The Battle With Temptation | Luke 4:1-13 | Pastor John Miller

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let's read verses 1 and 2 of luke chapter 4 it says that jesus being full of the holy spirit returned from jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness being 40 days tempted there it is of the devil and in those days he did eat nothing in other words he was fasting and when they were ended he afterwards were hungry thomas the kempis said no one is good so good that he's immune from temptation we will never be entirely free from it there's no order so holy no place so secret where there will be no temptation and if you've walked with god for many many years you know that no matter how long you've walked with god no matter how old you are you are still going to be tempted i believe that we will be tempted of the devil until the very day the lord takes us home to be with him in heaven whether that be the rapture which will end all temptation praise god or whether that be death to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord so temptation is something that we all must deal with write down first corinthians 10 13 i'm going to give you some classic verses today in cross-reference to our text to deal with the subject of temptation second corinthians chapter 10 or first corinthians chapter 10 and verse excuse me 13 first corinthians 10 13 says there is no temptation taken you but what is what common to man in other words it's universal and god is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted here's a promise from god's word on temptation god will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able so this whole kind of excuse if i couldn't help myself is not biblical he won't allow you to be tempted above what you're able and will with the temptation make a way for you to what escape god provides a way out for you to escape now even jesus is we're going to see in this story this episode was tempting a little quick footnote kind of prematurely but i want to make sure i don't forget it this story recorded in matthew 4 and in luke 4 just two quick references also in the gospel of mark in chapter 1. so all three synoptic gospels either recorded or mentioned it had to be related by jesus himself peter wasn't there john wasn't there no one else was there none of the disciples it was jesus alone in the wilderness being tempted by the devil so what we read about was evidently important enough for jesus to convey it to his disciples so they under the inspiration of the holy spirit can record it for our benefit and for our profit in the bible so this is very sacred episode the temptation of jesus in the wilderness which must have been related by jesus to his disciples in order for them to record it in the pages of scripture now let me mention some things to kind of set the stage before we get into the text to be tempted is not a sin to be tempted is not a sin it's only a sin when you yield to the temptation write down james chapter 1 verse 14 and 15 where james says everyone is tempted again everyone is tempted but he says when they're drawn away from their own lust and they are enticed so temptation starts in the heart with our lust and then we're enticed and drawn away and he says we're lust we're tempted with our own lust and enticed and then when lust hath conceived there's the sin when you yield to that sin then you have committed a disobedient act to god you've sinned and when sin is finished it brings forth death so you're tempted of your own lust you're enticed and then you yield to that and that's when you have sin so it's not a sin to be tempted so don't feel guilty or bad because the devil's tempting you but you should resist the devil the bible says and then he will flee from you but the problem is so often we don't resist we just yield to the temptation and then we feel the guilt and the shame afterwards but remember in first john 1 9 that if we confess our sin god is what faithful and just to do what forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteous so there's no sin that god will not forgive except the sin of which you will not repent of so how can we triumph over temptation jesus triumphed over temptation and if we follow his example that's why i believe it's in the bible and we rely on god's word and god's spirit then we can triumph over temptation so i want to look with you today at these temptations now before we begin the individual temptations in verses one and two of our texts we have the background and the setting and there's a few things i want you to note first of all the time of his temptation when was jesus tempted verse 1. it says being full of the holy spirit he returned from jordan now that's a little hint as to the timing of this temptation why did he return from jordan because he was just baptized by john the baptist in the jordan river so this is pre-public ministry jesus has not started his public ministry yet he's been baptized so two things happened to jesus before his public ministry he was baptized and the heavens opened the spirit descended as a dove the voice of the father audibly from heaven this is my what beloved son in whom i am well pleased or in whom my soul delights and so jesus was baptized by john in the jordan then the same holy spirit that descended upon him luke chapter 4 verse 1 filled him and led him into the wilderness so jesus was tempted listen carefully right after a great blessing the bible says let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he what fall temptation will often come to us right after a great blessing maybe you come to church on sunday morning you're singing the songs you're praising the lord you hear god's word you're fellowshipping you're all built up then you get in your car and you go to exit the parking lot and there's a line of cars to get out and you lose all the blessing you just got in church or you get out on the highway and you begin to drive with the little boy said mom why is it when dad drives all the idiots come out and you lose the blessing of being in god's presence with god's people hearing god's word so be careful be on guard when everything's going good be vigilant be sober because your adversary the devil walks as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and don't be thinking that you got it together and that there is no devil going to attack someone said opportunity knocks once but the temptation knocks every day all day long amen so it happened right after a great blessing i love what joshua sanders said he said after the dove the devil after the reassuring voice of the father the insinuating hiss of the serpent after the comforting words thou art my beloved son the sinister challenge if thou be the son of god the second point i would make in verse 1 is that jesus was both full of the holy spirit and was led by the spirit now that indicates his humanity he was being led by the holy spirit as a man jesus and that he also was allowed by god the father to be tempted that god allowed this temptation now this confuses a lot of people does god tempt us the answer is no does god allow us to be tempted the answer is yes so god isn't going to deliver you from temptation there's going to be temptation but god wants to deliver you in the temptation now some get confused because in the lord's prayer where jesus taught us how to pray it prays lead us not into temptation so why would we be praying to god not to lead us into temptation if god doesn't lead us into temptation the word temptation is used also for testings and trials very often and this is an important point in interpreting bible passages the very same word can mean something different depending upon the context so in some context it means that satan is tempting us to sin and in another context it means that god is testing our faith trying our faith so that our faith will become stronger and more mature so when we say lead us not into temptation we're saying lord as i'm being tested and i'm being tried then satan tries to capitalize on that and tempt me help me to be obedient to you and not fall into sin so there's a fine line between testings and temptations but it's important to understand testings are allowed by god to strengthen our faith temptations are brought by satan allowed by god but brought by satan to actually solicit us to evil or to sin so someone said satan tempts us to bring out our worst god test us to bring out our worth i like that and in the book of james chapter one you have this the same situation where it starts off talking about being tempted but it's actually a reference to tim it's actually a reference to testing and then at the end of the chapter there he talks about being tempted by the devil both those subjects are in that one chapter one deals with testings and trials and the other one deals with temptations from the devil so he was being led by the spirit indicates god doesn't tempt us but he allows us to be tempted by the devil and then thirdly write this down there is a real tempter notice he's mentioned in verse 2 being 40 days tempted of who the devil now the devil is a real personal being he's not a physical entity but he's a real being he was originally created as an angel some feel perhaps the the most beautiful most powerful angel god created and that sin started in his heart with pride one of the great mysteries of the bible is the origin of evil obviously it didn't start with god the only indication of the bible of where it came from was in the heart of lucifer the archangel of god and he was proud and lifted up with pride and he rebelled against god so god kicked him out of heaven so the only origin of evil that we have taught in the bible is that it started in the heart of lucifer who became the devil or satan who fell from heaven but make no mistakes he is real he's not fictitious he's not a made-up character it's not just some evil influence it's an entity a real being now there are two dangers that we need to avoid one is the denial that he exists and the other is the extreme a case where all we hear and see and think about is the devil is in everything so you go from one extreme to there is no devil to the devil is in everything if the car won't start it's demon possessed there's a demon in the carburetor some people have got the demon of donut chocolate donut that's the most demonic of all i can't stop eating chocolate donuts so i need the demon of donut to be exercised out of me cast out this demon of donater got the demon of this and the demon of that now let me say this before i go any further i don't believe it's biblical i utterly reject any concept or doctrine that teaches a born-again child of god can have a demon living inside of them i don't believe a christian can be demon-possessed i believe you can be oppressed i can believe you can be attacked but you cannot be possessed by a demon the bible says greater is he that is what in you than he that is in the world so if you've got some besetting sin it's not because you need a demon to be exercised out of you it's because you need to walk in the spirit and be obedient to god's word and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh so there's a real tempter and then i would say number four that the temptation is real notice in verse two that he had eaten nothing for forty days so he was fasting and when he was when it was ended he afterward hungered now notice that reference hungered what this indicates is the genuine real authentic humanity of christ so there really is a devil but jesus became the god man to conquer the devil in his full authentic genuine humanity you know that it's just as heretical to deny the humanity of christ as it is to deny the deity of christ theological term for it's what's called the hypostatic union that means two natures in one person jesus christ fully man and fully god and his humanity didn't lessen his deity and his deity did not lessen or detract from his humanity fully god fully man one person jesus christ that's why he's unique no one like jesus and that's why he's perfectly suited and qualified to redeem us and also to give us a pattern of victory over the devil and this simple story of temptation there's a lot of theological implications in the temptation of jesus but what we do learn is that jesus was really a human he was hungry other places the bible says he was thirsty other places the bible said he was tired and weary other places the bible said jesus wept shortest verse in the bible jesus wept the greek word used therefore wept means his wa his eyes watered and a tear ran just streaked down his face it wasn't loud outward sobbing it was just the moistened of his eyes and the tear ran down and said he wept so jesus was every bit human so what does it mean that jesus was tempted write these down number one it prepared him for his public ministry that's why it was the beginning before he started his public ministry and it showed us that he could not sin it's called the impeccable of christ though fully human he was sinless and he could not sin but he could be genuinely tempted in his humanity secondly it qualified him as our sympathetic high priest he had to become tempted in all points like we are yet he was without sin so when you're being tempted and you say lord help me he can sympathize and understand what you're going through and then thirdly is to expose satan's tactics now as tactics will lie and we'll see it in three areas three temptations three errors lust of the flesh second area lust of the eyes and the third area the pride of life in one of those three categories or multiple categories satan will come to attack you and tempt you lust of the flesh your passions lust to the eyes your possessions and the pride of life your position in life only jesus knew about this temptation and he felt it important to record it for us so how do we detect and defeat the devil let's look at each one one at a time first temptation verses three and four it says the devil then said unto him so he's out in the wilderness we don't know where specifically but down in the jordan valley very desolate wilderness area 40 days not even eating and he was fasting i've never been able to fast for 40 days i've never been able to fast for more than four hours 40 days i'd start getting visions but they wouldn't be from god they'd be visions of giant bacon burgers flying through the sky after 40 days and your hunger returns it's an indication you are actually starving to death so the devil said to him if thou be the son of god command these stones that they be made bread and jesus answered him saying verse 4 it is written now each temptation is answered with a scripture from the old testament book of deuteronomy this is deuteronomy 8 verse 3. it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the book of deuteronomy is referred to as the favorite book of jesus i like that some of you go due to one of me i've never heard of it jesus quoted the book of deuteronomy now it's interesting that these verses he used were given during the time of the wilderness wanderings in relation to the children of israel now we have jesus in the wilderness being tempted of the devil and he uses those very same scriptures to answer the devil's temptation there's also an interesting contrast between adam the first in the garden of eden beautiful paradise and he fell into temptation and then the last adam jesus christ being tempted in a wilderness and he was resistant and victorious over his temptation so we conquer the devil and the person of jesus christ so he's tempted of the devil to turn the stones into bread now they had the limestones in the desert there and they looked like bread and jesus was hungry and jesus naturally was the son of god and he could have very easily just turned them into bread and eaten them but this would have been out of the will of god the father and the not the purpose or to design for his divine power to serve a appetite of his flesh or of his humanity so he answers the devil with god's holy word when we are tempted i recommend that you have god's word hidden in your heart that you can answer the devil with the scripture that you might not sin against him now wherein does this temptation lie it lies in the area of the lust of the flesh the appetites of the body or the flesh in genesis chapter 3 verse 6 when the devil tempted eve in the garden of eden the woman saw that the tree was what good for food it's good food it's desirable to eat in john 1 john 2 verse 16 it's called the lust of the flesh now there would be nothing wrong with eating when you're hungry that's part of the hemiostasis the body drive god give us a hunger drive and it's fine but if you use that out of the will of god or the purpose of god then it becomes sinful so what the devil tries to do he tries to get you to pervert a god-given appetite into a non-god design or purpose god's given you this desire god should meet that need he hasn't done it so take matters into your own hand now it'd only be a temptation to turn stones into bread since jesus is the son of god and by the way in all three temptations when the devil says if thou be the son of god is better rendered in the greek since you are the son of god the devil isn't questioning his deity the question is you are god's son he's not feeding you so why don't you feed yourself you're the son of god you're the beloved of the father why don't you turn these stones into bread and it's only a temptation to jesus because he could do it he could do it i was driving by and in and out the other day temptation it's a legitimate thing you're hungry you know but the line going through the drive-through was six miles long and i thought about my text and i go man if i were jesus i'd just pull over grab a rock and go double-double right on the spot and then i'd laugh at everybody as i drove by eating my hamburger it's only a temptation to jesus because he can do it if the lord says oh i can't turn this stone into bread but jesus could do that so it was a genuine temptation by the way because he was the pure and holy son of god jesus never yielded to temptation when you never yield the temptation you feel the full brunt and weight and force of it we don't often feel the full brunt and force of temptation because we kind of like ah okay we yield too quickly but jesus resisted the devil's suggestion but the temptation lie in using your miraculous powers outside of the will of god so the sin however would lie and is using his divine power to satisfy his human need and the key is outside the will of god the father satan often tempts us to satisfy or gratify our physical needs outside god's will in hebrews chapter 13 it says marriage is honorable in all and the bed is undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers god will judge so what the devil wants you to do oh god gave you a sex drive god has given you this need in your life so why don't you go out and meet that need so pre-marital sex extra medical sex perverted sex is actually outside the will the purpose the plan the design of god it's a temptation to use a god-given desire god-given drive to use it in a way that's dishonoring to god and out of god's will satan tempts us to doubt god's goodness and god's love satan tempts us to believe that the physical is more important than the spiritual whenever you're dealing with temptation from the devil you're always going to be in big trouble if you feel like your felt needs or your physical needs or your wants and desires are more important than god's will when you don't prioritize and say the first and most important thing in my life is the will of god is obedience to the word of god that's when you can obey god but when you prioritize my priorities my needs my felt needs this marriage doesn't meet my needs anymore i can't tell you how many times i've heard that he's not meeting my needs she's not meeting my needs found somebody else and there's a chemistry there and i think you know that that's the person for me so i'm going to divorce my spouse and run off of this other person then you are putting your physical ahead of your spiritual i can't tell you how many times i've had people look me right in the eye and say no it's not god's will i know i'm disobeying god but god will forgive me that's a very dangerous thing to do to presume on god's grace or to presume on god's forgiveness if you sow to the flesh the bible says so you will reap corruption but if you sow to the spirit if you're here this morning and you're actually struggling with the temptation to leave your husband or leave your wife or to leave your family and putting your felt needs over the will of god don't listen to the devil he come to kill steal and destroy and he wants to destroy your life your marriage and your family your relationship to god so satan was tempting the son of god to use his miraculous power for selfish satisfaction so you make the gratification of your appetite supreme purpose of life you are in big trouble so how did jesus answer the devil i want to make that clear verse 4 with the word of god write down psalm 119 verse 11 thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not what sin against thee write down ephesians 6 16 take the sword of the what spirit which is the word of god so you hide god's word in your heart so that when the temptation comes you answer not with what the world's saying what the world's thinking or what you have felt in your knees but with what god's word says amen you answered the devil with god's word now some general lessons on this first temptation the spiritual is more important than the physical secondly one must live under the authority of god's word not our felt needs and then thirdly we must live by faith in god's promises found in god's word which is what it means to take up the sword of the spirit and take the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation and the shoes of peace the belt of truth all of that is putting on the whole armor of god now here's the second temptation it's in verse 5 to 8 and it says the devil takes him that is jesus now into a high mountain now if you compare luke's account with matthew's account the second and third temptations are reversed in order but they are the same in description so the devil takes him up into a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world world and in the moment of time and the devil again said unto him all this power so he's showing him first it was the lust of the flesh now it's going to be the lust of the eyes those three categories all the possessions showed him all the glory of the kingdoms of the world he said for all them verse 6 are delivered to me and i can give them to whomever i will give it and if thou therefore will worship me it'll all be yours and jesus answered and said unto him get behind me save i i love that get behind me satan for it is written now he quotes the scripture deuteronomy 6 13 thou shalt what worship the lord thy god and him only shalt thou serve so he takes them into this high mountain we don't know what mountain when you go to israel they'll take you to a mountain let's say that's where jesus was tempted how do you know i don't know because it doesn't say in the bible other than there's a nice parking lot for tour buses but we know that wasn't a mountain that was high it was somewhere we don't know what mountain but it doesn't matter what mountain he was on but he's given this vision of all the kingdoms of the world now wherein lies the temptation in this jesus came to redeem the world back to god satan is offering him a shortcut you don't have to go to the cross you don't have to suffer and die you don't have to take the sin of the world upon you you don't have to die on the cross and be rejected by men you can just worship me and quickly and instantly you will have all that you would want so he's telling the lord that the end will justify the means that you'll be able to redeem the world but without the cross that isn't how it works the end does not justify the means you can't have a biblical end with an unbiblical disobedient means you can't sin to fulfill the purposes of god that doesn't work that way so it was in the idea of earthly ambition it was to offer the ultimate human power you can have these kingdoms now jesus didn't dispute the claim the devil made so the devil is called the prince and power of the heir he's called the spirit that works in the children of disobedience he's called the god of this age all the world the bible says lies in the lap of the wicked one so he is the god of this world in that secondary sense so the force of the temptation was in the fact that jesus came to redeem the world back to god and satan is offering him a shortcut don't do it god's way do it the easy way and that's what satan basically tempts us with don't do it god's way the way of the cross the way of sex sacrifice the way of self-denial that's the difficult way do it your way you don't have to die on the cross you can go your own way satan offers us the same deal he wants us to compromise with the world with the evil of the world to attain our goal he tells us that the end will justify the means but if you do that you won't be happy i would rather be suffering in the will of god than prospering physically and financially out of the will of god so much more important this is why you learn that the spiritual is more important than the physical so how did jesus respond again he quoted the bible deuteronomy 6 13. he said we must worship only god and that's the commitment you need to make in your life if you're going to be victorious over the devil you make a commitment i will only worship god i won't bow down and worship any other i won't bow down and worship money i'm not going to bow down to the dollar i'm not going to bow down to popularity i'm not going to bow down to sexual immorality i will worship only god and he must be served alone isn't it interesting that jesus quoting the scripture says we must worship the lord thy god in him only shalt thou serve the devil didn't say anything about serving him the devil just said worship him but jesus understood that who we worship we end up serving don't forget that whatever it is you worship that's what it is you end up serving so he's basically telling jesus that you don't need to go the way of the cross to wear the crown but the bible is clear if any man come after me let him do what deny himself take up his cross and follow me what is a prophet if you gain the whole world and lose your soul in the process there's no value so priority is the things of god here's the third and last temptation it's in verse 9 to 13. so he brought jesus unto jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle of the temple at solomon's temple or herod's temple known at this time said to him if or since thou be the son of god cast thyself down from here and again satan now gets very subtle notice this verse 10 and the devil quotes scripture it's almost as though the devil says oh i know the bible too listen to this and he quotes from psalm 91 verse 11 and 12 he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and in their hands they shall bear you up lest at any time you dash thy foot against a stone now jesus answered and said unto him thou shalt it said thou shalt not tempt the lord thy god and when the devil had ended all the temptation he departed from him and only luke inserts the statement here for a what season now i wish that weren't in the bible i wish it was and he departed i wish you could get one victory over the devil and he never came back bye bye bells above but trust me you get victory over the devil today he'll be back tomorrow he knocks on the front door today he'll knock on the back door tomorrow and the day after that he'll come through the chimney and through the window he'll use any means he can to come relentlessly so you must be sober and vigilant because he walks about as a lion seeking whom he may devour satan now tempts jesus with the pride of life genesis 3 verse 6 it will make you wise you will be as god so you have the lust of the flesh you have the lust of the eyes your possessions and now you have the pride of life this is the temptation to believe that you're sufficient on your own apart from god's will and god's word the pride of life the foolish presumption so wherein lies the temptation the temptation is to presume upon god's word and act sinfully disobediently and expect god to cover for you now satan quotes scriptures in this temptation but you need to take note of this if you're going to detect the devil whenever the devil quotes scripture and he does he always twists it he always dilutes from it he always takes it out of context and he always misinterprets it satan twists the scriptures so what he does is he omits a phrase in psalm 91 verse 11 and 12. and look at the text here in luke it says he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee everything's fine from psalm 91 but in psalm 91 between verse 10 and 11 in our text it would read in all thy ways isn't it interesting that satan conveniently took that out beware of people who take scripture out of context beware of people who twist it for their own selfish ideas or gain so he conveniently took that phrase out in all thy ways and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou shalt dash thy foot against a stone so the devil was tempting jesus to throw himself off this high pinnacle of the temple now the temple set right near a precipice that would run all the way down to what's called the kidron valley it's on the east side of the temple mount and from the pinnacle of the temple to the bottom of the kidron valley right at this point would be 450 feet down so there's no bungee here either no this is not bungee jumping this is just throw yourself off doesn't the bible say that his angels will watch over you and protect you and keep you and take care of you yes it does but you're taking it out of context it is very dangerous to put god to a foolish test to presume upon the grace of god had one woman tell me i know it's god's not god's will but i'm going to divorce my husband because he will forgive me how foolish can you be that's like saying lord we pray that we go to rob the bank right now watch over us keep us safe let us make a killing we'll give you 10 percent in jesus name no buckaroo doesn't work that way lord as i commit adultery right now please you know let me not get caught let me sow my wild oats but kill them or let them not come to harvest that ain't gonna happen you can't presume on god's grace you can't willingly deliberately sin against god and expect god to cover you or to protect you or to take care of you let me talk to some of you that are not married yet i usually say young people not married yeah but sometimes you're older and you're not married yet never ever marry outside of the will of god be not unequally yoked together with an unbeliever well they come to church well are they born again have they been saved do they love god with all their heart soul strength and mind don't rush into marriage out of the will of god expecting god to cover for you well lord i'm doing a stupid thing i'm going to get married right now and we're in a big hurry i can't believe sometimes when people come hey will you pastor will you marry us when right now no i won't how long have you known you're just a couple weeks certainly i will not take time see god's will don't do anything apart from being in the will of god for your life so he got the will of god which is revealed in what the word of god so it all brings us back to his word what is god's will for your life being obedient to that not presuming upon the grace of god so if you just throw yourself down from here jesus everyone will know you're the son of god everyone will see this miraculous thing and everyone will hail you as the messiah and follow you how dangerous that truly is so be careful so jesus responded again with god's word from deuteronomy 6 16 thou shalt not put god to a foolish test now let me wrap up this whole episode and then verse 13 and 14 it says when the devil had ended all the temptation he departed from him for a season and jesus returned and the power of the spirit so he was led by the spirit he was full of the spirit and now he has the power of the spirit he went back to galilee verse 14. there went out a fame of him throughout all the region round about now when it comes to dealing with the devil this is by no means exhausted but let me give you three practical steps number one expect the devil to tempt you first peter 5 8 expect the devil to tempt you be sober be vigilant your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour there really is a devil and he really doesn't like you and he really will seek to tempt you secondly detect it it'll come in the form of lust of the flesh your passions lust to the eyes your possessions or the pride of life your positions detected and then thirdly reject it or you might say resist it first peter 5 and verse 9 says whom resists steadfast in the faith him steadfast in the faith and when you resist the devil god gives you a promise and his word that he will love he'll flee from you god's made the way of escape god's given you promises in his word you know when joseph was tempted by potiphar's wife he was a young man single alone in egypt he'd been wronged by his own family and she said joseph come lie with me joseph said how can i do this great sin and wickedness and sin against god and you know what joseph did she actually reached out and grabbed him he ran you go well that's chicken no it's not as smart that's a smart chicken my dad used to tell me when i was young boy he goes john god gave you two feet use them sometimes just run from temptation if you're having problem with alcohol don't go into a bar to get a coca-cola god deliver us from evil you can't be walking into evil praying lord deliver me from temptation delivery will you dodo bird turn and run didn't god give you two feet light them up and smoke them out of there put on your pf flyers how many old folks you remember pf liars guess what they're they're back in style my little grandson got pfliers i go oh i want some those are cool i used to wear those so god's given you his pf flyers to run from temptation that you may be able to bear god's given you an example in the person of our lord jesus christ let's pray
Channel: Revival Christian Fellowship
Views: 358
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: EgNW_HE3qkg
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Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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