The Bear Season 1 Episode 1 'System' Premiere REACTION!!

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[Music] what's up everybody welcome back to the channel the bear season 1 episode number one the premiere I have been wanting to watch this show it's been on the list for a very very long time yes and it's been upvoted a bunch it's been brought to our attention it's been suggested and we just really haven't had a lot of time to add it into the schedule but we do now and I am very much looking forward to checking this show out I really don't know anything about it except lip I know is the main actor and know him from obviously Shameless cuz that's who he is is lip and we got to see him in the iron claw which again so good I think those are the two really the only two things I've seen him in and he's been fantastic in both of those absolutely I think he's a great actor he does a great job so we are both very much looking forward to this if you guys didn't know if you're into the patreon thing we do post full watchalong reactions they are watch alongs so you do need to bring your own copy to sync up with us there's link to that down below and if you're into the YouTube membership thing we offer the same thing there too so go find the link to that join up there and yeah check out the full watch alongs if you're into that also we do have a poll currently going for the show that is going to replace peeky blinders once we wrap up that show we still got a little bit of time before we start something new obviously exactly but Choice members here YouTube members and patrons are the ones going to be selecting that show so that poll is Ono it's going to be going for like another 20 something days depending on when you're watching this video but short shows one season two two seasons they're not eligible for the main show we kind of consider that the main show longer shows more seasons takes a little bit more of a commitment to get through so that's currently going right now and if you are looking for some other shows that are shorter newer possibly we've got a long list we've got a lot of stuff that we want to check out we're probably going to try to get to it at some point here just not a whole lot of time to really check those other shows out right now and not enough hours in the day exactly this is one of those shows that we really been waiting for trying to find a slot and Now's the Time for the bear so I'm very much looking forward to it you ready to check it out episode one yep let's go oh that's a cool shot that is the hell what the hell is trapped in this little cage is that a [ __ ] bear what the hell that looks fake I know sorry mean oh that looks oh [ __ ] thank god what the hell it's a wild ass dream right there that was really interesting yo yo 25 lb 25 no no no I ordered 200 paid for 25 take it of a loop yeah yeah yeah no no no l that's that's that's really nice to you no no we're we're really grateful to still be open after everything I'm still trying to figure this place out you know see how how Michael was doing everything and I want to get you your money oh oh dear I really like the way this is edited so far it's very fast High paced Don't Unplug it I know what that means Tina you unplug it it won't work [Music] again damn I'm hungry hey Chi it's K you still got that me connect you cut vegetables like a [ __ ] [Laughter] whoa thank you Chef I love that you C vegetables like a [ __ ] that's also where I stor my pants we got issues this arue it's painted and no [ __ ] is they conserve copper during World War II this is original Big E Redline Salvage all right from 1944 you can get 12250 for that on eBay tonight add this what am I Coin Star that's like 300 plus what plus 1955 blanket line type three pleaded he needs that meat very interesting he's trying to scrape by essentially God I'm [ __ ] hungry this food this is not this food looks good this is hard to watch while hungry hey sugar yeah yeah yeah look I I need your help yeah I need that uh jacket that Mike gave me yeah look can you uh can you bring it here thank you hi I'm Sydney I called about the suos here you give me your yes thank you linear smoke that's some serious heat okay so what are you doing here this was my dad's favorite spot when I was a kid special place good so you know the drill we uh you're going to make family it's meet plus three and we we eat around two yeah her dope can I just like ask you a question Maybe of course yeah I know who you are you're the most excellent CDC at the most excellent restaurant in the entire United States of America what are you doing here I guess making sandwiches so that's interesting IIM I need my be then I do onions then I do potatoes we have sister don't mess up our place I'm not messing anything jef no please please do not touch that that's been going for 12 hours okay that's my pot Jeff everybody knows that's her pot use another pot please Chef all right the pacing of the episode is very fast Tina keep messing with the temperature and it's [ __ ] on my R Tina I know you speak English I will get you a new mixer okay I promise you that's the be me in sandwiches for lunch that's Sydney she's helping us out today Michael system makes no sense I'm saying something Marcus I say something you are my favorite this is Mayhem behind behind hey Chef is there like a family shelf or something behind shelf okay is this what it's like behind the scenes of like I that I am not cut out for that I mean I've seen some like reality shows that involve kitchens and stuff that always feels like [ __ ] but like I know there's a level of stress and this feels insane how was the rec oh my God she murdered it I love this so got to run the stuff by me first I don't have to do [ __ ] hold on whoa [ __ ] is this this is Sydney I'm staging you're W today Sydney she's helping us out today Richie jovic pleasure to meet you sweetheart don't say sweetheart you [ __ ] sorry K you're so woke I made Nothing by it say Sweetheart's just part of our Italian Heritage don't be rude and start doing a million things like a smart ass I don't having time to take to your mom for six no don't you [ __ ] I got all kinds of receipts from my divorce lawyer backing up cuz all the time I'm spent trying to put your family back together cuz you're too much of a [ __ ] to come home ouch guys are texting me you're telling them to do all sorts of weird [ __ ] backwards don't [ __ ] do that Carmen this is your brother's house okay yeah remember I was running it fine without you why didn't he leave it to you then oh so that was his brother's spot he passed left it to him and he's running it differently you've been here for two weeks we've been having money problems for two weeks 1+ 1 equals you're an [ __ ] Bobby call me Bobby FL Bobby I'm worried about fingers right now just make it easy and make the [ __ ] spaghetti oh my God keeping chefs again what the [ __ ] are you saying anyone understand what you saying housekeeping means you have to clean your stations cuz this place is [ __ ] gross I refer to everybody as Chef because it's a sign of respect and I never said I couldn't figure out the spaghetti I said it doesn't make any sense on this menu so it is done if the spaghetti didn't make any sense how come everybody [ __ ] love that [ __ ] everybody love it everybody doesn't have any taste it was an underseasoned overs saued mess it took 7 hours to prep this [ __ ] right here made you pompous and delusional and a [ __ ] oh gu making me [ __ ] nervous I hate to break your hearts [ __ ] but that gluey mushy [ __ ] is not bailing us out this time do you take my knife sh did you take my oh [ __ ] why is the beef so H cuz we just took it out 2 hours late 2 hours longer Wrigley didn't deliver enough meat this week why didn't Wrigley deliver because we're out of money the only beef I could get was bone in which you have to bra all right it takes 2 hours longer I am so stressed out honestly to me about Labor I thought this was your house oh [ __ ] [ __ ] all this announcement listen up bre stays the same gravy stays the same seriously though is this what prepping for open is is like is it that stressful I don't know or is it just because of his approach and his like him changing things it it's a Norwegian knockoff Mortal Kombat part of the reason why this machine got recalled in the first place aside from the excessive and irresponsible violence is it's just too difficult it's a fighter and a [ __ ] scroller I didn't make it to the funeral I sent flowers and I really hope that they look nice I don't know why I wasn't there you're bleeding [ __ ] man stupid D Ass KN [Music] [ __ ] oh my God anyone else stress the [ __ ] out now Jesus oh God clearly he does he have also does he have an ulcer so what is this whole thing with he dude just called him bear right I don't know and then also you hear the growling and then the dream to open the show you would have lost your mind fire guys we got to line up we got start seriously I want to start defining our roles a little bit more clearly all right hold on a second I found out later but at this point I think it's the guy understand so I'm like okay now there's a problem I'm trying to enjoy my tacos so this guy he pulls out a revolver I'm like oh my God where where did you get that what what did you steal that from the whoa dude there is a lot going on I kind of love it oh it's great but I'm also freaked out yo you didn't put in the bag or anything that's how you say hello to me hi hi here smell like this place sorry I just hate seeing you here what just sweeps stand for I swept St Louis three times and had a no hitter my real last name is [Music] Woods wow he's like an actual like professionally trained awardwinning sounds like he's like known too cuz the girl that Sydney yeah she knew who he was Uncle Jimmy wants to buy this place it's not for sale I think we should sell it to him so we can flip it into an Applebees no no I'm I'm I'm trying to to do something here sugar okay I was so excited for you to come home got to go okay I'm okay I'm want to fix this place I was asking you to Bear sugar are those like all family nicknames what's the significance of the bear time to try the new sandwiches Vargas rolls please check that's crumbly it's too dense it's the mixer it's not the mixer all right it's crumbly the oven's too dry me to do my job just do it what do you mean somebody come try this cousin there go Che it's redundant and WIP just like you wow [Music] [Laughter] happy oh [ __ ] mhm you know that's fire no [ __ ] fire mhm that dude looks like a carrot is that a [ __ ] carrot I mean it's clearly a carrot do you not know what a carrot looks like got to need more bread what is happening did you know Michael he was like one of my best friends but then [ __ ] it got dark at the end hey I'll pay you in Sandwich yeah deal no [ __ ] deal but he's the [ __ ] worst yeah he sucks dude he's not a nice guy it's just he's sat inside fck oh I love it all right all right I'll start I'll start I'm grateful for Philip Kate dick F you're up me ah I'm I'm F I'm thankful for my my catch I am a huge fan of what they call him F I guess I'm grateful that Richie didn't come in here wearing that cologne today that he always be wearing you know smell like a pine tree and [ __ ] smell like onion under AR onion under arm that's gross cousin cousin yo it's getting crazy out there come give me a hand on you y really yeah really this is in my house remember wow damn dude everybody oh [Music] [ __ ] oh whoa Merry Christmas lizards sounds like we got a real problem out here any of you Insel Q on for ch SN cut [ __ ] want to get out of line now dang cousin sorry sorry we're going to have a little tournament here today we are going to be on our best behavior I need one of those we're not going to T them not going to look at them all weird we're not going to do any of that spectral [ __ ] I not to say that stuff but say everybody be on your best beh absolutely why is dudee have a [ __ ] Sledgehammer it's a game I assume but you don't need to bring an actual Sledgehammer you win Italian ice for a year also I hate litter so you [ __ ] are going to clean up after yourself and you're going to godamn recycle [ __ ] you they talk so much [ __ ] this is Chicago I love it those turkeys eat you car me I swear to God today was not the day to go [ __ ] with the system system system cousin hey I don't care I do not care what you do up in Napa with your [ __ ] tweezers and your fagra you got no [ __ ] idea what you're doing here so we are going to stick with what works and we are going to [ __ ] make sure we got enough food to feed these [ __ ] dorks so get your ass back in there and you make that [ __ ] spaghetti holy [ __ ] dude he likes it check it that's good you see that difference Big Time steam Trey yep right you can throw down huh hey grab me a fresh parre all Chef did he just get some respect I think so I can't even imagine what that stress is oh my god oh wow he said [ __ ] your pasta I think I I'm pretty sure that's what I think that's the realization he just came to but those were the good tomatoes those were the good tomatoes those are the ones my mama uses yeah you don't throw that stuff in the trash we don't get that over here what a first episode mhm that was quick it was I felt like we watch it for like five minutes yeah the pacing was so fast though so much happened in that like what 26 minutes or something that episode was I loved everything about it I love the like the opening Little Dream sequence of him walking on that bridge with that really cool shot and you hear this like growling going on and then you see him approaching this cage there's a [ __ ] bear inside is he fighting himself though is that what's happening yeah and I mean everyone calls him bear so that makes sense the show is called the bear his sister I'm assuming is sugar yeah so everybody has like a really cool nickname interesting his brother passed away left him the restaurant and he's this world renown awardwinning Chef I don't know if it's world renown at least it sounds like it if people notice Nappa and he was doing something fancy I mean it feels like he's big time like he's done some really big things fancy things and him being back in this little sandwich shop is what it feels like it feels like he's he's not out of his league but he's out of place from over qualifi like this what kind of what it feels like and everyone there you can kind of tell they don't like the way he's doing things cuz he's changing they have a system they have a routine when somebody comes in and tries to like change their routine I imagine that would be extremely difficult it's like Kitchen Nightmare [ __ ] everything you're doing you're going to do it change it my way I can barely handle when my day-to-day routine is changed so I couldn't even imagine when your work life routine is changed [ __ ] and you're basically presented with a new owner yeah well and stealing from one to give to the other so you have to like sell your like vintage denim to get money to buy meat and it's wow they're clearly struggling they're trying to get things back what happened to the brother he didn't go to the funeral he even said yeah and then the other the friend that was fixing the mixer who they call fact I'm going to assume I hope that's not like a bad term or yeah I don't know something that I'm not supposed to be saying but it just it feels like he he said something about like it was getting dark there at the end so I I don't know if it was self-inflicted or otherwise they jammed I feel like a lot into this first episode just the way it was cut the information like one of the workers like found like the his certificate yeah and like there's a lot of like little nuggets just dropped in there that with the way that this episode was paced could very easily be missed but I thought that was awesome I thought just the way everyone talks to each other is absolutely hilarious but I've never been in the back of a kitchen of any sort of restaurant only seeing it like I mentioned in in these shows that [ __ ] is Chao and stressful especially if you're bringing someone else in trying to you know alter the way you do things just the way you like just make the [ __ ] spaghetti and he's like throws it into the trash like nah holy [ __ ] I I think that episode did exactly what a Premiere is supposed to do because now I'm super intrigued I want to learn more I want to find out more I want to see where the hell this is going to go I thought it was a fantastic start same I I really like it I'm yes I'm very interested just I I love the editing and the pacing like that that really stood out to me as like really strong and then obviously the performances and the acting and the story that they varies obviously one episode but that Foundation it feels really strong so everybody anxious everybody stressed out we're good love you Chef okay it's from another movie if you guys haven't seen it but yeah great start y anything else all right guys you share all of your thoughts share your opinion leave those comments down below and just another reminder if you're into whole full watchalong thing there's links to that stuff down below on patreon and also here for membership so yeah we'll see you guys later for the next one have a good one bye [Music]
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 28,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, nikki steven react, nikki steven reaction video, nikki and steven reaction video, reaction video, reaction, the bear, the bear reaction, the bear season 1, the bear season 1 reaction, the bear season 1 episode 1, the bear season 1 episode 1 reaction, the bear season 1 premiere reaction, the bear season 1 premiere, first time watching the bear, first time watching
Id: ff5FEZiKpWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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