The Beekeeper - Behind the Scenes

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you know it had a universal appeal it's a it's a very it's a very sort of a touching film if you like it's quite dark and it's a thriller and it has lots of things that can shock and keep you know the action fans uh on the edge of their seats but it does have a very a very strong sort of meaning about you know right and wrong it's about you know people people that are vulnerable getting taken advantage of and you know Adam clay is a man that comes and sets those things and uh of course corrects those moments it's hard to really describe this film but kind of what I've been telling people like the short version of it is it's like an epic Vengeance story about a guy who has a very peculiar set of skills he keeps bees which is very weird but he's also part of this larger organization of beekeepers that are these super secret kind of government highlevel assassins basically and I get on his wrong side and he basically is on a a kill streak of trying to to get to me to take down this this evil corporation that I've set up which robs old people of their life savings so it's a story of of searching for justice and really like what does justice mean and how that looks for different people's perspectives it's about corruption the corruption of power how power corrupts and um the to a certain exent naivity of things thinking that that can be dealt with easily I think as we see it from a distance hopefully uh a lot of us would like to be in Jason Stan's shoes I mean the law is the law but when it fails you know there's very it's it's difficult to you know sometimes the law gets in the way of what right and wrong is the protocols of what's allowed can be obstructive so uh Adam clay takes the the the Reigns on that and you know what's right and wrong is very important to him yeah I think the idea behind a beekeeper a beekeeper skill set is they don't need to run around load it up with guns uh you know like a soldier would a beekeeper is going to use the environment a beekeeper is going to sort of sneak in cause damage and get away before he knows what happen a beekeeper can sneak in cause damage and and and get away before you know what happened and maybe they'll use a wine bottle they're going to use anything available in the environment to take out the bag get the mission done if they if they need a gun for the task absolutely if they got to blow stuff up they're going to do that uh I think a beekeeper is is a a virtuoso of violence The Beekeeper is um kind of like an outside force that has is keeping the system flowing and working the way it's used used to until there is an issue where then they interfere and can go in there and re ify the situation I mean this cast is pretty stacked we've got Jeremy Irons we've got Jason Statham Bobby nadiri got Josh Hutson which is who a dream such a sweetheart we've got mini driver this cast is insane we meet him he's at the beginning of the film and you know he's a retired sort of guy that just connecting with something that he has a love for which is you know making honey we pick him up and he's you know he's living in the garden of a a very sweet lady that you know they have these exchanges of pleasantries every day and they they have a very sweet connection it's almost like she's the mother he never had you know Adam clayer we we don't know too much about him apart from the fact that no one ever took care of him and when she gets uh she becomes a victim of the the cyber crime of the of the scammers that take advantage and he decides to get in front of that and take it all the way to the top and as the movie escalates we get to understand that it's the you know the everything is much bigger than we anticipated it to be Jeremy Marines who was my stunt coordinator fight coordinator just did a an incredible job there because it's coming up with the grammar what what does the movement look like what do our fights even look like you know are they Cowboy bra brawls or we have very sophisticated kind of fluid action that develops and you know the process is Jeremy writes action shoots it on video we present it to Jason Jason has his idea is and he's really smart and he really knows what he's capable of and want to make sure that that is showcased and these stunt then we practice and practice and practice and then I figure out how to get a camera on it and then you just grind on the day you know shooting action I don't think people understand is there's a lot of repetition to it it's a very physical strenuous activity even for the crew but it's it's it's a lot of fun and when you see those shots those dailies come out and you you know you're going to take you know a treasure Trove back back to editorial and create an amazing stunt sequence and and it's just like being in the delivering room and watching something incredible come out playing Derek is is a pretty big departure for me um he's an absolute Maniac who is you know high on power high on money and high on many substances uh but it was just going into the head space of somebody who is just on a tear and his ego and narcissism are just like firing at levels that no one should ever experience it was uh it's a lot it's it's exhausting but it's really fun to just tap into a whole other side of yourself that you didn't know existed and you kind of find out it's scary that it can exist I think he's wonderfully cut out for this character he's found a great way to play it our scenes were were a lot of fun a lot of fun even though my character and his character are very uh ambivalent about each other they're the bad guys they're they're the bad guys and cuz they do bad things and condone bad things it's Jeremy Irons who incredible actor just a really gifted actor and I was so honored to work with him and it was such a pleasure to have him on set he plays a former CIA director who has sort of come under the sway of a less than ethical crypto businessman played by Josh Hutcherson and he's such a good actor Josh is an amazing actor and then you combine him with you know a legend like Jeremy Irons and now you have this incredible chem and you start to believe these characters you start to believe them you have a sense of their growing desperation as they get chased by a beekeeper we're trying to do something that is very visceral and you know very shocking uh and believable so we're not trying to do something over overly spectacular in kinds of its Dazzle we're trying to keep things very real very dangerous and very efficient and I think that's what Adam clay does he he provides efficiency rather than something uh overly flamboyant in terms of the you know the fancy stuff so we've kept it very real and very very almost military driven kind of danger and this is all driven by David this his whole Vision he's the leader we come in we have ideas but really his ideas are never anything other than great uh and we just want to we want to you know exact those ideas the thing with Jason he has this incredible physical which you just don't see in in in a lot of actors you just it's not it's not a common thing to have a true movie star who is also a A Gifted fighter in in the real world he can go in a boxing gym and hold his own and it's truly an honor to work with him because he has such an an instinctual understanding of what's going to look good on that screen I only got to shoot one scene with Jason he's a delight he's an absolute Workhorse and that guy is like it's like a fine watch it's like perfectly tuned he's always on it he never misses a beat every time that I was shooting my scenes he was on the second unit action stunt team killing hundreds of people like this man was just non-stop working I'm having the best time working with Jason Stam I will admit I was nervous because he's a legend and he is you know a massive action star and actor and and you know I I you never know what to expect when meeting people that you've seen in so many movies movies and are are iconic in Hollywood and and it's just been so lovely and he's so personable and so down to earth and I think it was really important to David to Dive Into The Human Side of these characters and their emotional Journeys and um yes there is all of the action and all of the fights and the guns and the blood and like everything that you want in an amazing action movie but there's also this really deep layer of of emotional um like a very deep emotional well for these characters to to dive into and it's it's really exciting and it's been really fun to to uncover that as we go and and kind of get to see everybody progress in their emotional Journey on this on this film people like David are very rare they're they're an Aur they're a writer a director they have this you know immersive kind of obsession in film uh and what David does on a film set is is just unique he can change anything he wants to change at that moment we can rewrite on the spot you know he's there holding camera he's finding and fishing for the right angles he works very closely with all you know the DP and he's a very cinematic he's very photographic and most directors you know sit behind a monitor and you know they can you know call Action and cut and but you know David's right there he's he's almost he's he's on top of you in that scene he's holding the camera and you feel his energy you know what he's trying to extract from you one of the things that always draws me to him and I work with him numerous and over and over again is that he really trusts his actors and that in itself makes me trust him and kind of lets you play and and and explore ideas you have which is kind of rare and I think that's what makes him an incredible director yeah this is a very special one you know I sit here now the movie's over uh and I you know I can honestly say I I I've been inspired every day want to come in and work with him I think that this film obviously is going to have insane sequences of action you know with Jason at the helm and just kicking ass and cars exploding and it's going to have all that stuff and and done in a very unique Dynamic sort of fight choreography way but then also it's just a badass story of of Vengeance about one man Whose desire to to bring Justice to someone uh he'll stop at nothing and so it's that it's also funny I think maybe it's just my twisted humor but I think it's Darkly funny and my character is so ridiculous he's laughable in so many ways but always grounded in reality so it's it's it's a dark grounded action comedy that's hyper violent the heart of this movie is is something that would translate to any country any any family anywhere any person that would have heard of something uh of this nature that you know once we set things in motion we're you know we're off for a ride you know it's uh the these scumbags really get taken apart and it's uh it's the the cause is is so Justified uh and I think everyone want everyone has a an attachment to someone in their family that might have been uh you know prayed upon uh getting con in some way it's out there and I think everyone in their life will have come across that in some way whether it's within their immediate inner family or or a friend or someone that has has been um you know has been taken to the cleaners as they say um and it's not good so I think there's a social justice to it that is has a global appeal what there really good new aan Parker yes I'm so very sorry about your mother but rest assured her passing will not be in vain
Channel: Mayhem Mendes
Views: 16,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the beekeeper, the beekeeper review, the beekeeper movie review, the beekeeper explained, david ayer the beekeeper, jason statham the beekeeper, the beekeeper behind the scenes, making of the beekeeper, the beekeeper bts, the beekeeper rotten tomatoes, the beekeeper imdb, the beekeeper chris stuckmann, the beekeeper jeremy jahns, the beekeeper reaction, the beekeeper trailer reaction, the beekeeper fight scene, jason statham, the beekeeper ign
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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