Taking the Tram to the Top of Mount Roberts in JUNEAU, ALASKA

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well we are in Juneau Alaska today that is the capital of Alaska and it is another beautiful day it is a little cloudy but the greenery all around the snow-capped mountains it is just gorgeous we're gonna take the tram I think up to the top of the mountain that's the plan for today so as long as the line isn't too long because we didn't pre-purchase our tickets um that's the plan we're gonna go grab some breakfast and then we're gonna head off the ship all right so while we were at the buffet I decided to come back to the AFT end of the ship on the Lido deck which is the serenity area here on the Carnival Spirit give you a little perspective as to how things are set up here in Juneau for where we're docking now right there is where we're going to get off the ship get onto the sidewalk and go ahead and take a walk all the way through this little area here they got a couple shops right there the drugstore is right there and then if you can see we're gonna walk all the way down the boardwalk and then you're kind of into the local town right there once again gorgeous gorgeous area and if you're lucky I don't know if we can see one now but if you're lucky you can get a little glimpse of a seaplane taking off right here out of this water area right over here and it's super cool to watch especially from your balcony one thing that's interesting is that uh to get on and off this ship we were actually on Deck two we'd leave and come onto the ship through the atrium area instead of going down to like a deck one uh type of situation so it's something that you'll uh that you'll see on these smaller Spirit class ships all right so as you get here a little bit into town then you start seeing the fish places Twisted Fish Co Alaskan Grill you got all the fish food places but the thing that gets you it's expensive as all heck well here we are at uh Juno's top attraction look at that it says it right there it must be true the gold beltram uh you get up to the top of the mountain here and they have a gift shop the Timberline Bar and Grill is up there the Nature Center the chill cat theater you can learn a little more about the history and stuff like that and of course you have all kinds of trails you could walk on as well if you're into that kind of thing so let's take a look and see uh how hard is it get on this tram to the top of the mountain all right so we got our tickets for the tram now this is not a cheap tram 50 bucks a person a little cheaper if you're under 18. Matthew doesn't pass for that anymore so we'll check it out and see how it is all right we made it up to the top here of the mountain we're gonna go inside and check out and see what there is up here I hear there's some hiking trails there's a bar a restaurant up here and it's really cool the view is amazing that's worth it it is 50 I think as Jamie's mentioned which is it's kind of a little pricey but you know what it's a I think it's worth it for the views and I'm afraid of heights and I could do it so if I can do it you can do it you don't even really feel like you're moving on that little trim as you're heading up the hill once we got inside here we made a left into the gift shop area the gift shop and souvenir store and we're going to walk through here and I believe it's going to take us into the restaurant bar area and it may take us on out to see some other things as well oh my gosh look at these cute little snowmen ornaments these are the cutest I am definitely going to get one of these they are twenty dollars but they're glass so or ceramic or something like that and look at that little colorful ones back here too I'm buying one of these and if you're not careful you might get attacked by a bear and here is the Timberline um I guess it's like a I don't know a little restaurant right here right they got a little bar you can get yourself a drink over here the Timberline atop Mount Roberts you know we keep referring to it as a mountain but it is actually Mount Roberts that's the name here so people just enjoying themselves oh my gosh look out here we got to take a look don't we [Music] wow wow wow wow is this not the place you want to come out and have a drink or what gorgeous out here see if you come here you can get a moose dropping that sounds delicious smokes Bloody Mary mulled wine Grizzly spritzer okay you've caught my attention well we came out these doors off of the uh Timberline restaurant there and what a beautiful view oh my gosh and you can see all the Machinery here for the tram I hope this stuff is well oiled so there is a whole trail system out here and depending on how aggressive you are or how uh athletic you are um you got a lot of options out here we're looking for something a little simple just to maybe walk around see a little bit of nature like this one here Sharon taking a gander at the trail system seeing which one she wants to go by I say just follow the totem poles here's a little example of the trail you know we just left the Mountain House area there so many different ways you can go one of the popular places to hike to is Father Brown's cross I don't know that we'll make it there all right so it looks like Matthew has the wingspan of a Canadian goose congratulations Sharon how about you let's check your waistband all right Sharon is uh she's a little over a red-tailed hawk but that's pretty impressive I had no idea you had this kind of waistband so as you walk the trail you come along little sights and you get a number and then you get like a QR code right and then when you hit that QR code in the middle of the Juno gold up on your phone and get a little recording what's going on in the area of tunnels which are part of the Alaska Juno mine how cool is that so here's a look at the full Mount Roberts trail system and this little sign gives you an idea how long a round-trip hike will be you can do an Alpine Loop Trail in about 30 minutes that's about a half mile if you want to go see father Brown's cross we mentioned that a few minutes ago 45 minutes to an hour plan accordingly or if you're really bold you get down Mount Roberts Six Mile round trip six to eight hours the trail down to Basin Road about two hours downhill so if you come all the way up here and you need to get back to your ship and the tram's not running it's just a two-hour jog right down the hill look I'm in a bald eagle's nest they like to take a lot of sticks and make nests around rivers and and the coastal areas and um here's an example it is a long way down to that Carnival ship look it looks so tiny from up here one thing to remember is you can get a lot of rough weather up here snow rain mud all that kind of stuff luckily if you run into any bad weather you can clean your shoes right here well we mentioned it was a nice 50 bucks a pop to get up here and now we just spent about 70 on food but I'll tell you what I think we did okay my calamari Matthew's Burger Sharon chips and queso how's that chips and queso Sharon right we got over the mouthful I think that says it all doesn't it it's good very good that says it all well it was a great lunch here at the Timberline and I'll tell you what if you can get lucky enough to get a table with a view this would be your view during your lunch all right so earlier Sharon took a glance in the sword now we're in shopping mode we will not leave without a trans souvenir [Music] this is kind of cool it looks like this is how they do the totem poles all right they got a big old piece of wood here looks like they make some markings on it they start to Chisel away [Music] while wrapping up our trip here up to mount Roberts and if you're lucky there will be literally no line when you get up here to board the tram we did get lucky Sharon well our day is over over at Mount Roberts now we are heading down and it wasn't scary coming up so I hope it's not scary going down oh well better life next time now one more important thing you're going to find about these ports here uh when you get off the ship not only do you need your ship card obviously but you need some ID a licensed passport or whatever to get back on we just saw one of our awesome friends here and uh she was waiting for her husband because she didn't have her license she didn't have her ID so uh just a lesson to you don't forget to bring your ID when you get off import like that we're back today what a beautiful view if you have not done that yet in Juno put that on the top of your list of things to do next time you're in Juneau Alaska it was amazing there were so many things to do trails to take there's a little theater in there gift shops and there's a bar and restaurant and just I mean all kinds of areas with a little Scenic overlooks and things to look at so make sure you put that on your list and we are off we are getting ready to take off here um people are getting a few people are still getting back on but we're going to be taking off here within the next 30 minutes so I think we're going to sit on our balcony and just enjoy the views as we sail away so hope you enjoyed our video our day in Juno and we will be in Ketchikan tomorrow so if you're not subscribed to the Channel please consider subscribing to the channel and don't forget to click that notification Bell so you'll get notified when we post new content because you're not going to want to miss all of our Alaska Vlogs and more thanks for watching and we will see you in the next video thank you [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Sharon at Sea Travel
Views: 18,641
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Id: RwreAfluC9s
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Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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