save your heartache okay okay soup tends to do that once you've taken out your impurities uh we're going to go ahead and let this boil for another hour until our beef gets nice and tender I'm going to put a lid on it halfway so it doesn't boil over um and then at that point we're going to come back and add our carrots but for the time being I'm going to show you how I'm going to make that delicious bira chili oil that I've perfected uh for my family and I hope you guys enjoy it okay friends if you like spice make sure to look in the description area because I'm going to give you a recommendation for a good spice iice and flavor for this chili oil okay also I want to take a a few moments to give a shout out to my friend everybody loves Jerry if you look it up on Instagram you have been making my recipes a lot I'm very grateful cuz I get a lot of feedback and um actually this recipe has been requested for from over a hundred people like from DMS that I can get a hold of or messages like show us how to make this bira chili oil and you guys know I'm always going to deliver in flavor and cut the timee so shout out to you and shout out to all my silent viewers you guys are holding this channel together so I love you you guys know I love everybody yeah enough talking let's make this chili oil before I begin to make our chili oil for this delicious Vira I'm going to go over the peppers that I'm using and I'm only going to go over them cuz I know a lot of you worry about the spice level of your Chile when you're making Mexican food and I'm going to tell you guys right now the Chile wo or a dried Anaheim uh New Mexico chili um um are pretty good for this I think that the waho in particular is a little bit more mild the New Mexico tends to be a little bit spicier but these are the two that I've been purchasing at my store that seem to be working and you're going to notice when it's a fresh Chile it's going to be a soft chili pot and when it's been there for a while it's going to be a lot tougher like these that said that they come from Mexico they're a lot softer and pliable so what you want to do is you want to take as many of the seeds as you can out of there and let's get started on making this delicious Chile look at this delicious blend it is so amazing it tastes good just on its own sprinkled over something that particular brend you guys are going to love and I used my uh coffee grinder and I did a fine grind with all the ingredients that are mentioned in the description also I have a little bit of the wo this is just one pepper and we're going to use that to infuse our oil and we have our oregano and now that you know all this we're going to get started we have the Chili's linked in the Amazon storefront the uh New Mexico ones and California wonderful so if you guys are interested in these chill just to kind of get an idea so if you spot them at your grocery store you can take a look at the Amazon storefront and you can take a peek either buy them there or at um your convenience wherever you guys can get a hold of them she's ready to fry yep we're ready to fry you see those bubbles on a wooden spoon wooden Chopstick only now we're going to go ahead and add our Chile ooh that smell comes through instantly so we're just going to let these dance in here for a little bit and as soon as they turn that burnt dark color we're going to take them out be very careful with this use Club junior don't try this at home by yourselves and don't throw that chili away I'll show you guys what we're going to do with it right now I always got something brewing for you guys so now let's go ahead and add our chili blend oregano and we're going to get ready to start mixing really fast okay we good there Cloud almost all right I think this is as close as I can get yes before I pour this oil in I want to let you guys know a lot of the times when it's super red um it's because it has food dye in here a red food coloring so if you want to add a few drops for yourself just to make it uh enhance it if you're showing off for your family you can but for me we don't need it I Sav that d for my hot Cheetos and my fingers M that smells delicious yes it does don't taste it right now it's it's too too hot I definitely recommend you guys making this in advance the day before or two days before because once you let these oils set for 2 days woo flavor town you guys know who says flavor town let me know in the comments do you know Cloud no you don't know who says flavor Town mm-m well I think by this point they're already going to know so I should say it guy Fury girl oh yeah let me lift some of the spices up you see that that Darkness it's all the flavor you need and look at you can see the oil right there so obviously you see that yes hold on the camera is flipping out cuz it's like what is all of this goodness there it is see if you can see it oh yes now if you add some food dye red food dye you're going to get a more pungent color like the ones you guys are being being advertised at certain delicious places that offer this dish girl don't let you fall for those advertisement I do too I mean what can I say I'm human so let's see how how red this oil is some chips ready okay dear M so this this particular one is really good on uh chips you mix it up with a little sour cream but I'm going to tell you for this particular V this uh chili oil is going to bring it for you can be here all day Dusty ready I'm here with you yay let's go ahead and transfer our chili oil into a container a really good one let me mix it so it all flows in there nicely you ready honey I'm ready I'm here with you whoa that's super red oh that layer of oil there you're excited yes you guys asked me a lot how long do these oils keep it's going to be up to you in your family because I really don't know what my family members do behind my back so I usually keep a nice little spoon around for particular chili oils that I'm using also how much air how much germs get in there it's going to be up to you uh my chili oil doesn't last long in my house I think Max 5 days and I kind of start making it depending on my recipes for the next week and have that available but but my um regular chili oil I always have that one uh made because my mom absolutely loves it and since you know I'm always trying to please my mom I get really excited about it and too girl I see him put CH that chili oil on everything he loves it yes I have a recipe coming for you guys with the combo um with the ranch I taught you guys how to make so make sure that you guys uh stay tuned to the channel because that one's going to be super easy and delicious for you guys to make so now that we've made this chili oil let's go check on our on our via I'm excited smells so good in here nice okay here's the camera go [Laughter] check it's been 1 hour for us friends and everything is looking lovely I'm going to recommend you at this point if you lost a lot of your water you can add about uh 2 to four cups of boiling water to get your broth back in here at this moment and then I want you to taste the salt content if at this point the salt and the flavor content is not to your liking you can sprinkle a little bit of uh chicken Boolean and go from there start small small and add gradually okay now that I've said that we're going to go ahead and get our chilies out you guys see my blender from there no no I'm just putting it in I'm just putting them in my blender so you're going to have to brows in here to make sure you get all the Chile if you guys have been cooking with me for a while you know I always add my Stone from the m so that it can help uh tenderize my meat and keep that warmth heat that we need in this pot to break down all those lovely elements of our beef there we go and that's a tip you get when you watch my videos you can't get all of them that's fine get as many as you can that you have in here cuz that's where our flavor at all right I'm going to go ahead and blend my chile with a little bit of the broth and I'll see you guys shortly [Music] so just make sure to blend this for about a minute or so we want it to be purified we don't want any of the flakes from the chili and if you don't have a a speedy uh blender you can go ahead and strain it into your broth but for me this is going to be good enough so let's go ahead and pour it in okay let's go ahead and add to our broth get a little bit so I can get all that deliciousness from here once you've Blended your chili and you placed it into your broth now we're going to go ahead and add our carrots okay and if you're not adding carrots go ahead and keep it out but I'm going to tell you it adds a really good flavor to the blend that I have going on I know it's kind of difficult when you're used to having a recipe the way your uh family does it and then they're going to criticize you when you don't but I'm already used to it so what I'm going to do I'm going to put the lid back on and I'm going to let this cook for about 30 to 45 minutes all I'm waiting for is for our carrots to cook and our beef should be nice and shredded by then remember that chili that we saved to the side from our chili oil you want to add that in here and luckily there was a loose little Chile so I'm just going to blend this and we're going to pour it into our blend okay notice how with this particular recipe I didn't add water for my sink I only mixed all these little things that I want the flavors out with the broth look at how beautiful that is that's beautiful as the person who made it a gracias gracias now let this let's go ahead my mouth is water as usual let's go ahead and continue to cook this and I'll see you guys shortly when it's ready how to tell when your bira is done is when your beef is fall apart like that okay you should be able to stick a fork in there and just start having it shred pull apart um so if you guys if your time frame is a little bit different don't worry just cook it a little bit go by 15 minutes and then come back and check and see where you're at okay so that's how you make the bira now let me show you how to serve it when I'm serving bira I always like to make my bira in the big chunk but if you guys choose to chop it up into smaller pieces so it can cook faster uh it's easier also when you're going to serve for your family but if you didn't do that step which I usually don't you want to bring it onto a cutting board and start cutting up pieces that your family is going to enjoy okay so let's go ahead and serve this delicious be because I can't even focus cuz I just want to eat you guys know I'm a foodie I chopped off a little piece but if you see here that little tendon part sometimes there's so many of them that you can't get the grasp if it's going to be soft enough but I'm telling you 2 and 1/2 hours to three year beef is super soft you see that'll make it difficult for you to press and kind of gauge it mhm but look at how tender that is yes ma'am that part right there with just a Tor on its own sold it's going down right now isn't it okay so start pouring in your broth whoever wants carrots gets carrots and I find that with um with us in our family my mom always put carrots mhm and kind of used to I I like that flavor is our favorite part yeah so put as many carrots as you like I know a lot of you get worried when I put the garlic in that particular way but don't it's it's fine it serves a purpose yeah you teach your kids to move around it and put it to the side or take it and put it on your faia add a little salt to it roll it up and enjoy okay yes let's go ahead and talk this here you here you let's get started how many times do I say that in a video you guys that's fun okay so go ahead and add your portion of cabbage a little bit of your onions and cilantro okay and then that magical chili oil the broth on its own in here you guys can see the oil that's all from the beef all the little fat right here you see is what released all that oil on the top okay oh yes now this is for the ones that are the naughty ones yeah the ones the ones like Jerry that asked me for this okay don't lie girl how many times have you have you had some of that oil during this filming stop oh you're shy okay so go ahead and pour your desired amount oh that's so and make sure to keep that next to where you're serving so that everybody can getting on that or away from the person that's eating all the oil yeah we're not going to say any names well if you guys see my face shiny here in the next few months you know what I've been doing you guys always ask me I eat you eat good oils don't you I eat good let me move my hair back oh my goodness you guys want to see this she's moving her hair back she's leaning in I'm leaning with it o rock with it sorry I'm just laughing at all the tasting that you've done already you know I wish I could tell you guys what I eat in a day but it's like when I cook that's when I do most of my eating oh my God look at how beautiful that oil looks guys she's distracting us from me calling her out on her eating what she did oo what's going on what's going on talk to us tell us what you're feeling I count with my life this is amazing I'm your food therapist what are you you feeling right now girl I know you don't need beef but tell Mama tell mama what you're feeling I'm going to be eating beef next month so if I say no to my theas I'm going to be you're going to be in trouble they're already tired of your nonsense but you guys this is amazing the flavor that comes through is so delicious I think that adding the bone in here definitely gives you more of a a creamy fatty taste to it but I don't know both recipes that I've given you guys are pretty much similar and they're both equally as delicious this one more for flexing though isn't it like if you have guests over and you're showing that oil this is for like Fiesta style you know what I mean but when it's like during the week and you want to feed your family be it cuz your husband or whoever's craving it the other recipe is like quick I'm so extra though I would make this version instead of the other one for myself it depends on the time I have girl you know I don't mind making a five course meal oh I know and I don't mind eating it like I told you guys I get all my responsibilities done and then I come to town and hang out with you guys that's right I guess I I can't say I'm not social I'm super social now get get you know what the oregano that I put in here and that chili oil really brings it together and it brings it together not in AA flavor but in its own neat flavor I'm saving my tortilla for the taco girl do you feel that this is more like um if you're sick or you're feeling down or a hangover you eat it more like this I think this is like tacos dude you eat it every day girl but I'm saying like the brothier type and then the tacos are more for like once your stomach settles it's a two course kind of deal yeah girl it's like those tamales you know how when you start eating a Tamal or at least I do I come back to the pot after I'm done eating one and then I eat another one I go for a walk and do my things and I come back and tear up another one you guys have seen me so this is a two course meal right now uhhuh it's so good she still has space you guys in her stomach to make the tacles and eat them don't worry girl don't act like they haven't seen me tear it up on mukbang okay they know I eat and like I don't want to get all the jelly on myself but I want to get it in my system okay you're going to get the beef from your beia and you're going to just just get jiggy with it that word scares me oh my goodness I meant to the Will Smith kind of way okay sorry if it's a little loud for you guys with the headphones I'll turn it down so all we want to do is just give this a quick chop in my family the adults we like that fat on here but for the little ones give them that over there so they can enjoy it they can grow into eating the fatty Parts I had to grow into eating the fatty parts that's why I say that okay so you just want to give that a quick chop and a quick taste yeah doing good now that we've chopped up our Bea beef I'm going to show you the other ingredients we're going to need to assemble this delicious Taco I'm about to show you how to make yeah you're going to need some finely chopped white onion cilantro I'm using mozzarella today but use whatever melty cheese that you can get a hold of you can get a hold of moner you can get a hold of gesso Waka but today we're going to do mozzarella and this is optional I like my beita with cabbage even in my tacos so I have some finely chopped cabbage and you're going to pick your favorite tortillas I know some of you get a have a difficult time getting a hold of a good brand of tortillas I'm very blessed to live in a community where we have a store that produces some wonderful tortillas and if you're trying to pick your tortillas pick the ones that aren't so flimsy nice thick are going to be great for this particular recipe so let's head on over to my uh stove so we can get this started you guys asked me how I've been losing weight like this I'm just kidding I haven't but if you just have the broth here and the beef for your dinner you guys are going to be good you're going to see that your system is going to handle it a little bit better even just the broth by itself with the Cabbage it's going to help you I think in uh Mexican cultures you have a lot of when you're on a diet you have consome which is a beef bone uh broth with cabbage and you start losing weight it's nutrition ious for you but what we're going to do is we're going to use a little bit of our broth from our bira and the cons like you can see the color you know it's going to be good I'm going to go ahead and place this on the back pan when all your seasonings uh settle to the bottom just stir it so that you can get an even distribution okay and we're going to put our oil in our pan and it was Cloud's idea to get another white pan to show you guys the difference in the oil color you see that wonderful and then this one over here is just the natural cooking one just the broth so it's going to be up to you guys I just want to make sure that I clarify none of my burners are on with all these ingredients my grill is super hot right now I want to make sure that you guys know that even if you don't have a little Grill you can use it on a pan Works equally as good for me this is just an easier process to show you also make sure that you're tipping your Bea person this is a tedious job and to bring a flavor like this it takes hours when they do it at restaurants so make sure you guys are tipping let's get ready to dip quick dip in your broth boom quick dip in your oil first first you want to add your cheese so it can begin to melt the desired amount OFA your see throw in your onions you know I like a Cheesy girl get your chees you guys yeah you guys like it cheesy let me know in the comments I'm cheesy like that all right woo and you can always add a little bit extra of your oil it smells like a taka in here woo yes so all you want is for it to crisp up might need two spatulas let me see how this one's sticking for me here not bad not bad not bad that cheese on the Bottom's the best right on the grill yes yes yes so all we want to do is we want to make sure that we crisp up both sides of the taco so that way it doesn't fall apart when you're eating it who thinks I should eat this tea oh we know you're going to eat that peie she's got a pile of meat over here on the side let's just say I'm getting full [Music] down now let's go ahead and get our consome Cup going our cup of delicious bira broth yep she's packing it to go yep it's going to you're going to pour as much as the cup allows you that's why I always tell you guys if you're going to be using it for this particular reason go ahead and add a little bit of extra water and adjust me get some toppings bumped my head on the stove the top of the hood you okay I do that a lot nice little cabbage you don't need that much and you guys are set with your little taco and your in your bra you asked and I deliver how do you get the bir cons and the bir T go just like this dip it in and wash it down oh careful cuz it's hot girl I want to sing L me to this I would this is so good I want to cry let me clean myself up yes that's everything don't be shy when you're eating this just go to town no you're not being TI what cuz I look like Rosa salak all right one more bite you look really cute with that chili oil dripping from your lip thank you it's really good yeah composing myself I'm trying to keep my eyes open for you you know when it sets in that warm broth in your system and then the taco and the food coma comes along um I'm in need of a nap I'm in need of a baby kind of hair day at the moment so I hope you guys enjoy this recipe if you have questions cloud and I are going to be on the lookout in case you guys are going to be making it come back and let me know hey Steph I'm going to be making this recipe today and that way I can keep an alert of when you guys are posting uh comments on YouTube so that way I can reply to you if you run across anything different especially if it's your first time making it cloud and I are here for you are you here for them Cloud I'm here for them she's here we love we love you guys so I want to thank you guys so much for joining me and I'll see you guys tomorrow bye OS no you didn't want to say that with me bye I do I I open my lips and do Lip lip singing lip talking I'm like yeah for those of you that wants to uh that want to see my sister remember that we have a sister Channel and and we pretty much go cruising a lot uh we Vlog we mukbang and eat um it's an unfiltered channel it's unfiltered be where it's not yet rated but we have a lot of fun and we're going to start including more things we're close to our 10K celebration I don't think you guys want to miss that one oh we have a special mukbang coming up on that channel yes we do so make sure if you guys like my mukbangs you sign up over there um I do use uh curse words or adult language so just be warned we're not rated over there but thank you guys so much I'll see you guys tomorrow excuse me excuse me what you eating boo boo Nina don't embarrass him cha he already got in trouble at worka Chava's already ready to eat some beef he knows that once this boils he's going to want some you got in big trouble today
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 81,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birria, birria de res, the best birria recipe, how to make birria, views on the road birria, birria quesatacos, views on the road, birria tacos, the best mexican birria de res consome and tacos recipe, birria views on the road, mexican food recipes, how tomake birria de res, birria quesa tacos, birria tacos recipe, how to make birria tacos, mexican cuisine, mexican food compilation, mexican food, cooking, street tacos, red tacos, birria recipe, cooking videos, food network
Id: 94uGHCruZ6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 16sec (2236 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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