The Beatles My Complete CD Collection

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hey everyone welcome back to the second of my new series where i show off my complete cd collection according to artists um this episode we're going to be doing my favorite artist of all time the beatles beatles obviously don't need any introduction i believe i literally i literally count these almost account i believe i have 41 beetle cds here at a box set by no means is complete i do have many more i want to get the one mistake i made actually before we get this video do me a favor please hit that subscribe button hit the like button uh help support my channel i really appreciate it so what i was saying was when i was a teenager i bought all the beatles studio albums uh obviously they were only released back then the english versions uh which already in the you know emi part of the phone capital releases and unfortunately they were so worn out from me listening to him over and over and over again that when the remasters came out back in 2009 i believe i basically just got rid of them um i held them in a box for a while and i said you know what these are taking up space a lot of them are scratch a lot of them aren't playing anymore and these newer masters sound so great that i got rid of them so yeah that happened i'm gonna get right into it now i have everything in chronological order according to release uh whether it was the united kingdom release or united states release it's still in chronological order by year first off obviously please please me their amazing debut album and every every city here is just amazing to me um these are the digi packs i was talking about which i'm sure everyone's familiar with by now at least in 2009 they all came with a mini documentary that you could play on your computer and an awesome new booklet with some photos an essay and everything else in there and this is my little guest star this is my uh paul mccartney i believe this is rem i don't know what what brand this is but this is an original 1964. uh paul mccartney dial i don't have the other three unfortunately but this is actually held up in pretty good shape i believe this was on my great grandmother's bar and when she passed i inherited it so really good shape there and um yeah my great-grandmother was not i mean that like she was young when the beatles were around she was probably in her you know 50s or 60s when they were when they came around but anyway um she held onto this she had these all little cool knickknacks on her bar next up with the beatles again amazing remasters and then we have the american release meet the beatles these are cds that came out and they're replicated in the original sleeve so as you see there sure everyone's seen them before the original sleeve that would come with the vinyl so basically they replicated to look like the vinyl and then the cds are housed in this little plastic here kind of wish they were in jewel cases or at least in these other digipacks like the uk releases have i just think it would you know look a little better in my collection just because i made not like that but yeah as you can see they replicate it and uh i did own the two box sets the capital albums remastered us capital albums and uh i don't know i just i'd rather have these individual uh they're available on stereo mono i just wasn't a big fan of the the box set of the monos um and the box set of the capital remasters next up a hard day's night this is the uh soundtrack different from the actual album which you'll be seeing soon again you got that replica vinyl-like album there and here we have paul's really falling over put them back i'll put them up over there uh hard day's night the uk release uh yeah the other thing about the digipack is they all fold out to these awesome pictures inside including with the booklet another one this is the american release something new capital records the vino replica sleeve beetles for sale great album i feel like this is very underrated i remember having this uh poster in my room and i would just stare at these guys because they were just they were my heroes absolute legends then we have beetle six so the beatles story is actually a spoken word uh kind of like a little documentary that i own on vinyl but i don't think it was ever released on cd so that one's not uh beetle 65 i have not bought yet so that one i need to get as i was in the beginning of the show uh some of them these are not complete and there are a lot that i need to get still then we have help amazing album uh just a five star classic i racked this up there with the the trilogy i put this kind of in a trilogy with this rubber soul and revolver just pure magic and then we have the soundtrack uh another one as you can see your early beetles which basically please please me except for a couple tracks which are different um i have to get that also so yeah this is like a gatefold that replicates the vinyl then we have rubber soul one of the greatest albums of all time uh probably in my top five favorite of all time it's kind of hard ranking my favorite albums of all time because it could just be all beetles but then there's other stuff that i love like dark side of moon stuff from zeppelin stuff in the doors dylan all that the stones to fit in it's hard next we have this is a bootleg cd uh yesterday and today featuring the original band album cover i actually have a poster this hanging up in my music room now i don't have the vinyl replica united states release only because i have this one it's a very good sound sounds amazing as you can see for a bootleg uh it's really good there's the the other cover and what's cool about this is they kind of replicate it where the sticker would be when they covered up this cover well all right let me get the story straight so this was the original release this was banned uh obviously because of you know walden gore baby parts and things like that there's no raw meat there so they were pulled off the shelves and replaced with this cover which is actually a sticker and if you have the original one you can see ringo's hairline there so they actually kind of replicated that it wasn't this obvious on the vinyl but if you look close enough you could see it and inside so yeah really cool bootleg here that i found at a store i think it was like 10 bucks or something but it was totally worth it i always loved this album i always had it on vinyl and i thought it was a very great album collects basically stuff from uh rubber soul and help next up revolver again i don't have rubber sole or revolver the united states releases um i prefer uk releases that not much difference between revolver revolver was the last cd by the beatles or album i should say which um had two different pressings the united kingdom pressing and the unite and the united states pressing next up arguably maybe one of the greatest albums of all time if not the greatest album of all time sergeant pepper's lonely hearts club man and i just feel like a lot of people own this stuff already and i'm not going to go through every single album just because uh yeah i mean it's the beatles everyone those beatles then we had the two cd anniversary edition this is cool you got a really thick booklet in here lyrics essays uh the two cd set here obviously it features the original album remastered uh for the 50th anniversary in 2017 and then the second disc is basically the album uh in order both from different takes and instrumentals basically demos as they're from the recording sessions they did appear on the box sets uh well i shouldn't say box sets but the double cd anthologies next magical mystery tour a soundtrack to the film amazing album basically collects a lot of uh singles on the first side second disc is more of stuff they recorded just for that album and movie next we have the self-titled better known as the white album there's the sleeve there that pulls out double disc uh what's cool about this is it actually also replicated the poster that you would get in the original vinyl along with the lyrics on the back so that was cool that they did that and again you get the booklet and the pictures and all that like you would with all these other remasters again one of the greatest albums of all time this could be said about all these albums yellow submarine this is the soundtrack released in 1969 first side is all uh original beatles songs second side is a film score composed by george martin and it's really cool i'm not in the classical music but throwing that second side on there and just relaxing it's really cool and well i should say it's all one side obviously it's cd but the original vinyl is two sides next up another one of the greatest dabs of all time abby roode at least in 1969 this was the last album the beatles would record not the last studio album they would release but last one they would record and i also have the two cd edition same thing get the original album remastered in 1919 2019 the 50th anniversary you get this booklet again nice thick booklet essays pictures all that cool stuff and the second disc is the same thing as the sergeant peppers it's basically the same track listing as the album just with different takes and different versions of their songs that they recorded during the sessions next up let it be the last down the beatles would release in 1970 this album is documented very well on the new let it be documentary which was released this past thanksgiving 2021 done by peter jackson on the disney it was a disney plus channel and then we also have the 50th anniversary booklet again um double cd second disc girl outtakes so this is originally supposed to be called get it get back i was abandoned supposed to be a you know made for tv movie recording album live it was abandoned renamed let it be and you know released the following year in 1970. next we have the double album greatest hits from 1962-66 this is better known as the red album again the original vinyl that was the gatefold inside and obviously the second version 1967 and 1970 the blue album as you can see there you got the guys when they're uh just starting photo it so in the original vinyl on the back of the rabbit at red album would be this picture and on the back the blue album would be this picture so kind of you would you know turn around would be like that gatefold still the same just in different shade this one's the shade of blue again a booklet with uh all kinds of cool stuff in there pictures stories lyrics are in there because the blue and the red album the paper sleeves that house nevada would have the lyrics on them so they did replicate that come up this is a japanese import beetles at the hollywood bowl this was originally released on vinyl in 1977 i believe uh this would later pop up um a few years ago let's say uh probably almost 10 years ago now maybe not that long as uh live at the hollywood bowl by ron howard film next is a cd remaster of the beatles featuring tony sheridan in the beginning believe this was also released in 1977 on vinyl for the first time this is the cd version i own this was from 2000 so this wasn't available on this was was available on cd in different versions but this original one from 77 is finally re-released here in 2000 on cd then we have the pass masters volume one volume two so what the past masters are these were cds that featured all the tracks that were on the original united states albums but were not released on the united kingdom albums which were the only albums released on cd believe in 88 they were put out on cd and it also had the remastered version of it just had to get this for the better sound again the booklet um i held on to these for a while even though i said my other all the other beetle cds are in the jewel cases the original ones were kind of you know beat up i fell on these for a while and i finally bought the remastered version and i just was like well why get rid of these keep for my collection next we have live at bbc this is released in 1995. this is uh 69 tracks spread over two cds really thick booklet in here uh this is also cool it also came with this little beatles merchandise you can send away for still have that in there yeah there's a lot of cover songs on here like early 50s cover songs um too much monkey business obviously i got a woman soldier of love carol that's all right mama you know mixed in with a lot of beatles songs so a lot of chuck berry stuff on here also and then this is a single mono released from the bbc sessions this is called baby it's you uh with i'll follow the sun devil in her heart and voice i believe some of these versions were not released on the original bbc that i just showed yeah i believe the other three tracks are different versions from the bbc i'll follow this on devil and her heart and voice and then we have anthology one basically what these are two disc sets again really thick booklet of everything that beetles release such like demos unreleased songs just some spoken words different takes and this is volume one features and there's a good amount of tracks in here again 60 tracks spread over two cds then you have volume two again same thing nice thick booklet there this one i think was my favorite because basically it covers everything from like 65 until 67 and then getting into volume 3 this is basically the white album abby roode and let it be all the different takes booklet again and the cool thing is but as you don't know when you get all three of these you connect them kind of comes a long panoramic picture uh next up this is the 2000 1999 i should say 1999 song track yellow submarine and a booklet in there a lot of colorful pictures and looks like this is broken and i gotta fix that so in uh 1999 it was the 30th anniversary of the yell summary movie it was remastered put on dvd for the first time all that so this was the song track from it and i also again just like the past masters i waited to get the remastered version and i have it here booklet differs a little from the original release then we have beatles one amazing album one of the biggest selling albums of all time 27 tracks all the beatles number one hits featured all over the world the booklet in here is really cool because the booklet shows all the different vinyl pressing sleeves for other singles in you know different languages different countries all that and the reason i keep that in my collection well not even because of beetles and it is different color this is the deluxe remastered edition this does not feature that booklet it has a booklet in there but it doesn't feature all the albums like i just shown and i know i've gotten this recently because this i've held onto this held off i should say on that but this um did not come with the dvd came with this dvd whatever this is i sent it back a couple times and it looks like there's a manufacturing error that they all had this dvd and they're not the original beatles dvd which should have been in here which featured all 27 tracks on dvd so i'm still on the look for that to get my original dvd all right a couple left here we got let it be naked kind of a uh before get blap get back would come out this was kind of the let it be album a little more raw and exposed as the beatles originally wanted it again cool booklet as always have this is a double disc second disc is called fly on the wall basically it's just an audio disc of hearing all the guys voices and what they're talking about during the album uh hence the name fly on the wall it's kind of like you were there so kind of hear what you talked about next this is love this is a soundtrack from the vegas cirque du soleil play called love this is really cool because it features all these kind of remixes of beetle songs but not remixed in the traditional sense more of like a mashup for example eleanor rigby ends the transition to julia there's a medley of drive my car into the word into what you're doing and the way they transition into each other's tracks is really awesome and for some reason you haven't heard this i suggest pick this up uh listen to it 26 tracks overall really different way to hear the beatles and it's really cool uh next this is on air this is bbc volume two see how many tracks on here see so this one is cool because there's also a pop profile which each of the four members where they're talking again a thick booklet this was just released recently uh 2013. first time was released and really cool to see a volume two of this again more songs from the bbc like the 50s and this one has a little more stuff from 65 on towards the end of the second disc and they did make a remastered version of bbc volume one but i don't really feel the need to get it but sure down the line i'll probably pick up somewhere all right next we have beatles live at the hollywood bowl this is i was mentioned earlier from the ron howard film basically compiles the same tracks as the japan import i have another cool booklet a little hype card that came in there for the movie and it also collects some bonus tracks which weren't original originally on the original release uh four tracks including you can't do that don't hold your hand everybody's trying to be my baby and babies in black and i got two more here this one's not an official beatles release something i picked up at dollar tree it's called beatles grace so basically it is 12 beatles tracks and they are recorded instrumentally in bluegrass form uh really interesting to hear this i am a fan of bluegrass uh music i mean i don't wanna say i am a fan not a huge fan i don't go out buying bluegrass cds but i like to hear it from time to time as you see it's kind of uh the beatles looking more farmish from their abbey road cover walking across the farm and last one i have here this is a box that import it's called beatles tent city rock and roll music live and rare from 1962 to 1966. 260 tracks 10 discs each disc is in a little uh one of these little single sleeves here first disc features a lot of stuff with tony sheridan um but yeah there's a lot of stuff on here 10 cds and really cool stuff i mean this just takes you over a week to listen though just awesome stuff to hear the sound quality is pretty decent all right everyone that is my complete beetle cd collection as i've said before and as you can see there's more i need to grab those are you interested in seeing my complete beatles vinyl collection i did post two videos i want to say maybe about two years ago of my u.s albums and then another one of the uk albums so they are available in my channel you can search and find them there and as always hit that subscribe button stay updated every time i post a video and there are more in this series coming up everyone again thanks for watching i appreciate it
Channel: Gary Of The Elysiums
Views: 9,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lkR09pCwU8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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