The Beauty of the Prophet in Anger (SAW) || Sh Yahya Ibrahim

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in a hamdulillah Henoch medieval gonna start on a sub zero when I would allow him to Memphis in an RTI man enough medicine double traveler that formula why should we learn that the Babu - Arikara why should one know Mohamed Abdullahi rasulu soul Allah who are you are an evil sufficiently mobile yeah you are lean inna allaha octopus party when Adam - net 11 - Muslim moon Johanna sister horrible atacameños in Waheeda Bacharach Amin has a yahoo arrested in America and Cathy Romani Sarah multiple ahead Lalit aside una be he will affirm in the mahogany receiver yeah you alladhina amanu top allaha wa kunu Odense Dida you said level amada-kun while filled up on the new Baku woman you tried alcohol sugar from edema Inaba always and forever we begin with the praise of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala we send our prayers of peace upon denebian muhammad sallallaahu said them we testify with firmness and conviction that none is worthy of worship but Allah that Muhammad sallallaahu on Eva said to mrs. worshipping slave and final messenger I continually remind myself a new of tough Alonzo agenda and I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala makes that which is in our part of faith and sincerity and love and hope and fear of him better than that which we seek to display publicly to others Ilana I mean as for today I don't want to leave the Prophet SAW handsome so I want to talk about it because really what I was going to talk to you about was muhammed sallalahu so I still want to talk to you about rasool ullah sallallahu Rd who are the audio softly will send in peace and blessings be upon him two weekends ago I was a London and I was speaking about the profit I have a course that I teach it's called annum stuff of a chosen one and the first time that I taught this was in London but the thing that I want to share with you is that it was the first time that I had a large group of death Muslim students attended and there were three sign language interpreter like this is this is a new same common some of us like I was learning some lava because the praised one is one you praise so I said it makes sense right when you think about it and also the loss of a lot of a sudden you know for us the Quran it's a flop meaning you read it out loud and for others to hear it and the emphasis of the Quran is what's now a new heart is Makana mama those who don't believe let him live near you so that they can hear what you say what what it is that you believe and one of the sisters you know an elder a mature winsome sister who was a revert to a son who will come back to his job ask me a question I laid a special time for them to come early before our session started at 9:00 and she asked me a question that humbled me I fell like a little ant in front of her as a dominant she to me you know the question she asked she said brother I've never heard the Quran so I don't know how it sounds so I don't know how to say it because the reason I can't say the Quran is because I never heard it and because I never heard it I don't know how to make the sound is it okay in my so loud that my sign language a lot you think about that like this sister has never heard the Fatima has never heard of puddin who Allah has never been able to put a CD in her car and listen to the word of Allah look at the near man that you want to have when she said that I paused I was stunned with it it's not I don't have an answer but what do you say you know to someone who asked a question like that and then she says it's my salat complete is it the same as your Salah law Club Cup winner so that not be even better than many of our so loud with that intention in heart how many of us stand in Jamaat and that Imam is reading and our mind is somewhere else or worse how many of us stand in Jamaat and our only hope and faith is how beautiful is what we sound and not the meaning of what is being recited an even greater how many of us have not ever wanted or desired to step forward to seek to understand the meaning of the Book of Allah she asked me that question I got small because as much learning as you have it's about the heart it's not about knowledge it's about what your heart craves and therefore I remembered when she said ask this question I remembered the words of the prophets of Allah audio system where he said that there will be people who the Quran will stand in defense of them and say that this was someone who values me saw him appear on someone who respected me that Quran will be with them in the grave will be with them on the day of judgement will be with them in on the weight of azeroth will lead them into general because the hell on to the book of the law they valued it for her the line is not sound for her the poor on his meaning so when she reads the Quran she reads ahead of you and I she actually looks into because she wants to know what is being here sighted and when I led them slaughter Mellon the set the translator stood so that they could stand and read the translation of what that was reciting I told her this is the chapter and the result this is the place from summer to photon or which surah and he read the translation and translated for that do you know that in sign language they did not have the term sulla lavada he was in them like whenever they spoke about the Prophet they would just say Mohammed but they never used to speak about they never used to say Sawa Harding assemble and in my course I teach a section a translation obsession is some of the williams words where he talks about the blessing added value into your life when you say a la famosa here I'm coming what's the value of it and even the translator is they receive he's not a Muslim when she heard all these things that we value he sat with the others because he's an expert he teaches sign language at the university he sounded the other transit and they said we need to come up with a formula of how to say some habla ingles of them and by halfway through the first day they came up with three different notions that mean peace be upon the one you just mentioned I want you to feel in your heart a connection to rasul of allah audiences see when we talk about the beauty of the prophet sometimes when you meet read the shaman or when you know part of the course I teach the Shah Valley which is that the physical characteristics of the prophesize of them and we know of the beauty of the Prophet SAW some of his hair and his you know his face was like a moon rock he shall be Allah I know the hadith ends in a Buddha who she says that she was sewing and the needle fell out of her hand and because they didn't have enough it was a time of poverty they didn't have a lot of lighting so they didn't have the oil that they could just spend on putting a flame in the home to light the light so when when she said I lost my needle on the Prophet entered into the room his face the brightness of the moon Tala and Beth you are Elena Sean the room that you could see the meaning some of our bodies we know the physicality and the beauty of the proper title but in these few moments I just you know I just want to talk to you about the beauty of the prophets I sell them in anger and the beauty of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam at a time of hostility because I don't want you to think that we just you know value the Prophet I said let me say oh he's the greatest guy no I want to show you that at a point when other would not act with compassion and beauty and love ala nabina sallallahu alayhi wasallam executed the greatest love and compound a man comes to him a young man and he sits in front of the Prophet SAW except them in the Masjid in front of the Sahaba he comes early to the prayer in the hadith is reported by a man common and this young man unmarried man comes in the presence of all these great Sahaba squeezes him and after the prayer he says he also Allah I need your permission for something young pushing through like this what what what's the urgency what's he asking for and he said yahoo sued a lot somewhere i said them then exact then he buzina I want you to permit me sexually misconduct I want you to allow me to commit that scene zina the Sahaba come running so how did just that word they stood they were gonna how do you define the prophets I sent them map asking such a vulgar seen to be committed prophets at their own prophet said this man all of you get out of my message leave him with me the Prophet Keith there of all the Sahaba from the Masjid and sat with this young man and put his knee to the knees of this young man brought him so close that they actually came into physical contact and the Prophet didn't ask him the kind of questions you and I may conjure up and think event the Prophet didn't say who is she how long behind the back what's your father's name what's remember well no because that's not important what's important to the heart and what's important is the scene too corrected so the Prophet asked him doesn't say anything to Haven about what he asked and the robber just asks him at a bar Julio Ming would you like one of those men to come back and ask me the same thing to be done with your mother see we never think about those things about other you know it's something else but it's not personal to us do you want someone to ask his permission for your own family member he said laughs he's out gotta be honest was never a Messenger of Allah may my family be sacrificed rather than this happen may my family die before this happens at a bar who do you think your sister the animatic you're an authority your aunt then the Prophet said working for toda would EMF see if you don't want it for other people how could you want it for yourself not how could you want it for her how could you want it for yourself and then the Prophet put his blessed hand on the chest of this young man and made three drop Aloha thought upon all the cleanest part because it's an illness of the heart not just action what a Sinfonia and protect him from committing the sin well for them Allah and forgive the sin he's already done because they're things that led him to ask this question are things that Allah needs to forgive forgive at a moment where you and I would be in a moment of anger and volatility and hostility toward someone who seems to break the wall of Allah who seems to break the law of morality and things and our culture as Muslims we are people who at times see the world with different eyes and lenses than in helmets illusion in the same theme a man comes in hadith is embody a Muslim and he comes at the time right before prayer and he says yeah no sooner loss of Allah Himself as I was coming by I was involved romantically I was a bento Kamala I kissed a woman she's not my wife I said Danny can help somebody leave don't talk now let us pray prophet finishes us on a salami was it doesn't wait around where's this man get him who is she this lady's stopping you on the way to will do in the Masjid right doesn't act I'm not none of this the Prophet finishes and uncharacteristically he gets up and begins to lead them into quickly he doesn't want this guy to catch him and the man starts running after the prophets of Allah Allah was alone because the man in his heart has repented to Allah but wants to make sure it's complete he's repenting but wants to make sure it's complete and says yaro symbol of such-and-such the Prophet said and to something that didn't you just pray with us and said yes said maybe this for this reason a lot is forgiving you now don't leave here or listen to this later say cheffing I hear saying you know you just a lot of up is a good Salaam just bad you know finish everything's gone that's not the meaning the meaning of the Hadees is can you imitate would you have that courage that you know your error and you come to Mohammed i7 and admit it terrifying to be able to face him so Baba how do you send them knowing that he can ask for a you know there could be punishment you don't know but he has repented between him and Allah and the Prophet doesn't seek to uncover the sins of others doesn't ask who it is he doesn't say to go and tell her to repent as well now some Allah are innocent then the Prophet teaches us the hadith that we all know this part of the hadith we know the beginning of it we don't hear off then we hear the prophets I seldom said you'll hear it in Douma all the time man s level Ubu the one who makes a very good model was allowed a tab and prays to not try to Allah so myself Allah and then ask Allah for forgiveness of Allah his sins are who is for you it's simple see because between you and Allah is this connection that is inseparable and that's why seldom wanted always to lead us to Allah as individuals not to make himself between us and Allah as elegantly at moment where you and I would be firing with anger I'm willing to compromise insulted pride family name all of these things that come within us Muhammad SAW said them was different he had beauty in his conduct and it wasn't just you know with those kind of errors but it was even in greater errors there was a Sahabi his name is Halford in nabi bell tower now houghton ruddy allahu anhu allah was a man who came from mecca but he didn't have hashira he didn't have a tribe didn't have a people he wasn't from Quraysh he was a stranger there but he believed in the messenger muhammad saw him and when the prophet may be hating on half of madeira he could not escape with his family and these people his wife and children were held back and the mushrikeen put him under threat they put them under one condition they said look we will let you go but we're gonna keep them as ransom on one condition we will not mistreat them that if you hear Muhammad I send them is returning to come back to Mecca you must send us a letter informing us that's all we ask years go by and the Prophet for the first time it's the only time in his serie that he lets the Sahaba know his battle strategy usually he doesn't say where they're going when they were going to bed they don't know they're going to bet though we don't they don't know where we go but this time he says we're going to Mecca houghton baba baba wrote a letter and gave it to a woman who hated in her braid the braid of her hair and she traveled out into the desert and Allah informed muhammad sallallaahu you seldom of this capital crime of treason even in the United States now treason is punishable by death this man committed this crime not just against anyone but against while sundal of some of our dealership and Allah said to the Prophet the lecture is on its way and a leader of the allahu anhu and his debate was ended and they said to the woman give us the letter eventually she gave it they returned with the letter evidence is provided allah has informed howtube is present everything is clear air Imam radiallahu anhu says he also the log let me take cotton outside Medina I will return with our Allah - Oh bleep no the Prophet said bring him to me and the Prophet asks him mother ha ha ha why did you do it know what and how to upset wallahi let him have a yahoo push from big I did not do it in disbelief in you were lacking Eman and me but in belief in you knowing the wall hotel some of our audiences I know Allah will tell you that I committed this crime and I know that Allah has put in your heart justice and fairness that he will bring me forward and ask me this I was prepared for this but I never wanted a man to have a claim against me to say that I lied to them once even if those we should keep look at them look at the Imam of them look at our people like these are people now they're going back to the conquest of Mecca he could say I'm not gonna tell them anything I'm ten thousand Muslims were going to evade I don't mean anything with them no not a Muslim he sends them that letter even though others would think it was betrayal - Russell philosophizing it wasn't because I dismiss because I'm a man of principle and when I made a promise and they kept my family safe I kept my side of the deal and I knew you would ask me out Carlton was one of them 313 people who stood beside the prophet Isaiah who were chosen by Allah to stand beside the Prophet SAW said Allah on the day of better see half of is in like you and I how did is how about the Allah and Allah he stood next to the Prophet I said remember de-embed and there wasn't a time when the Prophet went hell in defense of Islam except half even in the conference of Mecca although he committed this crowd now can you believe that the Prophet of course forgives felted but not just forgives him and puts him on the side all this is the guy who did this this is the guy who everyone looks at him down now the Prophet chooses halton to go to my ancestral lands of Egypt as his ambassador can you believe that a man who you know you would say this man betrayed us no the Prophet chooses him to go to the moon covetous valium of Egypt gives him another opportunity to distinguish himself and represent as the messenger of the messenger of allah so allah wahda us a look at the beauty of our nabi salam ala yourself and then come into the Masjid of the Prophet SAW send him on the day of Jummah hadith is a Muslim he comes into the Masjid of the Prophet the Prophet SAW his pulpit he's standing in front of the old man the angels there right right the means of those who have attended the Prophet speaking to the Ummah advising the BIR Allah and a man stands at the end of the Majid an unbeliever and begins to ridicule curse and swear at the Prophet Muhammad I said them accusing him of treachery and cheating and stealing the Prophet had borrowed money from him some Allah horrible sin and you might say why would the Prophet borrow money from someone who is in a believer it actually makes a lot of sense if you think about if you know mathematics f c/f man of the allahu anhu is a very wealthy man he's the son-in-law of the Prophet I said if the Prophet said dog man can I borrow money on whom say take the money please don't pay it back could you man if the Prophet watching Joe and said can I borrow some money would you ask him to pay about Allah I will life for you take whatever you want some of our partisan so because the prophet had what you and I miss in our life he had that sense of honor and nobility where he wouldn't make anyone feel that what they deemed that they you know may never return so he would ask a person who is in a believer because they wouldn't treat him that way so he took money from this merchant this wealthy man non-believer and the man a month before it's due date the money should be paid in March he comes February 1st and begins to accuse the angry and stand up and begins to the Prophet said each Messiah sit down continue he gives the man more time the man is the the gap Liu his ignorant and vulgarity doubled because of a terrible said now I'm gonna give you double and see this is what Al Mamun discipline you know at times the actions we do causes others to malign us more than they would have initially and the Prophet when the man finished you finished he said yes prophet says Jerome are the same man to Roma go with him and take out another loan in my name from another merchant give him back his money and borrow another equal amount and we give him as a gift double so the man got back his money and was given a gift of equal amount now just gonna give him a gift as well for what he just happens I see I'm gonna walk it out with this man and the man says to him I said that he never finds to have a do you know why I did this Ramon says he and I do a lot here also because you are the enemy of Allah and His Messenger sighs he's at La MaMa no my god it is not in our books he was a Jewish scholar rabbi in our scripture I see every characteristic of prophethood in the Amitai septum except one there's one missing and Omar now is listening what is this one that's missing that every time the jihad the ignorance of people increases against a Messenger of Allah against the righteous man is that that he knew their compassion increases equal or greater to absorb it the prophets of Allah were not like us that they would respond with one if you give me one slap I'll give you two laughs the prophets of Allah the thing that made them different was when others burden them with ignorance they've added to them value and compassion and when Mohammed told you to give me back my money I said he's not a profitable mama but when he said to you give me a gift and food Allah when I look I want you to see you know the beauty of our prophets of Allah are you some food Allah a chief amongst price he hears the Prophet is coming to conquest of Mecca they're going to come to Mecca food Allah says I'd rather I didn't see him in it so he hides a little dagger a little blade tipped in poison in his sleeve and when the Prophet has cleansed the Kaaba and begins to make Tawaf food Allah begins to plot assassination in his heart he says I'm gonna walk follow him there's thousands of people I'm gonna get close to him and from a distance and even if they catch me I don't care so he says I could see him fat that that bad - I began to walk with his walk and then from a distance he's making tour around the Kaaba solo I seldom what was I went definitely later the Prophet stopped and turned and faced me and said Matt Oh a little cubby hey Nev so careful dollar-for-dollar what's in your heart what are you thinking about food Allah says I was shocked but my anger overwhelmed my shop and I said get to token I came to learn the top wire you know how you worship Sept SME like well Ahmed and Apollo he smiled and continued to make a stop and allowed me to get closer and when I came halfway to him he stopped again and said what's in your heart and I said nothing I just came to learn third time come darling I was upon him like between me and him there's nothing me and him fellows definitely water either who are not so clean he stopped suddenly turned and put his hand on my heart I was close enough that he touched me without any matter had little be enough severe for all and asked me again what is hard food allah says wahdahu daddy back in hawaii by he who there is none worthy of worship but he mahadeva and somebody in our cannibal son taquile by God who there is not worthy of worship he didn't move his hand of my chest except I loved no one more than him some of the Hadees and the amendment never he explains that love not because the hand not just because the hand of the Prophet I sent him is blessed but because food Allah understood that the Prophet wished him to live rather than to die it was easy the Prophet says drama that man has a check his sleeve he gave him one chance to chance third chance food all understood that he keep he let me come near him to the point that I can harm him but he knows Allah will protect him and he valued my life rather than just to say it's just one of them people get him out of here he had that beauty of compassion the Prophet is sleeping under a tree after one of the battles and he hung his sword on its branch no guard no house nothing one of the enemies sneaks up thinks they're special forces takes the Prophet sorts of OSF and wakes him up and says to pursue cool off I said he says to the Prophet Magnusson will come in the Yamaha who can save you from me today Solomon said Allah the man tripped the sword fell the Prophet picked it up so I said give it back to me and said who can save you from me and said Allah I believe it Allah our prophets of Allah Allah will send them when you look at the totality of his life experience and you look at it from the beginning of his message till the end of his message you see that there is just one word that can describe it and that is rahman compassion compassion to the young to be old to the menu to the women to the Muslim to the non-muslim to the birds and the bees and the trees to the animals to the camels to the sheep and I want to leave you with just you know it's important for us in the times we live in today and I end with this that people today judge Islam and non-muslims and it's important that our dialogue with people is to separate out of the Prophet so I set them separated between Islam and Muslims Muslims are not Islam and Islam is not defined by the action of Muslims even if they are scholars so you do not say I follow that Islam of Abu Hanifa you say I follow the method of an imam abu hanifa which is his understanding of the legal principles of islam do you understand and the Prophet made this clear early on to us of our bodies in the authentic hadith all of us knowing the first hadith inside Muslim the hadith of in Burma where the hadith of you breathe you breathe comes dressed in white dark hair and half the Prophet what is Islam what is Imam and what is Excel what is Islam ask any one of these young kids and they'll tell me Islam brother its to a Shahada table Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah five times a day zakah so yeah man Hankey but when you ask the Prophet also in Mohave also used who is a Muslim he does not say a Muslim is the one who prays and fast and gives the car and the prophet doesn't say that's awesome he says and Muslim men Salim and Muslim univocally Sami he William the Muslim is the one who other loose limbs are safe from their tongue in hand that's a big difference from so Lapsley am zakat country why because so they'll see an zakah and hundred between you and Allah and it's meant to change your heart who you are as a person to make you the best of people in your treatment of others it is meant to make you of the best of people in your treatment with others especially your brothers and sisters in Islam now there might be a non-muslim who hears this and say ah see these Muslims together most women Muslim yeah don't hurt the Muslim with your tongue in hand go hurt someone else laughs look at look at your faith as you ascend in Eman your circle of protection increases as a week you slip the first thing you do is look after your wife look after your children look after your messages look after your community worry about halal food you know all those little things that we all worry about then the Prophet is asked what is Eman he says it is to believe in whom Allah and the angels and books and the messengers and the young of the AMA day of judgment and cutter fate good and bad people from Allah but when you ask him who is a movement he doesn't say a movement is the one who believes they don't know he says and movement men and numbness and my humor I'm losing a believer is the one who all humanity not now Muslims the one who is a Muslim he looks after Muslims but the one who has faith in their heart truly believes in Allah believes in the book believes in the message they now become responsible for all humanity Amina who knows mankind in their entirety find in him in her security for their life and their property Gabriel asks what is it son the perfection of faith and the Prophet said it's to worship Allah and make a Torah as if you see him you cannot see Allah in this life but know that Biloxi's you this is the highest of faith listen to what the Prophet says about exile he says either the bathroom she knew she knew that when you come to kill an animal show exam if Sam now that quality of the pinnacle of faith shows itself in the even your treatment not just of humans not just of Muslims but even in the world and the animal life the fauna the earth the environment around you you become its guardian and that was also the loss of Allah how Allah said the tree would cry for him the camel when it saw him and its back was burdened and he exited the Medicaid it wept and with mercy yah Rasool Allah helped me some of the hardy Muslim this is mohammed wiser and therefore the completion of faith and we believe in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and our attempt at perfection an exam and that lesser iman and the lesser islam is all geared to making you a better human being you know your submission to allah is true that when you stand in so now you ask allah as allah says in the quran what banana the geography of kuruvi Nagaland in latina harmony oh don't make us have hatred for those who believe you love the believers but at the same time you also pray or a better method I'm gonna fitness and levena Kappa oh Allah don't make me a test for those who disbelieve don't let someone outside these doors who doesn't know about Allah and the messenger so I send them ever on the day of judgement have a claim against you that by your action by your word by your deed by your statement by the way you look at them even just looked at them that they will say yeah I'm other reason I'm not with these people the reason I never enquired about faith is look at how they treated me look at them - I'm a fitness and levena kafir wells in an Arab banner and all of us have that share this was the dua of ibraheem alehissalaam Allah Subhan Allah Allah protect us from being a trial form for believers and unbelievers towards Allah Azza WA JAL Oh Oh
Channel: IslamicMotivations
Views: 9,829
Rating: 4.8426967 out of 5
Keywords: Religion (TV Genre), Quran, Muhammad, anger, islam
Id: kf-Kxaf9EQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 16 2015
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