The Beginner's Guide to Wii Homebrewing/Softmodding (Full Tutorial)

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hello everybody and welcome to the ultimate wee soft modding guide for beginners this getting started guide contains a series of tutorials that will introduce you to the world of wee home brewing while there are a lot of things you can do with a home beer dweeb I'll be covering six subjects in this video that are some of the more common things I'll be showing you how to install the homebrew channel using the str2 hacks exploit protect against possible console bricks using but--my and preloader download homebrew applications right from your console using the Open Shop channel back up to and play Wii games from a USB Drive with USB loader GX play certain Wii games online with others using we mmm Fi and how to re-enable access to the forecast news check me out everybody votes and Nintendo channels again with reconnect 24 this video assumes that you have a standard Nintendo Wii which is what I'll be using over the course of this video if you have a Wii mini you can still homebrew it but you'll have to follow a different guide that I'll have linked up in the cards you also won't be able to use any of the online related services since the Wii mini does not come with a network adapter in addition to the Wii console you're going to need an SD card and a USB Drive now the homebrew channel can read apps off of either an SD card or a USB Drive so you could use a single USB Drive to store both homebrew applications and game backups however an SD card is recommended since it is required to create a system backup using but--my throughout this video guide I'll be using both the SD card will be used to store homebrew applications as well as the system backup created with but--my and the USB Drive will store the backed up games if you only want to use the SD card to store the system backup you can do that as well and store everything else on the USB Drive but this is how I'll have it configured for this video you're also going to need access to a windows-based computer or virtual machine and the Internet both on your PC and Wii console aside from all the standard accessories that you would use with your Nintendo Wii that's all you gotta have so let's get started gathering necessary files to make things easier for use later on we're going to download all of the necessary files first and get them copied over to our SD card or USB Drive I'll have links in the description to six files five archives and a batch file download all of these the first portion of this tutorial can be done on a Windows Mac OS or Linux machine but a windows-based system or VM will be required once we get to the reconnect 24 section of this guide which is what the batch file is for but we're gonna leave it alone for now next plug in your SD card and USB Drive to your computer they both need to be formatted to the fat32 filesystem so if you have any data on them it's recommended to copy it over to your computer first if you're using windows the standard format tool will only allow you to use up to 32 gigabytes of space on the drive with this file system this is fine if you're using a drive that is 32 gigabytes or less in size but if you're using a device larger than 32 gigabytes which you might be doing to store more games with USB loader GX you'll have to download the fat32 format tool which I'll also have links down below since I'm using an SD card and a USB Drive I'm going to format both of them to the fat32 filesystem but right now we're only focused on the device that you're going to use to store homebrew applications which in my case is the SD card open up the preloader archive and extract all of the files to the roots of the SD card next go into the new apps folder on the SD card then open up the homebrew underscore browser zip file and extract the homebrew underscore Browser folder to the apps folder on the SD card and do the same thing for the d2x cios installer nintendon't and a USB loader GX archives when finished this is how the file structure of your drive should look installing the homebrew channel and boot meme okay so now that we have the necessary files we can move over to the Wii console but we will have to return to the computer later on in this video insert your SD card to the Wiis SD card slot on the front located underneath the small door and the USB Drive into the bottom or right if you have it standing up USB port located on the back open up the Wii options menu and click on Wii settings note the version number at the top rights you want to make sure that it's version 4.3 the letter at the end corresponds to which region your console is manufactured to work in so it will be either a u II J or K but if it does not say 4.3 before this letter go to the last page and perform a system update then go to the second page of the Wii system settings and click on internet click on connection settings and choose the connection that you're currently using select change settings and press the plus key on your Wii Remote a couple of times to go over to the auto obtain DNS screen make note of the yellow text at the top the auto obtain IP address and the auto obtain DNS screens look very similar so make sure you're on the correct screen click on no and then advanced settings change the primary DNS to 97 dot 74 dot 103 14 and the secondary dns to 173 dot to o 1.71 dot 14 then press confirm and save the console will then perform a connection test so let it do that when it finishes select no when it prompts you to perform a Wii system update then click the back button twice until you're back at the main internet settings screen and then click on user agreements and yes once this screen shows up click on next at this point the system will reach out to the internet to download the latest end-user license agreements but because we modify the DNS settings the system will load a different web page that contains the exploit if you see this screen you've done everything correctly make sure to do as it says and wait for one to two minutes don't click on the I accept or I don't accept buttons as this will take you back to the Wii Menu and the exploit won't work if you did this by accident you'll have to go through this process again now I've had a good success rate with this exploit but if your console locks up and if you are not able to move the cursor around with the Wii Remote you'll have to force power off your system and try the exploit again it could take a couple of tries for it to work properly then if the exploit worked you should see lines of text on a black background the system will then download the hackmii installer over the network and begin to load it it can take a couple of seconds but if you see this static screen it may look like something's wrong at first but this is a great sign because the next screen will be the disclaimer for the hackmii installer it will take a little bit to show up but once the option to press one appears do so and you'll load into the hackmii installer this is where we can install both the homebrew channel and boot me before pressing continue take note of the results on this first screen the homebrew channel will say can be installed but boot me will either say can be installed or in my case can only be installed as an iOS I'll quickly explain the difference here installing booting me as boot 2 will allow it to run even before the system menu is loaded this means that if you accidentally break your console you can load boot needs who restore it from a backup installing boot me as an iOS means that it will need to be launched from the homebrew channel but installing preloader which we will do in the next step will still provide a recovery method for us if you have the ability to it's recommended to install booting me as both boot 2 and as an iOS but this is only doable if you have an older hardware revision in my case I have a newer Hardware revision so I only have the option to install boot me as an iOS click on continue and then use the up button on your d-pad to select install the homebrew channel then click yes continue and the channel will be installed once it says success click on continue you'll be brought back to the main menu now go down to the boot me option like I said if it gives you the option to install boot me as both boot 2 and as an iOS install both since I only have the option to install booting me as an iOS I'll do that then click exit and you'll be taken to the homebrew channel making an and back up with but--my next we'll move on to creating a backup of our wiesen and storage in the event of a console brick if this can be used to restore the Wii to a working state while I have never personally experienced the console brick it is possible and this is a good safeguard to have in place on the homebrew channel press the home button on your Wii Remote and select launch mutiny at this point you'll have to use the power and reset buttons on the console itself to navigate this menu press the power button three times to go over to the last icon and then press the reset button then with your SD card inserted press the reset button on the SD card with the green arrow but--my will now begin to create a NAND backup on your SD card you'll want to leave the console alone until it finishes and don't worry if you see any bad blocks as this is normal it will then verify the backup it created and once this finishes you can press any button to go back to the but--my menu choosing the button with the SD card and the red arrow is how you restore from the nand backup that you just created press the power button three times to navigate to the arrow on the right and then press the reset button then press the power button once to navigate to the homebrew channel option and press the reset button to return to it installing preloader this gives you another layer of brick protection on your console that can load before the system menu it's especially useful if you didn't have the ability to install boot Mia's boot too but even if you did installing preloader won't hurt anything and it will even give you some additional capabilities if you store the homebrew applications on the SD card they should show up automatically in the homebrew channel if you stored them on the USB Drive press one on your Wii Remote and change the source from SD to USB then launch preloader on the screen that appears press the plus button on your Wii Remote to install preloader once it finishes installing press a to exit you can then turn off your console launch preloader by powering on your console and immediately holding down the reset button in the event of a console brick this menu will allow you to launch into boot me iOS to restore the a cup that you made on your SD card you can also bypass the system menu and launch straight into the homebrew channel or even the game disk if you have one inserted but there are also some useful options under system menu hacks unlike in but--my you can use the Wii remote to navigate through this menu in here you can do things like disable region locking and enable the ability to move the disc channel around on the system menu pretty useful stuff now you don't have to change any of these settings if you don't want to and if you don't know what some of these options mean I'd recommend reading up on them so you'll know exactly what they do before changing them I'll have a link down below to a detailed list that describes each of these options you can get back to the main screen by pressing save settings at the bottom for now let's launch back into the homebrew channel but you can rest easy now knowing that if you accidentally screw your console up you'll have a way to restore it back to a working state installing the homebrew browser now if you recall from the beginning of this video we had to download some homebrew applications and copy them to our SD card or USB drive but what I'm gonna show you now will let you bypass this step for certain apps and download them right from your console this is made possible through the open shop channel which is a revival project for the homebrew browser launch it by clicking on the homebrew browser app in the homebrew channel it will load up and take you to a menu that looks like this if you ever used the old homebrew browser this will look very familiar to you since it has the exact same interface what you can do here is browse through a wide variety of homebrew applications and download them right to your console this just provides a level of convenience because it removes the need for a computer for some applications no unfortunately you won't be able to do this with every homebrew application but it's a good idea to check and see if the app is in the homebrew browser first before going to your computer to download it you can even update existing homebrew apps using this tool if a new version has been released installing custom iOS next I'm going to show you how to install a couple of custom iOS versions this is required for USB loader ggx the tool that we'll use to backup Wii games to work properly so you'll need to do this first from the Homburg launch the d2x CIOs installer when it loads press any button to continue as it says press the right d-pad button a few times to change the CIOs version to v10 beta 52 then press the down d-pad button and change the CIOs base to 56 next move down to the CIOs slot and change this to 249 and finally change the CIOs revision to 65535 press a and then a again to install once it installs press a once more and you'll be back at the configuration screen you've just installed one custom iOS version but we have to install one more so change the CIOs version again to v10 a beta 52 then change the base this time to 57 the slot to 250 and the version to 65535 press a twice to install and when it finishes installing press B to exit back to the homebrew channel using USB loader GX and then 10 don't now that you have the custom iOS versions installed that you can launch USB loader GX from the homebrew channel make sure the USB Drive you configured at the beginning of this video is plugged into the bottom or right if you have the console standing up USB port USB loader GX is extremely simple to use the interface is designed in the Wii menu style and it even has the menu music playing in the background to copy a game to the USB Drive insert the disc to the console you can also press the plus button on the left side if you already have the disc inserted then press install and yes the app will then recognize the game and ask you to confirm installation which is just copying it to the USB Drive so click OK and then we'll begin the copy when it finishes copying it won't show up initially as you have to click on the sources button at the top to enable Wii games you can also disable an and channels to not show any whe channels in the list while you're in this View mode you can click the box cover on the left side to download cover art which adds a nice touch you can change the view mode by using the buttons at the top to launch a game just click on it you'll then be brought to a very disc channel like interface where you can launch this is probably one of the more popular homebrew mods out there because it provides a valuable convenience factor you can now store multiple Wii games on your USB Drive and get access to all of them at any time traveling with your console has just become way easier as well butwe games are not the only thing that you can use with USB loader GX if you have an Intendant on your console you can configure USB loader GX to store and launch in GameCube games we already have the files that we need but we have to make some modifications to the application settings click on the Settings icon at the bottom left and then choose loader settings scroll down until you reach the Gamecube settings category make sure the source is set to auto and the mode to Nintendo pnes if you have a GameCube memory card with save data you'll want to turn off the virtual memory card feature from this menu as well if you don't have one leave it enabled so you can still save your game teto then go back to the settings menu go over to the second page and select custom paths scroll down until you find an Intendant loader path you want to make sure that this path points to the location of Nintendo on your storage drive in my case it's going to be SD : / apps / and in 10 don't you'll also need to make sure that the main GameCube path is using the correct device if you plug your USB Drive into the bottom port the system will recognize it as USB 2 you can change both of these settings by clicking on the path itself and navigating to the correct location with the file browser once you do that you can pop in a Gamecube disk and back it up to your USB Drive there will be an additional prompt asking you where you would like to store the game and you'll want to choose main path and when you see this to show GameCube games in the list click on the sources button and check GC games you can also download cover art and to launch the games just like we did with the Wii titles and that's it as long as you have enough storage space on your USB Drive you can make backups of all of your games you can also see the amount of free space left on your drive and the amount of games you have store on it at the bottom of the screen playing games online with we mmm fi next I'll show you an incredibly easy way to play the Wii games you've copied over to your USB Drive online Nintendo shut down their Wi-Fi connection service for the Wii back in 2014 but there are a couple of third-party services out there that provide an alternative server that you can use to play with others one of them is we mm fi which can be used by going into USB loader GX as options menu and clicking on loader settings from here scroll down the list until you get to private server and click it until it changes to we mm F IDE and that's it you can launch a supported game and play online just like you did prior to 2014 a quick side note though this method only works with games that you've copied over with USB loader GX you can't use this method to play games online by launching them from the disk channel you can check out we MMF eyes website which we'll have linked down below for a list of supported games and you can also see live stats for the most active games Mario Kart Wii is consistently the most popular game but the service also supports Smash Brothers Brawl and Animal Crossing connecting to reconnect 24 last but not least let's take a look at reconnect 24 this is another replacement for a we online service this time we connect 24 hence the name this service used to power the forecast news check me out everybody votes and Nintendo channels as well as the we mail service before Nintendo shut it down reconnect 24 provides an alternative server that all of these channels can use to get this installed though we have to move to a windows-based computer the first thing you want to do is open up the Start menu and do a search for Windows Features then check dotnet framework 3.5 press ok and select let windows update download the files for you once it finishes you'll have to restart your computer if this is the same machine that you used at the beginning of this video you can launch the batch file that you already downloaded if not download the reconnect 24 patcher from the link below you'll need to remove whatever device you've been using the store homebrew applications from your Wii and plug it back into your computer from the patcher press 1 and then press 1 again to select the regular Wii console press 1 once more to select Install reconnect 24 and then press 1 a final time to select the express option on the next screen choose your consoles region unfortunately if you have a Korean or Japanese we the everybody votes check me out and Nintendo channel will not work so if you're in that boat it doesn't matter which option you select here since I have a u.s. Wii I'll choose option number 2 if you would like the patcher to automatically copy the file as it patches to your storage device press 1 if you want to copy the files manually later on then press 2 the patcher will then say it has detected your SD card but you want to make sure that it shows the correct drive letter if it didn't press 3 to change it it's imperative that you get this correct so if you don't know what drive letter your computer assigned to it double check by opening this PC once you verify that it has selected the correct Drive letter press 1 to start the patching process the patcher will then download the necessary files patch them and if you select that option 1 copy them to your SD card whatever directory you launch the patcher from is where it will store its temporary files so if you see a bunch of folders appear don't worry as this is normal once it finishes press 3 to close the patcher and clean up any temporary files you'll now have a wad and apps folder on the desktop if you didn't have the patch or copy these files automatically for you then you'll have to do that yourself now just drag the folders to the root of the SD card and select yes to any merge prompts that appear and now we're done with the PC side of things so you can safely remove your SD card or USB drive from the computer and plug it back into the Wii when you launch the homebrew channel you should now see two new apps reconnect 24 Mail patcher and we mod lights we're gonna launch we mod light first when it loads navigate to the manager and select the location of the files again it will either be SD card or USB depending on what device you used then navigate down to the iOS 31 listing and press a twice once it installs do the same thing for iOS 80 and then for the three channel wads once those are all installed you can exit back to the homebrew channel and launch into the reekin at 24 male patcher this is a very simple process the patch will run automatically and does not take very long at all once you see the option to press home do so when you'll exit back to the homebrew channel but we're not done yet as we have to go into the Wii options menu then go into Wii settings internet connection settings whatever connection that you're using change settings and go over to the same auto obtain DNS page change the primary DNS to 1 6 4.13 2.44 dot 106 and the secondary dns to one dot one dot one dot one then click confirm and perform a connection test now you want to go back to the second page of the settings menu and select wiiconnect24 go into the first menu option and change it to on do the same with standby connection and a slot illumination is up to you then go back a couple of pages to get to the internet settings menu and select user agreements select yes and allow the EULA to load the developers recommend reading through this you low as gives information about the service then click I accept and that is how you get access to the reconnect 24 service you now have patched versions of the wiiconnect24 channels and can send and receive emails from your console once again and that brings this much longer tutorial video to an end congratulations you now have a fully home-brewed Wii with some very useful applications installed as I said there are many more things you can do with the home bird Wii but I hope this video helped you get started if it did be sure to give it a like and get subscribed and as always I want to thank you all so much for watching and I will see you in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Michael MJD
Views: 370,171
Rating: 4.9455934 out of 5
Keywords: video, michaelmjd, mjd7999, game, review, overview, apple, microsoft, tutorial, windows, how-to, mac, os, operation, system, The Beginner's Guide to Wii Homebrewing/Softmodding (Full Tutorial), the beginners guide to wii homebrewing, homebrew tutorial, usbloadergx tutorial, how to homebrew the wii, homebrew nintendo wii 2020, nintendo wii homebrew, wii softmod guide, wii softmod tutorial, bootmii tutorial, priiloader tutorial, michael mjd homebrew, michael mjd wii, how to softmod the wii
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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