The Beatles Explosion Full Movie

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how would you define beetle mania i couldn't define you know a lot of people have tried i'm not gonna try leave it to the psychologist let them get it wrong [Music] and pressleys it will be blind [Music] have you ever been in physical danger from your hand um well occasionally that's only when there's been a big mouth you know a really big one i got every beetle record at home every fatal record we didn't get to see it what kind of police protection [Applause] well what do you think made the difference that suddenly pushed you up above the other group we've got a record contract uh we're going to europe next week next week and then we come back and uh and we go off to america oh we do the ed sullivan good old ed thanks [Laughter] one of the your big attractions is your haircut and your uh your manner of dress uh what what prompted that haircut for instance it just happened you know just wake up one day and they uh [Applause] [Music] the beatles the beatles no he couldn't catch on here is the tea ready yet [Applause] [Music] when it started with me george paul and ringo and we said listen man you know here's another field of professionalism that doesn't need any qualifications except you've got to get down to it without that pressure of the 11 plus etcetera and gc and all that and we all discovered that uh the values didn't mean a thing you know and you could make it without college and education and all those things you know it's nice to be able to read and write but apart from that i never learned anything worth the damn first of all we have to start with this apparently the uh the fellas have a lot on the ball they have a magnetism so you take their talent and they write their own music by the way nearly every song they recorded is a song that they wrote themselves then they have an unusual appearance and you got a lot of it's a haircut it's done a lot for them and the tremendous amount of promotion that they've had well of course now everybody's on the beetle bandwagon so it's it's mushroom actually i understand that the british word for beatnik is beetle instead of calling uh a beatnik as we do over here a beatnik they they call beatniks beetles are there beetles the very word beet uh is has to do with their uh the name of their group john thought of the name beatles and he'll tell you about it now it means beatles and they know that's just a name you know like shoes the beatles in one meteoric year they've led the way from the sellers of liverpool to the national limelight george harrison lead guitar john lennon rhythm guitar paul mccartney bass guitar ringo starr drums a group run by liverpool businessman brian epstein epstein was a house furnisher who developed a sideline in grammar and record i hadn't had anything to do with uh pop management management of pop artists before that day that i went down to the cabin club and heard the beatles playing and this was quite a new world really for me uh i was amazed by this sort of dark smoky dang atmosphere this beat music playing away and um the beatles were then just four lads on that rather dimly lit stage uh somewhat ill-clad and the presentation was well left little to be desired as far as i was concerned but amongst all that something tremendous came over and i was immediately struck by their their music their beat and uh their sense of humor actually on stage we've been to hamburg i think that's where we um found our style we developed our style because of this fellow though he used to say you've got to make a show for the people i used to come up every night shall we max y'all so we used to max y'all and john used to dance around like a gorilla and we'd all you know knock our heads together and things like that anyway we got back to liverpool and all the groups that were doing this sort of shadows type of stuff and we came back leather jackets and jeans and funny her making xiao which went down quite well we just bought leather jackets not as a not as not for the group one person bought one i can't remember and then we all liked them so it ended up real on stage with them we'd always worn jeans because we didn't have anything else at the time and then we went back to liverpool and got quite a few bookings you know they all thought we were german you know the builders from hamburg and they all said you speak good english things like that so we went back to germany we had a bit more money the second time so we bought leather pants and we looked like four gene vincent's only a bit younger i think and that was it you know and we just kept those the leather gear till brian came along it was a bit sort of old hat anyway or wearing leather gear and we decided we didn't want to look sort of ridiculous just going on because more often than not so people too many people would laugh it was just stupid we didn't want to appear as a gang of idiots and brian suggested that we just sort of wore ordinary suits so we just got what we thought were quite good suits and just got rid of the weather gear that was all the new idea was painted we do like the fans and enjoy reading the publicity about us but from time to time you don't realize that it's actually about yourself you see your pictures and read articles about you know george harrison lingo stone paul and john but you don't actually think oh that's me that i am in the paper it's it's funny it's just as though it's a different person when we go home you know it's we go in early in the morning when we finish the job and the kids you know they don't know you at home but if they find out where i live to get the drums out you know beat it out because it's a play street and you know there's no traffic and nothing bothering them and once when the boys came for me they popped in to see me mum and me dad you know we have to go out the back because you know there's 20 or 30 outside and they wouldn't believe me mother you know they knock in saying can we have the autographs so it built up you know so much there was about 200 kids all around the door and it was peeping through the window and knocking you know in the end my mother was ill you know it's terrified out of my life just all these kids and boys and girls and you know they send us a lot of jelly babies and chocolates and things like that because just because um somebody wrote in one of the papers about presents and things that we've had given to us and john said he got some jelly babies and i had them but ever since that we've been inundated we had about two tone a night but the um the main trouble is they tend to throw them at us remember on stage and uh once i got one in my eye which wasn't very nice in fact i've never been the same thing it all sounds complaining that you know we're not we're just putting the point is it you know it affects your home more than it does yourself you know because you know what to expect for your parents your family you know they don't know what's happening [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know people demand that you think how long are you gonna last well you can't say you know you can be big headed and say yeah we're gonna last 10 years but as soon as you've said that you think you know look if we lost three months you know well obviously we can't keep playing the same sort of music until we're about 40 because no one old men playing from me to you nobody's going to want to know it's all about that sort of thing so you know we've thought about it and probably the thing that john and i will do will be write songs as we have been doing as a sort of sideline now we'll probably develop that a bit more i hope to have enough money to go in into a business of my own by the time we [Music] do flop and um i mean we don't know it maybe next week it may be two or three years but i think we'll be in the business either up there or down there for at least another four years i've always fancied having a looking forward to this american trip have you had any reaction over there you've got any fan clubs going as well as one suppose they go they're getting quite a good response you know 12 000 letters a day but the beatle movement's going over tell you by the way that detroit university have got to stamp out the beatles beetle moon they think your uh haircuts are unamerican well it was very observant of them because we aren't american the beatles were on their way to america goodbye to george harrison for the few days and to john lennon here with his pretty wife cynthia a jet 707 was waiting to receive the most famous passengers to park the atlantic for some time [Applause] [Applause] any doubts about the beatles reception in america were dispelled the moment they touched on new yorkers turned out in force and making allowance for an american accent the screams might have been genuine merseyside george john paul and ringo had found a new world to conquer [Music] some press conference for half an hour there was so much then you couldn't tell a word it was a matter of everybody being patient hoping it would begin eventually no we need money first how much money they expect to take out of this country sorry they can tell us what they think they are how many of you have to wear those [Music] aren't you afraid of what the american barbers association is going to think of well we've grown quicker than the english ones we'll ever go in did you [Music] [Music] you should have seen him the day before what were you going to do if you got into the press conference we were going to speak to them and meet them i just wanted to meet him more than anything i loved george so much and the policemen wouldn't even believe the truth all they have to do is believe lies [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] your program was reviewed by a music critic and uh well again and he said uh you had unresolved leading tones uh false modal frame ending up as a plain diatonic what would you say to that we're going to see a doctor about that now he's just copying this the fella in the london times did a review like that but the only difference i don't know whether that's favorable or not the london one was you see you just say if it's good or bad what do you think of the reaction of amer what do you think of american girls in the first place now that you've had your first contact with them oh they're marvelous yeah they're the same as british girls and they've got a different accent is it your ambition to continue what you're doing or what what do you plan to do yeah well as long as as long as it lasts like this as long as or as long as we well as long as we keep enjoying it once we stop enjoying it and people stop enjoying it then uh we're packing people don't enjoy it that's a british saying to give up well one of the your big attractions is your haircut and your uh your manner of dress uh what prompted that the haircuts for instance it just happened you know you just wake up one day and there you go what is there about the beatles that you like they're gorgeous they got that certain something and the name of it is a sprout of a new generation it shows paul mccartney coming up from the earth like throwing a sprout a start a new dawn you think the beatles are the original [Applause] and i like the oil paint and i love to present this tank in the pool and i love him to have it and i love to meet him because um do you think you have any chance of meeting him well well i don't really know it's really all locked of course a lot of people need them because they know somebody but i would like to give people this i'm shown i'm a true fan and that you know and that that i wouldn't see him apart speak to like a decent human being and that he said he's really the greatest in show business it sounds like you have sort of a crush on paul mccartney yes that's true [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] which one are you that is eric helpful is for paul i'm doing eric here here is uh the american i'm john you're john he's only a joke yes well john here is the american public 40 million american viewers how many looks like staring you right in the face oh it's the cameraman what is your impression of the american public you've been here for a while now they're the wildest why i don't know tonight was you know marvel's ridiculous well there's 8 000 people all shouting at once and we're trying to shout louder than them with microphones we still couldn't be was america something like what you thought it would be like no nothing like we thought [Music] oh it's the real thing because the hotel manager of the whittier hotel and the muhlenbach hotel signs an affidavit certifying that this is the beetle bedding they slept on who slept on what sheet and was born who ringo george or paul now when you get these things cut up into one square inches apiece what are you going to do with them sell them [Music] the velvet cloak of night shrouds the london airport all is quiet all is serene but this is the love before the storm thousands of beatles fans are better down for the night to await the arrival of their heroes when the dawn comes up like a teenage scream the arrival of the froggy voiced foursome is imminent the cries of the crowd grow in pitch and volume drowning out the blind of the jet engines [Applause] and here they are fresh from their triumphant appearances in the united states 12 000 young britons wore a welcome their shrieks rise in an awesome way our staff scientist in an art moment calculated that this young mob is generating enough energy to put three atlas missiles in orbit and power 54 000 transistor radios [Applause] some of the fences hold others do not a minor miracle is mounted by the fact that there are no injuries spread among the near hysterical crowd this truly is a social document for our time [Music] 40 young ladies fainted but authorities feel that some were playing possum so that they might be lifted over the fence and thus be nearer their idols the beatles who originated as a small time act out of liverpool now have no rivals as the kingpins of the teenage set you can repeat that loud and long [Applause] some brave volunteers among the british police elect to act with heroism above and beyond the call of duty and escort the beatles to their car there hasn't been this much excitement at the london airport since man learned to fly so there you have the homecoming of the beatles the return of the heroes to their native land they did what the redcoats couldn't do in the american revolution they conquered the colonies the beatles haven't the chance of leaving the airport just yet in the vip lounge there's an army of press newsreel radio and tv interviewers waiting to ask them a question also the fans obviously enjoyed it over there i i assume the press enjoyed it did you enjoy it yeah it was marvelous yeah yeah everything every bit of it was an arcade even you know working in different places with the audience all around us and you know it was a novelty what impressed you most about the place um you have time to take anything in properly yeah yeah i don't know we i think i i enjoyed the sun in miami most of all yeah healthy you're the healthy one no no no but the sun was sort of very healthy yeah very did you have a chance to get away from anybody at any time on the trip yeah you can't wait for me twice what did you most like about the trip ring oh i just loved all of it you know especially miami my son you know i didn't know what it meant until i went over there don't you get it up in liverpool no they finished up there you know did you ever have a chance john to just get away on your own without anybody recognizing you we bothered a couple of millionaires houses you know well we did you could afford to buy a couple of millionaires houses couldn't you know yeah yeah sooner bottom is cheaper and we did a bit of water skiing the world sought out yeah we had a great did you did your wife enjoy it over there yeah she loved it don't tell him he's married it's a secret oh i'm sorry i'm sorry about that i didn't mean that what about the uh taste of the fans over there did you find the same stuff you never be yeah we expected them to be very different but but they weren't at all yeah the accent was the only thing it was the only difference did they reckon you sang in an english accent or america no some fella said outcome because you're from britain and you're still singing an american accent or something yeah funny we've been trying to explain it to him when you came back from france you told me that they like to sort of quicker numbers yeah and but what do you do you just do all the same routine that you do here uh yes because yeah the records with a hit over there are the ones oh yeah we have to please please me over there we haven't been doing that for a long time here but it's in the chat that's history here yeah what about the the beatles styles all these wigs and suits and things are they catching on over there i hear that anyway the four of you are gonna be millionaires by the end of the year oh that's nice you've got time to actually spend this money what money you get doesn't he give any to you no no no you've seen that card one of the things you did was visit clay what one of the things is he's a big lad who's going to win playlists well it all depends you see if you go to his gym you have to say he wins and if you go to liston's gym you say listen will win what about is there any intention for you to go back to america or in fact join the brain drain in a big guitar drain and stay there um we'd like to go back you know we wouldn't stay there we love england here they come and it's up to our police to show how wonderful themselves are by giving the beatles into their car each all in one piece [Applause] from new york here is i got a secret and now may we have our next contestant please will you come in [Applause] will you tell our panel please what your name is and where you are from i'm pete best and i'm from west derby in lancashire peter best and he is from west darby lancashire england now peter if you'll whisper your secret to me will show at the same time to our audience at home and here we go do you mean you came all the way from england just to tell us and oh boy have you ever had one of those days a panel to help you classify peter best's secret the clue concerns something he did we'll start the questioning please with best meyers well one thing you did peter was avoid getting a haircut in recent days does this have anything to do with your secret a little uh could you be a new kind of a bug that we've imported from england i might be uh do you sing by the way no no do you have anything to do with your predecessors with the beatles at all yeah you do the answer to that is yes twenty dollars down sixty dollars to go we go please to uh bill cullen well the the the beatles did or do come from lancaster like lancashire like a shirt do they not yeah do you have anything to do with the beatles hairdo no no oh heck i was hoping you were there barbour that blows my next five questions do you ever did you have anything personally to do with the beatles do you still do you still have anything to do with the last question vaguely uh just socially oh all right so now we've got 40 40 to go and we go please to betsy did there used to be five beetles either yeah and you were [Applause] peter best came all the way from england to tell us that two years ago he made a big career move he left his job which is not in itself unusual except for one little thing the job he had was as the drummer he was he was ringo's predecessor in the beatles and we have here a picture which i'll turn to camera one of the beatles when peter best not ringo starr was the drummer for the beatles and reading from left to right there is john lennon and george harrison and paul mccartney isn't it and our own peter best you see him there but he hasn't changed a bit thanks now peter how did the famous beetle haircut get started well that started when john and paul went to uh france for a holiday and they met an old friend of thursday from hamburg and uh he had his hair in the so-called people present and they took a liking to it so out came the scissors and one night he came back and uh we just had the haircut it was more or less of a party accident then really how long were you with the beatles i was with them two and a half years that was before they had the that's before they had the hairdos right now now i'm gonna say the word that i'm sure is on everyone's lips why did you leave the beatles well at that time i you know those i'd like to start a group on my own yes and i thought that uh at that time also that they weren't going to go as big as what they are now this was an act of new future and so i might as well pull out and start an act of his own so well don't worry no one's perfect i understand that there are many groups in england who pattern themselves after the beatles how many groups are there currently in england about fifteen hundred fifteen hundred boy it must be a noisy country nowadays huh all right peter now you have your own group what do they call and how do they differ from the beatles well they're called the all-stars the all-stars and we play our music a little heavier beat and a little faster i see sing a little you know close on sure well i know that you're happy having your own group but but do you ever have any regrets about having left this million-dollar outfit um put it this way it only hits when i try it only hurts when i only works when i laugh you make me want to hold your hand well you're a good sport he came all the way over here to tell us that story goes back to england tomorrow peter best thank you very much for coming all the way from england good luck [Applause] holland national airport has seen a few vips next time but only kings queens heavy states small stuff like that this time it's the real thing the beatles jimmy nichols standing in for demo ringo's star who's sick at home must be wondering what's hidden don't worry he'll get used to it [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] first of all you introduce yourselves george harrison paul mccartney john leper jimmy nickel the question we just had from one of the people in the audience is where any of you in love me yes yes of course does that put you in the exceptional position would you want to get married the others no i don't like marriage why not no good no good marriage it's good what do you think i don't know yeah so when i've got some more money cost money to get married well you need a bet on you no you need a new suit and a half of that did your wife expensive quite quiet how much did she cost when you bought it uh she was about 50 pounds in nairobi but she was second hand was she was your second head dad yeah what do you think of dutch girls that's why you've seen them any views vegan yes they're good very intimate why what did you say why why are they good yeah well all girls are good actually you know but i mean what makes it what makes a girl good i don't know you know oh no i'm just helping him swinging blue jeans well you you heard the names they mentioned whether you have any favorites in england new bands searches searches and the rolling stones [Applause] [Music] you're on jimmy where whether you find it difficult to take over the role of fringo uh no not really no as far as ringo i can never um i can never make up for what ringo is you know i just told him um until next thursday yes when you're sort of understudied yes i am do you think it's a great break oh yes treating your good time i'm translating the questions yeah yeah whether you think that the hysterical public is necessary for your act not necessarily but it helps you know it gives a good atmosphere we we all love it do you think it's wednesday because the sum is no but it's nice when there's a lot of noise it's like a football match you know when there's a lot of noise going on it's it's good it's a good feeling goal goal well why is it always the girls the more girls who are interested in paris whether you will go along with any change in taste uh no well you never know because we have well we chill along with it yeah we don't notice ourselves but people always say that we've changed a bit we can't notice it so we probably will change a little but we wouldn't play trout we wouldn't do anything drastic like you say with a big band or anything like that because we don't enjoy that kind of music just do this kind of music because you enjoy it because we like it well you know it's the main reason we didn't we'd give up tomorrow what are they it was at adelaide airport arriving to meet the citizens where john lennon two other beetle regulars and jimmy nickel paul mccartney was on the beat as usual jimmy of course was deputizing for ringo starr who had been too ill to travel at the same time but was coming along later selected [Music] you know when we wanted when we needed a name and everybody was thinking of an hourly thought of beethoven why the b aids [Music] it was hard enough getting people to understand why it was ba never mind paul what do you expect to find here in australia australians [Laughter] do you have any acknowledged leader of the group no not really right we have a balcony outside is that right we heard you stood on your head in the on the balcony outside from the room yeah how do the tickets go in hong kong did you get full houses there i think so there's no losing no queue five quid yeah he did in the early days obviously you know but no well not obviously you know he's one of the greats oh yeah we didn't sing have you been practicing up your australian accent not at all not at all i think you'll be writing any uh songs with australian themes no we never write themes about anything you know just write the same rules you play the kind of music you want to play or the kind of music you think people want to hear now we've been playing this kind of music for about five six years you know that's just rock and roll you know just something to be right now well what do you think made the difference that suddenly put you up above the other group well we've got a record contract the working records what record do you all agree on generally as your best recording not the best seller but as the best recording musically i mean well we always like the one we just made with long tails this is your latest one well it's it's quite new you know i like it it's not even sorry it's a good experience um he's much better he joins them on sunday what do you do then um i go back to london and uh they're fixing up a band for me and i do some television and there's a way to be progressing pretty well with your beetle haircut yeah well i've been growing it for about three months but how long does it take to get a magnificent name like this do you ever go to the bathroom john no you know i've known america since the film the film the woman on the film could be good but i don't trust anybody else this is the film beatlemania isn't it that's another story are you satisfied with the finished product well it's as good as anybody that makes can't act you know [Music] the arrival of the number one drummer you can see why he's called ringo brought the beatles up to full strength thousands more girls made happy the koala bear showed with that aussie-wise ringo's with it are now to catch up with the rest of the group so adelaide laid on another reception [Music] at the hotel they had to come under the balcony these intercontinental mersey beat missiles have hit australia for a pop six before long they'll be signing for new worlds to conquer the beatles the beatles no i couldn't catch on here burn is the tea ready yet [Applause] good evening welcome to big night now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're very busy [Music] [Applause] have you read this yes i saw the film [Music] well that's all right that's all right and uh that's all right hello and that's all right excuse me at one moment you haven't uh searched these cases it's all i know what's in them what's inside them [Applause] tell me something i still believe that we are definitely the best group in the country we should definitely be on that thank you lucky stars yeah but maybe they wouldn't like us i mean wouldn't like us no you've got no confidence of course they'd like us mind you there is something wrong with the act hmm maybe it's our hair the hair the hair is great the nose is possibly but there is something i can't think what it is [Music] listen it's definitely the name the name is definitely wrong for this group what's wrong with the white winter six [Music] oh sure it doesn't mean anything i mean it's 1965 you've got to be with it you know that's it danielle you know wow well you know he's telling earthy something a good name yeah what about look let's look at this thing scientifically shall we you put it out as well as well done yeah very good now who's who's the top of the hipper right now the top of the hip right is what's his name cellar black oh let's go let's call ourselves silver block then tell you what let's watch television what's on there what's on you know don't you it's that big night out in it oh no not a big night out have you seen that show with those two funnels that keep getting blown up [Laughter] what you've got to get rid of them four fellas why why because they're holding me back that's why why they're holding you back got every don't you know they're jealous of me they're jealous of you i mean everybody knows i'm the sexy one in the group they know that i mean you're too handsome too much too handsome yeah you could get rid of them maybe you're right yeah get your hair cut while you're at it yeah tell her what tell you what to do yeah i bet we've stretched already then go in there something to pack up and get out pick up and get i can't do that why not it's their flight listen you haven't seen this fan letter here no could we please have bernie winters singing from me to you bernie winter's singing from me to you it's uh what's it i'll go on look what's his finger i do like bernie winters he's funny yeah could he please sing i want to hold your hand no it must be a gag request for bernie somebody just yeah it's another one yeah from somebody asking for bernie winters to sing she loves you you look at that bad girl bernie when is this thing she loves you yeah have you got one too yeah i've got one too it says dear bernie please sing all my luggage well my luggage that sounds more like it he can't spell move this away yes it will be all right please could i hear the golden voice of bernie winters singing till there was you too yeah we're not up in all this what are you messing up if you lift your hands to me young man to lift your hands and what have you got to say for yourself what have i got to say to you i smashed you right in the face it's undoubtedly parklane's week of the year all the signs here that the expected arrivals are the beatles coming to the dorchester for the variety club show business luncheon [Music] [Applause] george and paul and of course ringo and john were safe at last variety club ties the stator symbol in show business no difficulty for ringo and here with the beatles was brian epstein their famous manager [Music] there had to be four silver hearts this year one for each of the beatles the group are show business personality award winners a split personality but the kind of thing they take in their stride it was a merseyside shadow cabinet with the opposition leader conferring the awards ladies and gentlemen mr barker mr dobson just like to say it's very nice indeed to get especially to get one each because we usually have a bit of trouble cutting them in four i'd just like to say thank you very much it's a great honor now same goes for me thank you very much for giving us this silver heart but i still think you should should have given one to good old mr wilson um hang out anyone who knows us though i'm the one that never speaks so i'd just like to say thanks a lot i just like to say the same as the others thanks for the purple hearts silver silver sorry about that we'd like to sincerely thank you all and uh we got to go now because the fella on the field wants us and he says it's costing him a fortune thank you [Applause] awards of this sort are sometimes open to dispute but in 1964 would anybody anywhere challenge the right of the beatles a welcome to a young author from liverpool in fact you are the first author from liverpool i've ever seen it's great but uh your first book sold in 350 000 copies and came out this year is that right that's right that's right and tell me you brought three of your friends could you please introduce yes there's george parasol ringo stone and palmer charmly and uh did they have any anything to do with your book did they help you or did they hinder you in any way no they typed it out for me that's right i mean they can't spell and you oh they spell very greatly that's nice by the way i read the review about it in times literary supplement and then i read the book and then i started i wonder are you influenced by thurber or james joyce uh none of them stuart james stewart james stewart and betty grable yeah well anyhow i'm quite sure that our swedish viewers would like to hear you read one of your poems right [Music] oh foreign gentle the chance you wonder at this show but wonder until truth makes all things plain this man his penis if you would know this beauteous lady this man presented wool that vile wall which did those lovers sunder and through walls [ __ ] poor souls they were content to whisper this man with lantern dog and bush of thorn presented moonshine this grizzly beastier lioness by name for all the rest let lion moonshine wall and lovers [Applause] in the same interlude that before that i once not by name present a wall and such a wall is as i would have you think that had in it a granite hole or cheek through which the lovers pyramus and sisby did whisper often very secretly [Applause] oh i fear my sisby's promise is for god a wall of sweet and lovely wall that stands between the stands between her father's ground and mine although a wall a sweet and lovely wall show me thy chin to blink through with my but what's the eye no no sisby do i see a wicked wall [Music] [Music] [Applause] my jelly lips have often kissed my stones i see a voice now will i hide through the chains [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you ladies you who fear the smallest monstrous mouse that walks the floor may now perchance both quake and tremble here when lion rock in wilderness rage.raw uh [Applause] and know that i won ring of the drum around but if i was really a lion i wouldn't be making all the money i am today this lantern duck the owner the moon presents coney come here this lantern's just the only room [Applause] i the man in the moon that seemed to be oh [ __ ] you all i have to say is to tell you that this lantern is the moon you see i'm the man in the moon this storm bushy is my thorn bush and this doggy buggy is my dog and if you don't wrap up we'll give you the kick in the eye [Applause] so this is old ninny's tune [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but where is my loan [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] eyes do you see how can it be what's red the dreadful doll is here my mantle good all covered in blood oh dainty duck oh dear come to us come bound outside and work and wound that path of minimus that left path where heart does hop thus die thus those [Applause] oh well you can't win them all tongue lose thy light moon take night flights see you george now die die guys [Music] [Applause] must cover thy sweet eyes those lily lips this cherry nose these yellow cowslipped cheeks i've gone our gun lovers make moon his eyes were green and leaf tongue not the word another word don't call actually not a word come trust the uh sword come blade my breast improves [Applause] and so far well friends thus this begins i do i do i do [Music] [Applause] from before are off again with the assistance of the justly famous robbie the daily ritual of going to work is like taking your life in your hands [Applause] today's assignment making their first movie a hard day's night for united artists [Applause] behind barriers set up by police the night before the fans urged their heroes on with the ear splitting howl that has become a beatles trademark the location paddington station in london where the real business of moviemaking begins the crew and director physically set up shots [Applause] fishing spots around the station production assistants select eager exits for the thrill of their lifetime they're going to be in a hard day's night and doing what comes most naturally chasing john george paul and ringo this time for the cameras imagine getting paid for all that fun [Applause] foreign [Applause] the production schedule is made to be followed and even the beatles have to stick to a time period they pack themselves off to the afternoon location where the second tier is getting ready for them there probably isn't anyone in the world who hasn't heard here is that famous theater only this one is not in milan it's in london and playing hope to another mob a movie company and the inevitable beatles [Applause] somehow the four whimsical wonders have been sneaked past the waiting crowds and enjoy a few moments of relative peace to prove that wonders never ceased producer walter sentence allowed 1500 youngsters to fill the seats and make believe they're enjoying themselves and accomplishments soon to get almost out of hand when the big team dies on stream enter the the universal shoe for mass mayhem [Applause] several miles later the beatles owned versions of a hard day's night it was only a matter of time before the beatles made it so came the summoners to the palace the news got round to the faithful that the world's number one group were to be invested by her majesty with the most excellent order of the british empire [Applause] last month 75 teenagers from pennsylvania petitioned her majesty the queen to have the beatles knighted well this hasn't happened but today i'm pleased to say that they have been made members of the most honorable order of the british empire congratulations john george thank you tell me how did you all react to this well i went yes about the same yes i think we all felt pretty well the same now last year in america your records sold no less than 10 million dollars worth do you think your export sales had something to do with this well you know somebody said it might have been that the papers keep telling us it means it could have been that but it could have been it might have been for tour in australia now do you think he'll go back to the commonwealth again this was a sensational visit yeah well you know we probably will it's up to mr epstein our manager what does this mbe mean to you all how are you going to deck out to go to the palace there's certain protocol to be observed are you going to dress up in morning yes i think you've got to haven't yeah we'll have to we'll get those what about the head well we're not going to get it all cut off you know someone said we can carry the hat so that'll be easier i think i magically understand you know she may well do from obscurity in the cellar in liverpool four years ago and now to buckingham palace gentlemen what do you think everybody on the other side of the atlantic is going to say to this whoopee texas speaking no two of you got married and you all live in well good domestic splendor has this affected your writing paul and john no it's easier to write with cushions on pieces of hard bench which you know we were on cloud benches before we made it yeah in the slime unknown of liverpool and it's much easier on a nice cushion your plans for toys for this year and next year uh we're going to europe next week next week and then we come back and uh and we go off to america oh we do the ed sullivan good old ed ed sullivan hi ed is watching he's watching in this one there he is oh i did miss his head i missed her have you checked gentlemen whether you'll be able to wear your mbs on any of these other foreign television programs well i suppose once they've given them to [Music] anyway it hasn't changed your life to any great extent no no we just the beetle boycott is still in effect we haven't forgotten what the beatles said we meant more to kids than jesus did or religion at that time i wasn't knocking it or putting it down i was just saying it for the fact and it's sort of it is true especially more for england than here you know i'm not saying that we're better or greater or comparing us with jesus christ as a person or god as a thing or whatever it is you know i just said what i said and it was wrong or was taken wrong and now it's all this threats against your life have been record burning you've been banned from some radio stations does this bother you well it worries me you know it's surrounded by those things being crucified no i wouldn't say that at all this is doug layton and tommy charles reminding you our fantastic beetle boycott is still in effect don't you forget what the beatles have said don't forget to take your beetle records and your beetle paraphernalia to any one of our 14 pickup points in birmingham alabama and turn them in this week if possible the beatles for a long time have been able to because of their tremendous popularity throughout the world especially with a younger set have been able to say whatever they wanted to without any regard for judgment or maturity or the wisdom of it and no one yet has challenged them to any tremendous degree where it might count for three hours uh our three phone lines lit up and they responded and they said uh get rid of the beatles ban the records well i don't mind if he never plays them again you see this is the thing you know everyone seems to think when they hear us say things like this that we're so childish you know i mean you can't say things like that unless you're a silly little child and if he was grown up he wouldn't have done the thing because he only did it for a stunt anyway so i mean who's he to say about growing up who is he who is this girl the basic philosophies and the beliefs of the land has always been to uphold christianity it's hard for me to tell through the mop edge and all of the conglomeration that they have whether they're even white or black myself i couldn't prove you whether they're white or black the only attitude i could assume that they're interested in one thing that's the green black doll and what money they could get if it would be popular to be black i'm sure they'd consider themselves black if it's popular to be white it'd be white all they're after is the fast buck that they can get blue clutch clan being a religious order is going to come out here the night that they appear at the coliseum here and we're going to demonstrate with uh different ways and tactics to stop this performance the clan is going to come out here because we're the only organization that will come out and make a stop to these accusations this is nothing but blasphemy how many cleaners will you have here i shall have about 50 men in robes and i'll have quite a few inside the stadium we're known as a terror organization i think we have a terror organization we have ways and means to stop this if uh this is going to be the case yeah what what ways and means well i don't want to say this but uh there'll be a lot of surprises uh monday night i believe when they get here you officers that are stationed in front of the stage behind the barricade you will go to mr mari shapiro the first aid man and he will furnish you with earplugs so as to keep you from having a headache he runs out of earplugs he has got some cotton we have a detention room set up within the coliseum that detention room is room d any person that you arrest or bring downstairs for ejection will be brought to room d you will take the names the addresses and the telephone numbers we will not allow any dancing running up and down the aisles or crowding up in front of the stage all these parties will be warned and ejected from the coliseum is that clear with everybody thank you [Music] is that your first trip south no no we've been to texas before uh where are you going when you leave here um cincinnati that's it cincinnati how long are you going to be in the states uh about two more weeks two more weeks yes what did you have for lunch oh i did i didn't eat much i didn't eat much anyway i must go it's getting boiling all right thank you very much yeah give me two the police lad what did they lie about honey i and you came all the way out here that's just do you have a ticket for the show tonight are you going to the afternoon or evening performance and who do you say lied to you the blade there what did they tell you they thought it said come down there and they wouldn't let you come down here is that anything to cry over when you wait two and a half years what do you like best about america um [Music] i don't know everything can't you tell us one thing i like the american audience what do you like best about america i think it's the size and the pace of it you know it's so different to britain it knocks me out you know thanks thanks a lot paul and you yes what did you want to do before you became a beatle um nothing i didn't want to do anything else honest and what do you like best about america um the music american music how does that differ from your music english well it's better i think you know the the kind of stuff we like like the american colored groups and things that's better and also it's on every minute of the day you know in england it's only on safe for a couple of hours it's on all the time here thanks paul john yes yes you're in the white room what did you want to do before you became a beatle uh nothing really i just wanted to be rich but i wanted to be a beetle mainly what do you define as a beetle uh it's what we are you know a group singing and selling records that's what i wanted to do [Applause] [Applause] they're just sort of ordinary sunglasses and we've got mirror on one side but nobody can see it [Applause] [Applause] here's a letter someone is left for george harrison so these are the chairs they'll be sitting in so we're going to be talking to the beatles in just a few minutes uh now the way we'd like to use concern is those who do want to ask questions would you please put up your hands and then we'll take them in order are they enjoying their tour here in america this time here in america uh paul mccartney paul uh what about you and jane asher what's the story on you and jaina well uh i haven't said anything to anyone when people keep writing about it and putting in papers and things so uh i'm getting to believe it do the boys have any atlanta acquaintances not yet when you look at your crowds do you feel you can maneuver them we can't do anything with them at this time the mayor of atlanta is going to present the key to the city to the fabulous four beatles and let me take a picture of someone right here with paul and we got it there all right we got a picture of paul and his friend there and a lot of the fans are crowding around here at the press conference today well it looks like things are sort of getting a little bit out of hand right now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] and how was las vegas it's very nice thanks was it very good oh it's a filmmaker how was your reception in las vegas it's great marvelous place in fact you know so far we've had great receptions [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i think ringo is lingo i think you are nothing no you are no it's you okay yes i got my start playing the drums from you after i listened to you i started playing them oh you'll never get anywhere if you listen to me yeah go on yeah i was wondering how long have you been playing your girls uh it's too much trouble you know i don't know it's all that'll be all up to mr epstein before your contract does terminate with capital i don't know i don't even remember signing it it oh fine thanks fine am i on hey what's the name of your station oh [Applause] it's great you got one for me i wish we had one for everybody my guess is all personal questions about your hair right a little while how can you sleep at night with that well you know when you're asleep you don't notice it how do you sleep with your arms and your legs still attached just the same we've got you understood people have only had short hair since the world war so they've been sleeping for all those thousands of years of long hair i tell you it's just as much a problem as having shorter which to you seems like it's normal problem i've ensured having to keep it short oh you're used to sleeping with this short i don't know maybe that's why we've been up every night from the last year yeah maybe that's why we have parties that's it we can't sleep with this long hair they moved in and out of the motel they uh seemed to mingle with quite a number of young girls who were on the sidewalk these were for the most part primarily minneapolis girls uh at midnight we called the curfew we told the kids that uh they were in violation of it those under 18 years of age and they would have to move on it came to our attention at that time from a couple of the girls on the sidewalk that they had friends who they were waiting for that were within the motel we then fell of course that the only place they would be is on the fifth floor of the motel where the beetles were housed we went to the fifth floor and uh we completely shook down the fifth floor doing this with the aid of pass keys knocking on doors and uh telling people that uh the curfew was now uh enforced and that they would have to have guests leave the hotel what was their reaction to this enforcement some of the members of the troop phil became very indignant they told us that minneapolis is a very narrow-minded town as were its police officials and that other cities had been very tolerant to the parties that they had held in their rooms one of their group with a british accent told me that they would never come back to minneapolis and i remarked to him that if they did not come it would be too soon for me was this because of the enforcement i believe so phil they uh they were very irate about that and uh they could not understand why our bars close at one o'clock nor could they understand many other things we had no trouble fill with three of the beetles because they had upon returning from the show at met stadium had gone to the hotel had had a lunch and had gone right to bed we did have trouble however with the report of a girl in one of their rooms that of paul mccartney we did however get the manager of the beatle troupe to uh announce himself at mr mccartney's room and tell him that the girl would have to leave the room or we would have to force entry into the room we told all members of the troop who were causing us a problem that they were in violation of a city ordinance that a false hotel registration where only the person registered in the room may reside there we did remove several girls from the hotel we removed a couple of them from a room that had been reserved for a dining room and they were in bed in this room are you a beetle fan no sir i hear the music around my house but i'm not a beatle fan you expect any calls as a result of this yes sir i do expect quite a few calls phil uh it just seems that every time that we do take an enforcement action we do get some calls [Music] george there's been some remarks accredited to the beatles that you aren't too appreciative of all the jelly beans being thrown at you on your tour no it's a bit dangerous you know because uh jelly bean traveling about 50 mile an hour through the earth into in the eye well you finished you know you're blind on you so we've you know we've never liked people throwing stuff like that we don't mind them throwing streamers but jelly beans are a bit dangerous [Music] a psychiatrist in seattle saying that you are uh menace you bring out the destructive instincts and teenagers and you ought to be bad the psychiatrist in seattle said they are a menace to teenagers do you think that los angeles has been the stop in which you've had more press coverage and more reporting on than any of your other shout outs he asked me if it was more important it probably is and i don't know why because we were told it is [Music] our manager does so that's good [Music] would you care to venture a guess as to how long you think your success as the beatles might last no no no no no who got all his early records [Applause] [Music] [Music] what they think of barry goldwater [Applause] what kind of uh what kind of a musical background do you uh have do all of you have before you started out not really you just started you just [Music] you thought it was something else didn't you you're a naughty journal let me ask you well let me ask you this uh many groups have had a lot of trouble because of uh disputes that break out among the members of the group do all of you get along pretty well well we've been each other's friends for years a long time i've never met them you know i knew george and john at school don't even know it again so we just we are each other's friends so we get a lot of rubbish magazines what do you think about this reception here now with all of these cameras uh we even have live tv cameras in all of the newsrooms here did you expect those kind of a baby reception how do you see the stones been on your uh second tour of the united states for two weeks how was it well three weeks ago two weeks yes it was very enjoyable most enjoyable it's very successful too well now uh that was not true of the first one was it oh no but we only came over here on the first one so that we could get ourselves known so to speak and then when we went back things started happening for us well uh why why did they start happening i don't really know some something sort of chemicals reactions seem to have happened somewhere well do you think that perhaps the general public started getting maybe a little bit tired of the beatles and looked for something new no i don't know about that uh um what would you say anything like that yes i suppose um [Music] [Music] so don't push can i have a rotation of photographers please all you people in the front get back with the people in the back up [Music] i'd just like to simplify things a little by suggesting that the two gentlemen with the roving might select the questions rather than me because they can move around faster so if you want to ask a question please draw the attention of one of the two roving microphone men uh my question concerns uh money here i was wondering if you still have an arrangement with the us internal revenue department to pay your taxes to england through them another part of the question is how much money have you grossed in your current us tour and is it true that you lost we don't know we don't do the money side of it you know brian does that and we don't particularly tell us what we get in the end the tax thing we pay tax on things but we don't know how much or how much we've made or anything you know because that if we were going to worry about that we'd be nervous rex by now i'd like to direct this question to mrs lennon and mccartney in a recent article time magazine put down pop music and they referred to uh daytripper as being about a prostitute and norwegian wood about as being about a lesbian no i just wanted to know what what your intent was when you wrote it and what's what you're feeling is about the time magazine criticism of the music that is being written today we're just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians [Applause] [Music] do you have any plans do you have any plans don't use it separately in the future can you repeat that question please well you'll be working separately in the future or together we're all together probably together aren't john lennon aren't you doing a picture alone yeah bobby that's only in the holiday bit no i think in between beetle fred paul from kask first of all i'd like to say hi to you all again it's really good to see you and go on ask a question that you've never been asked before what are you going to do when the bubble bursts go for it no that's a personal injoke he used to ask it at every press conference we're in to to keep the party going do you think we'll have another tour again next year [Music] outside in hollywood tonight you had to arrive in an armored truck and the truck was swarmed by adoring fans what is the situation wherever you go do you ever have a an opportunity to walk out in the street without being recognized or can you walk into a theater to see a movie by yourself if you go when the lights are down we can do that in england it's easier in england than it is here and it's mainly because we know england better it'd also be easier to do it if we were on tour you know because we're on tour people know where we are that's why we have a crowd many of the top artists and musicians in the pop field today i said the beatles have been a major influence in their music are there any other artists who have an important influence on you oh yes nearly everyone you know we we pinch as much from other people as they pinch from us you know is it possible to raise the level on the both of the roving microphones please the boys are little deaf bingo ringo ringo you carry wild pictures of your baby with you i know not why why not i don't carry photos of anything you know thank you you can remember yeah i may ask about the song eleanor rigby what was the motivation or inspiration for that too quiz john um did you ever two battle boys what john did you ever meet cass in the mamas and papa's yes and she's great on seeing us at night it's good yes she's good uh have you ever trained or used beetle doubles as decoys no no no no we tried to get brian epstein to do he wouldn't do it uh ringo uh one question uh how much did you contribute to what goes on and are you contributing to any other lennon mccartney competition i um about five words to what goes on i've done a thing since [Music] like the dresses to john and paul uh you write a lot of stuff that other people steal from you and also purchase from you and different arrangements ella fitzgerald and the a lot of these boston pots and stuff like that when you listen to us on the radio or records and stuff how do you feel about them using their pieces and changing them around to suit their styles depends how they do it you know the thing is they don't steal it no i know that well you just said they did well i mean you know once we've done a song and it's published anyone can do it so you know whether we like it or not depends on whether they've done it to our taste you know well then let's ask it this way who do you think does it the best the beatles songs who oh [Music] for those of us that have followed your career from the early days of liverpool and hamburg and the pride in you've been awarded the mbe and the dismay of the unwarranted adverse publicity of late the question is individually what has been your most memorable occasions and what has been the most disappointing well i do you know there's so many i think manila was the most disappointed yeah and the most exciting yet to come the gentleman may be the most disappointed gentleman uh there was quite a laugh when you went uh on the stock market with your stock how is your stock doing well it went down but it's coming up again it went down it's the same as any other stock you know it goes down every time the lps drop out they all think they're buying it's a record i love you bernard bernstein likes your music how do you like when it burns very good he's you know great one of the greatest i'd like to direct this question to george harrison if i may what should you address george uh before you left england you made a statement that you were going now to america to be beaten up by americans uh do you do you mean to say in so many words that you feel that the american fan is more a hostile fan no not at all or more enthusiastic actually i said that when we arrived back from manila they said what are you going to do next and i said we're going to rest up before we go and get beaten up over there merely beating up is just really we just got sort of shoved around a bit jostled around in cars and planes so you know that's all it is well do you think that's more an enthusiastic fan than a hostile fan would you say i think uh there's definitely more enthusiastic fans we have beat us up it's not the fans yeah the fan thing i think they proved it themselves you know after this we found out that there are a lot of fans who are great and all the ones we lost i think we don't really mind anyway because if they can't make up the minds who needs them thank you yeah i wanted to ask about the uh your image the image scrimmage and i'll direct this to anybody uh how has your image changed since 63 is it uh a little more uh is it the same an image is how you feel so you know you can only answer that you're the only one that knows who's that oh oh well no i want to get your opinion it's a little tarnish now is it more realistic or what would you say it is i know i have my opinion any tags for our opinion we can't tell you our image you know but we can only our image is what we read in the newspapers and that's the same as you read know that we know our real image which is nothing like our image forget it and what i meant to say was i like take two bricks who is the young man with the lengthy haircut to your right rear right [Music] it's good old days isn't it where is he where is the dave from the birds i made of ours your hoi mateys shy are you ever planning to record in the united states and why haven't you yet we tried uh actually but it was a financial matter a bit of trouble over that one no we tried but uh mr lennon is it true you're planning to give up music for a career in the field of comparative religion no is that another of the jokes going on i'm sure you've all heard of the many beetle burnings in beetle bonfires and i was wondering do you think american girls are fickle all girls are fickle well the photos we saw of them were sort of middle-aged djs and 12-year-olds burning a pile of lp covers this question is directed to paul and john you have written uh quite a few numbers for peter and gordon and i understand they don't like it because they think that it's you writing a song that makes it popular do you plan to write any more songs for them they you know if we write songs for they ask us to write songs for them if we do it i mean they don't mind it they like it but it's people come up and say ah we see you just getting in on the lennon mccartney bandwagon that's that's why they did that one with with our names not on it woman because everyone sort of thinks that's the reason they get hits it's not true really a gentleman uh what do you think would happen to uh you four if uh you came to an appearance without the armored truck and without police we'd get into louisiana we wouldn't make it we couldn't do it it depends you know sometimes we could have easily made it much better without the armature but today probably we wouldn't you think you'd be physically harmed oh sure probably what do you think yes i think so it could be gentlemen the new york times magazine of sunday july 3 carried an article by marine cleave which uh she quotes the beatles not by name as uh saying show business is an extension of the jewish religion would you mind amplifying that i said that to her as well no comment oh come on john let's tell you i mean you can read into it what you like you know it's just a little old statement that's not very serious paul are you getting married and if so to who no um they're probably getting married yes but i mean i don't know when i've got no plans and things i want to make these last three questions john i was wondering under what condition did you write in his own right that sort of wild uh those kicky words i mean how did you uh you know put the piece them together i don't know and do you have any more books coming oh well um yes and i can't answer that you know just the way it happens [Music] any more books coming i didn't think that how can i do this just like an author [Music] john i hope so you know john i don't know never be the same i understand there's a suit pending against the beatles by peter best who claims to be a former member of the beatles is that true was he once a farmer uh i think he's had a few but we don't bother with those [Music] if is this the last question are all of your news conferences like this no well uh that's not the time i'm talking about all of the uh all of the reporters or would-be reporters or semi-reporters that show up are you besieged by these kind of people throughout the tours that you travel here in the united states you can't always tell the would be from the real thing just this is only the beginning this this 60s bit was just a sniff that the 60s was just waking up in the morning you know and we haven't even got to dinner time yet and i can't wait you know i just can't wait i'm so glad to be around and it's just going to be great and there's going to be more and more of us and whatever you think in there mrs grundy of birmingham on toast you know you don't stand a chance hey you're not going to be there when we're running it and b you're going to like it when you get less frightened of it you know and it's going to be wonderful and i believe it and of course we all get depressed and down about it but when i'm down or when john yo goes down desmond will be up or somebody else will be up there always somebody carrying the flag and beating the drum you know so they whoever they are don't stand a chance because they can't beat love because all those old bits from religion and that about love being all-powerful is true you know [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cal Vid
Views: 174,683
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Id: V-F0xQwJIlg
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Length: 102min 0sec (6120 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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