The Beatles: STEREO or MONO? | Secrets and Changes Guide

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foreign we've been listening to The Beatles recordings for so many years that we know the details and sounds of each recording so well vinyl cassettes CDs streaming and other formats have standardized the stereo sound but the Beatles always prioritize their recordings in mono so today we present a brief guide to some of the differences in the Beatles mono and stereo recordings [Music] part nine we start with easy Concepts to help understanding this video in a clearer way what is a mono and a stereo recording in short a mono recording is one where the sound is left and right channels at the same time [Music] a stereo recording has different sounds in each Channel That's why in many songs we have the voices on one side and for example a guitar on the other [Music] foreign [Music] people started to notice the variations of The Beetles between mono and stereo records a hunt started between Specialists and fans to list them all from Please Please Me To The White Album the albums came out in both formats on purpose or by accident there are many variations we chose some examples because the list is huge and due to copyright issues we cannot put much in the description of the video we'll leave a list created by Joseph Brennan with a detailed and very informative list of all variations let's listen to some examples Please Please Me has a mistake where Jon and Paul sing Different lyrics but in the mono version you can hear Lenin pronounce come on in a different way here's the recording [Music] the mono version does not have the traditional harmonica that we all knew on the original single it was replaced by the guitar riff this variation is notorious for the Past Masters album [Music] continuing with the harmonica it appears in this song in the stereo version but in the mono version there is no harmonica again and it is replaced by backing vocals in the same seconds [Music] Paul had difficulties reaching the note that says would be sad if our new love was in vain he stayed like that in the stereo recording but in the motto he solves this problem [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the stereo and mono versions feature different vocal versions by John Lennon this is a real highlight [Music] the door foreign but these have different vocal effects in the Echo of the chorus listen a little [Music] [Applause] when we get to the revolver album we realize something the mono version has a guitar effect that is not in the stereo version Did You Know It [Music] says in Yellow Submarine there's a variation in the first guitar note in one mix there's one guitar strum and in the second there are two [Music] McCartney's vocals are different and both takes towards the end of the track plus the audio Fade Out is much longer and different in the mono mix and Suddenly I See You [Music] when the remix version of Sergeant Pepper's appeared in 2017 some were surprised with the speed of this track this is how the track was originally but Jeff Emerick forgot to speed it up when mixing the stereo mix so we knew it was this way for many years [Music] one two in the reprise version of Sergeant Pepper's you can hear Lenin having a different intervention in the mono version also McCartney's closing was not so easy to hear in the stereo so in the 2017 remix they could modify the stereo track to how the mono one sounded [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign version offers the listener something different here it doesn't have the same chorus effect that Harrison put in the stereo mix listen to this [Music] the famous clapping disappears completely in the mono mix of the song [Music] in the mono version you can hear Paul McCartney's backing vocals at a higher volume they can even be heard at the same level as Lenin's voice [Music] as she's leaving home the mono version has a different speed [Applause] [Music] The Motto version of this song also has no applause they disappeared [Music] who knows Paul does the base of this song with his mouth but in the mono version he's not there during the first verses how long I've loved you in its mono version it has guitar excerpts that do not exist in the stereo version for example this one [Music] these are just a few examples of the wide amount of variations that exist there are dozens and dozens there are books and written guides that detail each variation of each album The Beatles are always rediscovered and here is one more reason to explore their great discography did you know these variations comment here below which are your favorites and if you prefer mono or stereo thanks for watching subscribe to our Channel and comment this is music box [Music] thank you
Channel: Music Box USA
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Id: tvLAK4zuhZE
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Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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