The best AGATE I have ever found! Minnesota's Gemstone

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just got here first find of the day Wow  I'm looking through this area and I saw   this is different the last time we came  here the grounds eroded it a little bit   stuffs been moved around I was like  wow I'll look along this Bank here   where it's eroded away first thing that  I find is sitting right there I'll try   to get you close here so you can see all  the bands that are already showing on there and I just gotta say something so whenever  I come out to these pits or I go to rivers   or creeks or beaches or whatever one of the  thoughts that's always in my head is and it   haunts me is what's this much beneath the  surface what's hiding right beneath the   surface that I can't see and this one is that  far beneath the surface I'm so excited to dig   it out with you guys so let's check it out oh  please be just keep going keep going back there   oh I could just pop it out but it won't be as  sweet oh it's still going here we go guys oh my gosh oh my gosh I feel bad I forgot  a water bottle and a spray bottle and   everything oh my gosh red oh my Lanta sound  like a crazy person right now holy crap this   is the first find I just got here I've  been here five minutes this is the first   spot I'm like I'll just be good here this  is one of the best the best Lake Superior   agates I have ever found Wow Wow Wow how  do we top this let's keep going I'm going   to get this cleaned up at the very end so  stick around so we can show you these bands what I'm talking about so you see there's  grass up here right all this stuff that's   below the surface and it's just right there  the kind of stuff that you get when you kind   of take the extra time like with the tiller  and stuff that I use just right beneath our,   right beneath our feet oh my gosh  well you can't see it right there   holy moly what is going on today  what right there you can see it boom what what is going on oh my gosh you guys look  at the bands I still have this one in my pocket   look at these look at these finds to finds  from today even if this was the only one we   found today it'd be worth it to come out look at  this it's gonna be a good roundup at the end Wow   sweet all right so I started right there worked  my way around this little like this is a such   a small area here to go through I found a couple  other really beautiful pieces of Jasper that are   gonna look really great cleaned up again sorry I  did not bring my spray bottle or a water bottle   we'll get these cleaned up but there's other  areas to search in this gravel pit here and   I'm gonna come back here at the end maybe just  give my eyes image to refresh but I'm gonna go   look in some other piles like right there we'll  go look through there and stuff like that because   last time we were here there was a lot of snow  so all that it's like a brand new pit today so   obviously we're finding stuff that this whole  area was covered in snow so we'll head we'll   head over there and then we'll come back here at  the end to see if we're gonna find anything else   this a nodule there we are look at that it's  a little geode agate t's got crystal points   in there how beautiful is that oh my goodness  sweet alright so a little bit ago I found some   Jasper's couple pieces of Jasper and I'm pretty  sure this is a huge huge chunk of Jasper really   waxy I am gonna try my best not to forget this  and bring it home with me we'll get it cleaned   up and it just it's huge and it's look at the  Reds in there super beautiful it's got little   quartz veins in there yeah i'ma try my best not  to forget this pterodactyl thanks huge right along   this little dirt road here this beautiful piece  it's kind of banded and wavy I'm gonna set that   by my big chunk of Jasper that I want to bring  home alright you got a tiny little guy right here   that's not why we stopped though stopped where  to go right there right here got some bands in   there probably hard to see all those are nice  bands though sweet already so I stopped because   found another Jasper dirty we got cleaned up  and because it's kind of nice it's hot out   well for Minnesotans it's kind of warm out today  I don't even know what the temp is it's probably   60 but so nice to have no coat on and I realized  I forgot to do like an intro so hey guys we're at   a gravel pit today and I just want to say a quick  thank you so much for taking along I love coming   to these pits and I love bringing you along with  me we found some pretty great stuff so far I got   some more time to be out here so hopefully we  can find some more stuff I'm gonna be looking   on this Bank behind us here so hopefully we can  find some good stuff I'm pumped to get home and   clean those off those first couple that we  found it's just crazy so let's keep finding   more treasures today oh and I just realized cuz  I look behind me there's an a it right there that's sweet and then this is okay full  of bands water level bands   when I drop it Oh awesome we'll keep going here Oh found this really nice check of porphyry  beautiful crystals in there love this stuff   then also phone probably hard to see cuz these are  gonna fall these are tiny right but these are what   I'm talking about when I say good indicators so I  can we go to creeks and we find little stuff like   this it's a good sign that there's more to find  more two more to come so that's why when we find   good indicators keep going back to spots and  keep looking for these treasures the B is back   bugging me sticker alrighty so I've been looking  around for about an hour haven't found anything   of real big size with a lot of little stuff but  I'm gonna head back to that very first spot we   were poking around in and see if we can find  anything else before we go just for reference   again this is all that we've been looking through  that's that's it it's not like a huge area and we   found a couple amazing piece of some of the best  finds of the year so far so we'll see if you can   find let's just go for one more before we go  well we got what we asked for one more we'll   head back and get these all cleaned up I almost  forgot my Jasper's I got to go back get them back   so we're back I'm super pumped to get those  cleaned off and heading them back and hose them   off and then we'll head down and take a good peek  out so we got everything in here we're gonna rinse   off get these big boys and then I'm gonna save  this one to rinse off last this is the good agate the bands on this are crazy let's go check it out all ready so I'm gonna hide this one so we  can do that one last cos it is awesome we   found some pretty amazing stuff these big  chunks are just the details on them are   absolutely crazy so beautiful I'm pretty  sure I thought they were Jasper's because   it looks like sorry looks like there's  some Jasper in there but it's very this   one's very unique then this big guy here I  move some stiff the big guy definitely huge big guy here you can see definitely goes with some of the Jasper's I've  found up here this is a beautiful piece and I'm   really excited to put it in my landscaping rocks  very very cool piece some ice resin here so hard   to get a kind of a close-up on that it's so big  but awesome piece so some of the other awesome   ones that we found was this beautiful geode a kit  that is amazing and then let's see what else this   one's got some very nice banding in it didn't  see that stuff on this side till it was all   cleaned up but just fun let's see let's see this  water level agate or water line the same thing   that's really pretty yeah that guy that's really  pretty love the white down here that's gorgeous there's a lot of little ones this one like a  little diamond pattern in there that's pretty   neat yeah I bet it pick a lot of these little  ones just to show you the indicators and stuff   but I still like finding them because they're  just a lot of these are really fun to look at   like you can't beat that the banding in there like  I don't know I just don't care don't care too much   about size even though we did find a very good  one today that was my biggest banded agate but   yeah definitely definitely fun when you do  find the bigger ones it's a lot harder and   doesn't happen as often as far as Lake Superior  agates go that these are some beautiful beautiful   finds you just can't beat it and I will show  you the big I know I'll get a wet here just   to really really show it off alright look at  those bands you guys oh my gosh it is white   it's got blues in there some pinks and oranges  obviously on this side it's just amazing I'm   gonna do some kind of close-up stuff to just  try to show you all this thing's beauty here so yeah there it is in all its glory all its  beauty wow what a beautiful fine definitely   my biggest I say my biggest band today get  I found another Moss agate that's similar   in size but these are really fun to find and  it was great doing it with you guys really fun   finding it with you all and I wouldn't have  it any other way I love bringing y'all with   me alright that is everything we found  from that gravel pit and how about those   bands on that big one definitely a plan of  a lifetime and a keeper so cool to find so   what I'm gonna do is take some cool pictures  of those for the in slideshow and I'm gonna   go in the back and hang out with my better  half literally well thank you guys so much   for watching I'm excited to get back out on  another adventure with you all and thank you   all for your support whether it's liking sharing  subscribing or just watching I appreciate all of   it and it doesn't go unnoticed so thank you  so much for all we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Agate Dad
Views: 128,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agate, agates, lake superior agate, lake superior agates, agate hunting, hunting agates, minnesota agates, rockhounding, rock hound, minerals, mineral, rocks and mineral, lake superior, amethyst hunting, amethyst crystals, how to find agates, how to find rocks, where to find agates, Lake Superior Agate Hunt, rare agate, big agate, gravel pit agate, gravel pit agates, amazing agates, rock hounding, rock hunting, jasper, jaspers, jasper hunting, giant jasper
Id: G6dL-SkRI6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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