The BEST 2023 Side Hustle for WOMEN that nobody talks about 🤫/ Make money online 2021

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today's side hustle ideas are not just the best side hustle ideas for women but they're actually also some of the highest paying side hustle ideas or even business ideas to make money online or make money from home in fact number six is blowing my mind because i'm currently on the paying end of it and all the specialists i've found for what i'm gonna share in number six have charged nothing less than two thousand dollars a day and i'm like if y'all are making this much money every single day from your clients from home are you sure i'm not going to learn how to do this because these things are making me want to be vanessa of all trades in these streets but i'm just going to focus on sharing them with y'all because i honestly can't do everything and why i'm super excited about this particular video is because anyone and i mean anyone can do these side hustles from anywhere in the world so if you're as excited as i am about this video then please go ahead and hit the like button one it's free two it supports the channel and three it keeps me motivated to keep bringing this valuable content to you hi and welcome back to the channel if you're new here hello welcome i'm vanessa and on this channel we talk all things earning more and building wealth and today y'all we have a really really good one i'm gonna be sharing eight side hustle ideas that you can start today from home and with number six you could earn as much as two thousand dollars in a single day so make sure you watch this video all the way to the very end to get the most value out of it now without further ado let's get into the meat and the potatoes of this video number one is to become an ad specialist come here girl a lot of small business owners are looking to get visibility for their businesses by running ads and not a lot of people know how to run ads on google or on facebook in fact i tried to book a video ad specialist for the launch to wealth membership and when she sent me her bill and it was five thousand dollars i decided to do some digging and i found that i could learn how to run my own video ads for just an investment of three hours so it was totally free but i had to take a course that was three hours long google has a ton of ad specialist certification courses on google skill shop and y'all i took the course and i got certified that's how easy it is to become a certified ad specialist number two is for professionals if you're a lawyer if you're an accountant if you're a professional of any sort i need you to know that they're people who need your skills for example i needed a lawyer to draft coaching contracts and to draft the documents that i need for the launch to wealth website and when all these big law firms were sending me their bills i just thought there's no way i'll be able to afford this and then i did some searching and i found lawyers who consult specifically for creators and small businesses if you're an accountant you can do this with financial statements whatever your profession is now is the time to set up a small consulting business for it number three is what i call a gateway mentor listen girl where you are is exactly where someone wants to be if you're a medical student there are people who want to get into medical school and you could set up a mentorship program to get them from where they are to where they want to be for example i have a friend called doing lawal she went to yale for her mba and now she has a business where she teaches people how to get into graduate school and people actually pay her for this service number four is to set up a brand development agency i'm currently working with one called tma brand consulting and they're helping me set up all the branding material for lunch to wealth now i found this agency on instagram and she doesn't even have up to 1500 followers and yet i booked her and all the services i've asked for have totaled about two thousand dollars and i'm sure you're thinking well i don't even have an audience on instagram at all i don't have an audience anywhere how can i do any of these side hustles honey you can change that this is not the time to focus on what you don't have in fact if you want me to make content for free on this channel about growing an audience online then let me know in the comments section this year we're not making excuses we're not letting the devil win this year we're gonna find all the tools and resources we need to move so if you want that kind of content on the channel then just let me know in the comment section i'm at your service number five is to become an educator on youtube now a lot of people don't know that youtube is the second largest search engine in the world so people come to youtube to look for information youtube is no longer a place where you just come to watch vlogs and makeup tutorials those things are still there and they're great i watch those when i want to relax but now you can make content on youtube teaching something that you know and a lot of people don't realize that there's money to be made on youtube so for the entire month of november i'm gonna be making videos specifically about youtube growth and monetization so if you're interested in that kind of content and you haven't subscribed yet go ahead and hit the subscribe button and also hit the bell so you get notified when these videos drop and number six which is the one you've been waiting for is [Music] i don't know how to explain how he's making my body do because i'm the one paying this one i can't be giving people all my money like this so let me spill the tea by now y'all already know that my team and i are working really hard to have the membership site ready to be launched but what you don't know is how membership sites work to begin with on the front end you could have a website with squarespace or wix but on the back end it's usually good to invest in a tool like kajabi kajabi is where we're going to have all the lessons from the coaches that would teach you all in the membership it's also where we're going to have the book club and the community part of things where y'all can engage with each other now for all of these to be arranged properly on the back end i realized i needed a kajabi setup expert but when i started shopping for experts on instagram where i usually get all my experts i started getting quotes and invoices and yo these kajabi experts have something called a vip day where they charge you and they set up your kajabi in a single day y'all tell me why tell me why the cheapest one was two thousand dollars someone sent me one for six thousand five hundred dollars i said what are you putting gold in the kajabi i'm not paying that please but y'all people are out here making so much money just for helping small businesses set up their membership sites and in fact i'm gonna try and get the person who's currently working on the one for launch to wealth to be one of the coaches in the membership because i think it'll be really helpful for y'all so if you haven't signed up for the membership yet the link will be in the description box number seven is to become a virtual interior designer if you're someone who is already a designer in your head like i am because i didn't go to design school but one day i'll do a house tour and y'all will see my house that i put together by myself i'm just kidding but if you're someone who has a knack for design but one you're not trying to go to interior design school and two you don't want to go to other people's houses to actually physically design for them then you could just learn how to use a 3d design tool and become a virtual interior designer and number eight is to become an online course editor now video editing can be a little bit competitive to get into but not a lot of people edit courses and a lot of people are currently launching online courses so you can come in and fill in this gap honey and let me give you some free tea sign up for final cut pro use the free trial to learn how to use final cut then market yourself as a final cut pro specialist and start helping people edit their courses i hope you found this video helpful and i hope your mind is now open to all the possibilities that are around you so know that having a nine to five is an option and it's a great option but if you're tired of your job and you want to start something else you are not stuck honey don't let the devil lie to you don't let the negative voices lie to you there are options and i'm gonna do everything i can to bring these options to y'all to tell you how to access them and to encourage you to go after your dreams so until next time take care you
Channel: Launch To Wealth
Views: 861,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: side hustle, side hustles 2021, 2021 side hustles, side hustles for women, make money online, how to make money online, the best side hustles for women, work from home jobs, high paying work from home jobs, side hustle ideas, best side hustles, make money online 2021, how to make money online 2021, passive income 2021, work from home jobs 2021, make money 2021, The best side hustle for women
Id: dm8UKyItZII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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