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(upbeat trap music) - What's up guys, it's your boy, KKREX and welcome back to another one of my videos. So, I know I've been gone for a minute but I actually have a video that was highly requested by you guys and it's a tutorial on using the AKAI MPK Mini. So, I looked on youtube for a little bit to see if there's any tutorials on there and there are some, but they're not really in-depth and they're more on the software so I'm actually going to do one of the actual mini itself and hopefully you guys can learn something and enjoy it and actually maybe get one for yourselves. Because I actually highly recommend this pad. So, hopefully you guys enjoy this video and let's get into it. Alright guys, so when you get the Akai MPK Mini, it comes in this box. And there's like a user manual, there's the website to go to for the software etc etc. And then it comes with this cable. This cable just has USB at the end and I'm plugging that into my MacBook Pro, which is a 15-inch, 2015 MacBook Pro and it just opens to a GarageBand so I can actually make a sound and you guys can hear it. So, alright guys, I'm gonna start from the top left of the midi and then we're going to move right and I'll show you everything that it does etc etc and like how you guys can use it because this is a tutorial on how to use it, not just what it does. So, if we start on the top-left, you can see this red knob right there.I'll just pick it up so you guys can see it closer. That's that. It's a knob right. It's the pitch bend so for example- if I hold C and move it to the right, it'll go up or vice-versa. (keyboard plays) So, that's all that does. Alright, when you look below the pitch bend, you'll see an arpeggiator, on and off and a tap tempo. So, arpeggiator is really fun for me. I really like using it So for example when I try the arpeggiator, I can just tap the tempo. See, it's blinking That's the tempo it's set at. But for example if I wanted to slow it down, I'll be like- one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four So, now the lights should be blinking on the one's and two's and three's. So now, if I hold down a note, my bad. It should sound on that beat, so like this. (keyboard playing) Alright guys, so this is something I haven't seen anybody talk about on YouTube yet. So, on top of the keys for the arpeggiator there's things like right there, you guys can see and it's 1/4 and then 1/4T which is 1/4th triplet, and then 1/8th, 1/8th triplet, 1/16th same thing. And then, up and down is like if you wanted to go up the notes for your arpeggiator or down. So, I'll show you how it works. So, in order to set that in, alright when you focus. Alright, in order for it to set it you have to hold down the arpeggiator button, which is the top left button right here. You hold it down and say I want it to be a 1/8th triplet and I want to go up. So now when I try it on, let's say I wanna play F You see, that's what it would do. Or for example, if I wanted to go a little bit faster and get a 1/16th triplet. I just go like that after I hold it down and it should be in. So, (Funky tune) Yeah you see, so the Arpeggiator is actually kind of fun to use and if you use it right, you can actually make something really fire. Okay guys, so under the Arpeggiator you have the octaves and there are 10 octaves on this midi. So, it's kind of self explanatory. So, obviously... let's use a C and you hit the octave up, it turns red. And if you're going to press it again, it's going to blink which indicates as going up so that's the blink. That's up. One more time. Okay so now, if no lights are on, that means there's no octave up or down. This is the actual sound of middle C, same thing going down. So, kind of self-explanatory. Okay, now below the Octaves, there are two buttons that all have to do with the pads. So, it's full level and note repeat. So full level, it's kind of self-explanatory as well cause the pads are like pressure sensitive. So if I press it softly, you barely hear it but, if I press it hard. (Loud noise) So, it's pressure sensitive so if I turn on full level, it'll light up red, right. It's on right now, which is the bottom left button and if I press it, no matter how soft or how hard it'll be the same like full sound so this is a soft press. This is just soft. And if I press hard vs You see, that's what full level does and then note repeat is you just press it for example if I hold down note repeat which is the button right here and I hold this down It's going that fast because of the 1/16th triplet that I put before. Okay so now we just got through the pads and all the buttons and knobs here. The keyboards is just a regular keyboard. It's just a normal, you know regular, nothing special. Whatever you, you can see everything you need to see. I might just show you a closeup of it. Just to show you, just the keyboard. Alright, Okay now to the top right corner, those knobs affect these pads here and they give you a software that you can use to put into these knobs to make them do something, I guess cool. You can put kind of effects on it and each one effects each pad differently. And then, in terms of the buttons here, lemme show you. There you go. There's Bank A and Bank B which is green The pads here are a certain set of pads and then when you click it, it turns red and then different set of pads. So for example, oh sorry. For example- if I go into I'm just going to type in a drumkit. I'm in GarageBand by the way guys. Alright, so When it's A It's just like a tong, but when I change it to Bank B it should have all new sounds. It should be a kick. Right, so I'll show you again with a different one. Say this one, with Bank A and Bank B. Alright guys, so next to the Bank A, Bank B you'll see the middle button, which is a CC and then the one to the right is Program change and then the one all the way to the right is Program select. So, if you want to change the program, for which they'll give you a software that'll let you be able to edit each pad individually. You press program change right, and then you'll hold down program select and then if you can see it, above the pads itself, like next to program 5, I mean next to pad 5 you'll see Program 1, Pad 6- program 2, Pad 7- program 3 and Pad 8-program 4 and you can see the top in the red. There's just hold it down select any program you want and then your pads should act differently depending on program you select. So, other than that, that's all you need to know about the AKAI MPK mini mk2. On the side, is where you plug in the plug they give you and on the back, as you can see right there, if you could focus, there's the sustain. Just plug it in, so you could hold out your notes. Alright so, these are the programs that come with the Akai which is MPC Essentials, Hybrid 3 and Wobble. So I'll show you what they look like in the back, just in case you guys are interested. I don't usually- ooh my bad. I don't usually use them because I prefer GarageBand and it's kind of hard to I learn or I haven't spend the time but that's what they are. These are the different interfaces that shows you what each one of them does and this one down here is the main one you should use, if you are changing the pads or using the knobs that give different effects. So, that's it. That's pretty much everything that comes with it. I'll show you if I can quick that. You can pause the video and read that if you want to. That should show you everything you need and that's pretty much it. So, alright guys, that was the tutorial slash review on the AKAI MPK mini mk2 . I really hope you enjoyed it and don't worry cause I'm going to be making a beat for my next video and I actually have some fired that's waiting for you guys. I'll give you a little sneak peek at what it sounds like. It's going to be good. So, I hope you enjoyed that, I hope that helped. Let me know what questions you have slash if it helped you and this is gonna be kind of what next video is going to sound like. Let's see if it'll play it for you guys. (ambient music) Alright guys, that's all for now, so come back very very soon cause this video will be up like how I made it and everything and I actually had help with this video. Some of my friends helped me out, so I want to say shout out to you guys and this video is going to be really lit. So, I hope you guys enjoyed this one, see you guys very soon and thanks for rocking with me through that little pause. kkrex out, stay positive (Upbeat trap music)
Channel: kkrex
Views: 2,265,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kkrex, akai mpk mini, akai, akai mpk, mpk mk2, akai mpk mini mk2, tutorial, review, unboxing, set up, akai mpk mini tutorial, akai mpk mini review, lightskin, success, how to, how to use akai mpk mini, akai professional, mpk mini review, beats, how to set up, buttons, knobs, akai review, the best tutorial, how I make fire beats, best midi, midi tutorial
Id: wxfCrYEW6zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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