The Beatles : After Pepper

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just before the video begins Please Subscribe and like the videos to help the channel grow also leave a comment good bad or indifferent thanks for watching we were four guys that I met Paul said you want to join me band and then George join and then ring or John we were just a band who made it very very big at all you're right you're this bloody little mic out the way don't be nervous John I'm not nervous doing a funny thing that it sounded good or does it sound just a lovely crap keep that one mark it Fab [Music] in February 1968 The Beatles traveled to rishikesh in North India to learn Transcendental Meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi they first flew to Delhi then traveled by taxes jeeps and eventually donkeys when the donkeys gave out they walked the last half mile to the ashram by foot their luggage followed them later on ox-drawn carts so they're surprised the ashram turned out to be more like a hotel than a Spartan camp the bedrooms contain four posts to beds and English Furniture each equipped with a modern bath and toilet and an electric fire for cold nights meals were eaten communally at long hand carved tables presented by servants and made by trained chefs and we sat in the mountains eating lousy vegetarian food the Maharishi also had servants and a helicopter landing pad for when the Maharishi would tour India each morning they woke up for an early breakfast before attending lectures throughout the day they wore traditional Indian clothing and were able to bathe in the Ganges River they wrote songs every evening and those songs would not only make up their next album but would appear on almost every album thereafter George turned 24 while at the ashram and the maharish who threw a party and presented him with a seven pound cake on the 10th day Ringo left the ashram and told reporters he couldn't take the spicy food his wife Maureen also hated the flying insects Ringo told his friends when he arrived home the ashram was not as fun as a Butlins Holiday Camp Paul tried to stick it but he just wasn't getting it it was too much like score for him but to reporters he just said that he missed London and was glad to be home John and George however stayed John had been free from drugs and alcohol for a month and it was the healthiest he'd been in years while there Neil aspinal gave them regular updates on the progress of apple and when he spoke to the Maharishi he was taken back by the mystical man's knowledge of business at the time he thought this guy knows more about making deals than I do by the 10th week magic Alex an electrical engineer began sneaking wine into the ashram the men would not drink but the women would Alex distributed the wine at night but John and George refused as they were busy writing songs over these drinking sessions a nurse admitted the Maharishi had served her chicken which goes against the strict vegetarian diet that was preached rumors about this spread throughout the week a week later the same girl admitted that Maharishi had made advances towards her this bombshell horrified the group Cynthia John's wife however didn't believe a word of it magic Alex decided to set a trap the girl would visit the maharish's house and several witnesses would wait behind the windows when the Maharishi made advances towards the girl she was to scream and the witnesses would run to her a ride the rest of the group refused to have any part of this the next day Alex returned to the group with another tile the girl had again been served chicken and again the Maharishi had made advances towards her but she didn't scream as planned and Alex had to shout in order for the Maharishi to be aware of others nearby the Maharishi then according to Alex sent the girl away George didn't believe a word of the story and he was furious with Alex George John and Alex sat up all night arguing about it until George was finally convinced John later said when George started thinking it might be true I thought well it must be true if George is doubting it there must be something in it the decision was made to leave early the next morning Alex feared the Maharishi would attempt to stop them from leaving by refusing them transport after breakfast the three men went to see him we're leaving John said but why he replied giggling well if you're so acting Cosmic you'll know why John snapped I don't know why you must tell me said the Maharishi to which John ignored his question the Maharishi looked at John like he wanted to kill him and the real reason they were leaving was never actually talked about and I said we're leaving wow I said well if yourself Cosmic you'll know why and I said you know why because I don't know why you must tell me or not just kept saying and he gave me a look like you know I'll kill you you gave me such a look and I knew then when he looked at me Alex was sent into town to fetch some taxes and according to him the Maharishi had put the word out that the Beatles were not to be assisted with transport if the time refused to comply with the Maharishi he would put a curse on them though Alex did manage to rent two cars and the Maharishi watched on sadly from the gates as they drove away the cars kept breaking down on the journey and the group believed the Maharishi had put a curse on them when they had to stop due to a flat tire John Cynthia and their driver waited in the boiling heat for three hours while George and Patty went for help when they finally reached Delhi they checked into the Hilton and were immediately recognized reporters quizzed them on why they were leaving the ashram they decided between themselves not to give the real reason while they were still in India so they conjured up a story about business they needed to attend to in London back in London they stuck to the story deciding it would only look bad on them should they tell the real reason but from the whole experience John had felt duped he wrote a song called Maharishi and added the lyrics Maharishi what have you done you've made a fool of everyone Maharishi was later changed to Sexy Sadie and would feature on side 2 of The White Album this wasn't the first songs The Beatles had written about the Maharishi the fall on the hill written by Paul details a wise solitary figure not understood by others Paul later said it was written about the Maharishi by the mid to late 60s John and Ringo were both living on the same estate in Surrey John's house cost him twenty thousand pounds and he spent forty thousand doing it up in his garden he kept a psychedelically painted Caravan the pattern's been painted to match his psychedelic Rolls Royce that sat in his front drive all four Beatles homes have fans hanging around the outside but Paul had the most ball was living in a three-story detached house in Saint John's Wood on the top floor of his house is where Paul and John would work on songs when they needed to fill up an album the room they work in contains a Palazzi sculpture Palazzi was Stuart Sutcliffe's hero and teacher in May when the Beatles met in Abbey Road Studios to record the material they'd written in rishikesh they were surprised to be joined by Japanese woman named Yoko Ono she was literally at John's side wherever they went they were from that point on never to be seen without each other it always been a rule that no one else was allowed into the studio while they're recorded and on reflection this seemed to be John's first step in distancing himself from the Beatles he sort of it was tense around us and you know what what is she doing here at the session or why is she with him and and again you know I used to just ask John what's this about I said you know it's what is happening here Jokers at all the sessions and the trouble was for us um it encroached on our framework that we had going basically he's only ever been the four of us in the studio the album John brought his vengeful song about the Maharishi and played it for George George was shocked you can't say that he argued you'll ruin the man George suggested they changed the title to Sexy Sadie John was reluctant at first but warmed to the idea seeing it as an inside joke only they knew about each songs for the album were individual efforts John song George's song Paul song the collaborative aspect had been lost in the past Paul had checked over all of John's songs but now he was hearing them for the first time in the studio Paul also missed Jon's influence that was brought to his own songs in turn John felt hurt by Paul recording the entirety of why don't you do it in the road without consulting him by the time John heard the song it was a finished track free versions of Revolution were recorded before they were happy John wrote it in rishikesh and it took 18 takes in a session that stretched Into the Night George Martin left the sessions halfway through to go on holiday and left a young producer in charge Ringo barely contributed at all he mainly spends his time playing cards in the corner Paul overdubbed the drum tracks himself and Ringo pretended to not know it was Paul's playing one day Paul began lecturing him on how to play the drums and he walked out of the studio convinced he wouldn't be missed Ringo took his family on a getaway to Sardinia the free continued without him but he was sorely missed not for his drumming but for his presence Ringo received a telegram at his Beach House Retreat begging him to return and he was back in the studios to Begin work on Helter Skelter George Martin was very opposed to a double album he stated I thought we probably should have made a very very good single album rather than a double album Ringo agreed I think it's a firearm you know I'm not a great one for that you know maybe it was too many of that look what do you mean it was great it's sold it's the bloody Beatles White Album shut up the album was simply titled The Beatles but has since become known as The White Album due to the blank white cover it sold faster than any of their previous records in late 1968 The Beatles sat down to a business meeting held in a conference room at Apple all four members sat puffing cigarettes as they listened to reports of the company's blunders all of a sudden Paul suggested the group start touring again even going so far as to say they stopped playing small clubs he finished by saying let's go back to square one and remember what we're all about John thought the idea was ridiculous and said I'm breaking up the group the other members were shocked and nobody knew quite what to say John felt no sentimentality or Nostalgia for the Beatles the group then went back and forth for an hour until John agreed to give it a couple of months to decide one thing they did come to an agreement with is that they needed something to boost their cash flow Paul suggested a concert to air as a TV special this would bring quick money and boost their record sales John went along with the idea as he'd quite enjoyed playing a live recording of Hey Jude at Twickenham Studios George hated the idea but Paul had a belief that live performance would be the answer to their problems in the coming weeks it was decided they would rehearse record then perform a live album in front of a live audience the events that followed are documented in the 2021 series get back so I'll just touch on a few points during this period at the same time the Beatles were at Twickenham Studios John's friend magic Alex was building them a recording studio in the basement of Apple with the problems they were having at Twickenham Studios they decided to continue their work at Apple's basement in the end we recorded in the Apple studios in several row because there was a guy called Magic Alex and magikarux said that the Mi was no good and he could build a studio much better well he didn't wires were snaked across the floors and speakers were nailed to the walls the mixing desk was made of old bits of wood and electrical test equipment it looked like the control panel of a B-52 bomber magic Alex hadn't sound proofed the studio so there was constant interference from Heating units when George Martin arrived at the studio he was stunned at the conditions he stated magic Alex for all of his expertise had forgotten to put any holes in the wall between the studio and control room which made it impossible to run the necessary electrical cables for the recording equipment and when we finally got in to do a recording studio we had a 16 track studio and we walked in though it was chaos we had to rip it all out and start again he had like 16 little speakers all around the room but there wasn't anything he ever did except he had like a toilet with a radio in it undeterred the Beatles continued rehearsing at Apple and George Martin brought them a mobile Studio in early 1969 The Beatles began laying down tracks for their next album Abbey Road they had all agreed amongst the turmoil of the group making music ease the tension Abbey Road was the final album recorded but not the final album released the songs from the get back sessions were originally going to be used on an album titled get back here is a cover of the aborted album none of the Beatles could face the 29 hours of tape that was laying dormant so John stated let's make a good album again George Martin was contacted to produce but only on the terms it would be recorded like they used to John was very enthusiastic about recording the album he told a reporter I've got things going around in my head now as soon as I leave here I'm going around to Paul's Place and we'll sit down and start work John went over to Paul's house with a rough version of because You Never Give Me Your Money was written by Paul about Alan Klein Alan Klein was hired as the Beatles manager after the death of Brian Epstein Paul said of Klein no money just funny paper all promises and it never works out John at this time decided to drive to Scotland to visit the Carl of tongue with Yoko and his son Julian for a notoriously bad driver like John the dangerous weave of Roads spelled disaster before the trip even began John set off for Scotland and was warned you're on single track roads up there be very careful the already Stone John took little notice driving through the single roads in Scotland encountering another car head-on Jon panicked I didn't know what to do so I just let go of the steering wheel the car went flying off-road and sent John to the hospital to receive 17 stitches Yoko received similar treatment with Julian uninjured the nearly demolished car was shipped to their home in titanhurst park they kept it as a tribute to their survival and a reminder John should never be allowed to drive again after John and Yoko had recovered they boarded a helicopter that picked them up from the hospital's front lawn flew them back to London and the next day they joined the Beatles to finish Abbey Road George Harrison's songs had progressed to the point that even Paul McCartney admitted his songs were at least as good as ours during this time Yoko was pregnant again and was given strict orders by her doctor to remain in bed John then had a bed delivered to the studio from Harrods the bed was placed with sheets pillows a blanket and a microphone was provided so she may rely her comments to the band while the band worked through their songs Yoko lying bed knitting or reading impervious to their scales when the Beatles had completed almost the whole album they decided to shoot the photographs for the front cover the original title was to be Everest a popular cigarette brand they were going to fly to Mount Everest to have pictures taken but instead they decided to go outside snap a few quick pictures and call the album Abbey Road the pictures were taken 10 am on a Friday morning it was a very hot day and all the Beatles except George regretted wearing suits the whole time the pictures were taken John was complaining come on hurry up we're meant to be recording the album received lukewarm reviews one critic cited it as pleasing but unadventurous at the time radio DJ Russ Gibb began rumors Paul McCartney was actually dead and the Abbey Road cover was proof that and listening to The Beatles records backwards which are believed by some to contain hidden messages with the end of The Beatles now imminent Paul fell into a depression the other musicians had abandoned the dream they shared and he felt betrayed he couldn't get himself out of bed in the morning and if he did he had to have a drink to start the day Paul had first held out hope the separation of the band was temporary and John might attempt to reform the group But as time went on it became more and more clear that that wasn't going to happen Paul told a reporter John's in love with Yoko and he isn't in love with the three of us at this time John allowed a group of 25 hippies to live on his private island darinish which is located just Off column bag in Ireland they grew their own vegetables and raised families in 1972 a fire burnt down the Island's Supply tent and the group disbanded after John's death in 1980 Yoko sold the island and donated the profits to an Irish orphanage the island is now used as a grazing site for livestock and is sometimes visited by enthusiastic Beatles fans by 1970 Phil Spector had done such a good job of the Instant Karma single it was decided he would be given the Let It Be tapes and asked to made an album from them the album was going to be released in May to coincide with the documentary film Let It Be which was released five days later Ringo and Paul had both written solo albums by this point Paul's album simply titled McCartney for the cover Paul had chosen a photo of spilled cherries inside the album package they contained a question and answer interview all written by Paul it read are you planning a new album or single with the Beatles answer no question do you foresee a time when Lennon McCartney become an active songwriting partnership again answer no question do you miss the Beatles and George Martin was there a moment EG when you thought wish Ringo was here for this break answer no the interview was confirmation to the public The Beatles had broken up Mick Jagger when asked if the Rolling Stones would ever break up replied nah but if we did we wouldn't be so about it when Paul first heard the Finish Let It Be album he was Furious he felt Phil Spector had bastardized the Beatles sound he tried everything in his power to have the long and Winding Road changed but unfortunately for him the album was already being pressed Ringo's album Sentimental Journey contained all cover songs sung off key both albums will be released after Let It Be Let It Be premiered on May 20th and unsurprisingly none of the Beatles showed up George on this night was busy in the studio recording the album All Things Must Pass with Phil Spector it was released just before Christmas and George charged a record-breaking price for the album it went to number one in the UK and the US with glowing reviews The Beatles were now finished but the legend had just begun
Channel: Film Retrospective
Views: 251,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the beatles, the beatles documentary get back
Id: VbOY-to2_V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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