The Beatles Through 1966

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why are you also horob oh we're not hor knobby yes you are no we see yours because we're not flattering you the year of 1966 marked the second phase of the Beatles career 1965 had ended with the release of Rubber Soul in December which coincided with John's father releasing his first single that's my life my love and my home throughout the year the group would face public backlash from Lennon's Infamous Jesus comments fear for their lives in Manila after snubbing a dinner meeting and John would meet Yoko Ono for the first time at an art exhibition this is the story of The Beatles through 1966 the year began with George and Ringo attending a party thrown by Mick Jagger in London while Paul visited family in Liverpool a week later George married Patricia Anne Boyd better known as Patty Boyd few weeks after this the cavern Club closed down due to debts of over £10,000 to put it into perspective that's the equivalent of £92,000 today in March the world premere of The Beatles performance at Shay stadium was aired on bbc1 that same month John was interviewed at his home by Morin cleave the intention had been for the public to get a glimpse into his glamorous lifestyle as the interview begins John States his father Fred Lennon turned up at the house a few weeks ago only for John to slam the door on him he states he was here a few weeks ago it was only the second time in my life I'd seen him I wasn't having him in the House John then goes on to talk about a cat he recently pered that he named after his Aunt Mimi he then takes Morin on a tour of his tesque mansion which contains a suit of armor a room of model racing cars and a fruit machine in John's living room sit boxes of Christmas presents he never got round to hanging out a massive Bible George bought him as a present and a gorilla suit he tells Morin all the Beatles were planning on buying gorilla suits and driving around in their Ferraris wearing them John was the only one who actually did John States he's an Avid Reader and has a wide range of books from Huxley Orwell Swift and Oscar wild John States I've read millions of books he then describes himself as famous and loaded which Morin later uses at the top of the article John then plays more in some Indian music given to him by George after 20 minutes John sh you're not listening are you this music is thousands of years old John at this time has been reading obsessively about religion in a statement that will come back to haunt him he remarks Christianity will go it will vanish and Shrink I needn't argue about that I'm right and I will be proved right we're more popular than Jesus now I don't know which one will go first rock and roll or Christianity Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary it's them twisting it that ruins it for me when the article is printed in Britain there is no reaction to Jon's comments about Christianity that same month The Beatles posed for a photos shoot with mutilated dolls and blooded meat the image was used for the US album The Beatles yesterday and today released by Capital Records in April recording sessions begin for revolver and the group give their last UK tour at the Empire Pool in Wembley that same month John and George attend a Bob Dylan concert at the Royal Albert Hall during the second half of his set as he switches to Electric instruments Dylan is booed by the crowd during this month it's reported Alan Klein has placed a bet with a record producer's wife that he'll be managing The Beatles before the end of 1966 in June the group decided to appear on top of the pops for the first time they performed their single Paperback Writer it was aired live on BBC 1 but afterwards the footage was wiped and thought to be lost forever in 2019 David charler came forward with footage had taken of the live performance the footage you're now watching had lay in a box in day David's attic for 53 years in June poor McCartney purchases a dilapidated Farm in kti Scotland The Beatles then begin a tour of Germany Tokyo and the Philippines this tour marked the first time harsh measures were being used to restrain fans beetl Mania had become so crazy at this point while in Japan the group played at the boken which resulted in threats as the venue was traditionally reserved for martial arts from that point on things went from bad to worse while in Manila the group didn't attend a social lunch gathering with the president Ferdinand Marcos and all hell would soon break loose The Beatles carried on blissfully unaware of the storm that was about to hit the first signs things were a Miss was when they performed their next concert and no police escort thought accompanied them exiting the stadium in their cars they were mobbed by fangs who banged on the glass and shook the vehicles back at their hotel the staff ignored any requests and they received no further security The Beatles at this point were left to fend for themselves fearing for their lives they would flee to India on the day of their departure at the Manila Hotel Paul picked up a newspaper and the headline readed Beatles snub president they were then forced to surrender their earnings from the shows in Manila otherwise they wouldn't be let out of the country at this point they arranged their own cabs and headed to the airport on their way cab drivers seemed to forget the route and when they reached the airport they were heckled further the airport manager shut down the escalators and the group were kicked and beaten by an angry mob while waiting to board their plane the airport manager would later brag about punching them Neil aspor later stated nobody got hurt because we didn't fight back if we had fought back it could have been very bad once on the plane they were so relieved poor stated they were kissing the seats after that they spent three days in New Delhi before returning to London the beatos would never return to the Philippines in the three days they spent in New Deli India George was able to buy a decent sitar and they decided once and for all to quit touring the whole time in India they were careful about what they ate but ironically it was on the plane right back to England they all got food poisoning from a beef strg and off served John and Ringo took turns throwing up back in London while the Beatles wrapped up sessions for revolver in Southern America John's comments about Jesus resulted in public burnings of their records in August JN agrees to star in the film how I won the war and the Beatles fly from London to the US for their last ever tour when they arrive in Chicago a press conference is held where John makes an apology for his Jesus comments that same month The Beatles performed their last ever concert at Candlestick Park Paul requests the concert be recorded on cassette and John takes a camera on stage and takes pictures during the performance August ends with the Beatles flying back to London and a new era for the band after that each of the members embarked on their own individual projects in September John flies to Germany to begin filming how I won the war John has his haircut short for the role and he's given a fun pair of glasses to wear he also has his rollsroyce and chauffeur brought over from London to drive him around at the same time George travels to India and grows a mustache at the advice of Ravi Shankar so as not to be recognized it doesn't work and he and Patty Boyd hold a press conference at the Taj Mahal saying they've come to India to study yoga and sitar poor meanwhile has grown a mustache and is writing a music score for the film The Family Way by November John has completed filming how I won the war and travels back to England in England John attends an aent Guard art exhibition and is introduced to the artist Yoko Ono he was driven to the event in his Mini Cooper by his chauffeur Les Anthony John in his own words looked to State he had in fact been up for three nights tripping on asses when he arrived at the exhibition he became very nervous he kept saying to his chauffeur I'm not ready yet let's just sit here let's see what happens he sat there for 30 minutes and very nearly didn't go in but eventually John entered to the usual Star Treatment he was used to the attention at this point was exactly what he didn't want JN grabbed a catalog listing the exhibitions and began looking through he figured if he buried his head into the magazine he would not be bothered after a few minutes John began looking around the art pieces which he found ridiculous he began to see the funny side of it and went to view the downstairs Gallery downstairs he saw a ladder and something written on a black canvas on the ceiling John climbed the ladder and grabbed a spy glass which was hanging down and on the canvas was written one word yes John later stated I felt relieved it's a great relief when you get up the ladder and you look through the spy glass and it doesn't say no or [ __ ] you or something after climbing back down the ladder John continued looking amongst a few scruffy people who were standing around it was at this point he was introduced to a short pale woman dressed in black her name was Yoko Ono did John she had a powerful Aura John asked Yoko well what's the event she didn't answer instead she handed him a card it had one word written on it breathe Yoko then spoke to John asking if he'd like to hammer a nail into one of her exhibitions for five Shillings John replied well I'll hammer an imaginary nail in and give you an imaginary five Shillings Yoko accepted J's offer at the same time JN and Yoko were meeting Brian Epstein was publicly dismissing claims two of The Beatles had approached Alan Klein to manage them in late November the Beatles meet in the studio all four have now grown facial hair and are wearing colorful hippie attire John who appears thin and gaunt plays his latest song Strawberry Fields Forever on a acoustic guitar for George Martin in Little More Than A pained Mumble George Martin sat with his arms folded listening and knew straight away the song was a masterpiece he later stated I was Spellbound he'd broken into different territory to a place I did not recognize from his past songs Martin was so taken back by what he'd heard he later cursed himself for not running a tape Paul then began writing a song also set in Walton Liverpool Penny Lane George Martin would later refer to as creative rivalry the newly written songs made Brian Epstein very happy he'd insisted they release a single by early next year in December the family way which Paul wrote a soundtrack for was released with the yearly Christmas fan club record on New Year's Eve George has refused entry to a London nightclub called Annabelle's for not wearing a tie George is offered one by the doorman he refuses and the group he's with seeing the new year at a cafe called Lion's Corner House 1967 would see the Beatles face tragedies creative blunders and release albums that change the way music was written
Channel: Film Retrospective
Views: 76,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the beatles, john lennon, paul mccartney, the beatles documentary, george harrison
Id: -dE4-tjOFY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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