I Became Rich Once I Learned This - How You Can Become Rich In 2023!!!

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hey what's up youtube i'm zeke and welcome to the dream green show this might not be the video that you wanted to see but if you read the title and clicked on this video then this is the video that you really need to hear that will separate you from your family co-workers and all your other friends in this video i'm gonna tell you guys how i got rich once i understood these three things and the first thing is access or knowledge to information now if everyone around you is in the same situation that you've been in for years upon years upon years and you guys are in the same cycle and don't see anywhere else out and all of your friends are still on the same level that y'all been on for the last five ten years that all you guys they have no information that they could provide to you to help you get out the same site now a lot of you guys know my backstory but if you're new to this channel then you guys know that i used to literally eat rice every single day for like two weeks straight because i didn't really have any other money to pay for food when my refrigerator went out i had an ice chest that i just put ice in to keep my food warm and i just refilled it with ice every now and then from the corner store and my oven went out and i just had an air fryer and i would just literally cook all of my food in the airfryer so things were not nice to me when i looked to my living look to my right my roommates my friends all of us was on the same level and then something hit me that day i was like wow i really need to sit down and come up with a plan a strategy to get out of this cycle to where i don't even have enough money to give me a new refrigerator or just to stop eating rice every single day i mean i couldn't even afford mcdonald's so if i was hanging out with friends and family that cannot provide me any type of information on how to get out this cycle on how to make money then i have to go out of the way and find it myself now rich people stay rich or they get richer as you guys know the term the rich get richers because they know how to make money they have access to the knowledge they have access to the information on how to make money so i had to go out of my way to really find someone to teach me how to make money but unfortunately i didn't have many rich friends that i could run to but there was this one guy that he told me about investing inside the stock market but growing up black we did not know anything about the stock market at all we thought that was the game for a rich we didn't even have access on how to buy stocks so i was like hey if this is something the rich is doing then there's something i need to learn so this is something that i taught myself that i actually read books i looked at online videos i read books on warren buffett i read books on how money works i read books on businesses i read rich dad poor dad so i taught myself the information that i needed in order to be successful in life that my friends did not have and once it clicked inside of my head i was like wow i got it it's going gonna take me a while to really figure it out i'm gonna have to practice for a little bit but i have this information i have this knowledge and i went back and i told my friends i said hey guys this is the way to go we need to start doing this and they looked at me and they was like nah dawg that ain't for me that don't make sense nah we good we know how to make money we good so i was like all right cool i came back and tell y'all but this is information that all wealthy people have that i'm trying to relate to y'all if y'all on your own i'm gonna start it myself and this is when i started my journey on becoming rich so if the first step is to gain knowledge or information then the second step is of course your mindset now when that trigger flipped in my brain it was like hey my mindset completely changed on how i view the world from the economic standpoint once i learned all of this information my my spending habits completely changed to from me wanting to satisfy myself with big purchases to make me feel like i'm working at this job i need to buy something to make me happy i have that small time that one day satisfaction of this big purchase that i really really wanted let's say xbox or some shoes that one day satisfaction i might be happy for a week but then my mindset completely changes now this is the biggest and most important step is that once your mindset change you can literally do anything that you want to do if you apply yourself to that subject matter this is the most important thing way more than knowledge you have to have the right mindset going into anything in order to be successful so my mindset was that i really was going to attack this and i viewed the world in a different way so instead of me buying the xbox 360 or instead of me buying a apple phone i used to have the same apple phone for two three years straight and the same money that i would spend on the apple phone i would go buy some shares of apple stock so i viewed the world like this i would not buy anything inside any store if i do not own at least one share of that company inside of my portfolio and that one share right there changed my life completely the very first that i bought was waste management they drove by my house every single week to pick up trash and i knew trash was not going to wear anytime soon and that one shirt ended up changing my mind from me seeing this company grow slowly every single week over time i mean waste management barely pulled back at all so when i bought that one share of waste management i was like hey i gotta have more so from that day i was like i'm going to only buy items that i own inside of my portfolio so instead of buying a thousand dollar apple phone about a thousand dollars worth of apple which have tripled this day if not quadrupled if not five maybe six x since that day i have bought out i have friends out there that have two three four five thousand dollars worth of nike shoes inside of their closet but they own zero shares of nike inside of their portfolio so my mindset is completely different from them if they could just spend half of that on nike shares now they have nike working from them now they gotta go inside the nike store buy nike shoes they feel satisfied they come home they wear them they go to work again it was like hey i need some more shoes they go back to ip they go back to nike buy some more um nike shoes and then come back home and then that that cycle repeats itself because they have to have that that weekly gratification that satisfaction of them having to say hey i work for something and i need to enjoy myself so i'm gonna go buy some shoes but that's not what the wealthy dude the wealthy have ownership and that is number three is ownership every person that is wealthy owns something if they don't own a business if they don't own real estate then they don't stop because because when you buy just one share of stocks you are now considered a part owner of these companies so now i look at the world completely different way i could go buy some nike shoes because i know i own shares of nike i could go buy apple phone because i know i own some shares of apple i could go plot i could go buy a ps5 and not completely lose my mind because i know i own shares of sony i could go buy xbox because i know that i own shares of microsoft inside of my portfolio and since i have a small ownership of that company inside of my portfolio i know that that company is working for me and let me tell you something guys it feels completely different when you walk inside of a store knowing that you own a little bit a little small portion of that store you walk in there with your head high looking at things like hey they could fix this hey this needs to be here this needs to straighten up when you guys are not selling things that's going to hurt my stock that's going to hurt my portfolio coca-cola your refrigerator is is not to temperature it needs to be a little bit colder because i own y'all inside of my portfolio i promise you guys this is the one thing that you need to do right now to change your lives in 2022 today is that i want you guys to go and open up an account i don't care what i don't care how much money you have to your name right now if you click the link down in the description and sign up for weeble if you deposit just one penny that's right you could walk around your street you could go to the corner store you could pick up a quarter off the ground deposit that inside your bank account open up an account with weeble and once you deposit that one cent that 25 cents you'll receive five free stocks on weibo valued up to eight thousand dollars uh that would get you started inside of the market today you can receive five of the same stocks five of different stocks but once you get started only start to shop in or buy companies only if you own at least one share of that company and i promise you your spending habits will change if you only have 25 dollars a month to start with fine but i guarantee you once you start with 25 over time that's going to change to 50 a month because you're going to see the value of money start to change inside of your own head when your mindset change when you start to buy these different companies you're gonna say hey you know what i'm gonna buy a little bit of this company and then once you see your money is working for you you're gonna start to shift from spending a thousand dollars every single month on shoes to spending a thousand dollars every single month on stocks because you're going to see that your money will start to work for you and instead of you owning a depreciation asset you're going to start to be a part ownership of these companies that could generate you wealth over long term that you can even pass on to your kids to where they would not have to work a single day in their life so even if you do have a lot of money and you just have all of your money just sitting in the bank let's say you got 10 20 30 40 50 000 to sit in the bank then they are doing exactly what they want you to do the banks are giving you 0.005 interest on the money that's inside the bank and the bank is taking your money investing inside the stock market investing into index funds that returns them eight percent annually so while your money is just sitting in the bank the bank is making money off of your money and then kicking you back maybe 50 cents per month just from you holding that money in that bank while the smart investor i'm telling you guys when you start to invest into companies that you actually use you start to invest into companies that you know and companies that you believe in now instead of just holding your money inside of wells fargo you're going to invest into wells fargo which pays out dividends so instead of you having fifty thousand dollars just sitting in the bank maybe you take twenty five thousand dollars out and invest it into wells fargo by buying their stocks and now they're paying you dividends and when they pay you dividends wells fargo pay out their dividends every quarter that means you'll receive four payments a year in the form of dividends that you will make more money and dividends and from their stock going up over the long period of time then you will have just keeping your money inside the bank while it sits there and depreciate over times now you're part owner of the bank that you're actually using now that's why i'm saying first you have to have knowledge and access to information so if you want to watch more videos like this go ahead click the subscribe button down below hit that thumbs up button and the notification bell because i talk about information like this all of the time two your mindset your mindset have to change only buy stocks that you have inside of your portfolio start small and then grow over time i promise you your mindset is going to change on how you spend money and three is ownership uh wealthy people invest into the stock market and then they start their own business and then they get into real estate uh it could be that three in any order but right now the easiest one to get started right now because you could get started with just one penny it's the stock market guys don't be scared of it before you dive in make sure you gather as much information that you can as possible that anyone around you don't have you if you look to your left every day and you look to your right every day and it's the same people in the same situation that you guys been in for the last five ten years then something needs to change so if you watch this video all the way through the end i promise you that you're going to have an amazing 2022 year if you start investing into the stock market slowly and over time and really start to understand how the world works because once you understand how the world works how economics works and teach yourself and gain this knowledge then i promise you that you're going to be successful over time so yes this is not an option type of video this is not buy this stock type of video oh this stock is going to do amazing things in 2022 no this is the most important thing that you guys could have watched this year is on how to change your mindset and how to wealthy think in order for you to be successful in the future guys so if you made it to the end of this video go ahead and hit that thumbs up button i really appreciate it don't forget to pick up your free stock guys but um other than that i'm zeke bringing you the dream grand show and i'm out peace
Channel: The Dream Green Show
Views: 1,916,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robinhood dividend stocks, high dividend stocks, how to use robinhood app, grow your account, robinhood app, how to use robinhood, how to save money on phone, how to use acorns app, how to save money on acorns, make money on acorns app, monthly dividends, best stocks 2020, dividend stocks 2020, top dividend stocks 2020, dream green show, best investing app, real estate investing, buy a house, passive income, stocks, dividends, Fire, dividend kings
Id: 2rLM01gsVyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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