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wow I am just admiring the gorgeous view here this morning um we are on our way to Tracy arm for today it is our second C day uh and I I cannot wait to get there we've been to Glacier Bay before and it was beautiful so I'm really curious to see how Tracy on Fjord kind of compares to the Glacier Bay day at Sea and see what the views are going to be but right now we're gonna head off to breakfast and have a sea Day brunch and then we're gonna come back and start watching for those beautiful views I think we're gonna probably be pretty close about noon they said today so um we'll see let's get to breakfast [Music] you know what that sound means Matthew what's that sound their table is ready all right we better go we better go get some food [Music] foreign [Music] stack of bacon and of course I couldn't resist it it was nice and crunchy I ate it all so and my Skillet cake I will pick my Skillet cake was a little crunchy on the bottom too so the bottom wasn't the best but I had two breakfasts so I'm completely full and Jamie had this huge Voyage burger oh my God I don't know well he almost finished it looks like and Matthew did well with his um pancakes and mozzarella sticks so we're gonna head out of here now we're gonna run by the shops just see if they're open if and then we're gonna go back to our room and settle in to watch the fjords as we go through we're getting really close I can look out the window over here see how close we're getting and I don't want to necessarily the wonderful views all right so we wrapped up CD brunch and that was fantastic and now we're just gonna walk around a little bit like Sharon said one thing I really like is the the Alchemy bar layout here on these older ships it's huge there's so much seating out here um and and there's a lot of cool little knickknacks and display cases and stuff like that so uh I'm digging the Alchemy bar on the ship foreign [Applause] [Music] look at this this is really cool I love the decor and then once you come in you can go down the stairs there's a whole dance floor down here and there's plenty of more seating down there to hang out and have a good time as well [Music] I just went through pixel's photo gallery here on the Carnival spirit and one thing about the older ships they don't all have the upgraded pixels where you can purchase it online you know go to the computer on your phone and find the pictures and order them you have to find them along the wall and search for your picture to purchase it so that's one disadvantage of the ownership but there's a lot of advantages as well all right we are in deck three midship and this is where all the shopping is we have the Epi store on one side their support side tobacco and liquor on the other side as well as like Island trailers which has all of your souvenirs and I think there's also a watch store another jewelry store up here um so let's take a look inside and look at all the fun souvenirs you can get on the Carnival spirit oh [Music] okay and let's not forget cherry on top even the older ships have a cherry on top it is a little smaller than some of the larger ships but hey it's still got the candy the goodies and a few other little trinkets in there as well [Music] one thing that's cool about this ship is when you're on Deck three walking through the shops and such you can take a quick side step and boom you are right out looking at the beauty of Alaska it's just gorgeous out here speaking of gorgeous oh it smells like bamboo and wild animals here because we're heading to the Jungle [Music] [Music] [Music] so the jungle is such a cool little thing it runs all around the front of the ship on the spirit class ships now it is called the jungle on the spirit ship itself they do have different ones on the other three ships as well that go all the way around different themes and they're just really cool there's lots of seating in there for everyone on all the ships and it's just a cool place to hang out get some quiet time as well it's very quiet in there and the jungle is right next to Pharaoh's Palace which is the showroom on the Carnival Spirit let's go inside and take a look [Music] [Music] so it looks like that is probably the Excursion boat one thing they offer here in Tracy arm Fjord is an Excursion where you can hop on a boat take a ride out and get a closer look at land I don't know everything they do but we've got a few friends on it they're going to tell us all about it later so right now we're just kind of parked out here in the middle of the Fjord I guess you should say and those folks are going to hop on that boat right there when it gets here you see it there it is and then uh they're gonna go out and check things out and then we'll probably be moving along a little bit taking a few spins around here we'll see what they show but we're back in the cabin now and today we're just taking a chill day it is so like it's overcast out here but we're both squinting yeah the reflection and everything and everything bouncing off the water the water is I wouldn't say it's a glass but it's as close to being glass like it's possible it's is gorgeous out here it's so calm it's so calm all right well we'll see if we can show you a little bit of the Ford area here and get a feel for the beauty of Alaska here we are even deeper into Tracy arm fjord people lined up on their balconies we're lined up on our balcony taking a look at the beauty here look at these steep steep walls you can see uh waterfalls up there coming down from the snow-capped mountains that are melting more folks on their balconies down here hey everybody I know people love those Caribbean cruises but man if you haven't done Alaska yet you don't know what you're missing the day's starting off great we saw a few things around the ship after a great breakfast now let's see a little bit of what's outside our balcony [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign the views on our balcony all morning of Tracy arm Fjord it is gorgeous we weren't really sure what to expect because um like we've mentioned before we've gone through Glacier Bay before everything was just glaciers like snowy ice the whole time there wasn't as much Greenery because we went in May um there's so much green going through Tracy and Fjord there's also there's we've seen some ice like chips of ice in the water and snow-capped mountains but there's so much Greenery out here and it is just gorgeous well we went all the way in I think as far as we could go made a u-turn now we're coming out of the Tracy arm fjord one side just as beautiful as the other we took our little break for lunch and then if I'm being 100 honest with you guys we came back here and may have taken about an hour nap every once in a while on a cruise you need that day to just shut down for a minute to relax to catch your breath well we are off to dinner we had a nice little nap well I don't know maybe a 30 minute nap or so we were looking out at the Fiora there um all the little ice um not icebergs but you know ice pieces I guess in the water and all the beauty out there and for a while there it was sunny out on the balcony and I laid back in my lounge chair and I kind of passed out for a little while then all of a sudden it was kind of funny because then all of a sudden I woke up I'm like oh my God it's kind of cold out here well the ship had turned around and we were on the shade shaded side now and it was cold out there so I came in kind of crawled into bed and we took a little bit of a nap now it is dinner time we quickly jumped up threw some clothes on and we're off to dinner to go meet up with um most of the group a lot of the group is on an Excursion actually tonight um so we'll see who's there tonight but let's get going we don't want to be late and let's see what's on that menu tonight for dinner [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] um [Applause] usually you get done with dinner you come back to the room and night is falling that's not the case here's what it looks like out our window right now oh my God it's still like the middle of the day out here this is just crazy I guess we're just I don't know if we're coming out of Tracy arm Fjord if you want to call it that Sharon what do you think I don't know but I need to put my sunglasses on and it's that one it's seven o'clock at night you just finished dinner and you need sunglasses that's right it's so bright out here it is beautiful the water's just glistening it's so like it's just crazy what do you think the temperature is right now thank you I mean you're standing out here in a shirt not even a jacket or a sweatshirt I'd say about 65 65. the sun beating down the sun's on he doesn't it doesn't feel cold some makes it feel like more like a I feel like a 75 70 you know and then you look and you see the snow caps on the mountains and when they're you know what's going on that's great well listen for us arizonians this is some crazy weather yeah yeah all right so what's up next for the evening what do we have going on so I think we are going to regroup we might head out um hit the casino for a few minutes and then um I don't know we'll see where the evening takes us we do have to turn in a little early tonight we have a big Excursion very early tomorrow we have to be off the ship about 7 A.M so we probably won't stay up too late and we have to pack our bags and stuff so we are ready for in the morning because uh there's no way we'll remember everything at seven in the morning if we don't pack our bags tonight well look at that view what time do you think it is guys it is almost 10 o'clock at night can you believe it and it's still light outside it's unbelievable it's so weird and I don't know if if uh if it's the summer solstice or whatever the term is that they use but it is just bright late here so um I don't know Sharon what are we doing are we wrapping it up we're wrapping it up for tonight I know it's still light out and feels early but it's really it is 10 o'clock or so um but we have an early day tomorrow so um we're gonna say goodnight everyone and we will see you tomorrow in Skagway [Music] thank you
Channel: Sharon at Sea Travel
Views: 8,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaska cruise, tracy arm ford, glacier bay, carnival spirit
Id: lCUN27_26Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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